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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Module: main
# Author: Roman V. M.
# Created on: 28.11.2014
# License: GPL v.3 https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
from simpleplugin import Plugin
from simpleplugin import Addon
import os
import json
from datetime import datetime
import dateutil.parser
# Create plugin instance
plugin = Plugin()
# Make sure library folder is on the path
os.path.join(plugin.addon.getAddonInfo('path'), 'lib')))
# initialize_gettext
#_ = plugin.initialize_gettext()
connection = None
cache_minutes = int(Addon().get_setting('cache_minutes'))
import libsonic_extra
def popup(text, time=5000, image=None):
title = plugin.addon.getAddonInfo('name')
icon = plugin.addon.getAddonInfo('icon')
xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(%s, %s, %d, %s)' % (title, text,
time, icon))
def get_connection():
global connection
if connection is None:
connected = False
# Create connection
connection = libsonic_extra.SubsonicClient(
Addon().get_setting('insecure') == 'true',
Addon().get_setting('legacyauth') == 'true',
connected = connection.ping()
if connected is False:
popup('Connection error')
return False
return connection
def root(params):
# get connection
connection = get_connection()
if connection is False:
listing = []
menus = {
'artists': {
'name': 'Artists',
'callback': 'list_artists',
'thumb': None
'albums': {
'name': 'Albums',
'callback': 'menu_albums',
'thumb': None
'tracks': {
'name': 'Tracks',
'callback': 'menu_tracks',
'thumb': None
'playlists': {
'name': 'Playlists',
'callback': 'list_playlists',
'thumb': None
# Iterate through categories
for mid in menus:
# image
if 'thumb' in menus[mid]:
thumb = menus[mid]['thumb']
'label': menus[mid]['name'],
'thumb': thumb, # Item thumbnail
'fanart': thumb, # Item thumbnail
'url': plugin.get_url(
}) # Item label
return plugin.create_listing(
#succeeded = True, #if False Kodi wont open a new listing and stays on the current level.
#update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi wont open a sub-listing but refresh the current one.
#cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk.
#sort_methods = None, #he list of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods.
#view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing).
#content = None #string - current plugin content, e.g. movies or episodes.
def menu_albums(params):
# get connection
connection = get_connection()
if connection is False:
listing = []
menus = {
'albums_newest': {
'name': 'Newest albums',
'thumb': None,
'args': {"ltype": "newest"}
'albums_frequent': {
'name': 'Most played albums',
'thumb': None,
'args': {"ltype": "frequent"}
'albums_recent': {
'name': 'Recently played albums',
'thumb': None,
'args': {"ltype": "recent"}
'albums_random': {
'name': 'Random albums',
'thumb': None,
'args': {"ltype": "random"}
# Iterate through categories
for menu_id in menus:
menu = menus.get(menu_id)
# image
if 'thumb' in menu:
thumb = menu.get('thumb')
'label': menu.get('name'),
'thumb': menu.get('thumb'), # Item thumbnail
'fanart': menu.get('thumb'), # Item thumbnail
'url': plugin.get_url(
action= 'list_albums',
page= 1,
query_args= json.dumps(menu.get('args')),
menu_id= menu_id
}) # Item label
return plugin.create_listing(
#succeeded = True, #if False Kodi wont open a new listing and stays on the current level.
#update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi wont open a sub-listing but refresh the current one.
#cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk.
#sort_methods = None, #he list of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods.
#view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing).
#content = None #string - current plugin content, e.g. movies or episodes.
def menu_tracks(params):
# get connection
connection = get_connection()
if connection is False:
listing = []
menus = {
'tracks_starred': {
'name': 'Starred tracks',
'thumb': None,
'is_stars_list': True
# Iterate through categories
for menu_id in menus:
menu = menus.get(menu_id)
# image
if 'thumb' in menu:
thumb = menu.get('thumb')
'label': menu.get('name'),
'thumb': menu.get('thumb'), # Item thumbnail
'fanart': menu.get('thumb'), # Item thumbnail
'url': plugin.get_url(
action= 'list_tracks',
menu_id= menu_id,
is_stars_list= menu.get('is_stars_list')
}) # Item label
return plugin.create_listing(
#succeeded = True, #if False Kodi wont open a new listing and stays on the current level.
#update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi wont open a sub-listing but refresh the current one.
#cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk.
#sort_methods = None, #he list of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods.
#view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing).
#content = None #string - current plugin content, e.g. movies or episodes.
#@plugin.cached(cache_minutes) #if cache is enabled, cache data for the following function
def list_artists(params):
# get connection
connection = get_connection()
if connection is False:
listing = []
# Get items
items = connection.walk_artists()
# Iterate through items
for item in items:
entry = {
'label': item['name'],
'thumb': connection.getCoverArtUrl(item.get('id')),
'fanart': connection.getCoverArtUrl(item.get('id')),
'url': plugin.get_url(
action= 'list_artist_albums',
artist_id= item.get('id'),
menu_id= params.get('menu_id')
'info': {
'music': { ##http://romanvm.github.io/Kodistubs/_autosummary/xbmcgui.html#xbmcgui.ListItem.setInfo
'count': item.get('albumCount'),
'artist': item.get('name')
#context menu actions
context_actions = []
if can_star('artist',item.get('id')):
action_star = context_action_star('artist',item.get('id'),params.get('is_stars_list'))
if len(context_actions) > 0:
entry['context_menu'] = context_actions
# Sort methods - List of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods. - see SortFileItem.h from Kodi core
sortable_by = (
return plugin.create_listing(
#succeeded = True, #if False Kodi wont open a new listing and stays on the current level.
#update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi wont open a sub-listing but refresh the current one.
cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk.
sort_methods = sortable_by, #he list of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods.
#view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing).
content = 'artists' #string - current plugin content, e.g. movies or episodes.
#@plugin.cached(cache_minutes) #if cache is enabled, cache data for the following function
def list_albums(params):
listing = []
# get connection
connection = get_connection()
if connection is False:
query_args_json = params['query_args']
query_args = json.loads(query_args_json)
albums_per_page = int(Addon().get_setting('albums_per_page'))
query_args["size"] = albums_per_page
offset = int(params.get('page')) - 1;
if offset > 0:
query_args["offset"] = offset * albums_per_page
#TO FIX this test is for pagination
#query_args["fromYear"] = 2016
#query_args["toYear"] = 2016
#query_args["ltype"] = 'byYear'
query_args_json = json.dumps(query_args)
plugin.log('list_albums with args:' + query_args_json);
#Get items
items = connection.walk_albums(**query_args)
# Iterate through items
for item in items:
album = get_album_entry(item, params)
# Root menu
link_root = navigate_root()
# Pagination if we've not reached the end of the lsit
# if type(items) != type(True): TO FIX
link_next = navigate_next(params)
# Sort methods - List of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods. - see SortFileItem.h from Kodi core
sortable_by = (
return plugin.create_listing(
#succeeded = True, #if False Kodi wont open a new listing and stays on the current level.
#update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi wont open a sub-listing but refresh the current one.
cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk.
sort_methods = sortable_by,
#view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing).
content = 'albums' #string - current plugin content, e.g. movies or episodes.
#@plugin.cached(cache_minutes) #if cache is enabled, cache data for the following function
def list_artist_albums(params):
# get connection
connection = get_connection()
if connection is False:
listing = []
# Get items
artist_id = params['artist_id']
params['hide_artist'] = True
items = connection.walk_artist(artist_id)
# Iterate through items
for item in items:
album = get_album_entry(item, params)
return plugin.create_listing(
#succeeded = True, #if False Kodi wont open a new listing and stays on the current level.
#update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi wont open a sub-listing but refresh the current one.
cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk.
#sort_methods = None, #he list of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods.
#view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing).
content = 'albums' #string - current plugin content, e.g. movies or episodes.
def get_album_entry(item, params):
menu_id = params.get('menu_id')
is_stars_list= params.get('is_stars_list')
# name
if 'hide_artist' in params:
title = item.get('name', '<Unknown>')
title = '%s - %s' % (item.get('artist', '<Unknown>'),
item.get('name', '<Unknown>'))
entry = {
'label': title,
'thumb': item.get('coverArt'),
'fanart': item.get('coverArt'),
'url': plugin.get_url(
action= 'list_tracks',
album_id= item.get('id'),
hide_artist= item.get('hide_artist'),
menu_id= menu_id,
is_stars_list= is_stars_list
'info': {
'music': { ##http://romanvm.github.io/Kodistubs/_autosummary/xbmcgui.html#xbmcgui.ListItem.setInfo
'count': item.get('songCount'),
'date': convert_date_from_iso8601(item.get('created')), #date added
'duration': item.get('duration'),
'artist': item.get('artist'),
'album': item.get('name'),
'year': item.get('year')
#context menu actions
context_actions = []
if can_star('album',item.get('id')):
action_star = context_action_star('album',item.get('id'),is_stars_list)
if can_download('album',item.get('id')):
action_download = context_action_download('album',item.get('id'))
if len(context_actions) > 0:
entry['context_menu'] = context_actions
return entry
#@plugin.cached(cache_minutes) #if cache is enabled, cache data for the following function
def list_tracks(params):
menu_id = params.get('menu_id')
listing = []
# get connection
connection = get_connection()
if connection is False:
# Album
if 'album_id' in params:
items = connection.walk_album(params['album_id'])
# Playlist
if 'playlist_id' in params:
items = connection.walk_playlist(params['playlist_id'])
#tracknumber = 0
#for item in items:
# tracknumber += 1
# items[item]['tracknumber'] = tracknumber
# Starred
if menu_id == 'tracks_starred':
items = connection.walk_tracks_starred()
# Iterate through items
key = 0;
for item in items:
track = get_track_entry(item,params)
key +=1
# Root menu
link_root = navigate_root()
# Pagination if we've not reached the end of the lsit
# if type(items) != type(True): TO FIX
#link_next = navigate_next(params)
# Sort methods - List of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods. - see SortFileItem.h from Kodi core
sortable_by = (
return plugin.create_listing(
#succeeded = True, #if False Kodi wont open a new listing and stays on the current level.
#update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi wont open a sub-listing but refresh the current one.
#cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk.
sort_methods = sortable_by, #he list of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods.
#view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing).
content = 'songs' #string - current plugin content, e.g. movies or episodes.
def get_track_entry(item,params):
menu_id = params.get('menu_id')
is_stars_list = params.get('is_stars_list')
# name
if 'hide_artist' in params:
title = item.get('title', '<Unknown>')
title = '%s - %s' % (
item.get('artist', '<Unknown>'),
item.get('title', '<Unknown>')
item_date = item.get('created')
# star
if (is_stars_list):
item_date = item.get('starred')
#starAscii = '★'
#star =starAscii.encode('utf-8')
#title = "%s %s" % (star,title)
entry = {
'label': title,
'thumb': item.get('coverArt'),
'fanart': item.get('coverArt'),
'url': plugin.get_url(
action= 'play_track',
id= item.get('id'),
menu_id= menu_id
'is_playable': True,
'mime': item.get("contentType"),
'info': {'music': { #http://romanvm.github.io/Kodistubs/_autosummary/xbmcgui.html#xbmcgui.ListItem.setInfo
'title': item.get('title'),
'album': item.get('album'),
'artist': item.get('artist'),
'tracknumber': item.get('tracknumber'),
'year': item.get('year'),
'genre': item.get('genre'),
'size': item.get('size'),
'duration': item.get('duration'),
'date': item_date
#context menu actions
context_actions = []
if can_star('track',item.get('id')):
action_star = context_action_star('track',item.get('id'),is_stars_list)
if can_download('track',item.get('id')):
action_download = context_action_download('track',item.get('id'))
if len(context_actions) > 0:
entry['context_menu'] = context_actions
return entry
def play_track(params):
id = params['id']
plugin.log('play_track #' + id);
# get connection
connection = get_connection()
if connection is False:
url = connection.streamUrl(sid=id,
return url
def navigate_next(params):
page = int(params['page'])
page += 1
title = "Next page (%d)" % (page)
return {
'label': title,
'url': plugin.get_url(
action= params['action'],
page= page,
query_args= params['query_args']
def navigate_root():
return {
'label': "Back to menu",
'url': plugin.get_url(action='root')
#converts a date string from eg. '2012-04-17T19:53:44' to eg. '17.04.2012'
def convert_date_from_iso8601(iso8601):
date_obj = dateutil.parser.parse(iso8601)
return date_obj.strftime('%d.%m.%Y')
#@plugin.cached(cache_minutes) #if cache is enabled, cache data for the following function
def list_playlists(params):
# get connection
connection = get_connection()
if connection is False:
listing = []
# Get items
items = connection.walk_playlists()
# Iterate through items
for item in items:
'label': item['name'],
'thumb': connection.getCoverArtUrl(item.get('id')),
'fanart': connection.getCoverArtUrl(item.get('id')),
'url': plugin.get_url(
action= 'list_tracks',
playlist_id= item.get('id'),
menu_id= params.get('menu_id')
'info': {'music': { ##http://romanvm.github.io/Kodistubs/_autosummary/xbmcgui.html#xbmcgui.ListItem.setInfo
'title': item.get('name'),
'count': item.get('songCount'),
'duration': item.get('duration'),
'date': convert_date_from_iso8601(item.get('created'))
return plugin.create_listing(
#succeeded = True, #if False Kodi wont open a new listing and stays on the current level.
#update_listing = False, #if True, Kodi wont open a sub-listing but refresh the current one.
#cache_to_disk = True, #cache this view to disk.
#sort_methods = None, #he list of integer constants representing virtual folder sort methods.
#view_mode = None, #a numeric code for a skin view mode. View mode codes are different in different skins except for 50 (basic listing).
#content = None #string - current plugin content, e.g. movies or episodes.
#star (or unstar) an item
def star_item(params):
ids= params.get('ids'); #can be single or lists of IDs
unstar= params.get('unstar',False);
unstar = (unstar) and (unstar != 'None') and (unstar != 'False') #TO FIX better statement ?
type= params.get('type');
sids = albumIds = artistIds = None
#validate type
if type == 'track':
sids = ids
elif type == 'artist':
artistIds = ids
elif type == 'album':
albumIds = ids
#validate capability
if not can_star(type,ids):
#validate IDs
if (not sids and not artistIds and not albumIds):
# get connection
connection = get_connection()
if connection is False:
did_action = False
if unstar:
request = connection.unstar(sids, albumIds, artistIds)
request = connection.star(sids, albumIds, artistIds)
if request['status'] == 'ok':
did_action = True
if did_action:
if unstar:
message = 'Item has been unstarred.'
plugin.log('Unstarred %s #%s' % (type,json.dumps(ids)))
else: #star
message = 'Item has been starred!'
plugin.log('Starred %s #%s' % (type,json.dumps(ids)))
#TO FIX clear starred lists caches ?
#TO FIX refresh current list after star set ?
if unstar:
plugin.log_error('Unable to unstar %s #%s' % (type,json.dumps(ids)))
plugin.log_error('Unable to star %s #%s' % (type,json.dumps(ids)))
return did_action
def context_action_star(type,id,is_stars_list):
unstar = (is_stars_list) and (is_stars_list != 'None') and (is_stars_list != 'False') #TO FIX better statement ?
if not unstar:
if type == 'track':
label = 'Star track'
elif type == 'artist':
label = 'Star artist'
elif type == 'album':
label = 'Star album'
#Should be available only in the stars lists;
#so we don't have to fetch the starred status for each item
#(since it is not available into the XML response from the server)
if type == 'track':
label = 'Unstar track'
elif type == 'artist':
label = 'Unstar artist'
elif type == 'album':
label = 'Unstar album'
return (
'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s)' % plugin.get_url(action='star_item',type=type,ids=id,unstar=unstar)
#Subsonic API says this is supported for artist,tracks and albums,
#But I can see it available only for tracks on Subsonic 5.3, so disable it.
def can_star(type,ids = None):
if not ids:
return False
if not isinstance(ids, list) or isinstance(ids, tuple):
ids = [ids]
if len(ids) == 0:
return False
if type == 'track':
return True
elif type == 'artist':
return False
elif type == 'album':
return False
def context_action_download(type,id):
if type == 'track':
label = 'Download track'
elif type == 'album':
label = 'Download album'
return (
'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s)' % plugin.get_url(action='download_item',type=type,id=id)
def can_download(type,id = None):
if id is None:
return False
if type == 'track':
return True
elif type == 'album':
return True
def download_item(params):
id= params.get('id'); #can be single or lists of IDs
type= params.get('type');
#validate path
path = Addon().get_setting('subsonic_url')
if path is None: #TO FIX better statement ? Check if it exists
popup('No directory set for your downloads, please review the addon settings')
#validate capability
if not can_download(type,id):
if type == 'track':
did_action = download_track(id)
elif type == 'album':
did_action = download_album(id)
if did_action:
plugin.log('Downloaded %s #%s' % (type,id))
popup('Item has been downloaded!')
plugin.log_error('Unable to downloaded %s #%s' % (type,id))
return did_action
def download_track(id):
popup('Downloading tracks is not yet implemented !')
# get connection
connection = get_connection()
if connection is False:
did_action = False
request = connection.download(id)
if request['status'] == 'ok':
did_action = True
return did_action
def download_album(id):
popup('Downloading albums is not yet implemented !')
# get connection
connection = get_connection()
if connection is False:
did_action = False
# Start plugin from within Kodi.
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Map actions
# Note that we map callable objects without brackets ()
plugin.actions['list_playlists'] = list_playlists