
853 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"trending": "В тренді",
"@trending": {
"description": "Trending"
"search": "Пошук",
"@search": {
"description": "The Search tab"
"me": "Я",
"@me": {
"description": "The Me tab"
"pinnedRepositories": "Закріплені репозиторії",
"@pinnedRepositories": {
"description": "pinned repositories"
"news": "Новини",
"@news": {
"description": "The News tab"
"events": "Події",
"@events": {
"description": "events for a user"
"repositories": "Репозиторії",
"@repositories": {
"description": "repository text"
"unfollow": "Відписатися",
"@unfollow": {
"description": "unfollow someone"
"follow": "Підписатися",
"@follow": {
"description": "follow someone"
"stars": "Зірки",
"@stars": {
"description": "stars on a repo"
"followers": "Підписники",
"@followers": {
"description": "followers for a person"
"reviewPermissions": "Переглянути дозволи",
"@reviewPermissions": {
"description": "review Permissions"
"gitlabStatus": "Статус GitLab",
"@gitlabStatus": {
"description": "GitLab status"
"giteaStatus": "Статус Gitea",
"@giteaStatus": {
"description": "Gitea status"
"switchAccounts": "Переключити акаунти",
"@switchAccounts": {
"description": "Switch accounts"
"brightness": "Яскравість",
"@brightness": {
"description": "brightness"
"followSystem": "Як у системі",
"@followSystem": {
"description": "follow systems setting"
"light": "Світлий",
"@light": {
"description": "light mode"
"dark": "Темний",
"@dark": {
"description": "dark mode"
"codeTheme": "Тема коду",
"@codeTheme": {
"description": "code theme"
"markdownRenderEngine": "Механізм візуалізації Markdown",
"@markdownRenderEngine": {
"description": "flutter or webview rendering for markdown"
"feedback": "зворотній зв'язок",
"@feedback": {
"description": "provide feedback"
"submitAnIssue": "Надіслати проблему",
"@submitAnIssue": {
"description": "submit issue for app"
"submit": "Надіслати",
"@submit": {
"description": "submit button text"
"rateThisApp": "Оцініть цей застосунок",
"@rateThisApp": {
"description": "rate the app"
"email": "Ел. пошта",
"@email": {
"description": "Email to report issues"
"about": "Про додаток",
"@about": {
"description": "about section"
"version": "Версія",
"@version": {
"description": "app version"
"sourceCode": "Вихідний код",
"@sourceCode": {
"description": "source code for app"
"repository": "Репозиторій",
"@repository": {
"description": "Repository screen title"
"repositoryActions": "Дії в репозиторії",
"@repositoryActions": {
"description": "Repository Actions"
"projects": "Проекти",
"@projects": {
"description": "projects"
"releases": "Релізи",
"@releases": {
"description": "releases"
"released": "випущено",
"@released": {
"description": "released"
"watchers": "Спостерігачі",
"@watchers": {
"description": "watchers"
"forks": "Форки",
"@forks": {
"description": "forks"
"commits": "Коміти",
"@commits": {
"description": "Commits"
"branches": "Гілки",
"@branches": {
"description": "branches"
"contributors": "Автори",
"@contributors": {
"description": "contributors"
"unread": "Непрочитане",
"@unread": {
"description": "unread"
"developers": "Розробники",
"@developers": {
"description": "developers"
"explore": "Дослідження",
"@explore": {
"description": "explore"
"teams": "Команди",
"@teams": {
"description": "teams"
"file": "Файл",
"@file": {
"description": "file"
"groups": "Групи",
"@groups": {
"description": "groups"
"mergeRequests": "Запити на об'єднання",
"@mergeRequests": {
"description": "Merge request"
"activity": "Діяльність",
"@activity": {
"description": "activity"
"project": "Проект",
"@project": {
"description": "project"
"selectAccount": "Виберіть обліковий запис",
"@selectAccount": {
"description": "select account message"
"removeAccount": "Видалити обліковий запис",
"@removeAccount": {
"description": "remove account"
"githubAccount": "Обліковий запис GitHub",
"@githubAccount": {
"description": "Gitea Account"
"permissionRequiredMessage": "GitTouch потребує таких дозволів",
"@permissionRequiredMessage": {
"description": "Permission Required Message"
"notFoundMessage": "Не знайдено",
"@notFoundMessage": {
"description": "Not found page header"
"group": "Група",
"@group": {
"description": "group"
"code": "Код",
"@code": {
"description": "Code"
"syntaxHighlighting": "ПІДСВІЧУВАННЯ СИНТАКСИСУ",
"@syntaxHighlighting": {
"description": "Syntax Highlighting"
"fontSize": "Розмір шрифту",
"@fontSize": {
"description": "font size"
"reloadMessage": "Застосунок перезавантажиться, щоб налаштування мови вступило в силу",
"@reloadMessage": {
"description": "Reload message"
"title": "Назва",
"@title": {
"description": "title"
"body": "Тіло",
"@body": {
"description": "body"
"timelineTypeNotImplemented": "Тип ще не реалізовано",
"@timelineTypeNotImplemented": {
"description": "Timeline type not implemented"
"pullRequestCommitMessage": "додано комміт {commit}",
"@pullRequestCommitMessage": {
"description": "pull request commit message",
"placeholders": {
"commit": {
"type": "String"
"crossReferencedEventMessage": "посилається на це",
"@crossReferencedEventMessage": {
"description": "cross referenced event"
"closedEventMessage": "закрив це",
"@closedEventMessage": {
"description": "closed event"
"reopenedEventMessage": "знову відкрив",
"@reopenedEventMessage": {
"description": "reopened event"
"subscribedEventMessage": "підписатись на цю проблему",
"@subscribedEventMessage": {
"description": "subscribed event"
"added": "додано",
"@added": {
"description": "added"
"removed": "видалено",
"@removed": {
"description": "removed"
"label": "мітка",
"@label": {
"description": "label"
"milestonedEventMessage": "додав це до етапу {milestone}",
"@milestonedEventMessage": {
"description": "milestone event",
"placeholders": {
"milestone": {
"type": "String"
"demilestonedEventMessage": "видалено цей етап з {milestone}",
"@demilestonedEventMessage": {
"description": "demilestoned event",
"placeholders": {
"milestone": {
"type": "String"
"renamedTitleEventMessage": "змінив назву на {title} з",
"@renamedTitleEventMessage": {
"description": "changed title event",
"placeholders": {
"title": {
"type": "String"
"unlockedConversationEventMessage": "розблокував цю розмову",
"@unlockedConversationEventMessage": {
"description": "unlocked this conversation"
"transferredEventMessage": "перенесено це питання з {repoName}",
"@transferredEventMessage": {
"description": "transferred event",
"placeholders": {
"repoName": {
"type": "String"
"reviewed": "переглянуто",
"@reviewed": {
"description": "reviewed"
"mergedEventMessage": "об'єднали комміт {commit} в {mergeRefName}",
"@mergedEventMessage": {
"description": "merged event message",
"placeholders": {
"commit": {
"type": "String"
"mergeRefName": {
"type": "String"
"mentionedEventMessage": "було згадано",
"@mentionedEventMessage": {
"description": "was mentioned"
"deploymentEnvironmentChangedEventMessage": "змінено середовище розробки на {devEnv}",
"@deploymentEnvironmentChangedEventMessage": {
"description": "deployment environment changed event",
"placeholders": {
"devEnv": {
"type": "String"
"headRefDeletedEventMessage": "видалено гілку {headRefName}",
"@headRefDeletedEventMessage": {
"description": "head ref deleted event",
"placeholders": {
"headRefName": {
"type": "String"
"fromReviewRequest": "із запиту на перегляд",
"@fromReviewRequest": {
"description": "from the review request"
"reviewDismissedEventMessage": "відхилив розгляд запиту на pull request, про який просили",
"@reviewDismissedEventMessage": {
"description": "dismissed the pull request review requested by"
"notification": "Повідомлення",
"@notification": {
"description": "The Notification tab"
"organizations": "Організації",
"@organizations": {
"description": "organizations for a user"
"popularRepositories": "Популярні репозиторії",
"@popularRepositories": {
"description": "popular repositories"
"members": "Члени",
"@members": {
"description": "members of an organization"
"settings": "Налаштування",
"@settings": {
"description": "settings"
"system": "Система",
"@system": {
"description": "system"
"githubStatus": "Статус GitHub",
"@githubStatus": {
"description": "github status"
"reviewRequestEventMessage": "звернувся з запитом на рецензію до",
"@reviewRequestEventMessage": {
"description": "requested a review from"
"commit": "Коміт",
"@commit": {
"description": "Commit"
"fontStyle": "СТИЛЬ ШРИФТА",
"@fontStyle": {
"description": "font style"
"issues": "Проблеми",
"@issues": {
"description": "issues"
"all": "Усе",
"@all": {
"description": "all"
"files": "Файли",
"@files": {
"description": "file plural"
"actions": "Дії",
"@actions": {
"description": "actions"
"gitlabAccount": "Обліковий запис GitLab",
"@gitlabAccount": {
"description": "Gitlab Account"
"somethingBadHappens": "Щось погане трапилося:",
"@somethingBadHappens": {
"description": "error message"
"longPressToRemoveAccount": "Довге натискання, щоб видалити обліковий запис",
"@longPressToRemoveAccount": {
"description": "Long Press to remove account"
"notFoundTextDisplay": "На жаль, ця сторінка ще не реалізована.",
"@notFoundTextDisplay": {
"description": "Not found error message"
"bitbucketAccount": "Обліковий запис Bitbucket",
"@bitbucketAccount": {
"description": "Bitbucket Account"
"giteaAccount": "Обліковий запис Gitea",
"@giteaAccount": {
"description": "Gitea Account"
"giteeAccount": "Обліковий запис Gitee",
"@giteeAccount": {
"description": "Gitee Account"
"user": "Користувач",
"@user": {
"description": "user"
"fontFamily": "Сімейство шрифтів",
"@fontFamily": {
"description": "Font Family"
"referencedEventMessage": "посилається на цей pull request з комміту {commit} від {repoName}",
"@referencedEventMessage": {
"description": "referenced event",
"placeholders": {
"commit": {
"type": "String"
"repoName": {
"type": "String"
"appLanguage": "Мова застосунку",
"@appLanguage": {
"description": "The app's language"
"theme": "Тема",
"@theme": {
"description": "Theme header text"
"unsubscribedEventMessage": "відписатися від цієї проблеми",
"@unsubscribedEventMessage": {
"description": "unsubscribed event"
"lockedConversationEventMessage": "заблокував цю розмову",
"@lockedConversationEventMessage": {
"description": "locked this conversation"
"approvedChanges": "затвердив ці зміни",
"@approvedChanges": {
"description": "approved these changes"
"checkSuiteEventConclusionMessage": "це {conclusion}",
"@checkSuiteEventConclusionMessage": {
"description": "check suite event conclusion",
"placeholders": {
"conclusion": {
"type": "String"
"headRefRestoredEventMessage": "відновлено гілку {headRefName}",
"@headRefRestoredEventMessage": {
"description": "head ref restored event",
"placeholders": {
"headRefName": {
"type": "String"
"headRefForcedPushedEventSecondMessage": "гілка від",
"@headRefForcedPushedEventSecondMessage": {
"description": "head ref forced pushed event message second half"
"actionRequiredConclusion": "потрібно більше дій",
"@actionRequiredConclusion": {
"description": "it requires more action"
"forGithubAppWithId": "для застосунку Github з id {id}",
"@forGithubAppWithId": {
"description": "for the Github App with id",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"type": "String"
"participating": "Участь",
"@participating": {
"description": "The participating Tab"
"projectActions": "Діяльність проєкту",
"@projectActions": {
"description": "Project Actions"
"checkRunEventMessage": "{action} перевірка для {name}",
"@checkRunEventMessage": {
"description": "check run event",
"placeholders": {
"action": {
"type": "String"
"name": {
"type": "String"
"nCommitsTo": "{count,plural, =1{{count} коміт до} other{{count} комітів до}}",
"@nCommitsTo": {
"description": "no. of commits to a branch",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"type": "String"
"commitCommentEventMessage": "прокоментував коміт на",
"@commitCommentEventMessage": {
"description": "commit comment event message"
"createdPages": "створив сторінки: {pageNames}",
"@createdPages": {
"description": "created pages",
"placeholders": {
"pageNames": {
"type": "String"
"editedPages": "відредагував сторінки: {pageNames}",
"@editedPages": {
"description": "edited pages",
"placeholders": {
"pageAction": {
"type": "String"
"newPermissionsAccepted": "нові дозволи прийнято до дії ",
"@newPermissionsAccepted": {
"description": "new permissions were accepted for"
"wereRemovedFrom": "{repos} було видалено зі встановлення id {id}",
"@wereRemovedFrom": {
"description": "example: repo1,repo2 were removed from the installation id ID",
"placeholders": {
"repos": {
"type": "String"
"id": {
"type": "String"
"cancelledMarketplacePlan": "скасували свій план Marketplace",
"@cancelledMarketplacePlan": {
"description": "cancelled their Marketplace Plan"
"purchasedMarketplacePlan": "придбали тарифний план Marketplace",
"@purchasedMarketplacePlan": {
"description": "purchased a Marketplace Plan"
"pendingMarketplacePlan": "План Marketplace очікує на зміну",
"@pendingMarketplacePlan": {
"description": "Marketplace Plan is pending change"
"projectEventMessage": "{action} проєкт {projectName}",
"@projectEventMessage": {
"description": "the project",
"placeholders": {
"action": {
"type": "String"
"projectName": {
"type": "String"
"made": "зроблений",
"@made": {
"description": "made"
"was": "був",
"@was": {
"description": "was"
"convertProjectCard": "перетворили картку проєкту на проблему",
"@convertProjectCard": {
"description": "converted the project card into an issue"
"pullRequestReviewCommentEventMessage": "перевірений запит на отримання",
"@pullRequestReviewCommentEventMessage": {
"description": "pull request review comment event"
"securityAlertInvolvingPackage": "Попередження системи безпеки про пакет {affectedPackageName} між версіями {affectedRange} було {action}",
"@securityAlertInvolvingPackage": {
"description": "Security alert involving package",
"placeholders": {
"affectedPackageName": {
"type": "String"
"affectedRange": {
"type": "String"
"action": {
"type": "String"
"following": "Слідкувати",
"@following": {
"description": "people followed by a person"
"gists": "Gists",
"@gists": {
"description": "gists for a user"
"flutter": "Flutter",
"@flutter": {
"description": "render flutter for markdown"
"webview": "WebView",
"@webview": {
"description": "render webview for markdown"
"pullRequests": "Запити на витягування",
"@pullRequests": {
"description": "Pull Requests"
"issue": "Проблема",
"@issue": {
"description": "issue"
"assignedEventMessage": "призначив це",
"@assignedEventMessage": {
"description": "assigned event"
"unassignedEventMessage": "скасував це призначення з",
"@unassignedEventMessage": {
"description": "unassigned event"
"pinnedEventMessage": "закріпив цю проблему",
"@pinnedEventMessage": {
"description": "pinned this issue"
"deployedPR": "розгорнуто запит на отримання {headRefName}",
"@deployedPR": {
"description": "deployed the pull request",
"placeholders": {
"headRefName": {
"type": "String"
"headRefForcedPushedEventFirstMessage": "примусово підштовхнув",
"@headRefForcedPushedEventFirstMessage": {
"description": "head ref forced pushed event message first half"
"checkSuiteEventMessage": "{action} набір перевірок і висновок такий",
"@checkSuiteEventMessage": {
"description": "check suite event message conclusion",
"placeholders": {
"action": {
"type": "String"
"contentReferenceEventMessage": "{action} посилання на вміст на",
"@contentReferenceEventMessage": {
"description": "content reference event",
"placeholders": {
"action": {
"type": "String"
"createdEventMessage": "створив {refType} {ref} у",
"@createdEventMessage": {
"description": "created event message",
"placeholders": {
"refType": {
"type": "String"
"ref": {
"type": "String"
"deletedEventMessage": "видалено {refType} {ref} у",
"@deletedEventMessage": {
"description": "deleted event message",
"placeholders": {
"refType": {
"type": "String"
"ref": {
"type": "String"
"forked": "форк",
"@forked": {
"description": "forked"
"wereAddedTo": "{repos} було додано до встановлення id {id}",
"@wereAddedTo": {
"description": "example: repo1,repo2 were added to the installation id ID",
"placeholders": {
"repos": {
"type": "String"
"id": {
"type": "String"
"commentedOn": "прокоментував",
"@commentedOn": {
"description": "commented on"
"at": "у",
"@at": {
"description": "at"
"to": "до",
"@to": {
"description": "to"
"from": "від",
"@from": {
"description": "from"
"pendingChangeCancelled": "Очікуваний план Marketplace був скасований",
"@pendingChangeCancelled": {
"description": "Pending Marketplace Plan was cancelled"
"changedMarketplacePlan": "змінили свій план Marketplace",
"@changedMarketplacePlan": {
"description": "changed their Marketplace Plan"
"theProjectCard": "картка проєкту",
"@theProjectCard": {
"description": "the project card"
"projectColumnEventMessage": "{action} колонка проєкту {projectColumnName} у ",
"@projectColumnEventMessage": {
"description": "the project column",
"placeholders": {
"action": {
"type": "String"
"projectColumnName": {
"type": "String"
"public": "публічний",
"@public": {
"description": "public"
"pullRequestEventMessage": "{action} запит на отримання",
"@pullRequestEventMessage": {
"description": "pull request event",
"placeholders": {
"action": {
"type": "String"
"pullRequestReviewEventMessage": "{action} огляд запиту на отримання",
"@pullRequestReviewEventMessage": {
"description": "pull request review event message",
"placeholders": {
"action": {
"type": "String"
"pushedTo": "підштовхнули до",
"@pushedTo": {
"description": "pushed to"
"securityAdvisory": "Попередження з безпеки щодо {summary} були наступними {action}",
"@securityAdvisory": {
"description": "Security advisory",
"placeholders": {
"summary": {
"type": "String"
"action": {
"type": "String"
"starred": "додано до обраного",
"@starred": {
"description": "starred"
"filesChanged": "{count,plural, =1{{count} файл змінено} other{{count} файлів змінено}}",
"@filesChanged": {
"description": "no. of files changed",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"type": "String"
"blankDiff": "Немає тексту для показу тут",
"@blankDiff": {
"description": "text to show for a blank diff"