more from cid 1004A2D72DD5A4E4B4F tried to be fixed in 1004A300A72701188E3
but I’d appreciate someone who actually uses Vi Mode to test it:
Revision 1.26: [7]download - view: [8]text, [9]markup, [10]annotated - [11]select for diffs
Mon Jun 29 22:50:19 2009 UTC (5 days, 14 hours ago) by martynas
Branches: [12]MAIN
CVS tags: [13]OPENBSD_4_6_BASE, [14]OPENBSD_4_6, [15]HEAD
Diff to: previous 1.25: [16]preferred, [17]coloured
Changes since revision 1.25: +10 -5 lines
make VSEARCH werase act like regular werase after the last change.
vi back-words and emacs kill-region are not completely the same.
ok merdely@, millert@. "Get it in" Darrin Chandler
"make ksh vi mode handle werase more like vi. It's really irritating to
have whole paths go away on ^W instead of just the last bit."
"That looks right to me" millert@, "YES kthx bye!" thib@
.oO(there are vi mode users?) We are not GNU bash, good idea! tg@
"let --" was crashing ksh; found by Various other expressions
involving ++ and -- also ran into this. Insufficient checks for end of parse in
the tokenizer made it assume that an lvalue had been found
Revision 1.129: [7]download - view: [8]text, [9]markup, [10]annotated - [11]select for diffs
Thu May 28 06:09:06 2009 UTC (3 days, 11 hours ago) by jmc
Branches: [12]MAIN
CVS tags: [13]HEAD
Diff to: previous 1.128: [14]preferred, [15]coloured
Changes since revision 1.128: +6 -6 lines
fix missing bracket by slightly rewriting; from Alan R. S. Bueno
QNX 6.4 is out, which has a different waitfor() in <libutil.h>, which
we by definition of __NO_EXT_QNX do not want to use. They are in the
process of porting the NetBSD® pkgsrc® repository to it.
The /bin/ed situation hasn’t improved yet though.
starting with an ‘!’ exclamation mark at the beginning of a com-
mand (PS1 not PS2), shall have the same effect as the predefined
“r” alias, to be compatible with csh and GNU bash’s “!string” to
«Execute last used command starting with string» – documentation
and feature request provided by wbx@ (Waldemar Brodkorb)
and it actually REDUCES code size to allow it as well; mention
in the manpage that it’s merely unportable (and of course exe-
cution time differs); sync clog
• expose “#ifdef MKSH_MIDNIGHTBSD01ASH_COMPAT” just in case they decide to
require it and show it in the ksh version automatically
• sync the use of non-ASCII characters over files (unification)
│ Fix usage string for mknod builtin.
but don’t do a binary change as it doesn’t actually change anything
XXX fix all these usages anyway
XXX cd: cd: /home/tg/... - No such file or directory
XXX /bin/mksh: mknod: usage: mknod [-m mode] name [b | c] major minor
XXX /bin/mksh: mknod: mknod: No such file or directory
XXX etc. – but find out what POSuX demands ☹
fix the regression test’s results while here, which have been
broken since cid 10049D9BE5254CE65B8
• get rid of separate copyright file which was intended for De-
bian; track down commits in all files of oksh-mirbsd and mksh
to get correct copyright years per-file, as is BSD custom