• rework hash table interna to avoid gcc-4.1 on Debian etch bug
• also improve behaviour with _a lot_ (>2²⁸) entries • while here, improve comments and whitespace
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# $MirOS: src/bin/mksh/check.t,v 1.461 2011/06/05 16:49:54 tg Exp $
# $MirOS: src/bin/mksh/check.t,v 1.462 2011/06/05 19:58:16 tg Exp $
# $OpenBSD: bksl-nl.t,v 1.2 2001/01/28 23:04:56 niklas Exp $
# $OpenBSD: history.t,v 1.5 2001/01/28 23:04:56 niklas Exp $
# $OpenBSD: read.t,v 1.3 2003/03/10 03:48:16 david Exp $
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
# http://www.research.att.com/~gsf/public/ifs.sh
@(#)MIRBSD KSH R40 2011/06/04
@(#)MIRBSD KSH R40 2011/06/05
Check version of shell.
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
#include <locale.h>
__RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/main.c,v 1.192 2011/06/04 16:42:30 tg Exp $");
__RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/main.c,v 1.193 2011/06/05 19:58:18 tg Exp $");
extern char **environ;
@ -206,8 +206,9 @@ main(int argc, const char *argv[])
ccp = empty_argv[0];
/* define built-in commands and see if we were called as one */
ktinit(&builtins, APERM,
/* must be 80% of 2^n (currently 44 builtins) */ 64);
ktinit(APERM, &builtins,
/* currently 50 builtins -> 80% of 64 (2^6) */
for (i = 0; mkshbuiltins[i].name != NULL; i++)
if (!strcmp(ccp, builtin(mkshbuiltins[i].name,
@ -235,10 +236,10 @@ main(int argc, const char *argv[])
/* set up variable and command dictionaries */
ktinit(&taliases, APERM, 0);
ktinit(&aliases, APERM, 0);
ktinit(APERM, &taliases, 0);
ktinit(APERM, &aliases, 0);
ktinit(&homedirs, APERM, 0);
ktinit(APERM, &homedirs, 0);
/* define shell keywords */
@ -1442,53 +1443,48 @@ maketemp(Area *ap, Temp_type type, struct temp **tlist)
* but with a slightly tweaked implementation written from scratch.
#define INIT_TBLS 8 /* initial table size (power of 2) */
#define INIT_TBLSHIFT 3 /* initial table shift (2^3 = 8) */
#define PERTURB_SHIFT 5 /* see Python 2.5.4 Objects/dictobject.c */
static void texpand(struct table *, size_t);
static void tgrow(struct table *);
static int tnamecmp(const void *, const void *);
static struct tbl *ktscan(struct table *, const char *, uint32_t,
struct tbl ***);
static void
texpand(struct table *tp, size_t nsize)
tgrow(struct table *tp)
size_t i, j, osize = tp->size, perturb;
size_t i, j, osize, mask, perturb;
struct tbl *tblp, **pp;
struct tbl **ntblp, **otblp = tp->tbls;
i = 1;
i <<= 30;
if (nsize > i)
if (tp->tshift > 29)
internal_errorf("hash table size limit reached");
ntblp = alloc2(nsize, sizeof(struct tbl *), tp->areap);
memset(ntblp, 0, nsize * sizeof(struct tbl *));
tp->size = nsize;
if (nsize == i) {
/* cannot be grown any more, use a fixed value */
tp->nfree = i - 65536;
} else /* (nsize < 2^30) */ {
/* table can get 80% full */
tp->nfree = (nsize * 4) / 5;
/* calculate old size, new shift and new size */
osize = 1 << (tp->tshift++);
i = osize << 1;
ntblp = alloc2(i, sizeof(struct tbl *), tp->areap);
/* multiplication cannot overflow: alloc2 checked that */
memset(ntblp, 0, i * sizeof(struct tbl *));
/* table can get 80% full except when reaching its limit */
tp->nfree = (tp->tshift == 30) ? 0x3FFF0000UL : ((i * 4) / 5);
tp->tbls = ntblp;
if (otblp == NULL)
/* from here on nsize := mask */
mask = i - 1;
for (i = 0; i < osize; i++)
if ((tblp = otblp[i]) != NULL) {
if ((tblp->flag & DEFINED)) {
/* search for free hash table slot */
j = (perturb = tblp->ua.hval) & nsize;
j = (perturb = tblp->ua.hval) & mask;
goto find_first_empty_slot;
j = (j << 2) + j + perturb + 1;
perturb >>= PERTURB_SHIFT;
pp = &ntblp[j & nsize];
pp = &ntblp[j & mask];
if (*pp != NULL)
goto find_next_empty_slot;
/* found an empty hash table slot */
@ -1502,23 +1498,23 @@ texpand(struct table *tp, size_t nsize)
ktinit(struct table *tp, Area *ap, size_t tsize)
ktinit(Area *ap, struct table *tp, uint8_t initshift)
tp->areap = ap;
tp->tbls = NULL;
tp->size = tp->nfree = 0;
if (tsize)
texpand(tp, tsize);
tp->tshift = ((initshift > INIT_TBLSHIFT) ?
initshift : INIT_TBLSHIFT) - 1;
/* table, name (key) to search for, hash(name), rv pointer to tbl ptr */
static struct tbl *
struct tbl *
ktscan(struct table *tp, const char *name, uint32_t h, struct tbl ***ppp)
size_t j, perturb, mask;
struct tbl **pp, *p;
mask = tp->size - 1;
mask = (1 << (tp->tshift)) - 1;
/* search for hash table slot matching name */
j = (perturb = h) & mask;
goto find_first_slot;
@ -1536,13 +1532,6 @@ ktscan(struct table *tp, const char *name, uint32_t h, struct tbl ***ppp)
return (p);
/* table, name (key) to search for, hash(n) */
struct tbl *
ktsearch(struct table *tp, const char *n, uint32_t h)
return (tp->size ? ktscan(tp, n, h, NULL) : NULL);
/* table, name (key) to enter, hash(n) */
struct tbl *
ktenter(struct table *tp, const char *n, uint32_t h)
@ -1550,15 +1539,13 @@ ktenter(struct table *tp, const char *n, uint32_t h)
struct tbl **pp, *p;
size_t len;
if (tp->size == 0)
texpand(tp, INIT_TBLS);
if ((p = ktscan(tp, n, h, &pp)))
return (p);
if (tp->nfree == 0) {
/* too full */
texpand(tp, 2 * tp->size);
goto Search;
@ -1583,7 +1570,7 @@ ktenter(struct table *tp, const char *n, uint32_t h)
ktwalk(struct tstate *ts, struct table *tp)
ts->left = tp->size;
ts->left = 1 << (tp->tshift);
ts->next = tp->tbls;
@ -1613,16 +1600,19 @@ ktsort(struct table *tp)
size_t i;
struct tbl **p, **sp, **dp;
/* tp->size + 1 will not overflow */
p = alloc2(tp->size + 1, sizeof(struct tbl *), ATEMP);
* since the table is never entirely full, no need to reserve
* additional space for the trailing NULL appended below
i = 1 << (tp->tshift);
p = alloc2(i, sizeof(struct tbl *), ATEMP);
sp = tp->tbls; /* source */
dp = p; /* dest */
i = (size_t)tp->size;
while (i--)
if ((*dp = *sp++) != NULL && (((*dp)->flag & DEFINED) ||
((*dp)->flag & ARRAY)))
qsort(p, (i = dp - p), sizeof(void *), tnamecmp);
qsort(p, (i = dp - p), sizeof(struct tbl *), tnamecmp);
p[i] = NULL;
return (p);
@ -151,9 +151,9 @@
#ifdef EXTERN
__RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/sh.h,v 1.473 2011/06/04 16:42:31 tg Exp $");
__RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/sh.h,v 1.474 2011/06/05 19:58:19 tg Exp $");
#define MKSH_VERSION "R40 2011/06/04"
#define MKSH_VERSION "R40 2011/06/05"
@ -935,8 +935,8 @@ extern struct shf shf_iob[];
struct table {
Area *areap; /* area to allocate entries */
struct tbl **tbls; /* hashed table items */
uint32_t size; /* table size (always 2^n) */
uint32_t nfree; /* free table entries */
uint8_t tshift; /* table size (2^tshift) */
struct tbl { /* table item */
@ -1682,8 +1682,10 @@ void coproc_write_close(int);
int coproc_getfd(int, const char **);
void coproc_cleanup(int);
struct temp *maketemp(Area *, Temp_type, struct temp **);
void ktinit(struct table *, Area *, size_t);
struct tbl *ktsearch(struct table *, const char *, uint32_t);
void ktinit(Area *, struct table *, uint8_t);
struct tbl *ktscan(struct table *, const char *, uint32_t, struct tbl ***);
/* table, name (key) to search for, hash(n) */
#define ktsearch(tp, s, h) ktscan((tp), (s), (h), NULL)
struct tbl *ktenter(struct table *, const char *, uint32_t);
#define ktdelete(p) do { p->flag = 0; } while (/* CONSTCOND */ 0)
void ktwalk(struct tstate *, struct table *);
@ -1783,8 +1785,8 @@ struct tbl *typeset(const char *, Tflag, Tflag, int, int)
MKSH_A_NONNULL((__nonnull__ (1)));
void unset(struct tbl *, int);
const char *skip_varname(const char *, int);
const char *skip_wdvarname(const char *, int);
int is_wdvarname(const char *, int);
const char *skip_wdvarname(const char *, bool);
int is_wdvarname(const char *, bool);
int is_wdvarassign(const char *);
struct tbl *arraysearch(struct tbl *, uint32_t);
char **makenv(void);
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#include "sh.h"
__RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/syn.c,v 1.66 2011/06/04 16:11:20 tg Exp $");
__RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/syn.c,v 1.67 2011/06/05 19:58:20 tg Exp $");
extern short subshell_nesting_level;
@ -794,9 +794,9 @@ initkeywords(void)
struct tokeninfo const *tt;
struct tbl *p;
ktinit(&keywords, APERM,
/* must be 80% of 2^n (currently 28 keywords) */
ktinit(APERM, &keywords,
/* currently 28 keywords -> 80% of 64 (2^6) */
for (tt = tokentab; tt->name; tt++) {
if (tt->reserved) {
p = ktenter(&keywords, tt->name, hash(tt->name));
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
__RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/var.c,v 1.122 2011/05/29 02:18:57 tg Exp $");
__RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/var.c,v 1.123 2011/06/05 19:58:20 tg Exp $");
* Variables
* WARNING: unreadable code, needs a rewrite
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ __RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/var.c,v 1.122 2011/05/29 02:18:57 tg Exp $");
* otherwise, (val.s + type) contains string value.
* if (flag&EXPORT), val.s contains "name=value" for E-Z exporting.
static struct tbl vtemp;
static struct table specials;
static uint32_t lcg_state = 5381;
@ -66,7 +67,8 @@ newblock(void)
l = alloc(sizeof(struct block), ATEMP);
l->flags = 0;
ainit(&l->area); /* todo: could use e->area (l->area => l->areap) */
/* TODO: could use e->area (l->area => l->areap) */
if (!e->loc) {
l->argc = 0;
l->argv = empty;
@ -75,8 +77,8 @@ newblock(void)
l->argv = e->loc->argv;
l->exit = l->error = NULL;
ktinit(&l->vars, &l->area, 0);
ktinit(&l->funs, &l->area, 0);
ktinit(&l->area, &l->vars, 0);
ktinit(&l->area, &l->funs, 0);
l->next = e->loc;
e->loc = l;
@ -87,12 +89,15 @@ newblock(void)
ssize_t i;
struct block *l = e->loc;
struct tbl *vp, **vpp = l->vars.tbls, *vq;
int i;
e->loc = l->next; /* pop block */
for (i = l->vars.size; --i >= 0; )
/* pop block */
e->loc = l->next;
i = 1 << (l->vars.tshift);
while (--i >= 0)
if ((vp = *vpp++) != NULL && (vp->flag&SPECIAL)) {
if ((vq = global(vp->name))->flag & ISSET)
@ -115,6 +120,7 @@ enum var_specs {
/* this is biased with -1 relative to VARSPEC_ENUMS */
static const char * const initvar_names[] = {
#include "var_spec.h"
@ -126,8 +132,9 @@ initvar(void)
int i = 0;
struct tbl *tp;
ktinit(&specials, APERM,
/* must be 80% of 2^n (currently 12 specials) */ 16);
ktinit(APERM, &specials,
/* currently 12 specials -> 80% of 16 (2^4) */
while (i < V_MAX - 1) {
tp = ktenter(&specials, initvar_names[i],
@ -136,8 +143,9 @@ initvar(void)
/* Used to calculate an array index for global()/local(). Sets *arrayp to
* true if this is an array, sets *valp to the array index, returns
* Used to calculate an array index for global()/local(). Sets *arrayp
* to true if this is an array, sets *valp to the array index, returns
* the basename of the array.
static const char *
@ -179,7 +187,7 @@ array_index_calc(const char *n, bool *arrayp, uint32_t *valp)
char *sub, *tmp;
mksh_ari_t rval;
/* Calculate the value of the subscript */
/* calculate the value of the subscript */
*arrayp = true;
strndupx(tmp, p + 1, len - 2, ATEMP);
sub = substitute(tmp, 0);
@ -234,7 +242,7 @@ global(const char *n)
vp->val.i = kshpid;
case '!':
/* If no job, expand to nothing */
/* if no job, expand to nothing */
if ((vp->val.i = j_async()) == 0)
vp->flag &= ~(ISSET|INTEGER);
@ -284,7 +292,7 @@ local(const char *n, bool copy)
bool array;
uint32_t h, val;
/* Check to see if this is an array */
/* check to see if this is an array */
n = array_index_calc(n, &array, &val);
h = hash(n);
if (!ksh_isalphx(*n)) {
@ -327,18 +335,23 @@ str_val(struct tbl *vp)
if ((vp->flag&SPECIAL))
if (!(vp->flag&ISSET))
s = null; /* special to dollar() */
else if (!(vp->flag&INTEGER)) /* string source */
/* special to dollar() */
s = null;
else if (!(vp->flag&INTEGER))
/* string source */
s = vp->val.s + vp->type;
else { /* integer source */
/* worst case number length is when base=2 */
/* 1 (minus) + 2 (base, up to 36) + 1 ('#') + number of bits
* in the mksh_uari_t + 1 (NUL) */
else {
/* integer source */
mksh_uari_t n;
int base;
* worst case number length is when base == 2:
* 1 (minus) + 2 (base, up to 36) + 1 ('#') +
* number of bits in the mksh_uari_t + 1 (NUL)
char strbuf[1 + 2 + 1 + 8 * sizeof(mksh_uari_t) + 1];
const char *digits = (vp->flag & UCASEV_AL) ?
digits_uc : digits_lc;
mksh_uari_t n;
int base;
s = strbuf + sizeof(strbuf);
if (vp->flag & INT_U)
@ -375,7 +388,8 @@ str_val(struct tbl *vp)
if (!(vp->flag & INT_U) && vp->val.i < 0)
*--s = '-';
if (vp->flag & (RJUST|LJUST)) /* case already dealt with */
if (vp->flag & (RJUST|LJUST))
/* case already dealt with */
s = formatstr(vp, s);
strdupx(s, s, ATEMP);
@ -411,7 +425,8 @@ setstr(struct tbl *vq, const char *s, int error_ok)
return (0);
if (!(vq->flag&INTEGER)) { /* string dest */
if (!(vq->flag&INTEGER)) {
/* string dest */
if ((vq->flag&ALLOC)) {
/* debugging */
if (s >= vq->val.s &&
@ -431,7 +446,8 @@ setstr(struct tbl *vq, const char *s, int error_ok)
strdupx(vq->val.s, s, vq->areap);
vq->flag |= ALLOC;
} else { /* integer dest */
} else {
/* integer dest */
if (!v_evaluate(vq, s, error_ok, true))
return (0);
@ -539,7 +555,8 @@ getint(struct tbl *vp, mksh_ari_t *nump, bool arith)
return (base);
/* convert variable vq to integer variable, setting its value from vp
* convert variable vq to integer variable, setting its value from vp
* (vq and vp may be the same)
struct tbl *
@ -575,7 +592,8 @@ formatstr(struct tbl *vp, const char *s)
olen = utf_mbswidth(s);
if (vp->flag & (RJUST|LJUST)) {
if (!vp->u2.field) /* default field width */
if (!vp->u2.field)
/* default field width */
vp->u2.field = olen;
nlen = vp->u2.field;
} else
@ -660,16 +678,17 @@ exportprep(struct tbl *vp, const char *val)
memcpy(vp->val.s = xp, vp->name, namelen);
xp += namelen;
*xp++ = '=';
vp->type = xp - vp->val.s; /* offset to value */
/* offset to value */
vp->type = xp - vp->val.s;
memcpy(xp, val, vallen);
if (op != NULL)
afree(op, vp->areap);
* lookup variable (according to (set&LOCAL)),
* LCASEV, UCASEV_AL), and optionally set its value if an assignment.
* lookup variable (according to (set&LOCAL)), set its attributes
* UCASEV_AL), and optionally set its value if an assignment.
struct tbl *
typeset(const char *var, Tflag set, Tflag clr, int field, int base)
@ -694,11 +713,12 @@ typeset(const char *var, Tflag set, Tflag clr, int field, int base)
len = array_ref_len(val);
if (len == 0)
return (NULL);
/* IMPORT is only used when the shell starts up and is
* IMPORT is only used when the shell starts up and is
* setting up its environment. Allow only simple array
* references at this time since parameter/command substitution
* is preformed on the [expression] which would be a major
* security hole.
* references at this time since parameter/command
* substitution is preformed on the [expression] which
* would be a major security hole.
if (set & IMPORT) {
int i;
@ -715,7 +735,7 @@ typeset(const char *var, Tflag set, Tflag clr, int field, int base)
vappend = true;
} else {
/* Importing from original environment: must have an = */
/* importing from original environment: must have an = */
if (set & IMPORT)
return (NULL);
strdupx(tvar, var, ATEMP);
@ -727,7 +747,7 @@ typeset(const char *var, Tflag set, Tflag clr, int field, int base)
tvar[len-3] = '\0';
/* Prevent typeset from creating a local PATH/ENV/SHELL */
/* prevent typeset from creating a local PATH/ENV/SHELL */
if (Flag(FRESTRICTED) && (strcmp(tvar, "PATH") == 0 ||
strcmp(tvar, "ENV") == 0 || strcmp(tvar, "SHELL") == 0))
errorf("%s: %s", tvar, "restricted");
@ -740,7 +760,7 @@ typeset(const char *var, Tflag set, Tflag clr, int field, int base)
if (vp->flag & ARRAY) {
struct tbl *a, *tmp;
/* Free up entire array */
/* free up entire array */
for (a = vp->u.array; a; ) {
tmp = a;
a = a->u.array;
@ -773,8 +793,9 @@ typeset(const char *var, Tflag set, Tflag clr, int field, int base)
if (set | clr) {
bool ok = true;
/* XXX if x[0] isn't set, there will be problems: need to have
* one copy of attributes for arrays...
* XXX if x[0] isn't set, there will be problems: need
* to have one copy of attributes for arrays...
for (t = vpbase; t; t = t->u.array) {
bool fake_assign;
@ -847,7 +868,7 @@ typeset(const char *var, Tflag set, Tflag clr, int field, int base)
if (vp->flag&INTEGER) {
/* do not zero base before assignment */
setstr(vp, val, KSH_UNWIND_ERROR | 0x4);
/* Done after assignment to override default */
/* done after assignment to override default */
if (base > 0)
vp->type = base;
} else
@ -879,7 +900,7 @@ unset(struct tbl *vp, int flags)
if ((vp->flag & ARRAY) && (flags & 1)) {
struct tbl *a, *tmp;
/* Free up entire array */
/* free up entire array */
for (a = vp->u.array; a; ) {
tmp = a;
a = a->u.array;
@ -893,15 +914,17 @@ unset(struct tbl *vp, int flags)
vp->flag &= ~(ALLOC|ISSET);
/* If foo[0] is being unset, the remainder of the array is kept... */
/* if foo[0] is being unset, the remainder of the array is kept... */
vp->flag &= SPECIAL | ((flags & 1) ? 0 : ARRAY|DEFINED);
if (vp->flag & SPECIAL)
unsetspec(vp); /* responsible for 'unspecial'ing var */
/* responsible for 'unspecial'ing var */
/* return a pointer to the first char past a legal variable name (returns the
* argument if there is no legal name, returns a pointer to the terminating
* NUL if whole string is legal).
* Return a pointer to the first char past a legal variable name
* (returns the argument if there is no legal name, returns a pointer to
* the terminating NUL if whole string is legal).
const char *
skip_varname(const char *s, int aok)
@ -920,7 +943,8 @@ skip_varname(const char *s, int aok)
/* Return a pointer to the first character past any legal variable name */
const char *
skip_wdvarname(const char *s,
int aok) /* skip array de-reference? */
/* skip array de-reference? */
bool aok)
if (s[0] == CHAR && ksh_isalphx(s[1])) {
do {
@ -951,7 +975,7 @@ skip_wdvarname(const char *s,
/* Check if coded string s is a variable name */
is_wdvarname(const char *s, int aok)
is_wdvarname(const char *s, bool aok)
const char *p = skip_wdvarname(s, aok);
@ -974,14 +998,16 @@ is_wdvarassign(const char *s)
char **
ssize_t i;
struct block *l;
XPtrV denv;
struct tbl *vp, **vpp;
int i;
XPinit(denv, 64);
for (l = e->loc; l != NULL; l = l->next)
for (vpp = l->vars.tbls, i = l->vars.size; --i >= 0; )
for (l = e->loc; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
vpp = l->vars.tbls;
i = 1 << (l->vars.tshift);
while (--i >= 0)
if ((vp = *vpp++) != NULL &&
(vp->flag&(ISSET|EXPORT)) == (ISSET|EXPORT)) {
struct block *l2;
@ -1004,6 +1030,7 @@ makenv(void)
XPput(denv, vp->val.s);
XPput(denv, NULL);
return ((char **)XPclose(denv));
@ -1119,8 +1146,9 @@ setspec(struct tbl *vp)
afree(tmpdir, APERM);
tmpdir = NULL;
/* Use tmpdir iff it is an absolute path, is writable and
* searchable and is a directory...
* Use tmpdir iff it is an absolute path, is writable
* and searchable and is a directory...
struct stat statb;
@ -1223,7 +1251,8 @@ unsetspec(struct tbl *vp)
case V_LINENO:
case V_RANDOM:
case V_TMOUT: /* AT&T ksh leaves previous value in place */
case V_TMOUT:
/* AT&T ksh leaves previous value in place */
@ -1248,7 +1277,7 @@ arraysearch(struct tbl *vp, uint32_t val)
size_t len;
vp->flag = (vp->flag | (ARRAY|DEFINED)) & ~ASSOC;
/* The table entry is always [0] */
/* the table entry is always [0] */
if (val == 0)
return (vp);
prev = vp;
@ -1275,16 +1304,18 @@ arraysearch(struct tbl *vp, uint32_t val)
news->u2.field = vp->u2.field;
news->ua.index = val;
if (curr != news) { /* not reusing old array entry */
if (curr != news) {
/* not reusing old array entry */
prev->u.array = news;
news->u.array = curr;
return (news);
/* Return the length of an array reference (eg, [1+2]) - cp is assumed
* to point to the open bracket. Returns 0 if there is no matching closing
* bracket.
* Return the length of an array reference (eg, [1+2]) - cp is assumed
* to point to the open bracket. Returns 0 if there is no matching
* closing bracket.
array_ref_len(const char *cp)
@ -1352,7 +1383,7 @@ set_array(const char *var, bool reset, const char **vals)
/* trash existing values and attributes */
unset(vp, 1);
* todo: would be nice for assignment to completely succeed or
* TODO: would be nice for assignment to completely succeed or
* completely fail. Only really effects integer arrays:
* evaluation of some of vals[] may fail...
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#if defined(VARSPEC_DEFNS)
__RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/var_spec.h,v 1.1 2009/09/26 03:40:03 tg Exp $");
__RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/var_spec.h,v 1.2 2011/06/05 19:58:21 tg Exp $");
#define FN(name) /* nothing */
#elif defined(VARSPEC_ENUMS)
#define FN(name) V_##name,
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ __RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/var_spec.h,v 1.1 2009/09/26 03:40:03 tg Exp $");
#define F0 FN
/* NOTE: F0 are skipped for the ITEMS array, only FN generate names */
/* 0 is always V_NONE */
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