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Lightweight Android client for Mastodon
- access to statuses, users, lists and trends
- real timeline (chronological order)
- status, userlist and profile editor
- customizable theme
- media, link and poll viewer
- multi account support
- location support
- emoji support
- Proxy support
- no ads, no app tracking
- Twitter support (API tokens required)
3rd party libraries and licenses
- okhttp
- picasso
- picasso Transformations
- QuadFlask colorpicker
- SwitchButton
- ZoomView
- Tagger
- LinkAndScrollMovement
- ExoPlayer
- jsoup
- SVG Icons from Entypo & SVG Repo
- logo and app icon design by @Tobaloidee
- Twitter4J logo (version 1.x) from Twitter4J website
Thanks to
- @Tobaloidee for app logo and banner
- @lehmaning