
450 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util
import android.content.Context
2019-08-12 03:28:13 +02:00
import android.os.Handler
import android.os.SystemClock
import com.caverock.androidsvg.SVG
2019-08-12 03:28:13 +02:00
import jp.juggler.apng.ApngFrames
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.App1
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.pref.PrefS
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.EmojiCacheDbOpenHelper
import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.daoImageAspect
import jp.juggler.util.coroutine.EmptyScope
import jp.juggler.util.log.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
2019-08-12 03:28:13 +02:00
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import kotlin.math.ceil
class CustomEmojiCache(
2021-06-13 13:48:48 +02:00
val context: Context,
private val handler: Handler,
) {
companion object {
private val log = LogCategory("CustomEmojiCache")
internal const val DEBUG = false
internal const val CACHE_MAX = 512 // 使用中のビットマップは掃除しないので、頻度によってはこれより多くなることもある
internal const val ERROR_EXPIRE = 60000L * 10
private val elapsedTime: Long
get() = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()
private class CacheItem(val url: String, var frames: ApngFrames?) {
var timeUsed: Long = elapsedTime
private class Request(
2021-06-13 13:48:48 +02:00
val refTarget: WeakReference<Any>,
val url: String,
val onLoadComplete: (ApngFrames?) -> Unit,
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// APNGデコード済のキャッシュデータ
private val cache = ConcurrentHashMap<String, CacheItem>()
// エラーキャッシュ
private val cacheError = ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>()
private val cacheErrorItem = CacheItem("error", null)
// リクエストキュー
// キャンセル操作の都合上、アクセス時に排他が必要
private val queue = LinkedList<Request>()
private val emojiCacheDatabase = EmojiCacheDbOpenHelper(context)
private var lastSweepDbCache = 0L
private val workerLock = Channel<Unit>(capacity = 8)
// 他の変数より後に初期化すること
private val workers =
(1..4).map { Worker(workerLock) }.toList()
// ネットワーク接続が切り替わったタイミングでエラーキャッシュをクリアする
fun onNetworkChanged() {
// カラムのリロードボタンを押したタイミングでエラーキャッシュをクリアする
fun clearErrorCache() {
// tag_target を持つリクエストまたはtagがGCされたリクエストをキューから除去する
fun cancelRequest(refTarget: WeakReference<Any>) {
val targetTag = refTarget.get() ?: return
synchronized(queue) {
val it = queue.iterator()
while (it.hasNext()) {
val request =
val tag = request.refTarget.get()
if (tag === null || tag === targetTag) it.remove()
private fun getCached(now: Long, url: String): CacheItem? {
// 成功キャッシュ
val item = cache[url]
if (item != null) {
item.timeUsed = now
return item
// エラーキャッシュ
val timeError = cacheError[url]
if (timeError != null && now < timeError + ERROR_EXPIRE) {
return cacheErrorItem
return null
fun getFrames(
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refDrawTarget: WeakReference<Any>?,
url: String,
onLoadComplete: (ApngFrames?) -> Unit,
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): ApngFrames? {
try {
if (refDrawTarget?.get() == null) {
log.e("draw: DrawTarget is null ")
return null
// APNG frame cache
synchronized(cache) {
getCached(elapsedTime, url)?.let { return it.frames }
// キャンセル操作の都合上、排他が必要
synchronized(queue) {
queue.addLast(Request(refDrawTarget, url, onLoadComplete))
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "getFrames failed.")
// たまにcache変数がなぜかnullになる端末があるらしい
return null
fun delete() {
synchronized(cache) {
for (entry in cache.entries) {
private inner class Worker(waiter: Channel<Unit>) : WorkerBase(waiter) {
override fun cancel() {
// このスレッドはプロセスが生きてる限りキャンセルされない
override suspend fun run() {
var ts: Long
var te: Long
while (true) {
try {
var queueSize: Int
val request = synchronized(queue) {
val x = if (queue.isNotEmpty()) queue.removeFirst() else null
queueSize = queue.size
if (request == null) {
if (DEBUG) log.d("wait")
synchronized(cache) {
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (now - lastSweepDbCache >= TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1)) {
lastSweepDbCache = now
emojiCacheDatabase.access { sweep(now) }
ts = elapsedTime
te = elapsedTime
if (te - ts >= 200L) log.d("sleep ${te - ts}ms")
// 描画先がGCされたなら何もしない
request.refTarget.get() ?: continue
ts = elapsedTime
var cacheSize: Int = -1
val cacheUsed = synchronized(cache) {
val now = elapsedTime
val item = getCached(now, request.url)
if (item != null) {
if (item.frames != null) {
fireCallback(request, item.frames)
return@synchronized true
cacheSize = cache.size
return@synchronized false
te = elapsedTime
if (te - ts >= 200L) log.d("cache_used? ${te - ts}ms")
if (cacheUsed) continue
if (DEBUG) log.d("start get image. queue_size=$queueSize, cache_size=$cacheSize url=${request.url}")
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
// データベースからロードしてみる
ts = elapsedTime
val dbCache = emojiCacheDatabase.access { load(request.url, now) }
te = elapsedTime
if (te - ts >= 200L) log.d("DbCache.load ${te - ts}ms")
var data = dbCache?.data
// データベースにblobがなければHTTPリクエスト
if (data == null) {
ts = elapsedTime
data = try {
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
log.w("get failed. url=${request.url}")
te = elapsedTime
if (te - ts >= 200L) log.d("image get? ${te - ts}ms")
if (data != null) {
emojiCacheDatabase.access { update(request.url, data) }
ts = elapsedTime
val frames = try {
data?.let { decodeAPNG(it, request.url) }
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "decode failed.")
te = elapsedTime
if (te - ts >= 200L) log.d("image decode? ${te - ts}ms")
ts = elapsedTime
synchronized(cache) {
if (frames == null) {
cacheError[request.url] = elapsedTime
} else {
var item: CacheItem? = cache[request.url]
if (item == null) {
// 新しいキャッシュ項目
item = CacheItem(request.url, frames)
cache[request.url] = item
} else {
// 古いキャッシュを更新する
item.frames = frames
fireCallback(request, item.frames)
te = elapsedTime
if (te - ts >= 200L) log.d("update_cache ${te - ts}ms")
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "can't load custom emojis.")
// Fujitsu F-01HF01H, 2048MB RAM, Android 6.0
// java.lang.NullPointerException:
// at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.get (
// at jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.CustomEmojiCache$ (
private fun fireCallback(request: Request, frames: ApngFrames?) { { request.onLoadComplete(frames) }
EmptyScope.launch {
try {
frames?.aspect?.let {, it) }
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "aspect save failed.")
private fun sweepCache(now: Long) {
// キャッシュ限界を超過した数
val over = cache.size - CACHE_MAX
// 超過した数がある程度大きくなるまで掃除しない
if (over <= CACHE_MAX / 2) return
// 掃除する候補
val list = ArrayList<CacheItem>()
for (item in cache.values) {
// 最近使われていないものが掃除対象
if (now - item.timeUsed > 1000L) list.add(item)
// 昇順ソート
list.sortBy { it.timeUsed }
// 古い物から順に捨てる
var removed = 0
for (item in list) {
if (++removed >= over) break
private fun decodeAPNG(data: ByteArray, url: String): ApngFrames? {
val errors = ArrayList<Throwable>()
val maxSize = PrefS.spEmojiPixels.toInt().clip(16, 1024)
try {
// APNGをデコード AWebPも
val x = ApngFrames.parse(maxSize) { ByteArrayInputStream(data) }
if (x != null) return x
error("ApngFrames.parse returns null.")
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
if (DEBUG) log.e(ex, "decodeAPNG failed.")
// 通常のビットマップでのロードを試みる
try {
val b = decodeBitmap(data, maxSize)
if (b != null) return ApngFrames(b)
error("decodeBitmap returns null.")
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
if (DEBUG) log.e(ex, "decodeBitmap failed.")
// SVGのロードを試みる
try {
val b = decodeSVG(url, data, maxSize.toFloat())
if (b != null) return ApngFrames(b)
error("decodeSVG returns null.")
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
if (DEBUG) log.e(ex, "decodeSVG failed.")
// 全部ダメだった
log.e("decode failed. url=$url, errors=${
errors.joinToString(", ") { "${it.javaClass} ${it.message}" }
return null
private val options = BitmapFactory.Options()
private fun decodeBitmap(
2021-06-13 13:48:48 +02:00
data: ByteArray,
@Suppress("SameParameterValue") pixelMax: Int,
2021-06-13 13:48:48 +02:00
): Bitmap? {
options.inJustDecodeBounds = true
options.inScaled = false
options.outWidth = 0
options.outHeight = 0
BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.size, options)
var w = options.outWidth
var h = options.outHeight
if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) error("decodeBitmap: can't decode bounds.")
var bits = 0
while (w > pixelMax || h > pixelMax) {
w = w shr 1
h = h shr 1
options.inJustDecodeBounds = false
options.inSampleSize = 1 shl bits
return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.size, options)
private fun decodeSVG(
2021-06-13 13:48:48 +02:00
url: String,
data: ByteArray,
@Suppress("SameParameterValue") pixelMax: Float,
2021-06-13 13:48:48 +02:00
): Bitmap? {
try {
val svg = SVG.getFromInputStream(ByteArrayInputStream(data))
// the width in pixels, or -1 if there is no width available.
// the height in pixels, or -1 if there is no height available.
val srcW = svg.documentWidth
val srcH = svg.documentHeight
val aspect = if (srcW <= 0f || srcH <= 0f) {
// widthやheightの情報がない
} else {
srcW / srcH
val dstW: Float
val dstH: Float
if (aspect >= 1f) {
dstW = pixelMax
dstH = pixelMax / aspect
} else {
dstH = pixelMax
dstW = pixelMax * aspect
val wCeil = ceil(dstW)
val hCeil = ceil(dstH)
// Create a Bitmap to render our SVG to
val b = Bitmap.createBitmap(wCeil.toInt(), hCeil.toInt(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
// Create a Canvas to use for rendering
val canvas = Canvas(b)
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if (aspect >= 1f) {
RectF(0f, hCeil - dstH, dstW, dstH) // 後半はw,hを指定する
2021-06-13 13:48:48 +02:00
} else {
RectF(wCeil - dstW, 0f, dstW, dstH) // 後半はw,hを指定する
2021-06-13 13:48:48 +02:00
return b
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
log.e(ex, "decodeSVG failed. $url")
return null