2021-07-03 16:26:12 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/perl --
use XML::Parser;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dump qw(dump);
use utf8;
2021-07-03 18:16:10 +02:00
use feature qw(say);
2021-07-03 16:26:12 +02:00
binmode $_ for \*STDOUT,\*STDERR;
my $preCommit = grep{ $_ eq '--pre-commit'} @ARGV;
sub cmd($){
print "+ ",$_[0],"\n";
my $rv=system $_[0];
if ($? == -1) {
die "failed to execute: $!\n";
}elsif ($? & 127) {
die "child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
}else {
my $rv = $? >> 8;
$rv and die "child exited with value $rv\n";
# ワーキングツリーに変更がないことを確認
open(my $fh,"-|","git status --porcelain --branch")
or die "can't check git status. $!";
my @untrackedFiles;
2021-07-03 18:16:10 +02:00
my $branch;
2021-07-03 16:26:12 +02:00
my $path =$1;
next if $path =~ /\.idea|_Emoji/;
push @untrackedFiles,$path
}elsif( /^##\s*(\S+?)(?:\.\.|$)/ ){
2021-07-03 18:16:10 +02:00
2021-07-03 16:26:12 +02:00
# }else{
# warn "working tree is not clean.\n";
# cmd "git status";
# exit 1;
or die "can't check git status. $!";
@untrackedFiles and die "forgot git add?\n",map{ "- $_\n"} @untrackedFiles;
my $xml = XML::Simple->new;
my $default_name = "_default";
my @files;
return if not -f $_;
($_ eq "strings.xml") and push @files,$File::Find::name;
@files or die "missing string files.\n";
my %langs;
for my $file(@files){
my $lang;
if( $file =~ m|values-([^/]+)| ){
$lang = $1;
my $data = $xml->XMLin($file);
if( not $data->{string} or ($data->{string}{content} and not ref $data->{string}{content} )){
warn "?? please make at least 2 string entries in $file\n";
my %names;
while(my($name,$o)=each %{$data->{string}}){
if(not $o->{content}){
warn "$lang : $name : missing content in ",dump($o),"\n";
$names{$name}= $o->{content};
$langs{ $lang } = \%names;
my $hasError = 0;
my $master = $langs{ $default_name };
$master or die "missing master languages.\n";
my %params;
while(my($name,$value)=each %$master){
my @params = $value =~ /(%\d+\$[\d\.]*[sdxf])/g;
$params{$name} = join ',', sort @params;
my %missing;
my %allNames;
for my $lang ( sort keys %langs ){
my $names = $langs{$lang};
while(my($name,$value)=each %$names){
if(not $master->{$name} ){
$missing{$name} =1;
my @params = $value =~ /(%\d+\$[\d\.]*[sdxf])/g;
my $params = join ',', sort @params;
my $master_params = $params{$name} // '';
if( $params ne $master_params){
$hasError =1;
print "!! ($lang)$name : parameter mismatch. master=$master_params, found=$params\n";
# 残りの部分に%が登場したらエラー
my $sv = $value;
$sv =~ s/(%\d+\$[\d\.]*[sdxf])//g;
# Unit:%. を除外したい
$sv =~ s/%[\s.。]//g;
if( $sv =~ /%/ ){
$hasError =1;
print "!! ($lang)$name : broken param: $sv // $value\n";
# エスケープされていないシングルクォートがあればエラー
if( $value =~ m/(?<!\\)['"]/ ){
print "!! ($lang)$name : containg single or double quote without escape.\n";
my $nameCount = 0+ keys %$names;
print "($lang)string resource count=$nameCount\n";
my @missing = sort keys %missing;
@missing and die "missing string resources in master language: ",join(', ',@missing),"\n";
my $nameCount = 0+ keys %allNames;
print "(total)string resource count=$nameCount\n";
$hasError and die "please fix error(s).\n";
2021-07-03 18:16:10 +02:00
# ブランチがmainなら直接コミットさせない
print "# branch=$branch\n";
# mainブランチに直接コミットすることはなくなった
$branch eq 'main' and die "!!!! current branch is main. Direct commits and pushes are prohibited. !!!!\n";
2021-07-03 16:26:12 +02:00
# Weblateの未マージのブランチがあるか調べる
system qq(git fetch weblate -q);
my @list = `git branch -r --no-merged`;
print "# Unmerged branch: $_\n";
exit 0;