
164 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright 2016 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
@file:Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE", "unused", "MatchingDeclarationName", "ClassNaming")
package org.jetbrains.anko
import android.content.Context
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.view.ViewManager
import android.widget.EditText
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import android.widget.ProgressBar
import org.jetbrains.anko.custom.ankoView
internal object `$$Anko$Factories$CustomViews` {
val VERTICAL_LAYOUT_FACTORY = { ctx: Context ->
val view = _LinearLayout(ctx)
view.orientation = LinearLayout.VERTICAL
val EDIT_TEXT = { ctx: Context -> EditText(ctx) }
ProgressBar(ctx, null, android.R.attr.progressBarStyleHorizontal)
inline fun ViewManager.verticalLayout(theme: Int = 0): LinearLayout = verticalLayout(theme) {}
inline fun ViewManager.verticalLayout(
theme: Int = 0,
init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _LinearLayout).() -> Unit,
): LinearLayout {
return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$CustomViews`.VERTICAL_LAYOUT_FACTORY, theme, init)
inline fun Context.verticalLayout(theme: Int = 0): LinearLayout = verticalLayout(theme) {}
inline fun Context.verticalLayout(
theme: Int = 0,
init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _LinearLayout).() -> Unit,
): LinearLayout {
return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$CustomViews`.VERTICAL_LAYOUT_FACTORY, theme, init)
inline fun Activity.verticalLayout(theme: Int = 0): LinearLayout = verticalLayout(theme) {}
inline fun Activity.verticalLayout(
theme: Int = 0,
init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker _LinearLayout).() -> Unit,
): LinearLayout {
return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$CustomViews`.VERTICAL_LAYOUT_FACTORY, theme, init)
inline fun ViewManager.editText(constraints: InputConstraints, theme: Int = 0): EditText =
editText(constraints, theme) {}
inline fun ViewManager.editText(
constraints: InputConstraints,
theme: Int = 0,
init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker EditText).() -> Unit,
): EditText {
val v = ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$CustomViews`.EDIT_TEXT, theme, init)
v.inputType = constraints.value
return v
inline fun Context.editText(constraints: InputConstraints, theme: Int = 0): EditText =
editText(constraints, theme) {}
inline fun Context.editText(
constraints: InputConstraints,
theme: Int = 0,
init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker EditText).() -> Unit,
): EditText {
val v = ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$CustomViews`.EDIT_TEXT, theme, init)
v.inputType = constraints.value
return v
inline fun Activity.editText(constraints: InputConstraints, theme: Int = 0): EditText =
editText(constraints, theme) {}
inline fun Activity.editText(
constraints: InputConstraints,
theme: Int = 0,
init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker EditText).() -> Unit,
): EditText {
val v = ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$CustomViews`.EDIT_TEXT, theme, init)
v.inputType = constraints.value
return v
inline fun ViewManager.horizontalProgressBar(theme: Int = 0): ProgressBar =
horizontalProgressBar(theme) {}
inline fun ViewManager.horizontalProgressBar(
theme: Int = 0,
init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker ProgressBar).() -> Unit,
): ProgressBar {
return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$CustomViews`.HORIZONTAL_PROGRESS_BAR_FACTORY, theme, init)
inline fun Context.horizontalProgressBar(theme: Int = 0): ProgressBar =
horizontalProgressBar(theme) {}
inline fun Context.horizontalProgressBar(
theme: Int = 0,
init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker ProgressBar).() -> Unit,
): ProgressBar {
return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$CustomViews`.HORIZONTAL_PROGRESS_BAR_FACTORY, theme, init)
inline fun Activity.horizontalProgressBar(theme: Int = 0): ProgressBar =
horizontalProgressBar(theme) {}
inline fun Activity.horizontalProgressBar(
theme: Int = 0,
init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker ProgressBar).() -> Unit,
): ProgressBar {
return ankoView(`$$Anko$Factories$CustomViews`.HORIZONTAL_PROGRESS_BAR_FACTORY, theme, init)
inline fun <T : View> ViewManager.include(layoutId: Int): T = include(layoutId, {})
inline fun <T : View> ViewManager.include(
layoutId: Int,
init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker T).() -> Unit,
): T {
return ankoView({ ctx -> ctx.layoutInflater.inflate(layoutId, null) as T }, 0) { init() }
inline fun <T : View> ViewGroup.include(layoutId: Int): T = include(layoutId, {})
inline fun <T : View> ViewGroup.include(layoutId: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker T).() -> Unit): T {
return ankoView({ ctx -> ctx.layoutInflater.inflate(layoutId, this, false) as T }, 0) { init() }
inline fun <T : View> Context.include(layoutId: Int): T = include(layoutId, {})
inline fun <T : View> Context.include(layoutId: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker T).() -> Unit): T {
return ankoView({ ctx -> ctx.layoutInflater.inflate(layoutId, null) as T }, 0) { init() }
inline fun <T : View> Activity.include(layoutId: Int): T = include(layoutId, {})
inline fun <T : View> Activity.include(layoutId: Int, init: (@AnkoViewDslMarker T).() -> Unit): T {
return ankoView({ ctx -> ctx.layoutInflater.inflate(layoutId, null) as T }, 0) { init() }