2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
// MARK: Common strings
"action.cancel" = "Annuler";
"action.delete" = "Supprimer";
"action.save" = "Enregistrer";
"action.done" = "Terminé";
"action.retry" = "Réessayer";
"action.view.error" = "Afficher l'erreur";
"alert.button.ok" = "OK";
"alert.error" = "Erreur!";
2023-01-28 18:40:23 +01:00
"placeholder.loading.long" = "Chargement, chargement, chargement…";
"placeholder.loading.short" = "Chargement…";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"see-more" = "Voir plus";
// MARK: Add Account
"account.add.error.instance-not-supported" = "Cette instance n'est pas actuellement prise en charge.";
"account.add.navigation-title" = "Ajouter un compte";
"account.add.sign-in" = "Se connecter";
// MARK: Enums
"enum.avatar-position.leading" = "En tête";
"enum.avatar-position.top" = "En haut";
2023-01-28 18:40:23 +01:00
"enum.avatar-shape.circle" = "Rond";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"enum.avatar-shape.rounded" = "Arrondi";
2023-02-06 12:25:51 +01:00
"enum.durations.infinite" = "infinite";
2023-03-03 08:15:34 +01:00
"enum.durations.custom" = "custom";
2023-02-06 12:25:51 +01:00
"enum.durations.fiveMinutes" = "5 minutes";
"enum.durations.thirtyMinutes" = "30 minutes";
2023-03-03 08:15:34 +01:00
"enum.durations.oneHour" = "1 heure";
"enum.durations.sixHours" = "6 heures";
"enum.durations.twelveHours" = "12 heures";
"enum.durations.oneDay" = "1 jour";
"enum.durations.threeDays" = "3 jours";
"enum.durations.sevenDays" = "7 jours";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"enum.status-actions-display.all" = "Tout";
"enum.status-actions-display.no-buttons" = "Pas de boutons";
"enum.status-actions-display.only-buttons" = "Seulement les boutons";
"enum.status-display-style.compact" = "Compact";
"enum.status-display-style.large" = "Grand";
2023-02-22 07:26:32 +01:00
"enum.status-display-style.medium" = "Moyen";
2023-02-22 22:11:37 +01:00
"enum.swipeactions.icon-with-text" = "Icône avec texte";
"enum.swipeactions.icon-only" = "Icône seulement";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
// MARK: Instances
"instance.info.domains" = "Domaines";
"instance.info.email" = "Email";
"instance.info.name" = "Nom";
"instance.info.navigation-title" = "Informations sur l'instance";
"instance.info.posts" = "Publications";
"instance.info.section.info" = "Informations sur l'instance";
"instance.info.section.rules" = "Règles de l'instance";
"instance.info.users" = "Utilisateurs";
"instance.info.version" = "Version";
"instance.list.posts-%@" = "%@ publications";
"instance.list.users-%@" = "%@ utilisateurs";
"instance.suggestions" = "Suggestions";
"instance.url" = "URL de l'instance";
// MARK: Menu
"menu.new-post" = "Nouvelle publication";
"menu.font" = "Police";
"menu.font.bigger" = "Plus grand";
"menu.font.smaller" = "Plus petit";
// MARK: Settings
"settings.account.add" = "Ajouter un compte";
"settings.app.icon" = "Icône de l'application";
"settings.app.icon.navigation-title" = "Icônes";
2023-02-22 22:11:37 +01:00
"settings.app.icon.official" = "Icônes officielles";
"settings.app.icon.designed-by" = "Icônes par";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"settings.app.source" = "Source (lien GitHub)";
"settings.app.support" = "Soutenir l'application";
2023-02-05 18:56:06 +01:00
"settings.app.about" = "À propos";
2023-02-11 07:20:46 +01:00
"settings.display.example-toot" = "Toot d'exemple";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"settings.display.avatar.position" = "Position de l'avatar";
"settings.display.avatar.shape" = "Forme de l'avatar";
2023-02-19 19:16:39 +01:00
"settings.display.full-username" = "Afficher le nom d'utilisateur complet";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"settings.display.navigation-title" = "Paramètres d'affichage";
"settings.display.restore" = "Restaurer les valeurs par défaut";
"settings.display.section.display" = "Affichage";
"settings.display.section.theme" = "Thème";
2023-03-03 07:24:00 +01:00
"settings.display.colors.apply" = "Apply custom colors";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"settings.display.section.theme.footer" = "Les couleurs personnalisées ne peuvent être définies que si le schéma de couleur système est désactivé";
"settings.display.status.action-buttons" = "Boutons d'action de statut";
"settings.display.status.media-style" = "Style de média de statut";
"settings.display.translate-button" = "Afficher le bouton de traduction";
"settings.display.theme.background" = "Couleur de fond";
"settings.display.theme.secondary-background" = "Couleur de fond secondaire";
2023-03-03 08:12:01 +01:00
"settings.display.theme.text-color" = "Couleur du texte";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"settings.display.theme.tint" = "Couleur de teinte";
"settings.display.theme.systemColor" = "Correspondre au système";
"settings.general.browser" = "Navigateur";
"settings.general.browser.in-app" = "Navigateur intégré";
2023-02-22 22:11:37 +01:00
"settings.general.browser.in-app.readerview" = "Vue lecteur du navigateur intégré";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"settings.general.browser.system" = "Navigateur système";
"settings.general.display" = "Paramètres d'affichage";
"settings.general.instance" = "Information sur l'instance";
"settings.general.push-notifications" = "Notifications push";
"settings.general.remote-timelines" = "Chronologies distantes locales";
"settings.push.boosts" = "Boosts";
"settings.push.favorites" = "Favoris";
"settings.push.follows" = "Suivis";
"settings.push.main-toggle" = "Notifications push";
"settings.push.main-toggle.description" = "Recevoir des notifications push pour les nouvelles activités";
"settings.push.mentions" = "Mentions";
"settings.push.navigation-title" = "Notifications push";
"settings.push.new-posts" = "Nouveaux messages";
"settings.push.polls" = "Résultats des sondages";
"settings.general.content" = "Paramètres de contenu";
"settings.system" = "Paramètres système";
"settings.content.navigation-title" = "Paramètres de contenu";
2023-02-01 17:56:06 +00:00
"settings.content.boosts" = "Boosts";
2023-02-26 17:32:09 +01:00
"settings.content.collapse-long-posts" = "Collapse long posts";
"settings.content.collapse-long-posts-hint" = "Collapsed posts only display a limited number of lines together with a button to show the full post";
2023-02-04 21:22:00 +01:00
"settings.content.hide-repeated-boosts" = "Masquer les boosts répétés";
"settings.content.instance-settings" = "Réglages de contenu serveur";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"settings.content.use-instance-settings" = "Utiliser les paramètres du serveur";
"settings.content.expand-spoilers" = "Toujours afficher les messages sensibles";
"settings.content.expand-media" = "Affichage des médias";
"settings.content.default-sensitive" = "Toujours marquer les médias comme sensibles";
"settings.content.default-visibility" = "Visibilité des publications";
2023-07-19 11:49:06 +02:00
"settings.content.default-reply-visibility" = "Reply Visibility";
2023-02-22 22:11:37 +01:00
"settings.content.media" = "Média";
"settings.content.media.show.alt" = "Montrer les textes ALT";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"settings.content.reading" = "Lecture";
"settings.content.posting" = "Publication";
2023-06-26 05:45:14 -04:00
"settings.content.sharing" = "Sharing";
"settings.content.sharing.share-button-behavior" = "Share Button Behavior";
"settings.content.sharing.share-behavior.link-only" = "Link Only";
"settings.content.sharing.share-behavior.link-and-text" = "Link and Text";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"enum.expand-media.show" = "Afficher tout";
"enum.expand-media.hide" = "Masquer tout";
"enum.expand-media.hide-sensitive" = "Masquer sensible";
"settings.section.accounts" = "Comptes";
"settings.section.app" = "Application";
"settings.section.app.footer %@" = "Version de l'application: %@";
"settings.section.general" = "Général";
"settings.support.alert.error.message" = "Erreur lors du traitement de votre achat intégré, veuillez réessayer.";
2023-02-22 22:11:37 +01:00
"settings.support.alert.message" = "Merci beaucoup pour votre conseil ! C'est grandement apprécié !";
"settings.support.alert.title" = "Merci !";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"settings.support.message-from-dev" = "Bonjour ! Mon nom est Thomas et j'adore créer des applications open-source. Ice Cubes est certainement l'un de mes projets dont je suis le plus fier à ce jour - et soyons honnêtes, c'est aussi celui qui nécessite le plus d'entretien en raison de l'évolution constante de Mastodon et des réseaux sociaux. Si vous vous amusez avec Ice Cubes, envisagez de me faire une petite contribution. Cela me fera plaisir (et aidera à maintenir l'application en bon état pour vous). 🚀";
"settings.support.navigation-title" = "Soutenez Ice Cubes";
"settings.support.one.subtitle" = "Petit, mais mignon, et c'est bon !";
"settings.support.one.title" = "🍬 Petite contribution";
2023-01-28 18:40:23 +01:00
"settings.support.placeholder.loading-subtitle" = "Chargement sous-titre…";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"settings.support.three.subtitle" = "Vous êtes fou, merci beaucoup !";
"settings.support.three.title" = "🤯 Contribution généreuse";
"settings.support.two.subtitle" = "J'aime le goût d'un café chic ❤️";
"settings.support.two.title" = "☕️ Belle contribution";
"settings.support.four.title" = "👽 Contribution Qui êtes-vous";
"settings.support.four.subtitle" = "Cela ira loin pour maintenir Ice Cubes en marche !";
2023-03-01 20:07:40 +01:00
"settings.support.supporter.title" = " Become a supporter!";
"settings.support.supporter.subtitle" = "By giving a monthly tip to Ice Cubes, you become a supporter, you'll even get verified badge on your profile. For your 👀 only.";
"settings.support.supporter.subscribed" = " Thanks for being an Ice Cubes supporter!";
2023-08-07 06:36:05 +02:00
"settings.support.supporter.subscription-info"= "The supporter subscription is a monthly auto renewable subscription giving you a verified badge only visible to you on your profile. Subscription are automatically renewed unless you cancel them a day before the next renewal cycle.";
2023-03-01 20:07:40 +01:00
"settings.support.restore-purchase.button" = "Restore purchase";
2023-03-04 17:09:57 +01:00
"settings.support.restore-purchase.explanation" = "Restore your supporter subscription if it hasn't been synced automatically.";
2023-03-01 20:07:40 +01:00
"settings.support.privacy-policy" = "Privacy Policy";
"settings.support.terms-of-use" = "Terms";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"settings.timeline.add" = "Ajouter une chronologie locale";
"settings.title" = "Réglages";
"settings.rate" = "Noter Ice Cubes";
"settings.section.other" = "Autres";
"settings.other.hide-openai" = "Activer 🤖 aide";
"settings.other.social-keyboard" = "Activer le clavier social";
2023-02-28 18:55:08 +01:00
"settings.other.sound-effect" = "Enable Sound Effects";
2023-03-14 18:50:19 +01:00
"settings.general.translate" = "Translation Settings";
2023-03-17 06:06:09 +01:00
"settings.translation.navigation-title" = "Translation";
2023-03-14 18:50:19 +01:00
"settings.translation.always-deepl" = "Always Translate using DeepL";
2023-07-17 20:39:53 +02:00
"settings.translation.auto-detect-post-language" = "Auto detect language";
"settings.translation.auto-detect-post-language-footer" = "Ice Cubes will try to automatically detect the language of the post you're about to post and will suggest to update your post language if necessary.";
2023-03-14 18:50:19 +01:00
"settings.translation.user-api-key" = "DeepL API Key";
"settings.translation.api-key-type" = "Type of the Key";
"settings.translation.needed-message" = "This feature requires a DeepL API key";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"settings.push.duplicate.title" = "Correcteur de notifications en double";
"settings.push.duplicate.footer" = "Recevez-vous des notifications en double ? Essayez ce bouton magique pour résoudre le problème";
"settings.push.duplicate.button.fix" = "🪄 Résoudre";
2023-02-04 21:22:00 +01:00
"settings.other.autoplay-video" = "Jouer automatiquement les vidéos";
"settings.display.font" = "Police de la chronologie";
"settings.display.font.system" = "Système";
"settings.display.font.custom" = "Personnalisée";
"settings.display.font.scaling-%@" = "Mise à l'échelle de la police: %@";
2023-03-26 18:51:15 +02:00
"settings.display.font.line-spacing-%@" = "Line Spacing: %@";
2023-02-04 21:22:00 +01:00
"settings.about.built-with" = "Ice Cubes est développé avec les logiciels Open Source suivants :";
2023-02-03 06:03:32 +00:00
"settings.about.title" = "Ice Cubes";
2023-02-04 21:22:00 +01:00
"settings.account.cached-posts-%@" = "Publications en cache: %@";
"settings.account.action.delete-cache" = "Effacer le cache";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
2023-02-04 21:22:00 +01:00
"settings.general.haptic" = "Retour vibrations";
"settings.haptic.navigation-title" = "Réglages vibrations";
"settings.haptic.timeline" = "Chronologie";
"settings.haptic.tab-selection" = "Sélection d'onglet";
"settings.haptic.buttons" = "Appui bouton";
2023-02-04 17:38:48 +01:00
2023-02-11 07:20:46 +01:00
"settings.display.show-tab-label" = "Montrer le nom de l'onglet";
2023-02-09 14:28:16 +09:00
2023-02-07 07:06:48 +01:00
"settings.display.show-ipad-column" = "Activer la colonne secondaire";
2023-02-06 18:53:37 +01:00
2023-02-16 13:22:18 +01:00
"settings.general.swipeactions" = "Actions de balayage";
"settings.swipeactions.navigation-title" = "Actions de balayage";
2023-02-22 07:07:26 +01:00
"settings.swipeactions.primary" = "Primary Action";
"settings.swipeactions.secondary" = "Secondary Action";
2023-02-16 13:22:18 +01:00
"settings.swipeactions.status.action.bookmark" = "Signet";
2023-02-11 21:48:08 +01:00
"settings.swipeactions.status.action.boost" = "Boost";
2023-02-16 13:22:18 +01:00
"settings.swipeactions.status.action.favorite" = "Favori";
"settings.swipeactions.status.action.none" = "Aucun";
"settings.swipeactions.status.action.quote" = "Citer";
"settings.swipeactions.status.action.reply" = "Répondre";
2023-02-22 22:11:37 +01:00
"settings.swipeactions.status.explanation" = "Les actions de balayage sont disponibles en balayant à gauche ou à droite sur un post. L'action secondaire n'est disponible que si l'action primaire est définie.";
2023-02-16 13:22:18 +01:00
"settings.swipeactions.status.leading" = "Balayer vers la droite";
"settings.swipeactions.status.trailing" = "Balayer vers la gauche";
"settings.swipeactions.status" = "Publier";
2023-02-22 22:11:37 +01:00
"settings.swipeactions.appearance" = "Apparence";
"settings.swipeactions.use-theme-colors" = "Utiliser les couleurs du thème";
2023-02-22 07:07:26 +01:00
"settings.swipeactions.use-theme-colors-explanation" = "Utiliser les couleurs du thème au lieu des couleurs par défaut";
"settings.swipeactions.icon-style" = "Style de l'icône";
2023-02-11 21:48:08 +01:00
2023-02-16 13:22:18 +01:00
"settings.display.section.font" = "Police";
2023-02-15 20:03:31 +01:00
2023-02-23 18:43:09 +01:00
"settings.section.cache" = "Cache";
"settings.cache-media.clear" = "Clear Media Cache";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
// MARK: Tabs
"tab.explore" = "Explorer";
"tab.federated" = "Fédéré";
"tab.local" = "Local";
"tab.messages" = "Messages";
"tab.notifications" = "Notifications";
"tab.settings" = "Réglages";
"tab.timeline" = "Chronologie";
"tab.trending" = "Tendances";
"tab.profile" = "Profil";
// MARK: Timeline
"timeline.%@-is-valid" = "%@ est une instance valide";
"timeline.add-remote.title" = "Ajouter une chronologie locale distante";
"timeline.add.action.add" = "Ajouter";
"timeline.filter.add-local" = "Ajouter une chronologie locale";
"timeline.filter.lists" = "Listes";
"timeline.filter.local" = "Chronologies locales";
"timeline.filter.tags" = "Tags suivis";
2023-07-19 07:44:35 +02:00
"timeline.filter.tag-groups" = "Tag Groups";
"timeline.filter.add-tag-groups" = "Add tag group";
2023-08-04 12:40:21 +02:00
"timeline.filter.edit-tag-groups" = "Edit tag group";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
// MARK: Package: AppAccount
"app-account.button.add" = "Ajouter un compte";
// MARK: Package: Account
"account.action.add-remove-list" = "Ajouter/Retirer des listes";
"account.action.edit-info" = "Modifier les informations";
2023-08-29 08:58:07 +02:00
"account.action.privacy-settings" = "Privacy Settings";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"account.action.mention" = "Mentionner";
"account.action.message" = "Message";
"account.action.notify-enable" = "Activer les notifications";
"account.action.notify-disable" = "Désactiver les notifications";
"account.action.reboosts-show" = "Afficher les boosts";
"account.action.reboosts-hide" = "Masquer les boosts";
"account.action.block" = "Bloquer";
"account.action.unblock" = "Débloquer";
"account.action.mute" = "Rendre muet";
"account.action.unmute" = "Annuler le mode muet";
2023-02-24 08:28:00 +01:00
"account.action.share" = "Partager ce compte";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"account.boosted-by" = "Boosté par";
"account.detail.about" = "À propos";
"account.detail.familiar-followers" = "Aussi suivi par";
"account.detail.n-fields %lld" = "%lld champs";
"account.detail.featured-tags-n-posts %lld" = "%lld publications";
"account.edit.about" = "À propos";
"account.edit.account-settings.bot" = "Compte bot";
"account.edit.account-settings.discoverable" = "Découvrable";
"account.edit.account-settings.private" = "Privé";
"account.edit.account-settings.section-title" = "Paramètres du compte";
"account.edit.display-name" = "Nom d'affichage";
"account.edit.error.save.message" = "Erreur lors de la sauvegarde de votre profil, veuillez réessayer.";
"account.edit.error.save.title" = "Erreur lors de la sauvegarde de votre profil";
"account.edit.navigation-title" = "Modifier le profil";
"account.edit.post-settings.privacy" = "Confidentialité par défaut";
"account.edit.post-settings.section-title" = "Paramètres des publications";
"account.edit.post-settings.sensitive" = "Contenu sensible";
2023-02-24 07:55:24 +01:00
"account.edit.metadata-section-title" = "Profile Metadata";
"account.edit.metadata-name-placeholder" = "Label";
"account.edit.metadata-value-placeholder" = "Content";
"account.edit.add-metadata-button" = "Add a new metadata";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"account.favorited-by" = "Favorisé par";
"account.follow.follow" = "Suivre";
"account.follow.following" = "Suivi";
"account.follow.requested" = "Demandé";
"account.follow-request.accept" = "Accepter";
"account.follow-request.reject" = "Rejeter";
"account.follow-requests.pending-requests" = "Demandes en attente";
"account.follow-requests.instructions" = "Les utilisateurs ne verront pas vos messages tant que vous ne les acceptez pas.";
2023-06-26 15:54:56 +02:00
"account.followers" = "Abonné·e·s";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"account.following" = "Abonnements";
"account.list.create" = "Créer une nouvelle liste";
"account.list.create.confirm" = "Créer la liste";
"account.list.create.description" = "Entrer le nom de votre liste";
"account.list.delete" = "Supprimer la liste";
"account.list.name" = "Nom de la liste";
"account.post.pinned" = "Publication épinglée";
"account.posts" = "Publications";
"account.relation.follows-you" = "Vous suit";
"account.joined" = "Inscrit";
"account.action.logout" = "Déconnexion";
2023-03-03 18:21:52 +01:00
"account.action.more" = "More Settings";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
2023-02-22 22:11:37 +01:00
"account.relation.note.edit" = "Modifier la note";
"account.relation.note.edit.placeholder" = "Saisissez le texte de la note";
"account.relation.note.edit.error.save.message" = "Erreur pendant la sauvegarde de votre note, essayez de nouveau s'il vous plait.";
"account.relation.note.edit.error.save.title" = "Erreur pendant la sauvegarde de votre note";
"account.relation.note.label" = "Note :";
2023-02-18 18:28:16 +01:00
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
// MARK: Package: Conversations
"conversations.action.delete" = "Supprimer";
"conversations.action.mark-read" = "Marquer comme lu";
2023-02-14 02:12:34 +09:00
"conversations.action.view-detail" = "View detail";
2023-02-16 13:22:18 +01:00
"conversations.empty.message" = "Vous cherchez de l'amour sur les réseaux sociaux ? Vous trouverez tous vos messages directs et vos mentions privées ici. Bon messaging ! 📱❤️";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"conversations.empty.title" = "Boîte de réception vide";
"conversations.error.button" = "Réessayer";
"conversations.error.message" = "Erreur lors du chargement de vos messages";
"conversations.error.title" = "Une erreur est survenue";
"conversations.navigation-title" = "Messages directs";
"conversations.new.message.placeholder" = "Nouveau message";
2023-02-26 06:45:31 +01:00
"conversations.latest.message" = "Latest Message";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
// MARK: Package: DesignSystem
"design.tag.n-posts-from-n-participants %lld %lld" = "%lld publications de %lld participants";
"design.theme.navigation-title" = "Sélecteur de thème";
"design.theme.toots-preview" = "Aperçu des toots";
// MARK: Package: Explore
"explore.navigation-title" = "Explorer";
"explore.search.message-%@" = "Depuis cet écran, vous pouvez rechercher n'importe quoi sur %@";
"explore.search.prompt" = "Rechercher des utilisateurs, des publications et des tags";
"explore.search.title" = "Recherchez sur votre instance";
"explore.search.empty.message" = "Cette requête n'a donné aucun résultat, veuillez en essayer une autre.";
"explore.search.empty.title" = "Aucun résultat de recherche";
"explore.section.posts" = "Publications";
"explore.section.suggested-users" = "Utilisateurs suggérés";
"explore.section.tags" = "Étiquettes";
"explore.section.trending.links" = "Liens tendance";
"explore.section.trending.posts" = "Publications tendance";
"explore.section.trending.tags" = "Étiquettes tendance";
"explore.section.users" = "Utilisateurs";
2023-07-18 08:52:10 +02:00
"explore.scope.all" = "All";
"explore.scope.people" = "People";
"explore.scope.hashtags" = "Hashtags";
"explore.scope.posts" = "Posts";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
// MARK: Package: Env
"env.poll-vote-frequency.one" = "Un vote";
"env.poll-vote-frequency.multiple" = "Plusieurs votes";
// MARK: Package: Lists
"lists.add-remove-%@" = "Ajouter/Supprimer %@";
"lists.create" = "Créer une nouvelle liste";
"lists.create.confirm" = "Créer la liste";
"lists.edit.users-in-list" = "Utilisateurs dans cette liste";
"lists.name" = "Nom de la liste";
"lists.name.message" = "Entrez le nom de votre liste";
// MARK: Package: Notifications
2023-02-22 22:11:37 +01:00
"notifications.empty.message" = "Notifications ? Quelles notifications ? Votre boîte de réception de notifications est si vide. Continuez à être génial ! 📱😎";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"notifications.empty.title" = "Aucune notification";
"notifications.error.message" = "Une erreur s'est produite lors du chargement de vos notifications, veuillez réessayer.";
"notifications.error.title" = "Une erreur s'est produite";
"notifications.label.follow-request" = "a demandé à vous suivre";
"notifications.label.poll" = "sondage terminé";
"notifications.label.status" = "a posté un statut";
"notifications.label.update" = "a modifié un post";
"notifications.menu-title.favorite" = "Favori";
"notifications.menu-title.follow" = "Suivre";
"notifications.menu-title.follow-request" = "Demande de suivi";
"notifications.menu-title.mention" = "Mention";
"notifications.menu-title.poll" = "Sondage";
"notifications.menu-title.reblog" = "Boost";
"notifications.menu-title.status" = "Statut";
"notifications.menu-title.update" = "Mise à jour du statut";
"notifications.navigation-title" = "Toutes les notifications";
"notifications.tab.all" = "Tout";
"notifications.tab.mentions" = "Mentions";
2023-02-22 22:11:37 +01:00
"notifications.label.status.push" = "🖊️ Publié: ";
"notifications.label.reblog.push" = "🚀 Boosté: ";
"notifications.label.follow.push" = "👋 Vous ont suivi: ";
"notifications.label.follow-request.push" = "🔒 Ont demandé à vous suivre: ";
"notifications.label.favorite.push" = "⭐️ Favori: ";
"notifications.label.poll.push" = "📈 Sondage terminé: ";
"notifications.label.update.push" = "Mis à jour: ";
2023-02-14 12:17:27 +01:00
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
// MARK: Package: Timeline
"timeline.federated" = "Fédéré";
2023-02-05 21:46:35 +01:00
"timeline.latest" = "Aller au plus récent";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"timeline.home" = "Accueil";
"timeline.local" = "Local";
"timeline.n-recent-from-n-participants %lld %lld" = "%lld publications récentes de %lld participants";
"timeline.trending" = "Tendances";
2023-02-05 21:46:35 +01:00
"timeline.add.url" = "URL de l'instance";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
// MARK: Package: Status
"status.action.translate" = "Traduire";
2023-03-14 18:50:19 +01:00
"status.action.translate-with-deepl" = "Translate with DeepL";
2023-02-12 13:22:36 +01:00
"status.action.translated-label-%@" = "Traduit avec %@";
2023-02-22 19:03:05 +01:00
"status.action.translated-label-from-%@-%@" = "Translated from %@ using %@";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.action.bookmark" = "Marquer";
"status.action.boost" = "Promouvoir";
2023-02-21 14:59:47 +09:00
"status.action.boost-to-followers" = "Boost to Followers";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.action.copy-text" = "Copier le texte";
2023-02-22 18:49:32 +01:00
"status.action.copy-link" = "Copier le lien";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.action.delete" = "Supprimer";
2023-02-11 07:20:46 +01:00
"status.action.delete.confirm.title" = "Confirmer";
"status.action.delete.confirm.message" = "êtes vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce message ?";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.action.edit" = "Modifier";
"status.action.favorite" = "Favori";
"status.action.mention" = "Mentionner";
"status.action.message" = "Message";
"status.action.pin" = "Epingler";
"status.action.post" = "Publier";
"status.action.quote" = "Citer ce message";
"status.action.reply" = "Répondre";
"status.action.section.your-post" = "Votre publication";
"status.action.share" = "Partager cette publication";
2023-02-19 15:29:07 +01:00
"status.action.share-link" = "Partager le lien";
"status.action.share-image" = "Partager comme image";
"status.action.share-title" = "Partager";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.action.unbookmark" = "Démarquer";
"status.action.unboost" = "Annuler la promotion";
"status.action.unfavorite" = "Retirer des favoris";
"status.action.unpin" = "Dépingler";
"status.action.view-in-browser" = "Afficher dans le navigateur";
2023-02-06 06:29:18 -05:00
"status.card.share" = "Share this link";
"status.card.copy" = "Copy this link";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.draft.delete" = "Supprimer le brouillon";
"status.draft.save" = "Enregistrer le brouillon";
"status.editor.ai-prompt.correct" = "Corriger le texte";
2023-03-09 13:46:04 +01:00
"status.editor.ai-prompt.add-tags" = "Add #Tags in place";
"status.editor.ai-prompt.insert-tags" = "Add #Tags after my text";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.editor.ai-prompt.emphasize" = "Mettre en évidence le texte";
"status.editor.ai-prompt.fit" = "Raccourcir le texte";
"status.editor.description.add" = "Ajouter une description";
"status.editor.description.edit" = "Modifier la description";
"status.editor.drafts.navigation-title" = "Brouillons";
2023-02-16 13:22:18 +01:00
"status.editor.emojis.navigation-title" = "Emojis personalisés";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.editor.error.upload" = "Erreur de téléchargement";
"status.editor.language-select.navigation-title" = "Sélectionner la langue";
"status.editor.language-select.recently-used" = "Utilisé récemment";
2023-02-16 13:22:18 +01:00
"status.editor.language-select.confirmation.detected-%@" = "Publier en %@ (Langage détecté)";
"status.editor.language-select.confirmation.selected-%@" = "Publier en %@ (Langage sélectionné)";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.editor.media.edit-image" = "Modifier l'image";
"status.editor.media.image-description" = "Description de l'image";
"status.editor.mode.edit" = "Modification de votre publication";
"status.editor.mode.new" = "Nouvelle publication";
"status.editor.mode.quote-%@" = "Citation de %@";
"status.editor.mode.reply-%@" = "Répondre à %@";
"status.editor.restore-previous" = "Restaurer le texte précédent";
"status.editor.spoiler" = "Texte spoilé";
"status.editor.text.placeholder" = "Qu'est-ce qui vous passe par la tête ?";
"status.editor.visibility" = "Visibilité de la publication";
2023-03-10 18:22:45 +01:00
"status.editor.photo-library" = "Photos Library";
2023-04-03 13:54:16 +02:00
"status.editor.camera-picker" = "Take Photo";
2023-03-10 18:22:45 +01:00
"status.editor.browse-file" = "Browse Files";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.error.loading.message" = "Une erreur s'est produite lors du chargement des publications, veuillez réessayer.";
"status.error.message" = "Une erreur s'est produite dans le contexte de cette publication, veuillez réessayer.";
"status.error.title" = "Une erreur s'est produite";
2023-07-05 15:03:28 +08:00
"status.error.posting.title" = "Error while posting";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.filter.filtered-by-%@" = "Filtré par : %@";
"status.filter.show-anyway" = "Montrer quand même";
"status.image.alt-text.abbreviation" = "ALT";
"status.media.content.show" = "Afficher le contenu";
"status.media.contextmenu.copy" = "Copier l'image";
"status.media.contextmenu.save" = "Enregistrer l'image";
"status.media.contextmenu.share" = "Partager cette image";
"status.media.contextmenu.view-browser" = "Afficher dans le navigateur";
"status.media.sensitive.show" = "Afficher le contenu sensible";
"status.poll.n-votes %lld" = "%lld votes";
2023-02-22 22:11:37 +01:00
"status.poll.n-votes-voters %lld %lld" = "%lld votes de %lld voteurs";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.poll.closed" = "Fermé";
2023-08-10 08:59:08 +02:00
"status.poll.closes-in %@" = "Ferme dans %@";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.poll.duration" = "Durée du sondage";
"status.poll.frequency" = "Fréquence de sondage";
"status.poll.option-n %lld" = "Option %lld";
2023-02-11 07:20:46 +01:00
"status.poll.send" = "Envoyer votre vote";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.post-from-%@" = "Publication de %@";
2023-01-28 10:14:07 +01:00
"status.row.was-boosted" = "a boosté";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.row.was-reply" = "Répondu à";
"status.row.you-boosted" = "Vous avez boosté";
"status.show-less" = "Afficher moins";
"status.show-more" = "Afficher plus";
2023-02-26 17:32:09 +01:00
"status.show-full-post" = "Show full post";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.summary.at-time" = " à ";
"status.summary.edited-time" = "Dernière modification : ";
Profile tab accessibility uplift (#1274)
* Combine `joinedAtView` into one accessibility element
Previously, the calendar image was visible with a nonsensical label.
We use the `.combine` operator here to maintain the proper string formatting of the date.
* Improve the accessibility of the AccountDetailHeaderView
Previously, this image had no description and no indication that it had an associated interaction. Now, we wrap it in a button that performs the tap gesture action, and remove the element altogether if there is no avatar image set.
This commit also handles the checkmark for supporter users
* Tweak accessibility of Profile CustomInfoLabels
This commit:
- Reverses the order of title and value
- Sets the value as an `accessibilityValue`
- Adds a hint indicating what the button does, as they perform slightly different actions
* Make Profile tab header image into a Button
This element has an action associated with it (quicklook), so it makes more sense to have it as a button, and hide it if the user does not have an image set.
Without the action it would have been considered decorative and should be hidden.
* Change accessibilityLabel of Profile tab nav bar item to ‘Options’
“More” is considered overly generic.
This commit also adds two additional user input label options
* Add accessibility labels for the Profile tab `Picker`
Previously, these labels were the default accessibility label provided by the SF symbol, that almost, but not quite, made sense
* Remove StatusRowView swipe actions if VoiceOver is running
These swipe actions are automagically added to the accessibility element’s custom actions, in addition to the ones already there, which means that there is a significant (and confusing) amount of doubling up going on.
* Fix typo in StatusRowView.accessibilityActions
* Add accessibilityLabels to all StatusRowActionsView actions
* Provide explicit combined accessibility label for unfocused StatusRowView
Previously, this was a synthesized label, which read the elements in their traversal order, and didn’t provide any context for which of the three numbers corresponded to replies, boosts or favourites.
Now, we create an explicit combined label when the post isn’t being viewed by itself.
* Improve accessibility of StatusRow(Reblog|Reply)View
They are now combined elements and don’t vend the icon as its own element.
* Add missing punctuation to accessibility hints
* Remove interaction from Profile tab @username and profile note elements
These elements open the profile photo url, which is already provided explicitly through the profile photo
* Prefer spoiler warning for StatusRowView accessibility label
…but place the full, unredacted content in an `AccessibilityCustomContent` field for easy access.
Additionally, if VoiceOver is running, an action to expand the warning is also available.
* Represent `FollowButton` elements as Toggles to accessibility
Since these buttons have two states (though arguable in the case of following, but handled here by not changing the representation if a request is pending), it makes sense to handle them as toggles, so they will be read as “Following, On, <Trait>”
* Remove errant comment
* Add “Verified” accessibilityValue to profile fields
* Fix bug StatusRowView default action bug affecting VoiceOver users
Previously, the default (‘Activate’) action for VoiceOver users would be to share a link to the toot, rather than navigate to its detail. It’s hard to say exactly what caused this, but the root was the inclusion of the `contextMenu` in the `accessibilityActions`.
Now, double-tapping on a a non-focused `StatusRowView` will take you to the toot detail.
* Add header trait to Profile tab display name and familiar followers
These stand out as being header-like in presentation and represent the beginning of specific parts of the screen.
* Add conditional accessibility modifier to Profile tab user-defined fields that opens the correct link
* Add accessibility container that contextualises the user-defined fields
When VoiceOver users first enter a user-defined field, the container label will be read out before the element’s spoken description.
* Improve StatusRowView combined accessibility label
It will now start with:
“X boosted Y”, “X replied to @Y”, or “X…” depending on the context of the toot.
* Change familiar follows thumbnail to a Button; add display name as accessibility label
Previously, this button had no context, and would just be a series of images with nothing to allow users to disambiguate them.
* Revert changes from ZStack with tap gesture to Button
Using a Button for this purpose caused high weirdness in tap zones. Basically everything down to the familiar followers triggered both image buttons.
* Add image alt text to StatusRowView and StatusRowMediaPreviewView
Previously, there was no way for the intended audience for the alt text to find said text. There is a tap gesture on each image in the focused status row, but this is not advertised to the user.
Now, the first image’s alt text is read as part of the non-focused, combined representation, and each image has its own alt text attributed in the focused representation.
* Add Profile tab accessibility labels to indicate private/bot/muted/blocked accounts
Previously, the icon did not have any accessible representation (an empty text string).
* Add header trait to Profile “pinned post”
* Use the Account.Field.name for the user input label
* Replace spaces with commas in StatusRowView.combinedAccessibilityLabel
2023-03-20 02:27:18 +11:00
"status.summary.n-replies %lld" = "%lld replies";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.summary.n-boosts %lld" = "%lld boosts";
"status.summary.n-favorites %lld" = "%lld favoris";
2023-03-26 01:16:22 +09:00
"status.summary.edit-history" = "Edit History";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.visibility.direct" = "Privé";
2023-06-26 15:54:56 +02:00
"status.visibility.follower" = "Abonné·e";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"status.visibility.public" = "Tout le monde";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "Non répertorié";
// MARK: Filtres
"filter.new" = "Nouveau filtre";
"filter.filters" = "Filtres";
"filter.edit.title" = "Titre du filtre";
"filter.edit.keywords" = "Mots-clés du filtre";
"filter.edit.keywords.add" = "Ajouter un nouveau mot-clé";
"filter.edit.contexts" = "Contextes du filtre";
"filter.edit.action" = "Action du filtre";
2023-03-03 08:15:34 +01:00
"filter.edit.expiry" = "Expiry";
"filter.edit.expiry.date-time" = "Date/Time";
"filter.edit.expiry.duration" = "Duration";
2023-01-27 16:57:33 +01:00
"account.action.edit-filters" = "Éditer les filtres";
2023-01-28 18:40:23 +01:00
"filter.contexts.home" = "Accueil et listes";
2023-01-28 06:56:07 +01:00
"filter.contexts.notifications" = "Notifications";
2023-01-28 18:40:23 +01:00
"filter.contexts.public" = "Chronologie publique";
2023-01-28 06:56:07 +01:00
"filter.contexts.conversations" = "Conversations";
2023-01-28 18:40:23 +01:00
"filter.contexts.profiles" = "Profils";
"filter.action.warning" = "Cacher avec avertissement";
"filter.action.hide" = "Cacher complètement";
2023-03-28 15:59:31 +09:00
"filter.expired" = "Expired";
"filter.expiry-%@" = "Expiry: %@";
2023-01-28 06:56:07 +01:00
2023-02-10 23:21:22 -07:00
// MARK: Accessibility
2023-04-03 19:14:44 +10:00
"accessibility.general.toggle.on" = "On";
"accessibility.general.toggle.off" = "Off";
2023-02-16 13:22:18 +01:00
"accessibility.editor.button.attach-photo" = "Attacher la photo";
"accessibility.editor.button.poll" = "Sondage";
"accessibility.editor.button.spoiler" = "Alerte spoiler";
"accessibility.editor.button.drafts" = "Brouillons";
"accessibility.editor.button.custom-emojis" = "Emojis personalisés";
"accessibility.editor.button.language" = "Langue";
Compose Post Screen Accessibility Tweaks (#1259)
* Add localized label for the AI prompt status accessory view
Previously, this icon would have an accessibility label matching its SF symbol key, ‘faxmachine’.
* Darken status editor character count foreground color
By changing it to .secondary, it gets to an APCA contrast of 61, which is a _just_ passing Bronze score for that text size.
It’s still quite short of WCAG 2.1 AA at 3.3:1 (recommended is 4.5:1)
* Change remaining character count color to red when < 0
* Refine remaining character count accessibility
In this commit, we
- Change its trait to `.updatesFrequently`
- Set a localized `accessibilityLabel`
- Set its `accessibilityValue` to the remaining character count
- Disable user interaction (which is presumably set automatically by virtue of being enclosed in a `Menu`)
* Set accessibilitySortPriority on Status editor ScrollView
Previously, the traversal order placed the elements inside the `ScrollView` last. Now, they follow on from the navigation bar contents in the expected order.
* Hide the AvatarView from status creation accessibility
When there is only one account available, there is no functionality associated with this element, so it is considered decorative-only, and should be hidden
* Set TextView placeholder’s `accessibilityValue` to placeholder text when empty
This behaviour matches `UITextField`
* Hide TextView custom `placeholderView` from accessibility
Previously, TextView would vend two accessibility elements when the placeholder was visible. This causes needless confusion for users.
Now, the TextView matches the accessible behaviour of text inputs elsewhere.
* Improve accessibility of post `privacyMenu`
Previously, it would be presented as `Everyone, Button`. Now, we move the visibility to its `value` and use `Visibility` for its label, in conjunction with a hint that states it `Changes post audience`.
* Add `.button` trait and accessible label to emojis in `customEmojisSheet`
Previously, these would all present as `image` with no description, making it very hard to discern what kind of emoji you were adding.
* Change drafts sheet item type to `Button`
A button with an action has a more accessible representation than a `Text` with a tap gesture.
2023-03-17 16:39:31 +11:00
"accessibility.editor.button.ai-prompt" = "AI prompt";
"accessibility.editor.button.characters-remaining" = "Characters remaining";
"accessibility.editor.privacy.label" = "Visibility";
"accessibility.editor.privacy.hint" = "Changes post audience.";
2023-02-16 13:22:18 +01:00
"accessibility.tabs.timeline.add-account" = "Ajouter un compte>";
Timeline tab accessibility uplift (#1277)
* Refine Profile tab VoiceOver order to prioritise user information
Previously, VoiceOver user would have to traverse through header image, “follows you”, and the profile image before getting to the display name of the user.
Now, this element is the first element after the navigation bar.
* Add accessibility label to Timeline Compose post button
Previously, this button was using the SF symbol fallback label.
Now, it has a localized equivalent in addition to two other options: “New”, and “Create”
* Change accessible representation of Timeline nav bar menu
Previously, this would present as a static text.
Now, it has the header trait. In addition, by changing the representation, VoiceOver will read it out as “Home, Pop-up button, Header”, indicating that it opens a menu.
* Add accessibilityHint to Timeline tab Accounts selector
* Add accessibilityLabel and hint to PendingStatusesObserver
Previously, this button would have a label equal to the count of unread posts. Now, it states “X new posts” with the hint “Scrolls the timeline”
2023-03-20 16:33:42 +11:00
"accessibility.tabs.timeline.new-post.label" = "Compose";
"accessibility.tabs.timeline.new-post.inputLabel1" = "New";
"accessibility.tabs.timeline.new-post.inputLabel2" = "Create";
"accessibility.tabs.timeline.unread-posts.label-%lld" = "%lld new posts";
"accessibility.tabs.timeline.unread-posts.hint" = "Scrolls the timeline.";
Accessibility tweaks + Notifications and Messages tab uplift (#1292)
* Improve StatusRowView accessibility actions
Previously, there was no way to interact with links and hashtags.
Now, these are added to the Actions rotor
* Hide `topPaddingView`s from accessibility
* Fix accessible header rendering in non-filterable TimelineViews
Previously, all navigation title views were assumed to be popup buttons.
Now, we only change the representation for timelines that are filterable.
* Combine tagHeaderView text elements
Previously, these were two separate items
* Prefer shorter Quote action label
* Improve accessibility of StatusEmbeddedView
Previously, this element would be three different ones, and include all the actions on the `StatusRowView` proper. Now, it presents as one element with no actions.
* Add haptics to StatusRowView accessibility actions
* Improve accessibility of ConversationsListRow
This commit adds:
- A combined representation of the component views
- “Unread” as the first part of the label (if this is the case)
- All relevant actions as custom actions
- Reply as magic tap
* Remove StatusRowView accessibilityActions if viewModel.showActions is false
* Hide media attachments from accessibility if the view is not focused
* Combine NotificationRowView accessibility elements; add user actions
Previously, there was no real way to interact with these notifications.
Now, the notifications that show the actions row have the appropriate StatusRowView-derived actions, and new followers notifications have more actions that let you see each user’s profile.
* Prefer @Environment’s `accessibilityEnabled` over `isVoiceOverRunning`
This way we can cater for Voice Control, Full Keyboard Access and Switch Control as well.
Co-authored-by: Thomas Ricouard <ricouard77@gmail.com>
2023-03-24 17:52:29 +11:00
"accessibility.tabs.timeline.content-link-%@" = "Visit %@";
"accessibility.tabs.timeline.content-hashtag-%@" = "Hashtag %@";
2023-02-16 13:22:18 +01:00
"accessibility.app-account.selector.accounts" = "Comptes";
Timeline tab accessibility uplift (#1277)
* Refine Profile tab VoiceOver order to prioritise user information
Previously, VoiceOver user would have to traverse through header image, “follows you”, and the profile image before getting to the display name of the user.
Now, this element is the first element after the navigation bar.
* Add accessibility label to Timeline Compose post button
Previously, this button was using the SF symbol fallback label.
Now, it has a localized equivalent in addition to two other options: “New”, and “Create”
* Change accessible representation of Timeline nav bar menu
Previously, this would present as a static text.
Now, it has the header trait. In addition, by changing the representation, VoiceOver will read it out as “Home, Pop-up button, Header”, indicating that it opens a menu.
* Add accessibilityHint to Timeline tab Accounts selector
* Add accessibilityLabel and hint to PendingStatusesObserver
Previously, this button would have a label equal to the count of unread posts. Now, it states “X new posts” with the hint “Scrolls the timeline”
2023-03-20 16:33:42 +11:00
"accessibility.app-account.selector.accounts.hint" = "Opens options sheet.";
Profile tab accessibility uplift (#1274)
* Combine `joinedAtView` into one accessibility element
Previously, the calendar image was visible with a nonsensical label.
We use the `.combine` operator here to maintain the proper string formatting of the date.
* Improve the accessibility of the AccountDetailHeaderView
Previously, this image had no description and no indication that it had an associated interaction. Now, we wrap it in a button that performs the tap gesture action, and remove the element altogether if there is no avatar image set.
This commit also handles the checkmark for supporter users
* Tweak accessibility of Profile CustomInfoLabels
This commit:
- Reverses the order of title and value
- Sets the value as an `accessibilityValue`
- Adds a hint indicating what the button does, as they perform slightly different actions
* Make Profile tab header image into a Button
This element has an action associated with it (quicklook), so it makes more sense to have it as a button, and hide it if the user does not have an image set.
Without the action it would have been considered decorative and should be hidden.
* Change accessibilityLabel of Profile tab nav bar item to ‘Options’
“More” is considered overly generic.
This commit also adds two additional user input label options
* Add accessibility labels for the Profile tab `Picker`
Previously, these labels were the default accessibility label provided by the SF symbol, that almost, but not quite, made sense
* Remove StatusRowView swipe actions if VoiceOver is running
These swipe actions are automagically added to the accessibility element’s custom actions, in addition to the ones already there, which means that there is a significant (and confusing) amount of doubling up going on.
* Fix typo in StatusRowView.accessibilityActions
* Add accessibilityLabels to all StatusRowActionsView actions
* Provide explicit combined accessibility label for unfocused StatusRowView
Previously, this was a synthesized label, which read the elements in their traversal order, and didn’t provide any context for which of the three numbers corresponded to replies, boosts or favourites.
Now, we create an explicit combined label when the post isn’t being viewed by itself.
* Improve accessibility of StatusRow(Reblog|Reply)View
They are now combined elements and don’t vend the icon as its own element.
* Add missing punctuation to accessibility hints
* Remove interaction from Profile tab @username and profile note elements
These elements open the profile photo url, which is already provided explicitly through the profile photo
* Prefer spoiler warning for StatusRowView accessibility label
…but place the full, unredacted content in an `AccessibilityCustomContent` field for easy access.
Additionally, if VoiceOver is running, an action to expand the warning is also available.
* Represent `FollowButton` elements as Toggles to accessibility
Since these buttons have two states (though arguable in the case of following, but handled here by not changing the representation if a request is pending), it makes sense to handle them as toggles, so they will be read as “Following, On, <Trait>”
* Remove errant comment
* Add “Verified” accessibilityValue to profile fields
* Fix bug StatusRowView default action bug affecting VoiceOver users
Previously, the default (‘Activate’) action for VoiceOver users would be to share a link to the toot, rather than navigate to its detail. It’s hard to say exactly what caused this, but the root was the inclusion of the `contextMenu` in the `accessibilityActions`.
Now, double-tapping on a a non-focused `StatusRowView` will take you to the toot detail.
* Add header trait to Profile tab display name and familiar followers
These stand out as being header-like in presentation and represent the beginning of specific parts of the screen.
* Add conditional accessibility modifier to Profile tab user-defined fields that opens the correct link
* Add accessibility container that contextualises the user-defined fields
When VoiceOver users first enter a user-defined field, the container label will be read out before the element’s spoken description.
* Improve StatusRowView combined accessibility label
It will now start with:
“X boosted Y”, “X replied to @Y”, or “X…” depending on the context of the toot.
* Change familiar follows thumbnail to a Button; add display name as accessibility label
Previously, this button had no context, and would just be a series of images with nothing to allow users to disambiguate them.
* Revert changes from ZStack with tap gesture to Button
Using a Button for this purpose caused high weirdness in tap zones. Basically everything down to the familiar followers triggered both image buttons.
* Add image alt text to StatusRowView and StatusRowMediaPreviewView
Previously, there was no way for the intended audience for the alt text to find said text. There is a tap gesture on each image in the focused status row, but this is not advertised to the user.
Now, the first image’s alt text is read as part of the non-focused, combined representation, and each image has its own alt text attributed in the focused representation.
* Add Profile tab accessibility labels to indicate private/bot/muted/blocked accounts
Previously, the icon did not have any accessible representation (an empty text string).
* Add header trait to Profile “pinned post”
* Use the Account.Field.name for the user input label
* Replace spaces with commas in StatusRowView.combinedAccessibilityLabel
2023-03-20 02:27:18 +11:00
"accessibility.tabs.profile.options.label" = "Options";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.options.inputLabel1" = "Settings";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.options.inputLabel2" = "More";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.user-avatar.label" = "Profile photo";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.user-avatar.hint" = "Displays a larger version.";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.user-avatar.supporter.label" = "Supporter";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.user.account-bot.label" = "Bot account";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.user.account-blocked.label" = "Blocked";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.user.account-muted.label" = "Muted";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.user.account-private.label" = "Private account";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.header-image.label" = "Header image";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.header-image.hint" = "Displays a larger version.";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.post-count.hint" = "Scrolls to list.";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.following-count.hint" = "Navigates to list.";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.follower-count.hint" = "Navigates to list.";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.picker.statuses" = "Posts";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.picker.favorites" = "Favorites";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.picker.bookmarks" = "Bookmarks";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.picker.followed-tags" = "Tags";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.picker.posts-and-replies" = "Posts and replies";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.picker.media" = "Media";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.picker.lists" = "Lists";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.user-notifications.label" = "Receive notifications";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.user-reblogs.label" = "Display boosts";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.fields.verified.label" = "Verified";
"accessibility.tabs.profile.fields.container.label" = "User-defined fields";
"accessibility.status.spoiler-full-content" = "Full Content";
"accessibility.status.a-boosted-b-%@-%@" = "%@ boosted %@";
"accessibility.status.a-replied-to-%@" = "%@ replied to";
"accessibility.image.alt-text-%@" = "Image alt text: %@";
"accessibility.image.alt-text-more.label" = "More alt text available";
Accessibility tweaks + Notifications and Messages tab uplift (#1292)
* Improve StatusRowView accessibility actions
Previously, there was no way to interact with links and hashtags.
Now, these are added to the Actions rotor
* Hide `topPaddingView`s from accessibility
* Fix accessible header rendering in non-filterable TimelineViews
Previously, all navigation title views were assumed to be popup buttons.
Now, we only change the representation for timelines that are filterable.
* Combine tagHeaderView text elements
Previously, these were two separate items
* Prefer shorter Quote action label
* Improve accessibility of StatusEmbeddedView
Previously, this element would be three different ones, and include all the actions on the `StatusRowView` proper. Now, it presents as one element with no actions.
* Add haptics to StatusRowView accessibility actions
* Improve accessibility of ConversationsListRow
This commit adds:
- A combined representation of the component views
- “Unread” as the first part of the label (if this is the case)
- All relevant actions as custom actions
- Reply as magic tap
* Remove StatusRowView accessibilityActions if viewModel.showActions is false
* Hide media attachments from accessibility if the view is not focused
* Combine NotificationRowView accessibility elements; add user actions
Previously, there was no real way to interact with these notifications.
Now, the notifications that show the actions row have the appropriate StatusRowView-derived actions, and new followers notifications have more actions that let you see each user’s profile.
* Prefer @Environment’s `accessibilityEnabled` over `isVoiceOverRunning`
This way we can cater for Voice Control, Full Keyboard Access and Switch Control as well.
Co-authored-by: Thomas Ricouard <ricouard77@gmail.com>
2023-03-24 17:52:29 +11:00
"accessibility.tabs.messages.unread.label" = "Unread";
Timeline & Timeline detail accessibility uplift (#1323)
* Improve accessibility of StatusPollView
Previously, this view did not provide the proper context to indicate that it represented a poll.
Now, we’ve added
- A container that will stay “Active poll” or “Poll results” when the cursor first hits one of the options;
- A prefix to say “Option X of Y” before each option;
- A Selected trait on the selected option(s), if present
- Consolidating and adding an `.updatesFrequently` trait to the footer view with the countdown.
* Add poll description in StatusRowView combinedAccessibilityLabel
This largely duplicates the logic in `StatusPollView`.
* Improve accessibility of media attachments
Previously, the media attachments without alt text would not show up in the consolidated `StatusRowView`, nor would they be meaningfully explained on the status detail screen.
Now, they are presented with their attachment type.
* Change accessibilityRepresentation of AppAcountsSelectorView
* Change Notifications tab title view accessibility representation to Menu
Previously it would present as a button
* Hide layout `Rectangle`s from accessibility
* Consolidate `StatusRowDetailView` accessibility representation
* Improve readability of Poll accessibility label
* Ensure poll options don’t present as interactive when the poll is finished
* Improve accessibility of StatusRowCardView
Previously, it would present as four separate elements, including an image without a description, all interactive, none with an interactive trait.
Now, it presents as a single element with the `.link` trait
* Improve accessibility of StatusRowHeaderView
Previously, it had no traits and no actions except inherited ones.
Now it presents as a button, triggering its primary action.
It also has custom actions corresponding to its context menu
* Avoid applying the StatusRowView custom actions to every view when contained
* Provide context for the application name
* Add pauses to StatusRowView combinedAccessibilityLabel
* Hide `TimelineView.scrollToTopView` from accessibility
* Set appropriate font style on Notification header
After the change the Text needed a `.headline` style to match the prior appearance.
* Fix bug in accessibilityRepresentation of TimelineView nav bar title
Previously, it would not display the proper label for .remoteLocal filter options.
* Ensure that pop-up button nav bar titles are interactive
* Ensure TextView responds to Environment.sizeCategory
This resolves #1309
* Fix button
Co-authored-by: Thomas Ricouard <ricouard77@gmail.com>
2023-03-29 03:48:58 +11:00
"accessibility.status.poll.option-prefix-%lld-of-%lld" = "Option %lld of %lld";
"accessibility.status.poll.active.label" = "Active poll";
"accessibility.status.poll.finished.label" = "Poll results";
"accessibility.status.poll.selected.label" = "Selected";
"accessibility.media.supported-type.image.label" = "Image";
"accessibility.media.supported-type.gifv.label" = "Animated Gif";
"accessibility.media.supported-type.video.label" = "Video";
"accessibility.media.supported-type.audio.label" = "Audio";
"accessibility.status.contains-media.label-%@" = "Contains %@";
"accessibility.status.application.label" = "App";
2023-04-04 16:12:25 +10:00
"accessibility.status.media-viewer-action.label" = "Open media viewer";
2023-02-13 21:12:18 +01:00
// MARK: Report
2023-02-16 13:22:18 +01:00
"report.comment.placeholder" = "Information supplémentaire";
"report.title" = "Signaler la publication";
"report.action.send" = "Envoyer";
"status.action.report" = "Signaler la publication";
2023-03-04 09:50:13 +01:00
2023-03-06 07:07:35 +01:00
"tag.suggested.mentions-%lld" = "%lld mentions";
2023-07-19 07:44:35 +02:00
// MARK: Tag Groups
"add-tag-groups.edit.title.field" = "Tag Group Title";
"add-tag-groups.edit.icon.field" = "Tag Group Icon (SFSymbol name)";
"add-tag-groups.edit.tags" = "Add tags to the group";
"add-tag-groups.edit.tags.add" = "Tag";