
28 lines
762 B

# Contributing
## Repository structure
├── main.dart # App entry
├── graphql
│   ├── # GraphQL queries
├── models
│   ├── # Provider models and other JSON models
├── router.dart # Routers here
├── scaffolds
│   ├── # Several scaffolds for reducing boilerplate code
├── screens
│   ├── gh_xxx.dart # GitHub screens
│   ├── bb_xxx.dart # Bitbucket screens
│   ├── gl_xxx.dart # GitLab screens
│   ├── gt_xxx.dart # Gitea screens
│   └── # File with no prefix: common screens
├── utils
│   ├── # Utilities
└── widgets
└── # Reusable widgets
Feel free to open an issue to discuss it if you get stuck.