11 KiB
1 Anonymous user
1.1 Home screen
The home screen is made up by three components:
- the top bar where you can see the feed type ("All" or "Local"), the instance name "via ..." and the sort type;
- the post list, where for each post you can see the community and creator info, its title, image (if any), URL (if any), number of comments, most recent modification date and the vote;
- the bottom navigation bar, from which you can navigate to other application sections.
The format of each post item (card, compact or full) and the vote format (aggregated, separated, percentage) as well as the font size/face can be configured in the Settings screen.
If you open the menu of the floating action button in the bottom right corner, you can go back to the top or activate the "zombie mode" (i.e. automatic scrolling).
![home screen](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_post_list.png)
![floating action button menu](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_home_fab.png)
1.2 Post detail
By selecting a post you can open the corresponding detail screen.
The detail screen shows the post creator and community info, title, cover image, URL, score and date but also the textual body of the post if it is present.
After the post you can see the comments, each of which displays the creator, date, number of replies and vote.
By using the "…" button you can access an additional menu about the post, e.g. you can see the raw Markdown and inspect/copy its contents.
![post detail](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_post_detail.png)
![see raw post](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_see_raw.png)
1.3 Side menu
In anonymous mode, the side menu gives you the opportunity to change instance (the same menu can be accessed by tapping the "via ..." label in the home top bar).
If your preferred instance is not listed, you can add a new one using the "+" button.
![side menu select instance](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_select_instance.png)
![add instance](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_add_instance.png)
It is possible to reorder items in this list to arrange how instances are displayed.
1.4 Community detail
By tapping on the community info above each post title, you can open the community detail screen, which is very similar to the home (you can activate the zombie mode here too).
If you tap on the "⋮" button in the top right corner you can also access some additional information.
![community detail](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_community_detail.png)
![user info](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_community_info.png)
1.5 User detail
Conversely, if you tap on the user name above the title, you will access the user detail screen where it is possible to see the posts and comments created by that particular user.
If you tap on the "⋮" button in the top right corner you can also access some additional information.
![user detail](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_user_detail.png)
![user info](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_user_info.png)
1.6 Explore
The explore screens allows you to search Lemmy (among All or local feeds) for contents and filter by a query string and result type (post, comment, communities, users or everything).
You can change the result type with the second to last action in the top bar, the available options are:
- posts
- communities
- comments
- users
- URLs.
As in the home screen, you can change the sort type with the last action on the right in the top bar.
1.7 Profile and Inbox
In anonymous mode the profile and inbox screens are just placeholders that invite you to access with an account.
![anonymous profile](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_profile.png)
![anonymous inbox](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_inbox.png)
1.8 Settings
The settings screen allows you to customize the look and behaviour of your app.
- Look and feel:
- Language: choose UI language (app specific);
- UI theme: choose between light, dark, totally dark or system theme;
- Application appearance: opens the configuration screen for colors and fonts of the user interface;
- Content appearance: opens the configuration screen for fonts and style of posts and comments;
- General:
- Default feed type: listing type for the home screen applied by default
- Default post sort type: sort type for the home, community detail and user detail applied by default;
- Default comment sort type: sort type for post detail applied by default to comments;
- Open URLs in external browser: rely on the external browser instead of in-app web view;
- Advanced settings: opens a detailed configuration screen for more advanced options;
- Include NSFW contents: determine whether NSFW contents are included in the feed by default;
- Blur NSFW images: in home feed and community (unless the community is marked as NSFW as a whole) and user detail when a post is marked as NSFW, and the URL contains an image, the image is blurred;
- Debug:
- Enable crash reporting: if this option is enabled, in case the application crashes you will find the stack trace in a file on your local device (*);
- About this app: shows a dialog with the app versions and some useful shortcuts to reach out to the developers or other members of the community;
- User manual: opens the application manual online (this page).
(*) Look for a file named crash_report.txt
in the Documents directory of the private storage area
reserved for the app, e.g.
via adb or the "Device Explorer" if you are using Android Studio.
![settings first part](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_settings_1.jpg)
![settings second part](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_settings_2.jpg)
1.8.1 Application appearance
This screen allows to configure colors and fonts of the UI:
- Use dynamic colors: (on Android 12+) generate a palette based on your background dominant color;
- Custom theme color: (requires "Use dynamic color" option to be off) generate a palette by choosing a seed color from a predefined list or custom color;
- Comment bar theme: palette of colors used to distinguish nested comments;
- UI font: typeface used for the app UI elements (menus, labels, etc.);
- UI text size: scale factor to apply to the app UI elements;
By the way, if you like Android dynamic colors and you think that on Lemmy there are plenty of beautiful images you could set as your home screen background, have a look at this side project of mine. It is a simple app that allows you to configure remote image sources from the Lemmy-verse, preview how they look like and set them easily as wallpapers for your home and lock screens.
![colors and fonts](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_appearance.jpg)
1.8.2 Content appearance
This screen is useful to configure the aspect of Lemmy contents (usernames, community names, post and comments).
- Text
- Content font family: typeface used for post and comments on Lemmy;
- Title text size:
- Post text size:
- Comment text size:
- Ancillary text size:
- Customizations:
- Post layout: choose a layout (Card, Compact, Full) for posts;
- Use display names for users and communities: if enabled, uses the user display name and the
community title whenever possible, otherwise fallbacks to Lemmy handles (
); - Full height images: show images with scaled width and full height (instead of capping the height) in the feed;
- Vote format: see the score of posts and comments as aggregated (
upvotes - downvotes
), split or percentage (upvotes / (upvotes + downvotes) * 100
); - Comment bar thickness: allows to customize a multiplier applied to the width of comment bar indicating the depth on the left of each comment.
You can see a preview of the result below the list of options.
![settings first part](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/content_appearance_1.jpg)
![settings second part](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/content_appearance_2.jpg)
1.8.3 Advanced settings
This screen contains a series of less frequently used customization options:
- Display:
- Show navigation bar titles: include the section titles in the bottom navigation bar;
- Edge to edge contents: enable the view from top to bottom edge for home, community detail, user detail, post detail and profile to maximize the space dedicated to contents;
- System notification and navigation bar theme: if you enable edge-to-edge display, choosing " Transparent" makes the status and nav bar completely transparent, otherwise they have the system color with a slight alpha to make them more visible;
- Hide navigation bar while scrolling: makes the bottom navigation bar invisible while scrolling down to maximize the space dedicated to contents;
- Reading and contents:
- Default feed type for explore: default listing type used in the Explore screen;
- Default language in editor: language for newly created posts and comments;
- Disable infinite scrolling: if this option is enabled, instead of automatically fetching new contents while scrolling (in home, community detail, post detail, user detail) an explicit " Load more" button is shown, in order to prevent the "doom scrolling" effect;
- Automatically expand comments: expand all comment threads while opening the post detail;
- Zombie mode interval duration: amount of time between automatic scroll in "lazy mode";
- Zombie mode scroll amount: translation amount for the automatic scroll in "lazy mode";
- Pictures
- Automatically load images: load images and videos automatically in post and comments;
- Save images in specific subdirectories: use the community or user handle to save images when downloading them into your Gallery;
- Experiments:
- Search posts only in title: enable exact match in the Explore section while searching posts;
![settings first part](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/anon_advanced_settings.jpg)
1.9 Moderation log
The moderation log can be accessed from the community detail using the "⋮" button. It contains a list of all the actions that happened for that given community, e.g.:
- users being promoted (or removed) to moderator;
- posts and comments being removed/restored;
- posts being locked (prevent further comments) or unlocked;
- posts being featured;
- comments being marked as distinguished;
- community being transferred.
![moderation log](/Lemmy/Raccoon/media/commit/ff2471ef3cbc0b72c1adc3c85d1d93811fb38cd1/docs/user_manual/images/logged_modlog.jpg)