510 lines
25 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// MARK: Common strings
"action.cancel" = "Abbrechen";
"action.delete" = "Löschen";
"action.save" = "Sichern";
"action.done" = "Fertig";
"action.retry" = "Wiederholen";
"action.view.error" = "Fehler ansehen";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"alert.button.ok" = "OK";
"alert.error" = "Fehler!";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"placeholder.loading.long" = "Laden, laden, laden …";
"placeholder.loading.short" = "Laden …";
"see-more" = "Mehr sehen";
// MARK: Add Account
"account.add.error.instance-not-supported" = "Diese Instanz wird aktuell nicht unterstützt.";
"account.add.navigation-title" = "Konto hinzufügen";
"account.add.sign-in" = "Anmelden";
// MARK: Enums
"enum.avatar-position.leading" = "Vorne";
"enum.avatar-position.top" = "Oben";
"enum.avatar-shape.circle" = "Kreis";
"enum.avatar-shape.rounded" = "Abgerundet";
2023-02-13 20:15:59 +01:00
"enum.durations.infinite" = "Unbegrenzt";
"enum.durations.custom" = "Individuelle Einstellung";
"enum.durations.fiveMinutes" = "5 Minuten";
"enum.durations.thirtyMinutes" = "30 Minuten";
"enum.durations.oneHour" = "1 Stunde";
"enum.durations.sixHours" = "6 Stunden";
"enum.durations.twelveHours" = "12 Stunden";
"enum.durations.oneDay" = "1 Tag";
"enum.durations.threeDays" = "3 Tage";
"enum.durations.sevenDays" = "7 Tage";
"enum.status-actions-display.all" = "Alle";
"enum.status-actions-display.no-buttons" = "Keine Buttons";
"enum.status-actions-display.only-buttons" = "Nur Buttons";
"enum.status-display-style.compact" = "Kompakt";
"enum.status-display-style.medium" = "Mittel";
"enum.status-display-style.large" = "Groß";
2023-02-14 21:27:57 +01:00
"enum.swipeactions.icon-with-text" = "Symbol mit Text";
"enum.swipeactions.icon-only" = "Nur Symbol";
// MARK: Instances
"instance.info.domains" = "Domains";
"instance.info.email" = "E-Mail";
"instance.info.name" = "Name";
"instance.info.navigation-title" = "Instanz-Info";
"instance.info.posts" = "Beiträge";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"instance.info.section.info" = "Instanz-Info";
"instance.info.section.rules" = "Instanz-Regeln";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"instance.info.users" = "Profile";
"instance.info.version" = "Version";
"instance.list.posts-%@" = "%@ Beiträge";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"instance.list.users-%@" = "%@ Profile";
"instance.suggestions" = "Vorschläge";
"instance.url" = "Instanz-URL";
2023-01-26 06:40:33 +01:00
// MARK: Menu
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"menu.new-post" = "Neuer Beitrag";
2023-01-26 06:40:33 +01:00
"menu.font" = "Schrift";
"menu.font.bigger" = "Größer";
"menu.font.smaller" = "Kleiner";
// MARK: Settings
"settings.account.add" = "Konto hinzufügen";
"settings.app.icon" = "App-Icon";
2023-02-14 21:27:57 +01:00
"settings.app.icon.navigation-title" = "Symbole";
"settings.app.icon.official" = "Offizielle Symbole";
"settings.app.icon.designed-by" = "Symbole von";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"settings.app.source" = "Quellcode (auf GitHub)";
"settings.app.support" = "Unterstütze die App";
2023-02-13 20:15:59 +01:00
"settings.app.about" = "Über Ice Cubes";
"settings.display.example-toot" = "Beispielbeitrag";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"settings.display.avatar.position" = "Profilbild-Position";
"settings.display.avatar.shape" = "Profilbild-Form";
2023-02-19 20:57:07 +01:00
"settings.display.full-username" = "Vollständigen Benutzernamen zeigen";
"settings.display.navigation-title" = "Anzeigeeinstellungen";
"settings.display.restore" = "Standard wiederherstellen";
"settings.display.section.display" = "Anzeigen";
"settings.display.section.theme" = "Design";
2023-03-03 18:22:08 +01:00
"settings.display.colors.apply" = "Eigene Farben anwenden";
"settings.display.section.theme.footer" = "Eigene Farben können nur eingestellt werden, wenn die Systemeinstellung nicht verwendet wird.";
"settings.display.status.action-buttons" = "Status Aktions-Buttons";
"settings.display.status.media-style" = "Status Medien";
"settings.display.translate-button" = "Übersetzen-Button anzeigen";
"settings.display.theme.background" = "Hintergrundfarbe";
"settings.display.theme.secondary-background" = "Sekundäre Hintergrundfarbe";
2023-03-03 18:22:08 +01:00
"settings.display.theme.text-color" = "Textfarbe";
"settings.display.theme.tint" = "Akzentfarbe";
"settings.display.theme.systemColor" = "Systemeinstellung verwenden";
"settings.general.browser" = "Browser";
"settings.general.browser.in-app" = "In-App-Browser";
"settings.general.browser.in-app.readerview" = "In-App-Browser-Lesemodus";
"settings.general.browser.system" = "Systembrowser";
"settings.general.display" = "Anzeigeeinstellungen";
"settings.general.instance" = "Instanz-Informationen";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"settings.general.push-notifications" = "Push-Mitteilungen";
"settings.general.remote-timelines" = "Andere lokale Timelines";
"settings.push.boosts" = "Boosts";
"settings.push.favorites" = "Favoriten";
"settings.push.follows" = "Follower";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"settings.push.main-toggle" = "Push-Mitteilungen";
"settings.push.main-toggle.description" = "Push-Mitteilungen bei neuen Aktivitäten erhalten";
"settings.push.mentions" = "Erwähnungen";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"settings.push.navigation-title" = "Push-Mitteilungen";
"settings.push.new-posts" = "Neue Beiträge";
"settings.push.polls" = "Umfrageergebnisse";
"settings.section.accounts" = "Konten";
"settings.section.app" = "App";
"settings.section.app.footer %@" = "App-Version: %@";
"settings.section.general" = "Allgemein";
"settings.support.alert.error.message" = "Fehler bei der Ausführung des In-App-Kaufs. Bitte versuch es erneut.";
"settings.support.alert.message" = "Vielen Dank für dein Trinkgeld! Ich weiß es zu schätzen!";
"settings.support.alert.title" = "Danke!";
"settings.support.message-from-dev" = "Hey du! Mein Name ist Thomas und ich liebe es, Open-Source-Apps zu erschaffen. Ice Cubes ist definitiv eines meiner Projekte, auf das ich am meisten stolz bin und seien wir ehrlich, es ist auch das mit dem größten Wartungsaufwand, dank der sich ständig ändernden Welt von Mastodon und Social Media. Wenn du Spaß beim Nutzen von Ice Cubes hast, denk darüber nach, mir eine kleine Spende dazulassen. Das würde mir den Tag versüßen (und dazu beitragen, dass die App reibungslos für dich funktioniert). 🚀";
"settings.support.navigation-title" = "Ice Cubes unterstützen";
"settings.support.one.subtitle" = "Klein aber fein!";
"settings.support.one.title" = "🍬 Kleines Trinkgeld";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"settings.support.placeholder.loading-subtitle" = "Titel laden …";
"settings.support.three.subtitle" = "Du bist der Wahnsinn, riesengroßen Dank!";
"settings.support.three.title" = "🤯 Großzügiges Trinkgeld";
"settings.support.two.subtitle" = "Ich liebe den Duft eines tollen Kaffees ❤️";
"settings.support.two.title" = "☕️ Schönes Trinkgeld";
"settings.support.four.title" = "👽 Wahnsinns-Trinkgeld";
"settings.support.four.subtitle" = "Das wird eine große Hilfe sein, Ice Cubes am Laufen zu halten!";
"settings.support.supporter.title" = "Werde Unterstützer!";
"settings.support.supporter.subtitle" = "Indem du Ice Cubes ein monatliches Trinkgeld gibst, wirst du Unterstützer und bekommst sogar einen Verifiziert-Haken in deinem Profil. Nur für deine 👀.";
"settings.support.supporter.subscribed" = "Danke, dass du Ice Cubes unterstützst!";
"settings.support.supporter.subscription-info"= "Abonnements werden automatisch verlängert, sofern du sie nicht bis zu einem Tag vor der nächsten Verlängerung kündigst.";
"settings.support.restore-purchase.button" = "Kauf wiederherstellen";
"settings.support.restore-purchase.explanation" = "Stell dein Abonnement wieder her, falls es nicht automatisch abgeglichen worden ist.";
"settings.support.privacy-policy" = "Datenschutzerklärung";
"settings.support.terms-of-use" = "Nutzungsbedingungen";
"settings.timeline.add" = "Lokale Timeline hinzufügen";
"settings.title" = "Einstellungen";
"settings.rate" = "Bewerte Ice Cubes";
"settings.section.other" = "Anderes";
"settings.other.hide-openai" = "Aktiviere 🤖-Helfer";
"settings.other.social-keyboard" = "Soziale Tastatur aktivieren";
2023-02-28 21:54:39 +01:00
"settings.other.sound-effect" = "Klänge aktivieren";
"settings.general.content" = "Inhaltseinstellungen";
"settings.system" = "Systemeinstellungen";
"settings.content.navigation-title" = "Inhaltseinstellungen";
"settings.content.boosts" = "Boosts";
"settings.content.collapse-long-posts" = "Lange Beiträge einklappen";
"settings.content.collapse-long-posts-hint" = "Eingeklappte Beiträge zeigen nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Zeilen sowie eine Schaltfläche an, mit der der komplette Beitrag angezeigt werden kann";
"settings.content.hide-repeated-boosts" = "Wiederholte Boosts verstecken";
"settings.content.instance-settings" = "Serverinhaltseinstellungen";
"settings.content.use-instance-settings" = "Servereinstellungen verwenden";
"settings.content.expand-spoilers" = "Sensible Inhalte immer zeigen";
"settings.content.expand-media" = "Medienansicht";
"settings.content.default-sensitive" = "Medien immer als sensibel kennzeichnen";
"settings.content.default-visibility" = "Sichtbarkeit Beiträge";
2023-02-15 13:17:36 +01:00
"settings.content.media" = "Medien";
"settings.content.media.show.alt" = "ALT-Texte zeigen";
"settings.content.reading" = "Lesen";
"settings.content.posting" = "Schreiben";
2023-02-13 20:15:59 +01:00
"settings.push.duplicate.title" = "Doppelte-Mitteilungen-Korrigierer";
"settings.push.duplicate.footer" = "Bekommst du doppelte Mitteilungen? Probier diesen magischen Knopf aus";
"settings.push.duplicate.button.fix" = "🪄 Beheben";
"settings.other.autoplay-video" = "Videos automatisch abspielen";
"settings.display.font" = "Schriftart Timeline";
"settings.display.font.system" = "System";
"settings.display.font.custom" = "Eigene";
"settings.display.font.scaling-%@" = "Schriftskalierung: %@";
"settings.about.built-with" = "Ice Cubes wird mit folgender Open-Source-Software erstellt:";
"settings.about.title" = "Ice Cubes";
2023-02-13 20:15:59 +01:00
"settings.account.cached-posts-%@" = "Beiträge im Cache: %@";
2023-02-06 12:25:37 +01:00
"settings.account.action.delete-cache" = "Cache leeren";
2023-02-06 12:25:37 +01:00
"settings.general.haptic" = "Haptisches Feedback";
"settings.haptic.navigation-title" = "Haptikeinstellungen";
2023-02-04 17:38:48 +01:00
"settings.haptic.timeline" = "Timeline";
2023-02-06 12:25:37 +01:00
"settings.haptic.tab-selection" = "Tabauswahl";
"settings.haptic.buttons" = "Knopfdruck";
2023-02-04 17:38:48 +01:00
"settings.display.show-tab-label" = "Tabtitel anzeigen";
"settings.display.show-ipad-column" = "Zweite Spalte aktivieren";
"settings.general.swipeactions" = "Wischaktionen";
2023-02-24 18:53:03 +01:00
"settings.swipeactions.appearance" = "Erscheinungsbild";
"settings.swipeactions.navigation-title" = "Wischaktionen";
"settings.swipeactions.primary" = "Primäre Aktion";
"settings.swipeactions.secondary" = "Sekundäre Aktion";
"settings.swipeactions.status.action.bookmark" = "Lesezeichen setzen";
"settings.swipeactions.status.action.boost" = "Boosten";
"settings.swipeactions.status.action.favorite" = "Favorisieren";
2023-02-13 20:15:59 +01:00
"settings.swipeactions.status.action.none" = "Keine";
"settings.swipeactions.status.action.quote" = "Zitieren";
"settings.swipeactions.status.action.reply" = "Antworten";
"settings.swipeactions.status.explanation" = "Wischaktionen sind verfügbar, indem du einen Beitrag nach links oder nach rechts wischst. Die sekundäre Aktion ist nur verfügbar, wenn die primäre Aktion gesetzt ist.";
"settings.swipeactions.status.leading" = "Nach rechts wischen";
"settings.swipeactions.status.trailing" = "Nach links wischen";
"settings.swipeactions.status" = "Beitrag";
"settings.swipeactions.use-theme-colors" = "Farbschema verwenden";
Redesigned swipe actions settings (#937) * Redesigned Swipe Action Settings screen * Add TODO comments * Redesigned Swipe Action Settings screen * Redesigned Swipe Action Settings screen * Add EN localization strings for primary/secondary * Consolidate left/right swipe actions into one section * Switch to targeted Swift concurrency warnings + fix them * Polish localization update (#936) * Updates to Dutch localization: (#935) * de: translated the notes feature (#933) * Fix 1 line note in centre (#938) * Sort lists alphabetically in ListAddAccountView (#943) * Optimize viewId (#942) * Update Localizable.strings (#941) Co-authored-by: Yusuke Arakawa <nekolaboratory@users.noreply.github.com> * Update Nuke (#940) * Remove Sendable conformance on Client as it's not needed * Profile: Show about fields inline * Added a tip that it's a video, and not an image when autoplay is off (#939) * Added a tip that it's a video, and not an image when autoplay is off * Centered - bigger version of the video tip * Share post as image close #885 * Honour in app browser settings when opening profile about fields * Fix threading UI * More tweak to capture mode * Update Localizable.strings (#948) * Update Localizable.strings (#946) Translated.. * Updated EmojiText to 2.x (#944) Interface used by IceCubeApp has not changed from 1.x to 2.x Looking at the library diff shows new features like SFSymbol powered emojis. Not like we're going to make use of that https://github.com/divadretlaw/EmojiText/compare/v1.2.0...2.0.2 * Bump to 1.5.5 * Polish localization update (#949) * Optimize avatar view (#950) * Reduce AvatarPlaceholderView body calls * Resize avatars * Reworked post header view + add option to hide server name from username * Better header spacing * Further improvement to the post header * Polish localization update (#954) * Update Localizable.strings (#953) * Show post header thread icon more consistently * Fix post header * Fix threading UI * Fix trending refresh * de: 1 new string -> translated (#955) * Update Simplified Chinese Translation (#926) * Update Korean localization (#957) * Trim whitespace and newlines in instance rules list (#956) * Fix theme not being applied live on status row close #961 * Update some translations (#959) * Add indicator for bots accounts * Bump to 1.5.6 * Fix status actions on boosting posts (#974) * Fix context menus for boosts * Allow my boost of my followers-only post * Disable boost context menu on posts can't be boosted and show different string for boosting my own private post * Localizations * CR --------- Co-authored-by: Thomas Ricouard <ricouard77@gmail.com> * Fix crash when opening account details (#972) close #918 * Tweak the theme selector view (#975) Co-authored-by: Yusuke Arakawa <nekolaboratory@users.noreply.github.com> * Change the Content Settings icon to match the timeline icon again. (#969) * Fix display of multiple vote polls (#967) Closes #952 * Updates to Dutch localization (#966) * Font picker consistency (#960) * Put SF Rounded into the popup menu with Hyperlegible & Dislexia * Remove SF Rounded Toggle * Fix In-App Safari (#945) * Fix In-App Safari * Open SFSafariViewController in a separate window * Swiftformat * Optimize custom font * Fix a localization + make the ... menu zone bigger * Update Localizable.strings (#976) * Fix Equatable impl for Status and Account (thanks class) * Make secondary column available on any size + add a toggle + faster macOS window resize * Bigger secondary column width * Composer: Fix swipe to dismiss * Composer: Better ALT editing UI * updates for Basque (#983) added missing translations and small fixes * Updated spanish localization (#982) Co-authored-by: Roberto Pastor <roberto.pastor@cabify.com> * Polish localization update (#980) * Update Localizable.strings (#979) More strings * Singularize enum type names (#978) * Fixes for composer and DM * Remove padding * Rename settings.swipeactions.status.icon-style * Remove unused left/right localizable strings * Add settings.swipeactions.appearance * Add settings.swipeactions.status.explanation * Add settings.swipeactions.primary and settings.swipeactions.secondary * Add settings.swipeactions.use-theme-colors and settings.swipeactions.use-theme-colors-explanation * Dutch localization update --------- Co-authored-by: Thomas Ricouard <ricouard77@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Andrzej Rózga <53080024+AndrzejRozga@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Cthulhux <github@tuxproject.de> Co-authored-by: Sean Goldin <EvilOne@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: David Davies-Payne <d2p@me.com> Co-authored-by: Alex Grebenyuk <grebenyuk.alexander@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Yusuke Arakawa <108506642+nekolaboratory@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Yusuke Arakawa <nekolaboratory@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Thomas Durand <Dean151@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Dejavu Moe <jialong.vip@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Chanhwi Joo <56245920+te6-in@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Henrik Nyh <henrik@nyh.se> Co-authored-by: nixzhu <zhuhongxu@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Gareth Simpson <g@xurble.org> Co-authored-by: Peter-Josef Meisch <pj.meisch@sothawo.com> Co-authored-by: David Walter <divadretlaw@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Xabi <xabi.rn@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Roberto Pastor <wedge.hero@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Roberto Pastor <roberto.pastor@cabify.com> Co-authored-by: Louis Lac <lac.louis5@gmail.com>
2023-02-22 07:07:26 +01:00
"settings.swipeactions.use-theme-colors-explanation" = "Farbschema anstelle der Standardfarben verwenden";
"settings.swipeactions.icon-style" = "Symbolstil";
"settings.display.section.font" = "Schriftart";
"settings.section.cache" = "Cache";
2023-02-24 18:53:03 +01:00
"settings.cache-media.clear" = "Mediencache leeren";
"enum.expand-media.show" = "Alle zeigen";
"enum.expand-media.hide" = "Alle ausblenden";
"enum.expand-media.hide-sensitive" = "Sensible ausblenden";
2023-01-26 21:44:46 +01:00
// MARK: Tabs
"tab.explore" = "Entdecken";
"tab.federated" = "Föderiert";
"tab.local" = "Lokal";
"tab.messages" = "Nachrichten";
"tab.notifications" = "Mitteilungen";
"tab.settings" = "Einstellungen";
"tab.timeline" = "Timeline";
"tab.trending" = "Im Trend";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"tab.profile" = "Profil";
// MARK: Timeline
"timeline.%@-is-valid" = "%@ ist eine gültige Instanz";
"timeline.add-remote.title" = "Andere lokale Timeline hinzufügen";
"timeline.add.action.add" = "Hinzufügen";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"timeline.add.url" = "Instanz-URL";
"timeline.filter.add-local" = "Lokale Timeline hinzufügen";
2023-01-21 16:50:51 +01:00
"timeline.filter.lists" = "Listen";
"timeline.filter.local" = "Lokale Timelines";
"timeline.filter.tags" = "Gefolgte Hashtags";
// MARK: Package: AppAccount
"app-account.button.add" = "Konto hinzufügen";
// MARK: Package: Account
"account.action.add-remove-list" = "Hinzufügen/entfernen von Listen";
"account.action.edit-info" = "Info bearbeiten";
"account.action.mention" = "Erwähnen";
"account.action.message" = "Nachricht";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"account.action.notify-enable" = "Mitteilungen aktivieren";
"account.action.notify-disable" = "Mitteilungen deaktivieren";
"account.action.reboosts-show" = "Boosts zeigen";
"account.action.reboosts-hide" = "Boosts ausblenden";
"account.action.block" = "Blockieren";
"account.action.unblock" = "Blockade aufheben";
"account.action.mute" = "Stummschalten";
"account.action.unmute" = "Stummschaltung aufheben";
"account.action.share" = "Dieses Konto teilen";
2023-01-21 21:17:21 +01:00
"account.boosted-by" = "Geboostet von";
"account.detail.about" = "Über";
"account.detail.familiar-followers" = "Auch gefolgt von";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"account.edit.about" = "Über mich";
"account.edit.account-settings.bot" = "Bot-Account";
"account.edit.account-settings.discoverable" = "In Suche finden";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"account.edit.account-settings.private" = "Geschützt";
"account.edit.account-settings.section-title" = "Kontoeinstellungen";
"account.edit.display-name" = "Anzeigename";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"account.edit.error.save.message" = "Fehler beim Sichern deines Profils. Bitte versuche es erneut.";
"account.edit.error.save.title" = "Fehler beim Sichern deines Profils";
"account.edit.navigation-title" = "Profil bearbeiten";
"account.edit.post-settings.privacy" = "Standard-Sichtbarkeit";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"account.edit.post-settings.section-title" = "Beitragseinstellungen";
"account.edit.post-settings.sensitive" = "Sensibler Inhalt";
2023-02-24 07:55:24 +01:00
2023-02-24 18:53:03 +01:00
"account.edit.metadata-section-title" = "Profilmetadaten";
"account.edit.metadata-name-placeholder" = "Titel";
"account.edit.metadata-value-placeholder" = "Inhalt";
"account.edit.add-metadata-button" = "Neuen Eintrag hinzufügen";
2023-02-24 07:55:24 +01:00
"account.favorited-by" = "Favorisiert von";
"account.follow.follow" = "Folgen";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"account.follow.following" = "Entfolgen";
"account.follow.requested" = "Angefragt";
"account.follow-request.accept" = "Akzeptieren";
"account.follow-request.reject" = "Ablehnen";
"account.follow-requests.pending-requests" = "Ausstehende Anfragen";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"account.follow-requests.instructions" = "Diese Personen werden deine Beiträge nicht sehen, bis du sie akzeptierst.";
"account.followers" = "Follower";
"account.following" = "Folgt";
"account.list.create" = "Neue Liste erstellen";
"account.list.create.confirm" = "Liste erstellen";
"account.list.create.description" = "Gib den Namen deiner Liste ein";
"account.list.delete" = "Liste löschen";
"account.list.name" = "Name der Liste";
"account.post.pinned" = "Angehefteter Beitrag";
"account.posts" = "Beiträge";
"account.relation.follows-you" = "Folgt dir";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"account.joined" = "Beigetreten am";
"account.action.logout" = "Abmelden";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"account.action.edit-filters" = "Filter bearbeiten";
"account.action.more" = "Weitere Einstellungen";
"account.relation.note.edit" = "Notiz bearbeiten";
"account.relation.note.edit.placeholder" = "Gib den Notiztext ein";
"account.relation.note.edit.error.save.message" = "Fehler beim Speichern der Notiz, versuch es bitte erneut.";
"account.relation.note.edit.error.save.title" = "Fehler beim Speichern der Notiz";
"account.relation.note.label" = "Notiz:";
// MARK: Package: Conversations
"conversations.action.delete" = "Löschen";
"conversations.action.mark-read" = "Als gelesen markieren";
"conversations.action.view-detail" = "Detailansicht";
"conversations.empty.message" = "Suchst du etwas Liebe auf Social Media? Hier findest du alle deine direkten Nachrichten und privaten Erwähnungen. Fröhliches Messaging! 📱❤️";
"conversations.empty.title" = "Posteingang leer";
"conversations.error.button" = "Wiederholen";
"conversations.error.message" = "Fehler beim Laden deiner Nachrichten";
"conversations.error.title" = "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten";
"conversations.navigation-title" = "Direkte Nachrichten";
"conversations.new.message.placeholder" = "Neue Nachricht";
"conversations.latest.message" = "Letzte Nachricht";
// MARK: Package: DesignSystem
"design.tag.n-posts-from-n-participants %lld %lld" = "%lld Beiträge von %lld Teilnehmenden";
2023-02-07 15:13:27 +01:00
"design.theme.navigation-title" = "Design-Auswahl";
"design.theme.toots-preview" = "Beitragsvorschau";
// MARK: Package: Explore
"explore.navigation-title" = "Entdecken";
"explore.search.message-%@" = "Hier kannst du alles auf %@ suchen";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"explore.search.prompt" = "Suche nach Profilen, Beiträgen und Hashtags";
"explore.search.title" = "Durchsuche deine Instanz";
"explore.search.empty.message" = "Diese Suche führte ins Leere, bitte versuche eine andere Anfrage.";
"explore.search.empty.title" = "Keine Ergebnisse";
"explore.section.posts" = "Beiträge";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"explore.section.suggested-users" = "Vorgeschlagene Profile";
"explore.section.tags" = "Tags";
"explore.section.trending.links" = "Links im Trend";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"explore.section.trending.posts" = "Beiträge im Trend";
"explore.section.trending.tags" = "Hashtags im Trend";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"explore.section.users" = "Profile";
// MARK: Package: Env
"env.poll-vote-frequency.one" = "Einfache Auswahl";
"env.poll-vote-frequency.multiple" = "Mehrfachauswahl";
// MARK: Package: Lists
"lists.add-remove-%@" = "%@ hinzufügen/entfernen";
"lists.create" = "Neue Liste erstellen";
"lists.create.confirm" = "Liste erstellen";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"lists.edit.users-in-list" = "Profile in dieser Liste";
"lists.name" = "Name der Liste";
"lists.name.message" = "Gib den Namen deiner Liste ein";
// MARK: Package: Notifications
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"notifications.empty.message" = "Mitteilungen? Welche Mitteilungen? Dein Posteingang sieht so leer aus. Bleib weiter so fantastisch! 📱😎";
"notifications.empty.title" = "Keine Mitteilungen";
"notifications.error.message" = "Beim Laden deiner Mitteilungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten, bitte versuch es erneut.";
"notifications.error.title" = "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten";
"notifications.label.follow-request" = "möchte dir folgen";
"notifications.label.poll" = "Umfrage beendet";
"notifications.label.status" = "hat einen Beitrag gepostet";
"notifications.label.update" = "hat einen Beitrag geändert";
"notifications.menu-title.favorite" = "Favorit";
"notifications.menu-title.follow" = "Follower";
"notifications.menu-title.follow-request" = "Follow-Anfrage";
"notifications.menu-title.mention" = "Erwähnung";
"notifications.menu-title.poll" = "Umfrage";
"notifications.menu-title.reblog" = "Boost";
"notifications.menu-title.status" = "Beitrag";
"notifications.menu-title.update" = "Beitrag bearbeitet";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"notifications.navigation-title" = "Alle Mitteilungen";
"notifications.tab.all" = "Alle";
"notifications.tab.mentions" = "Erwähnungen";
2023-02-14 21:27:57 +01:00
"notifications.label.status.push" = "🖊️ Neuer Beitrag: ";
"notifications.label.reblog.push" = "🚀 Geboostet: ";
"notifications.label.follow.push" = "👋 Folgt dir: ";
"notifications.label.follow-request.push" = "🔒 Möchte dir folgen: ";
"notifications.label.favorite.push" = "⭐️ Favorisiert: ";
"notifications.label.poll.push" = "📈 Umfrage beendet: ";
"notifications.label.update.push" = "Aktualisiert: ";
2023-02-14 12:17:27 +01:00
// MARK: Package: Timeline
"timeline.federated" = "Föderiert";
2023-02-06 12:25:37 +01:00
"timeline.latest" = "Zum Neuesten springen";
"timeline.home" = "Startseite";
"timeline.local" = "Lokal";
"timeline.n-recent-from-n-participants %lld %lld" = "%lld aktuelle Beiträge von %lld Teilnehmenden";
"timeline.trending" = "Im Trend";
// MARK: Package: Status
2023-01-21 09:58:38 +01:00
"status.action.translate" = "Übersetzen";
"status.action.translated-label-%@" = "Übersetzt mit %@";
"status.action.translated-label-from-%@-%@" = "Aus %@ mit %@ übersetzt";
2023-02-13 20:15:59 +01:00
"status.action.bookmark" = "Lesezeichen setzen";
"status.action.boost" = "Boosten";
"status.action.boost-to-followers" = "An Follower boosten";
"status.action.copy-text" = "Text kopieren";
"status.action.copy-link" = "Link kopieren";
"status.action.delete" = "Löschen";
"status.action.delete.confirm.title" = "Bestätigen";
2023-02-13 20:15:59 +01:00
"status.action.delete.confirm.message" = "Bist du dir sicher, dass du diesen Beitrag löschen möchtest?";
"status.action.edit" = "Bearbeiten";
"status.action.favorite" = "Favorisieren";
"status.action.mention" = "Erwähnen";
"status.action.message" = "Nachricht";
"status.action.pin" = "Anheften";
"status.action.post" = "Veröffentlichen";
"status.action.quote" = "Diesen Beitrag zitieren";
"status.action.reply" = "Antworten";
"status.action.section.your-post" = "Dein Beitrag";
"status.action.share" = "Diesen Beitrag teilen";
"status.action.share-link" = "Link zum Beitrag teilen";
"status.action.share-image" = "Beitrag als Bild teilen";
"status.action.share-title" = "Teilen";
"status.action.unbookmark" = "Lesezeichen entfernen";
"status.action.unboost" = "Boost entfernen";
"status.action.unfavorite" = "Favorit entfernen";
"status.action.unpin" = "Nicht mehr anheften";
"status.action.view-in-browser" = "Im Browser öffnen";
"status.card.share" = "Diesen Link teilen";
"status.card.copy" = "Diesen Link kopieren";
"status.draft.delete" = "Entwurf löschen";
"status.draft.save" = "Entwurf sichern";
"status.editor.ai-prompt.correct" = "Text korrigieren";
"status.editor.ai-prompt.emphasize" = "Text hervorheben";
"status.editor.ai-prompt.fit" = "Text kürzen";
"status.editor.description.add" = "Beschreibung hinzufügen";
"status.editor.description.edit" = "Beschreibung bearbeiten";
"status.editor.drafts.navigation-title" = "Entwürfe";
2023-02-13 20:15:59 +01:00
"status.editor.emojis.navigation-title" = "Instanz-Emojis";
"status.editor.error.upload" = "Fehler beim Hochladen";
"status.editor.language-select.navigation-title" = "Sprache auswählen";
"status.editor.language-select.recently-used" = "Kürzlich genutzt";
"status.editor.language-select.confirmation.detected-%@" = "Auf %@ posten (Erkannte Sprache)";
"status.editor.language-select.confirmation.selected-%@" = "Auf %@ posten (Ausgewählte Sprache)";
"status.editor.media.edit-image" = "Bild bearbeiten";
"status.editor.media.image-description" = "Bildbeschreibung";
"status.editor.mode.edit" = "Deinen Beitrag bearbeiten";
"status.editor.mode.new" = "Neuer Beitrag";
"status.editor.mode.quote-%@" = "Zitat von %@";
"status.editor.mode.reply-%@" = "Antwort auf %@";
"status.editor.restore-previous" = "Vorherigen Text wiederherstellen";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"status.editor.spoiler" = "Inhaltswarnung";
"status.editor.text.placeholder" = "Woran denkst du?";
"status.editor.visibility" = "Sichtbarkeit";
"status.error.loading.message" = "Beim Laden der Beiträge ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es erneut.";
"status.error.message" = "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es erneut.";
"status.error.title" = "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten";
"status.filter.filtered-by-%@" = "Gefiltert von: %@";
"status.filter.show-anyway" = "Trotzdem anzeigen";
"status.image.alt-text.abbreviation" = "ALT";
"status.media.content.show" = "Inhalt zeigen";
"status.media.contextmenu.copy" = "Bild kopieren";
"status.media.contextmenu.save" = "Bild sichern";
"status.media.contextmenu.share" = "Dieses Bild teilen";
"status.media.contextmenu.view-browser" = "Im Browser anzeigen";
"status.media.sensitive.show" = "Sensiblen Inhalt zeigen";
"status.poll.n-votes %lld" = "%lld Stimmen";
"status.poll.n-votes-voters %lld %lld" = "%lld Stimmen von %lld Teilnehmern";
"status.poll.closed" = "Beendet";
"status.poll.closes-in" = "Endet in ";
"status.poll.duration" = "Umfragedauer";
"status.poll.frequency" = "Auswahlmöglichkeiten";
"status.poll.option-n %lld" = "Option %lld";
"status.poll.send" = "Auswahl absenden";
"status.post-from-%@" = "Beitrag von %@";
2023-01-21 21:17:21 +01:00
"status.row.was-boosted" = "hat geboostet";
"status.row.was-reply" = "Antwort auf";
2023-01-21 21:17:21 +01:00
"status.row.you-boosted" = "Du hast geboostet";
"status.show-less" = "Weniger anzeigen";
"status.show-more" = "Mehr anzeigen";
"status.show-full-post" = "Ganzen Beitrag anzeigen";
"status.summary.at-time" = " um ";
"status.summary.n-boosts %lld" = "%lld Boosts";
"status.summary.n-favorites %lld" = "%lld Favoriten";
"status.summary.edited-time" = "Zuletzt bearbeitet: ";
"status.visibility.direct" = "Direkt";
"status.visibility.follower" = "Follower";
"status.visibility.public" = "Öffentlich";
2023-01-28 19:54:07 +01:00
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "Nicht gelistet";
// MARK: Filters
"filter.new" = "Neuer Filter";
"filter.filters" = "Filter";
"filter.edit.title" = "Filtertitel";
"filter.edit.keywords" = "Schlüsselwörter filtern";
"filter.edit.keywords.add" = "Neues Wort hinzufügen";
"filter.edit.contexts" = "Filterkontext";
"filter.edit.action" = "Filteraktion";
"filter.edit.expiry" = "Expiry";
"filter.edit.expiry.date-time" = "Date/Time";
"filter.edit.expiry.duration" = "Duration";
"filter.contexts.home" = "Startseite und Listen";
"filter.contexts.notifications" = "Mitteilungen";
"filter.contexts.public" = "Öffentliche Timelines";
"filter.contexts.conversations" = "Nachrichten";
"filter.contexts.profiles" = "Profile";
"filter.action.warning" = "Mit einer Warnung ausblenden";
"filter.action.hide" = "Komplett ausblenden";
// MARK: Accessibility
"accessibility.editor.button.attach-photo" = "Foto anhängen";
"accessibility.editor.button.poll" = "Umfrage";
"accessibility.editor.button.spoiler" = "Inhaltswarnung";
"accessibility.editor.button.drafts" = "Entwürfe";
"accessibility.editor.button.custom-emojis" = "Eigene Emojis";
"accessibility.editor.button.language" = "Sprache";
"accessibility.tabs.timeline.add-account" = "Konto hinzufügen";
"accessibility.app-account.selector.accounts" = "Konten";
2023-02-13 21:12:18 +01:00
// MARK: Report
2023-02-14 07:00:56 +01:00
"report.comment.placeholder" = "Zusätzliche Informationen";
"report.title" = "Beitrag melden";
"report.action.send" = "Absenden";
"status.action.report" = "Beitrag melden";
"tag.suggested.mentions-%lld" = "%lld Erwähnungen";