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# [Threaded](https://apps.lumaa.fr/app/threaded)
> The app is currently being tested on TestFlight and will be hitting the App Store later this year.
[Threaded](https://apps.lumaa.fr/app/threaded) is a very simple [#Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org) client, that is meant to look like the newest social media [#Threads](https://threads.net/) made by Meta Platforms. It integrates perfectly with your Mastodon account, and matches the Threads vibe, while having Mastodon-only features.
Threaded is free, made in SwiftUI, [#OpenSource](https://github.com/lumaa-dev/ThreadedApp), and doesn't violate [#YourPrivacy](https://apps.lumaa.fr/legal/privacy). Follow the [#ThreadedAccount](https://mastodon.online/@Threaded) on Mastodon, for progress, updates, polls, and more...
Threaded **will** also includes its own premium service, available as a subscription and lifetime payment, called Threaded+ (or Plus for short). Plus only adds additional features to Threaded, you don't need a subscription to like, post, bookmark, or use any primary Mastodon feature. Currently, all available Threaded+ features are free, until further notice.
With Threaded+, you can have a better Content Filter, you can save attachments, you get exclusive sneak peeks to Threaded's next updates, and other premium features!
Join the Threaded Discord server to receive help, talk about the Fediverse, and many other things: [Join Threaded](https://discord.gg/MaHcRbkX46)\
Join the Matrix Space to get support, with full security: [Join #threadedapp:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#threadedapp:matrix.org)
## Credits
> [!NOTE]
> The in-app "Credits" section will be updated more precisely on full release of the app.
- [Lumaa](https://lumaa.fr/) - Developer
- [@Damon](https://mozilla.social/@Damon) - Discord admin
- [IceCubesApp](https://github.com/dimillian/IceCubesApp) by [@Dimillian](https://github.com/dimillian)
- [Instance Blocklist](https://codeberg.org/oliphant/blocklists/raw/branch/main/blocklists/_unified_tier0_blocklist.csv)
## Packages
- [SwiftSoup](https://github.com/scinfu/SwiftSoup)
- [Nuke](https://github.com/kean/Nuke)
- [EmojiText](https://github.com/divadretlaw/EmojiText)
- [KeychainSwift](https://github.com/evgenyneu/keychain-swift)
- [RevenueCat](https://www.revenuecat.com/)
- A derivative of [ProboscisKit](https://github.com/lumaa-dev/ProboscisKit)
## To-do list
- [ ] Fix most bugs and implement features cited with `TODO`
- [ ] Accessibility features
- [x] Infinite scroll
- [ ] Smart deep links (half implemented)
- [ ] Animate T while reloading timeline (branding)
- [x] Launch screen like Threads
- [ ] [Translating](https://www.deepl.com/en/pro-api) posts in other languages (suggested by [@Damon](https://mozilla.social/@Damon))
- [x] Share posts as [images](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/imagerenderer) and copy/share text to clipboard
- [ ] A proper messaging user interface - Later
- [x] [In-app purchases](https://mastodon.online/@Threaded/111813166173390719) and/or subscriptions