tg bebb2d2254 EXPERIMENTAL optimisation for “sh -c 'foo'” to equal “sh -c 'exit foo'” iff
several conditions are met as outlined below; for more background, refer to

We don’t yet optimise 「% sh -c '{ echo a; sleep 10;}&'; sleep 1; ps T」 so
the FreeBSD® sh approach cannot work for us, but scanning the “sh -c” argu‐
ment for disallowed characters and, if not, setting a flag that enables the
shell to exec the tree when parsed as TCOM *and not c_trap()* was possible.

Disallowed characters are currently C_QUOTE except space, that is:
Tab Newline " # $ & ' ( ) * ; < = > ? [ \ ] ` |

This should catch all cases of magic, variables, subshells, pipelines, etc.
2012-10-21 21:26:41 +00:00
2010-07-17 22:09:40 +00:00
2012-06-28 20:14:17 +00:00
2012-07-30 21:37:17 +00:00
MirBSD Korn Shell for Jehanne
6.7 MiB
C 57.6%
Shell 26%
Roff 13.3%
Perl 2.6%
Makefile 0.5%