mirror of https://github.com/gordielachance/plugin.audio.subsonic synced 2025-03-04 03:17:49 +01:00
2022-01-28 11:09:11 +11:00

2984 lines
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This file is part of py-sonic.
py-sonic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
py-sonic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with py-sonic. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
from libsonic.errors import *
from netrc import netrc
from hashlib import md5
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
import urllib.parse
from http import client as http_client
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from io import StringIO
import json
import logging
import socket
import ssl
import sys
import os
import xbmc
API_VERSION = '1.16.1'
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HTTPSConnectionChain(http_client.HTTPSConnection):
def _create_sock(self):
sock = socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port), self.timeout)
if self._tunnel_host:
self.sock = sock
return sock
def connect(self):
sock = self._create_sock()
self.sock = self._context.wrap_socket(sock,
class HTTPSHandlerChain(urllib.request.HTTPSHandler):
def https_open(self, req):
return self.do_open(HTTPSConnectionChain, req, context=self._context)
# install opener
class PysHTTPRedirectHandler(urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler):
This class is used to override the default behavior of the
HTTPRedirectHandler, which does *not* redirect POST data
def redirect_request(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers, newurl):
m = req.get_method()
if (code in (301, 302, 303, 307) and m in ("GET", "HEAD")
or code in (301, 302, 303) and m == "POST"):
newurl = newurl.replace(' ', '%20')
newheaders = dict((k, v) for k, v in list(req.headers.items())
if k.lower() not in ("content-length", "content-type")
data = None
if req.data:
data = req.data
return urllib.request.Request(newurl,
raise urllib.error.HTTPError(
class Connection(object):
def __init__(self, baseUrl, username=None, password=None, port=4040,
serverPath='/rest', appName='py-sonic', apiVersion=API_VERSION,
insecure=False, useNetrc=None, legacyAuth=False, useGET=True):
This will create a connection to your subsonic server
baseUrl:str The base url for your server. Be sure to use
"https" for SSL connections. If you are using
a port other than the default 4040, be sure to
specify that with the port argument. Do *not*
append it here.
ex: http://subsonic.example.com
If you are running subsonic under a different
path, specify that with the "serverPath" arg,
*not* here. For example, if your subsonic
lives at:
You would set the following:
baseUrl = "https://mydomain.com"
port = 8080
serverPath = "/path/to/subsonic/rest"
username:str The username to use for the connection. This
can be None if `useNetrc' is True (and you
have a valid entry in your netrc file)
password:str The password to use for the connection. This
can be None if `useNetrc' is True (and you
have a valid entry in your netrc file)
port:int The port number to connect on. The default for
unencrypted subsonic connections is 4040
serverPath:str The base resource path for the subsonic views.
This is useful if you have your subsonic server
behind a proxy and the path that you are proxying
is different from the default of '/rest'.
The full url that would be built then would be
(assuming defaults and using "example.com" and
you are using the "ping" view):
appName:str The name of your application.
apiVersion:str The API version you wish to use for your
application. Subsonic will throw an error if you
try to use/send an api version higher than what
the server supports. See the Subsonic API docs
to find the Subsonic version -> API version table.
This is useful if you are connecting to an older
version of Subsonic.
insecure:bool This will allow you to use self signed
certificates when connecting if set to True.
useNetrc:str|bool You can either specify a specific netrc
formatted file or True to use your default
netrc file ($HOME/.netrc).
legacyAuth:bool Use pre-1.13.0 API version authentication
useGET:bool Use a GET request instead of the default POST
request. This is not recommended as request
URLs can get very long with some API calls
self._baseUrl = baseUrl.rstrip('/')
self._hostname = self._baseUrl.split('://')[1]
if len(self._hostname.split('/'))>1:
xbmc.log("Got a folder %s"%(self._hostname.split('/')[1]),xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
parts = urllib.parse.urlparse(self._baseUrl)
self._baseUrl = "%s://%s" % (parts.scheme, parts.hostname)
self._hostname = parts.hostname
self._serverPath = parts.path.strip('/') + '/rest'
self._serverPath = serverPath.strip('/')
self._username = username
self._rawPass = password
self._legacyAuth = legacyAuth
self._useGET = useGET
self._netrc = None
if useNetrc is not None:
elif username is None or password is None:
raise CredentialError('You must specify either a username/password '
'combination or "useNetrc" must be either True or a string '
'representing a path to a netrc file')
self._port = int(port)
self._apiVersion = apiVersion
self._appName = appName
self._insecure = insecure
self._opener = self._getOpener(self._username, self._rawPass)
# Properties
def setBaseUrl(self, url):
self._baseUrl = url
self._opener = self._getOpener(self._username, self._rawPass)
baseUrl = property(lambda s: s._baseUrl, setBaseUrl)
def setPort(self, port):
self._port = int(port)
port = property(lambda s: s._port, setPort)
def setUsername(self, username):
self._username = username
self._opener = self._getOpener(self._username, self._rawPass)
username = property(lambda s: s._username, setUsername)
def setPassword(self, password):
self._rawPass = password
# Redo the opener with the new creds
self._opener = self._getOpener(self._username, self._rawPass)
password = property(lambda s: s._rawPass, setPassword)
apiVersion = property(lambda s: s._apiVersion)
def setAppName(self, appName):
self._appName = appName
appName = property(lambda s: s._appName, setAppName)
def setServerPath(self, path):
self._serverPath = path.strip('/')
serverPath = property(lambda s: s._serverPath, setServerPath)
def setInsecure(self, insecure):
self._insecure = insecure
insecure = property(lambda s: s._insecure, setInsecure)
def setLegacyAuth(self, lauth):
self._legacyAuth = lauth
legacyAuth = property(lambda s: s._legacyAuth, setLegacyAuth)
def setGET(self, get):
self._useGET = get
useGET = property(lambda s: s._useGET, setGET)
# API methods
def ping(self):
since: 1.0.0
Returns a boolean True if the server is alive, False otherwise
methodName = 'ping'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
xbmc.log("Pinging %s"%str(req.full_url),xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
except Exception as e:
print("Ping failed %s"%e)
return False
if res['status'] == 'ok':
return True
elif res['status'] == 'failed':
exc = getExcByCode(res['error']['code'])
raise exc(res['error']['message'])
return False
def getLicense(self):
since: 1.0.0
Gets details related to the software license
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'license': {u'date': u'2010-05-21T11:14:39',
u'email': u'email@example.com',
u'key': u'12345678901234567890123456789012',
u'valid': True},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getLicense'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getScanStatus(self):
since: 1.15.0
returns the current status for media library scanning.
takes no extra parameters.
returns a dict like the following:
{'status': 'ok', 'version': '1.15.0',
'scanstatus': {'scanning': true, 'count': 4680}}
'count' is the total number of items to be scanned
methodName = 'getScanStatus'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def startScan(self):
since: 1.15.0
Initiates a rescan of the media libraries.
Takes no extra parameters.
returns a dict like the following:
{'status': 'ok', 'version': '1.15.0',
'scanstatus': {'scanning': true, 'count': 0}}
'scanning' changes to false when a scan is complete
'count' starts a 0 and ends at the total number of items scanned
methodName = 'startScan'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getMusicFolders(self):
since: 1.0.0
Returns all configured music folders
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'musicFolders': {u'musicFolder': [{u'id': 0, u'name': u'folder1'},
{u'id': 1, u'name': u'folder2'},
{u'id': 2, u'name': u'folder3'}]},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getMusicFolders'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getNowPlaying(self):
since: 1.0.0
Returns what is currently being played by all users
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'nowPlaying': {u'entry': {u'album': u"Jazz 'Round Midnight 12",
u'artist': u'Astrud Gilberto',
u'bitRate': 172,
u'contentType': u'audio/mpeg',
u'coverArt': u'98349284',
u'duration': 325,
u'genre': u'Jazz',
u'id': u'2424324',
u'isDir': False,
u'isVideo': False,
u'minutesAgo': 0,
u'parent': u'542352',
u'path': u"Astrud Gilberto/Jazz 'Round Midnight 12/01 - The Girl From Ipanema.mp3",
u'playerId': 1,
u'size': 7004089,
u'suffix': u'mp3',
u'title': u'The Girl From Ipanema',
u'track': 1,
u'username': u'user1',
u'year': 1996}},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getNowPlaying'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getIndexes(self, musicFolderId=None, ifModifiedSince=0):
since: 1.0.0
Returns an indexed structure of all artists
musicFolderId:int If this is specified, it will only return
artists for the given folder ID from
the getMusicFolders call
ifModifiedSince:int If specified, return a result if the artist
collection has changed since the given
unix timestamp
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'indexes': {u'index': [{u'artist': [{u'id': u'29834728934',
u'name': u'A Perfect Circle'},
{u'id': u'238472893',
u'name': u'A Small Good Thing'},
{u'id': u'9327842983',
u'name': u'A Tribe Called Quest'},
{u'id': u'29348729874',
u'name': u'A-Teens, The'},
{u'id': u'298472938',
u'name': u'ABA STRUCTURE'}],
u'lastModified': 1303318347000L},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getIndexes'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'musicFolderId': musicFolderId,
'ifModifiedSince': self._ts2milli(ifModifiedSince)})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getMusicDirectory(self, mid):
since: 1.0.0
Returns a listing of all files in a music directory. Typically used
to get a list of albums for an artist or list of songs for an album.
mid:str The string ID value which uniquely identifies the
folder. Obtained via calls to getIndexes or
getMusicDirectory. REQUIRED
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'directory': {u'child': [{u'artist': u'A Tribe Called Quest',
u'coverArt': u'223484',
u'id': u'329084',
u'isDir': True,
u'parent': u'234823940',
u'title': u'Beats, Rhymes And Life'},
{u'artist': u'A Tribe Called Quest',
u'coverArt': u'234823794',
u'id': u'238472893',
u'isDir': True,
u'parent': u'2308472938',
u'title': u'Midnight Marauders'},
{u'artist': u'A Tribe Called Quest',
u'coverArt': u'39284792374',
u'id': u'983274892',
u'isDir': True,
u'parent': u'9823749',
u'title': u"People's Instinctive Travels And The Paths Of Rhythm"},
{u'artist': u'A Tribe Called Quest',
u'coverArt': u'289347293',
u'id': u'3894723934',
u'isDir': True,
u'parent': u'9832942',
u'title': u'The Anthology'},
{u'artist': u'A Tribe Called Quest',
u'coverArt': u'923847923',
u'id': u'29834729',
u'isDir': True,
u'parent': u'2934872893',
u'title': u'The Love Movement'},
{u'artist': u'A Tribe Called Quest',
u'coverArt': u'9238742893',
u'id': u'238947293',
u'isDir': True,
u'parent': u'9432878492',
u'title': u'The Low End Theory'}],
u'id': u'329847293',
u'name': u'A Tribe Called Quest'},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getMusicDirectory'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName, {'id': mid})
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def search(self, artist=None, album=None, title=None, any=None,
count=20, offset=0, newerThan=None):
since: 1.0.0
Returns a listing of files matching the given search criteria.
Supports paging with offset
artist:str Search for artist
album:str Search for album
title:str Search for title of song
any:str Search all fields
count:int Max number of results to return [default: 20]
offset:int Search result offset. For paging [default: 0]
newerThan:int Return matches newer than this timestamp
if artist == album == title == any == None:
raise ArgumentError('Invalid search. You must supply search '
methodName = 'search'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'artist': artist, 'album': album,
'title': title, 'any': any, 'count': count, 'offset': offset,
'newerThan': self._ts2milli(newerThan)})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def search2(self, query, artistCount=20, artistOffset=0, albumCount=20,
albumOffset=0, songCount=20, songOffset=0, musicFolderId=None):
since: 1.4.0
Returns albums, artists and songs matching the given search criteria.
Supports paging through the result.
query:str The search query
artistCount:int Max number of artists to return [default: 20]
artistOffset:int Search offset for artists (for paging) [default: 0]
albumCount:int Max number of albums to return [default: 20]
albumOffset:int Search offset for albums (for paging) [default: 0]
songCount:int Max number of songs to return [default: 20]
songOffset:int Search offset for songs (for paging) [default: 0]
musicFolderId:int Only return results from the music folder
with the given ID. See getMusicFolders
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'searchResult2': {u'album': [{u'artist': u'A Tribe Called Quest',
u'coverArt': u'289347',
u'id': u'32487298',
u'isDir': True,
u'parent': u'98374289',
u'title': u'The Love Movement'}],
u'artist': [{u'id': u'2947839',
u'name': u'A Tribe Called Quest'},
{u'id': u'239847239',
u'name': u'Tribe'}],
u'song': [{u'album': u'Beats, Rhymes And Life',
u'artist': u'A Tribe Called Quest',
u'bitRate': 224,
u'contentType': u'audio/mpeg',
u'coverArt': u'329847',
u'duration': 148,
u'genre': u'default',
u'id': u'3928472893',
u'isDir': False,
u'isVideo': False,
u'parent': u'23984728394',
u'path': u'A Tribe Called Quest/Beats, Rhymes And Life/A Tribe Called Quest - Beats, Rhymes And Life - 03 - Motivators.mp3',
u'size': 4171913,
u'suffix': u'mp3',
u'title': u'Motivators',
u'track': 3}]},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'search2'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'query': query, 'artistCount': artistCount,
'artistOffset': artistOffset, 'albumCount': albumCount,
'albumOffset': albumOffset, 'songCount': songCount,
'songOffset': songOffset, 'musicFolderId': musicFolderId})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def search3(self, query, artistCount=20, artistOffset=0, albumCount=20,
albumOffset=0, songCount=20, songOffset=0, musicFolderId=None):
since: 1.8.0
Works the same way as search2, but uses ID3 tags for
query:str The search query
artistCount:int Max number of artists to return [default: 20]
artistOffset:int Search offset for artists (for paging) [default: 0]
albumCount:int Max number of albums to return [default: 20]
albumOffset:int Search offset for albums (for paging) [default: 0]
songCount:int Max number of songs to return [default: 20]
songOffset:int Search offset for songs (for paging) [default: 0]
musicFolderId:int Only return results from the music folder
with the given ID. See getMusicFolders
Returns a dict like the following (search for "Tune Yards":
{u'searchResult3': {u'album': [{u'artist': u'Tune-Yards',
u'artistId': 1,
u'coverArt': u'al-7',
u'created': u'2012-01-30T12:35:33',
u'duration': 3229,
u'id': 7,
u'name': u'Bird-Brains',
u'songCount': 13},
{u'artist': u'Tune-Yards',
u'artistId': 1,
u'coverArt': u'al-8',
u'created': u'2011-03-22T15:08:00',
u'duration': 2531,
u'id': 8,
u'name': u'W H O K I L L',
u'songCount': 10}],
u'artist': {u'albumCount': 2,
u'coverArt': u'ar-1',
u'id': 1,
u'name': u'Tune-Yards'},
u'song': [{u'album': u'Bird-Brains',
u'albumId': 7,
u'artist': u'Tune-Yards',
u'artistId': 1,
u'bitRate': 160,
u'contentType': u'audio/mpeg',
u'coverArt': 105,
u'created': u'2012-01-30T12:35:33',
u'duration': 328,
u'genre': u'Lo-Fi',
u'id': 107,
u'isDir': False,
u'isVideo': False,
u'parent': 105,
u'path': u'Tune Yards/Bird-Brains/10-tune-yards-fiya.mp3',
u'size': 6588498,
u'suffix': u'mp3',
u'title': u'Fiya',
u'track': 10,
u'type': u'music',
u'year': 2009}]},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'search3'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'query': query, 'artistCount': artistCount,
'artistOffset': artistOffset, 'albumCount': albumCount,
'albumOffset': albumOffset, 'songCount': songCount,
'songOffset': songOffset, 'musicFolderId': musicFolderId})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getPlaylists(self, username=None):
since: 1.0.0
Returns the ID and name of all saved playlists
The "username" option was added in 1.8.0.
username:str If specified, return playlists for this user
rather than for the authenticated user. The
authenticated user must have admin role
if this parameter is used
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'playlists': {u'playlist': [{u'id': u'62656174732e6d3375',
u'name': u'beats'},
{u'id': u'766172696574792e6d3375',
u'name': u'variety'}]},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getPlaylists'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'username': username})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getPlaylist(self, pid):
since: 1.0.0
Returns a listing of files in a saved playlist
id:str The ID of the playlist as returned in getPlaylists()
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'playlist': {u'entry': {u'album': u'The Essential Bob Dylan',
u'artist': u'Bob Dylan',
u'bitRate': 32,
u'contentType': u'audio/mpeg',
u'coverArt': u'2983478293',
u'duration': 984,
u'genre': u'Classic Rock',
u'id': u'982739428',
u'isDir': False,
u'isVideo': False,
u'parent': u'98327428974',
u'path': u"Bob Dylan/Essential Bob Dylan Disc 1/Bob Dylan - The Essential Bob Dylan - 03 - The Times They Are A-Changin'.mp3",
u'size': 3921899,
u'suffix': u'mp3',
u'title': u"The Times They Are A-Changin'",
u'track': 3},
u'id': u'44796c616e2e6d3375',
u'name': u'Dylan'},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getPlaylist'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName, {'id': pid})
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def createPlaylist(self, playlistId=None, name=None, songIds=[]):
since: 1.2.0
Creates OR updates a playlist. If updating the list, the
playlistId is required. If creating a list, the name is required.
playlistId:str The ID of the playlist to UPDATE
name:str The name of the playlist to CREATE
songIds:list The list of songIds to populate the list with in
either create or update mode. Note that this
list will replace the existing list if updating
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'createPlaylist'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
if playlistId == name == None:
raise ArgumentError('You must supply either a playlistId or a name')
if playlistId is not None and name is not None:
raise ArgumentError('You can only supply either a playlistId '
'OR a name, not both')
q = self._getQueryDict({'playlistId': playlistId, 'name': name})
req = self._getRequestWithList(viewName, 'songId', songIds, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def deletePlaylist(self, pid):
since: 1.2.0
Deletes a saved playlist
pid:str ID of the playlist to delete, as obtained by getPlaylists
Returns a dict like the following:
methodName = 'deletePlaylist'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName, {'id': pid})
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def download(self, sid):
since: 1.0.0
Downloads a given music file.
sid:str The ID of the music file to download.
Returns the file-like object for reading or raises an exception
on error
methodName = 'download'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName, {'id': sid})
res = self._doBinReq(req)
if isinstance(res, dict):
return res
def stream(self, sid, maxBitRate=0, tformat=None, timeOffset=None,
size=None, estimateContentLength=False, converted=False):
since: 1.0.0
Downloads a given music file.
sid:str The ID of the music file to download.
maxBitRate:int (since: 1.2.0) If specified, the server will
attempt to limit the bitrate to this value, in
kilobits per second. If set to zero (default), no limit
is imposed. Legal values are: 0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64,
80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256 and 320.
tformat:str (since: 1.6.0) Specifies the target format
(e.g. "mp3" or "flv") in case there are multiple
applicable transcodings (since: 1.9.0) You can use
the special value "raw" to disable transcoding
timeOffset:int (since: 1.6.0) Only applicable to video
streaming. Start the stream at the given
offset (in seconds) into the video
size:str (since: 1.6.0) The requested video size in
WxH, for instance 640x480
estimateContentLength:bool (since: 1.8.0) If set to True,
the HTTP Content-Length header
will be set to an estimated
value for trancoded media
converted:bool (since: 1.14.0) Only applicable to video streaming.
Subsonic can optimize videos for streaming by
converting them to MP4. If a conversion exists for
the video in question, then setting this parameter
to "true" will cause the converted video to be
returned instead of the original.
Returns the file-like object for reading or raises an exception
on error
methodName = 'stream'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'id': sid, 'maxBitRate': maxBitRate,
'format': tformat, 'timeOffset': timeOffset, 'size': size,
'estimateContentLength': estimateContentLength,
'converted': converted})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doBinReq(req)
if isinstance(res, dict):
return res
def streamUrl(self, sid, maxBitRate=0, tformat=None, timeOffset=None,
size=None, estimateContentLength=False, converted=False):
since: 1.0.0
Downloads a given music file.
sid:str The ID of the music file to download.
maxBitRate:int (since: 1.2.0) If specified, the server will
attempt to limit the bitrate to this value, in
kilobits per second. If set to zero (default), no limit
is imposed. Legal values are: 0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64,
80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256 and 320.
tformat:str (since: 1.6.0) Specifies the target format
(e.g. "mp3" or "flv") in case there are multiple
applicable transcodings (since: 1.9.0) You can use
the special value "raw" to disable transcoding
timeOffset:int (since: 1.6.0) Only applicable to video
streaming. Start the stream at the given
offset (in seconds) into the video
size:str (since: 1.6.0) The requested video size in
WxH, for instance 640x480
estimateContentLength:bool (since: 1.8.0) If set to True,
the HTTP Content-Length header
will be set to an estimated
value for trancoded media
converted:bool (since: 1.14.0) Only applicable to video streaming.
Subsonic can optimize videos for streaming by
converting them to MP4. If a conversion exists for
the video in question, then setting this parameter
to "true" will cause the converted video to be
returned instead of the original.
Returns the file-like object for reading or raises an exception
on error
methodName = 'stream'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'id': sid, 'maxBitRate': maxBitRate,
'format': tformat, 'timeOffset': timeOffset, 'size': size,
'estimateContentLength': estimateContentLength,
'converted': converted})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
#xbmc.log("Requesting %s"%str(req.full_url),xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
return_url = req.full_url
if self._insecure:
return_url += '&verifypeer=false'
xbmc.log("Request is insecure %s"%return_url,level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
return return_url
def getCoverArt(self, aid, size=None):
since: 1.0.0
Returns a cover art image
aid:str ID string for the cover art image to download
size:int If specified, scale image to this size
Returns the file-like object for reading or raises an exception
on error
methodName = 'getCoverArt'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'id': aid, 'size': size})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doBinReq(req)
if isinstance(res, dict):
return res
def getCoverArtUrl(self, aid, size=None):
since: 1.0.0
Returns a cover art image
aid:str ID string for the cover art image to download
size:int If specified, scale image to this size
Returns the file-like object for reading or raises an exception
on error
methodName = 'getCoverArt'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'id': aid, 'size': size})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
#xbmc.log("Requesting %s"%str(req.full_url),xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
return_url = req.full_url
if self._insecure:
return_url += '&verifypeer=false'
xbmc.log("Request is insecure %s"%return_url,level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
return return_url
def scrobble(self, sid, submission=True, listenTime=None):
since: 1.5.0
"Scrobbles" a given music file on last.fm. Requires that the user
has set this up.
Since 1.8.0 you may specify multiple id (and optionally time)
parameters to scrobble multiple files.
Since 1.11.0 this method will also update the play count and
last played timestamp for the song and album. It will also make
the song appear in the "Now playing" page in the web app, and
appear in the list of songs returned by getNowPlaying
sid:str The ID of the file to scrobble
submission:bool Whether this is a "submission" or a "now playing"
listenTime:int (Since 1.8.0) The time (unix timestamp) at
which the song was listened to.
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'scrobble'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'id': sid, 'submission': submission,
'time': self._ts2milli(listenTime)})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def changePassword(self, username, password):
since: 1.1.0
Changes the password of an existing Subsonic user. Note that the
user performing this must have admin privileges
username:str The username whose password is being changed
password:str The new password of the user
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'changePassword'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
hexPass = 'enc:%s' % self._hexEnc(password)
# There seems to be an issue with some subsonic implementations
# not recognizing the "enc:" precursor to the encoded password and
# encodes the whole "enc:<hex>" as the password. Weird.
#q = {'username': username, 'password': hexPass.lower()}
q = {'username': username, 'password': password}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getUser(self, username):
since: 1.3.0
Get details about a given user, including which auth roles it has.
Can be used to enable/disable certain features in the client, such
as jukebox control
username:str The username to retrieve. You can only retrieve
your own user unless you have admin privs.
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'status': u'ok',
u'user': {u'adminRole': False,
u'commentRole': False,
u'coverArtRole': False,
u'downloadRole': True,
u'jukeboxRole': False,
u'playlistRole': True,
u'podcastRole': False,
u'settingsRole': True,
u'streamRole': True,
u'uploadRole': True,
u'username': u'test'},
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getUser'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'username': username}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getUsers(self):
since 1.8.0
Gets a list of users
returns a dict like the following
{u'status': u'ok',
u'users': {u'user': [{u'adminRole': True,
u'commentRole': True,
u'coverArtRole': True,
u'downloadRole': True,
u'jukeboxRole': True,
u'playlistRole': True,
u'podcastRole': True,
u'scrobblingEnabled': True,
u'settingsRole': True,
u'shareRole': True,
u'streamRole': True,
u'uploadRole': True,
u'username': u'user1'},
u'version': u'1.10.2',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getUsers'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def createUser(self, username, password, email,
ldapAuthenticated=False, adminRole=False, settingsRole=True,
streamRole=True, jukeboxRole=False, downloadRole=False,
uploadRole=False, playlistRole=False, coverArtRole=False,
commentRole=False, podcastRole=False, shareRole=False,
videoConversionRole=False, musicFolderId=None):
since: 1.1.0
Creates a new subsonic user, using the parameters defined. See the
documentation at http://subsonic.org for more info on all the roles.
username:str The username of the new user
password:str The password for the new user
email:str The email of the new user
<For info on the boolean roles, see http://subsonic.org for more info>
musicFolderId:int These are the only folders the user has access to
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'createUser'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
hexPass = 'enc:%s' % self._hexEnc(password)
q = self._getQueryDict({
'username': username, 'password': hexPass, 'email': email,
'ldapAuthenticated': ldapAuthenticated, 'adminRole': adminRole,
'settingsRole': settingsRole, 'streamRole': streamRole,
'jukeboxRole': jukeboxRole, 'downloadRole': downloadRole,
'uploadRole': uploadRole, 'playlistRole': playlistRole,
'coverArtRole': coverArtRole, 'commentRole': commentRole,
'podcastRole': podcastRole, 'shareRole': shareRole,
'videoConversionRole': videoConversionRole,
'musicFolderId': musicFolderId
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def updateUser(self, username, password=None, email=None,
ldapAuthenticated=False, adminRole=False, settingsRole=True,
streamRole=True, jukeboxRole=False, downloadRole=False,
uploadRole=False, playlistRole=False, coverArtRole=False,
commentRole=False, podcastRole=False, shareRole=False,
videoConversionRole=False, musicFolderId=None, maxBitRate=0):
since 1.10.1
Modifies an existing Subsonic user.
username:str The username of the user to update.
musicFolderId:int Only return results from the music folder
with the given ID. See getMusicFolders
maxBitRate:int The max bitrate for the user. 0 is unlimited
All other args are the same as create user and you can update
whatever item you wish to update for the given username.
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'updateUser'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
if password is not None:
password = 'enc:%s' % self._hexEnc(password)
q = self._getQueryDict({'username': username, 'password': password,
'email': email, 'ldapAuthenticated': ldapAuthenticated,
'adminRole': adminRole,
'settingsRole': settingsRole, 'streamRole': streamRole,
'jukeboxRole': jukeboxRole, 'downloadRole': downloadRole,
'uploadRole': uploadRole, 'playlistRole': playlistRole,
'coverArtRole': coverArtRole, 'commentRole': commentRole,
'podcastRole': podcastRole, 'shareRole': shareRole,
'videoConversionRole': videoConversionRole,
'musicFolderId': musicFolderId, 'maxBitRate': maxBitRate
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def deleteUser(self, username):
since: 1.3.0
Deletes an existing Subsonic user. Of course, you must have admin
rights for this.
username:str The username of the user to delete
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'deleteUser'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'username': username}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getChatMessages(self, since=1):
since: 1.2.0
Returns the current visible (non-expired) chat messages.
since:int Only return messages newer than this timestamp
NOTE: All times returned are in MILLISECONDS since the Epoch, not
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'chatMessages': {u'chatMessage': {u'message': u'testing 123',
u'time': 1303411919872L,
u'username': u'admin'}},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getChatMessages'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'since': self._ts2milli(since)}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def addChatMessage(self, message):
since: 1.2.0
Adds a message to the chat log
message:str The message to add
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'addChatMessage'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'message': message}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getAlbumList(self, ltype, size=10, offset=0, fromYear=None,
toYear=None, genre=None, musicFolderId=None):
since: 1.2.0
Returns a list of random, newest, highest rated etc. albums.
Similar to the album lists on the home page of the Subsonic
web interface
ltype:str The list type. Must be one of the following: random,
newest, highest, frequent, recent,
(since 1.8.0 -> )starred, alphabeticalByName,
Since 1.10.1 you can use byYear and byGenre to
list albums in a given year range or genre.
size:int The number of albums to return. Max 500
offset:int The list offset. Use for paging. Max 5000
fromYear:int If you specify the ltype as "byYear", you *must*
specify fromYear
toYear:int If you specify the ltype as "byYear", you *must*
specify toYear
genre:str The name of the genre e.g. "Rock". You must specify
genre if you set the ltype to "byGenre"
musicFolderId:str Only return albums in the music folder with
the given ID. See getMusicFolders()
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'albumList': {u'album': [{u'artist': u'Hank Williams',
u'id': u'3264928374',
u'isDir': True,
u'parent': u'9238479283',
u'title': u'The Original Singles Collection...Plus'},
{u'artist': u'Freundeskreis',
u'coverArt': u'9823749823',
u'id': u'23492834',
u'isDir': True,
u'parent': u'9827492374',
u'title': u'Quadratur des Kreises'}]},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getAlbumList'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'type': ltype, 'size': size,
'offset': offset, 'fromYear': fromYear, 'toYear': toYear,
'genre': genre, 'musicFolderId': musicFolderId})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getAlbumList2(self, ltype, size=10, offset=0, fromYear=None,
toYear=None, genre=None):
since 1.8.0
Returns a list of random, newest, highest rated etc. albums.
This is similar to getAlbumList, but uses ID3 tags for
ltype:str The list type. Must be one of the following: random,
newest, highest, frequent, recent,
(since 1.8.0 -> )starred, alphabeticalByName,
Since 1.10.1 you can use byYear and byGenre to
list albums in a given year range or genre.
size:int The number of albums to return. Max 500
offset:int The list offset. Use for paging. Max 5000
fromYear:int If you specify the ltype as "byYear", you *must*
specify fromYear
toYear:int If you specify the ltype as "byYear", you *must*
specify toYear
genre:str The name of the genre e.g. "Rock". You must specify
genre if you set the ltype to "byGenre"
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'albumList2': {u'album': [{u'artist': u'Massive Attack',
u'artistId': 0,
u'coverArt': u'al-0',
u'created': u'2009-08-28T10:00:44',
u'duration': 3762,
u'id': 0,
u'name': u'100th Window',
u'songCount': 9},
{u'artist': u'Massive Attack',
u'artistId': 0,
u'coverArt': u'al-5',
u'created': u'2003-11-03T22:00:00',
u'duration': 2715,
u'id': 5,
u'name': u'Blue Lines',
u'songCount': 9}]},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.8.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getAlbumList2'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'type': ltype, 'size': size,
'offset': offset, 'fromYear': fromYear, 'toYear': toYear,
'genre': genre})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getRandomSongs(self, size=10, genre=None, fromYear=None,
toYear=None, musicFolderId=None):
since 1.2.0
Returns random songs matching the given criteria
size:int The max number of songs to return. Max 500
genre:str Only return songs from this genre
fromYear:int Only return songs after or in this year
toYear:int Only return songs before or in this year
musicFolderId:str Only return songs in the music folder with the
given ID. See getMusicFolders
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'randomSongs': {u'song': [{u'album': u'1998 EP - Airbag (How Am I Driving)',
u'artist': u'Radiohead',
u'bitRate': 320,
u'contentType': u'audio/mpeg',
u'duration': 129,
u'id': u'9284728934',
u'isDir': False,
u'isVideo': False,
u'parent': u'983249823',
u'path': u'Radiohead/1998 EP - Airbag (How Am I Driving)/06 - Melatonin.mp3',
u'size': 5177469,
u'suffix': u'mp3',
u'title': u'Melatonin'},
{u'album': u'Mezmerize',
u'artist': u'System Of A Down',
u'bitRate': 214,
u'contentType': u'audio/mpeg',
u'coverArt': u'23849372894',
u'duration': 176,
u'id': u'28937492834',
u'isDir': False,
u'isVideo': False,
u'parent': u'92837492837',
u'path': u'System Of A Down/Mesmerize/10 - System Of A Down - Old School Hollywood.mp3',
u'size': 4751360,
u'suffix': u'mp3',
u'title': u'Old School Hollywood',
u'track': 10}]},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getRandomSongs'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'size': size, 'genre': genre,
'fromYear': fromYear, 'toYear': toYear,
'musicFolderId': musicFolderId})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getLyrics(self, artist=None, title=None):
since: 1.2.0
Searches for and returns lyrics for a given song
artist:str The artist name
title:str The song title
Returns a dict like the following for
getLyrics('Bob Dylan', 'Blowin in the wind'):
{u'lyrics': {u'artist': u'Bob Dylan',
u'content': u"How many roads must a man walk down<snip>",
u'title': u"Blowin' in the Wind"},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.5.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getLyrics'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'artist': artist, 'title': title})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def jukeboxControl(self, action, index=None, sids=[], gain=None,
since: 1.2.0
NOTE: Some options were added as of API version 1.7.0
Controls the jukebox, i.e., playback directly on the server's
audio hardware. Note: The user must be authorized to control
the jukebox
action:str The operation to perform. Must be one of: get,
start, stop, skip, add, clear, remove, shuffle,
setGain, status (added in API 1.7.0),
set (added in API 1.7.0)
index:int Used by skip and remove. Zero-based index of the
song to skip to or remove.
sids:str Used by "add" and "set". ID of song to add to the
jukebox playlist. Use multiple id parameters to
add many songs in the same request. Whether you
are passing one song or many into this, this
parameter MUST be a list
gain:float Used by setGain to control the playback volume.
A float value between 0.0 and 1.0
offset:int (added in API 1.7.0) Used by "skip". Start playing
this many seconds into the track.
methodName = 'jukeboxControl'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'action': action, 'index': index,
'gain': gain, 'offset': offset})
req = None
if action == 'add':
# We have to deal with the sids
if not (isinstance(sids, list) or isinstance(sids, tuple)):
raise ArgumentError('If you are adding songs, "sids" must '
'be a list or tuple!')
req = self._getRequestWithList(viewName, 'id', sids, q)
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getPodcasts(self, incEpisodes=True, pid=None):
since: 1.6.0
Returns all podcast channels the server subscribes to and their
incEpisodes:bool (since: 1.9.0) Whether to include Podcast
episodes in the returned result.
pid:str (since: 1.9.0) If specified, only return
the Podcast channel with this ID.
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.6.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi',
u'podcasts': {u'channel': {u'description': u"Dr Chris Smith...",
u'episode': [{u'album': u'Dr Karl and the Naked Scientist',
u'artist': u'BBC Radio 5 live',
u'bitRate': 64,
u'contentType': u'audio/mpeg',
u'coverArt': u'2f6f7074',
u'description': u'Dr Karl answers all your science related questions.',
u'duration': 2902,
u'genre': u'Podcast',
u'id': 0,
u'isDir': False,
u'isVideo': False,
u'parent': u'2f6f70742f737562736f6e69632f706f6463617374732f4472204b61726c20616e6420746865204e616b656420536369656e74697374',
u'publishDate': u'2011-08-17 22:06:00.0',
u'size': 23313059,
u'status': u'completed',
u'streamId': u'2f6f70742f737562736f6e69632f706f6463617374732f4472204b61726c20616e6420746865204e616b656420536369656e746973742f64726b61726c5f32303131303831382d30343036612e6d7033',
u'suffix': u'mp3',
u'title': u'DrKarl: Peppermints, Chillies & Receptors',
u'year': 2011},
{u'description': u'which is warmer, a bath with bubbles in it or one without? Just one of the stranger science stories tackled this week by Dr Chris Smith and the Naked Scientists!',
u'id': 1,
u'publishDate': u'2011-08-14 21:05:00.0',
u'status': u'skipped',
u'title': u'DrKarl: how many bubbles in your bath? 15 AUG 11'},
{u'description': u'Dr Karl joins Rhod to answer all your science questions',
u'id': 9,
u'publishDate': u'2011-07-06 22:12:00.0',
u'status': u'skipped',
u'title': u'DrKarl: 8 Jul 11 The Strange Sound of the MRI Scanner'}],
u'id': 0,
u'status': u'completed',
u'title': u'Dr Karl and the Naked Scientist',
u'url': u'http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/fivelive/drkarl/rss.xml'}}
See also: http://subsonic.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/subsonic/trunk/subsonic-main/src/main/webapp/xsd/podcasts_example_1.xml?view=markup
methodName = 'getPodcasts'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'includeEpisodes': incEpisodes,
'id': pid})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getShares(self):
since: 1.6.0
Returns information about shared media this user is allowed to manage
Note that entry can be either a single dict or a list of dicts
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.6.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi',
u'shares': {u'share': [
{u'created': u'2011-08-18T10:01:35',
u'entry': {u'artist': u'Alice In Chains',
u'coverArt': u'2f66696c65732f6d7033732f412d4d2f416c69636520496e20436861696e732f416c69636520496e20436861696e732f636f7665722e6a7067',
u'id': u'2f66696c65732f6d7033732f412d4d2f416c69636520496e20436861696e732f416c69636520496e20436861696e73',
u'isDir': True,
u'parent': u'2f66696c65732f6d7033732f412d4d2f416c69636520496e20436861696e73',
u'title': u'Alice In Chains'},
u'expires': u'2012-08-18T10:01:35',
u'id': 0,
u'url': u'http://crustymonkey.subsonic.org/share/BuLbF',
u'username': u'admin',
u'visitCount': 0
methodName = 'getShares'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def createShare(self, shids=[], description=None, expires=None):
since: 1.6.0
Creates a public URL that can be used by anyone to stream music
or video from the Subsonic server. The URL is short and suitable
for posting on Facebook, Twitter etc. Note: The user must be
authorized to share (see Settings > Users > User is allowed to
share files with anyone).
shids:list[str] A list of ids of songs, albums or videos
to share.
description:str A description that will be displayed to
people visiting the shared media
expires:float A timestamp pertaining to the time at
which this should expire (optional)
This returns a structure like you would get back from getShares()
containing just your new share.
methodName = 'createShare'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'description': description,
'expires': self._ts2milli(expires)})
req = self._getRequestWithList(viewName, 'id', shids, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def updateShare(self, shid, description=None, expires=None):
since: 1.6.0
Updates the description and/or expiration date for an existing share
shid:str The id of the share to update
description:str The new description for the share (optional).
expires:float The new timestamp for the expiration time of this
share (optional).
methodName = 'updateShare'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'id': shid, 'description': description,
expires: self._ts2milli(expires)})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def deleteShare(self, shid):
since: 1.6.0
Deletes an existing share
shid:str The id of the share to delete
Returns a standard response dict
methodName = 'deleteShare'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'id': shid})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def setRating(self, id, rating):
since: 1.6.0
Sets the rating for a music file
id:str The id of the item (song/artist/album) to rate
rating:int The rating between 1 and 5 (inclusive), or 0 to remove
the rating
Returns a standard response dict
methodName = 'setRating'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
rating = int(rating)
raise ArgumentError('Rating must be an integer between 0 and 5: '
'%r' % rating)
if rating < 0 or rating > 5:
raise ArgumentError('Rating must be an integer between 0 and 5: '
'%r' % rating)
q = self._getQueryDict({'id': id, 'rating': rating})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getArtists(self):
since 1.8.0
Similar to getIndexes(), but this method uses the ID3 tags to
determine the artist
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'artists': {u'index': [{u'artist': {u'albumCount': 7,
u'coverArt': u'ar-0',
u'id': 0,
u'name': u'Massive Attack'},
u'name': u'M'},
{u'artist': {u'albumCount': 2,
u'coverArt': u'ar-1',
u'id': 1,
u'name': u'Tune-Yards'},
u'name': u'T'}]},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.8.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getArtists'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getArtist(self, id):
since 1.8.0
Returns the info (albums) for an artist. This method uses
the ID3 tags for organization
id:str The artist ID
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'artist': {u'album': [{u'artist': u'Tune-Yards',
u'artistId': 1,
u'coverArt': u'al-7',
u'created': u'2012-01-30T12:35:33',
u'duration': 3229,
u'id': 7,
u'name': u'Bird-Brains',
u'songCount': 13},
{u'artist': u'Tune-Yards',
u'artistId': 1,
u'coverArt': u'al-8',
u'created': u'2011-03-22T15:08:00',
u'duration': 2531,
u'id': 8,
u'name': u'W H O K I L L',
u'songCount': 10}],
u'albumCount': 2,
u'coverArt': u'ar-1',
u'id': 1,
u'name': u'Tune-Yards'},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.8.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getArtist'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'id': id})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getAlbum(self, id):
since 1.8.0
Returns the info and songs for an album. This method uses
the ID3 tags for organization
id:str The album ID
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'album': {u'artist': u'Massive Attack',
u'artistId': 0,
u'coverArt': u'al-0',
u'created': u'2009-08-28T10:00:44',
u'duration': 3762,
u'id': 0,
u'name': u'100th Window',
u'song': [{u'album': u'100th Window',
u'albumId': 0,
u'artist': u'Massive Attack',
u'artistId': 0,
u'bitRate': 192,
u'contentType': u'audio/mpeg',
u'coverArt': 2,
u'created': u'2009-08-28T10:00:57',
u'duration': 341,
u'genre': u'Rock',
u'id': 14,
u'isDir': False,
u'isVideo': False,
u'parent': 2,
u'path': u'Massive Attack/100th Window/01 - Future Proof.mp3',
u'size': 8184445,
u'suffix': u'mp3',
u'title': u'Future Proof',
u'track': 1,
u'type': u'music',
u'year': 2003}],
u'songCount': 9},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.8.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getAlbum'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'id': id})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getSong(self, id):
since 1.8.0
Returns the info for a song. This method uses the ID3
tags for organization
id:str The song ID
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'song': {u'album': u'W H O K I L L',
u'albumId': 8,
u'artist': u'Tune-Yards',
u'artistId': 1,
u'bitRate': 320,
u'contentType': u'audio/mpeg',
u'coverArt': 106,
u'created': u'2011-03-22T15:08:00',
u'discNumber': 1,
u'duration': 192,
u'genre': u'Indie Rock',
u'id': 120,
u'isDir': False,
u'isVideo': False,
u'parent': 106,
u'path': u'Tune Yards/Who Kill/10 Killa.mp3',
u'size': 7692656,
u'suffix': u'mp3',
u'title': u'Killa',
u'track': 10,
u'type': u'music',
u'year': 2011},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.8.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getSong'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'id': id})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getVideos(self):
since 1.8.0
Returns all video files
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.8.0',
u'videos': {u'video': {u'bitRate': 384,
u'contentType': u'video/x-matroska',
u'created': u'2012-08-26T13:36:44',
u'duration': 1301,
u'id': 130,
u'isDir': False,
u'isVideo': True,
u'path': u'South Park - 16x07 - Cartman Finds Love.mkv',
u'size': 287309613,
u'suffix': u'mkv',
u'title': u'South Park - 16x07 - Cartman Finds Love',
u'transcodedContentType': u'video/x-flv',
u'transcodedSuffix': u'flv'}},
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getVideos'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getStarred(self, musicFolderId=None):
since 1.8.0
musicFolderId:int Only return results from the music folder
with the given ID. See getMusicFolders
Returns starred songs, albums and artists
Returns a dict like the following:
{u'starred': {u'album': {u'album': u'Bird-Brains',
u'artist': u'Tune-Yards',
u'coverArt': 105,
u'created': u'2012-01-30T13:16:58',
u'id': 105,
u'isDir': True,
u'parent': 104,
u'starred': u'2012-08-26T13:18:34',
u'title': u'Bird-Brains'},
u'song': [{u'album': u'Mezzanine',
u'albumId': 4,
u'artist': u'Massive Attack',
u'artistId': 0,
u'bitRate': 256,
u'contentType': u'audio/mpeg',
u'coverArt': 6,
u'created': u'2009-06-15T07:48:28',
u'duration': 298,
u'genre': u'Dub',
u'id': 72,
u'isDir': False,
u'isVideo': False,
u'parent': 6,
u'path': u'Massive Attack/Mezzanine/Massive Attack_02_mezzanine.mp3',
u'size': 9564160,
u'starred': u'2012-08-26T13:19:26',
u'suffix': u'mp3',
u'title': u'Risingson',
u'track': 2,
u'type': u'music'},
{u'album': u'Mezzanine',
u'albumId': 4,
u'artist': u'Massive Attack',
u'artistId': 0,
u'bitRate': 256,
u'contentType': u'audio/mpeg',
u'coverArt': 6,
u'created': u'2009-06-15T07:48:25',
u'duration': 380,
u'genre': u'Dub',
u'id': 71,
u'isDir': False,
u'isVideo': False,
u'parent': 6,
u'path': u'Massive Attack/Mezzanine/Massive Attack_01_mezzanine.mp3',
u'size': 12179456,
u'starred': u'2012-08-26T13:19:03',
u'suffix': u'mp3',
u'title': u'Angel',
u'track': 1,
u'type': u'music'}]},
u'status': u'ok',
u'version': u'1.8.0',
u'xmlns': u'http://subsonic.org/restapi'}
methodName = 'getStarred'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {}
if musicFolderId:
q['musicFolderId'] = musicFolderId
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
xbmc.log("Requesting %s"%str(req.full_url),xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getStarred2(self, musicFolderId=None):
since 1.8.0
musicFolderId:int Only return results from the music folder
with the given ID. See getMusicFolders
Returns starred songs, albums and artists like getStarred(),
but this uses ID3 tags for organization
Returns a dict like the following:
**See the output from getStarred()**
methodName = 'getStarred2'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {}
if musicFolderId:
q['musicFolderId'] = musicFolderId
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def updatePlaylist(self, lid, name=None, comment=None, songIdsToAdd=[],
since 1.8.0
Updates a playlist. Only the owner of a playlist is allowed to
update it.
lid:str The playlist id
name:str The human readable name of the playlist
comment:str The playlist comment
songIdsToAdd:list A list of song IDs to add to the playlist
songIndexesToRemove:list Remove the songs at the
playlist, NOT the song ids. Note that
this is always a list.
Returns a normal status response dict
methodName = 'updatePlaylist'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'playlistId': lid, 'name': name,
'comment': comment})
if not isinstance(songIdsToAdd, list) or isinstance(songIdsToAdd,
songIdsToAdd = [songIdsToAdd]
if not isinstance(songIndexesToRemove, list) or isinstance(
songIndexesToRemove, tuple):
songIndexesToRemove = [songIndexesToRemove]
listMap = {'songIdToAdd': songIdsToAdd,
'songIndexToRemove': songIndexesToRemove}
req = self._getRequestWithLists(viewName, listMap, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getAvatar(self, username):
since 1.8.0
Returns the avatar for a user or None if the avatar does not exist
username:str The user to retrieve the avatar for
Returns the file-like object for reading or raises an exception
on error
methodName = 'getAvatar'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'username': username}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doBinReq(req)
except urllib.error.HTTPError:
# Avatar is not set/does not exist, return None
return None
if isinstance(res, dict):
return res
def star(self, sids=[], albumIds=[], artistIds=[]):
since 1.8.0
Attaches a star to songs, albums or artists
sids:list A list of song IDs to star
albumIds:list A list of album IDs to star. Use this rather than
"sids" if the client access the media collection
according to ID3 tags rather than file
artistIds:list The ID of an artist to star. Use this rather
than sids if the client access the media
collection according to ID3 tags rather
than file structure
Returns a normal status response dict
methodName = 'star'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
if not isinstance(sids, list) or isinstance(sids, tuple):
sids = [sids]
if not isinstance(albumIds, list) or isinstance(albumIds, tuple):
albumIds = [albumIds]
if not isinstance(artistIds, list) or isinstance(artistIds, tuple):
artistIds = [artistIds]
listMap = {'id': sids,
'albumId': albumIds,
'artistId': artistIds}
req = self._getRequestWithLists(viewName, listMap)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def unstar(self, sids=[], albumIds=[], artistIds=[]):
since 1.8.0
Removes a star to songs, albums or artists. Basically, the
same as star in reverse
sids:list A list of song IDs to star
albumIds:list A list of album IDs to star. Use this rather than
"sids" if the client access the media collection
according to ID3 tags rather than file
artistIds:list The ID of an artist to star. Use this rather
than sids if the client access the media
collection according to ID3 tags rather
than file structure
Returns a normal status response dict
methodName = 'unstar'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
if not isinstance(sids, list) or isinstance(sids, tuple):
sids = [sids]
if not isinstance(albumIds, list) or isinstance(albumIds, tuple):
albumIds = [albumIds]
if not isinstance(artistIds, list) or isinstance(artistIds, tuple):
artistIds = [artistIds]
listMap = {'id': sids,
'albumId': albumIds,
'artistId': artistIds}
req = self._getRequestWithLists(viewName, listMap)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getGenres(self):
since 1.9.0
Returns all genres
methodName = 'getGenres'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getSongsByGenre(self, genre, count=10, offset=0, musicFolderId=None):
since 1.9.0
Returns songs in a given genre
genre:str The genre, as returned by getGenres()
count:int The maximum number of songs to return. Max is 500
default: 10
offset:int The offset if you are paging. default: 0
musicFolderId:int Only return results from the music folder
with the given ID. See getMusicFolders
methodName = 'getSongsByGenre'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'genre': genre,
'count': count,
'offset': offset,
'musicFolderId': musicFolderId,
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def hls (self, mid, bitrate=None):
since 1.8.0
Creates an HTTP live streaming playlist for streaming video or
audio HLS is a streaming protocol implemented by Apple and
works by breaking the overall stream into a sequence of small
HTTP-based file downloads. It's supported by iOS and newer
versions of Android. This method also supports adaptive
bitrate streaming, see the bitRate parameter.
mid:str The ID of the media to stream
bitrate:str If specified, the server will attempt to limit the
bitrate to this value, in kilobits per second. If
this parameter is specified more than once, the
server will create a variant playlist, suitable
for adaptive bitrate streaming. The playlist will
support streaming at all the specified bitrates.
The server will automatically choose video dimensions
that are suitable for the given bitrates.
(since: 1.9.0) you may explicitly request a certain
width (480) and height (360) like so:
Returns the raw m3u8 file as a string
methodName = 'hls'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'id': mid, 'bitrate': bitrate})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doBinReq(req)
except urllib.error.HTTPError:
# Avatar is not set/does not exist, return None
return None
if isinstance(res, dict):
return res.read()
def refreshPodcasts(self):
since: 1.9.0
Tells the server to check for new Podcast episodes. Note: The user
must be authorized for Podcast administration
methodName = 'refreshPodcasts'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def createPodcastChannel(self, url):
since: 1.9.0
Adds a new Podcast channel. Note: The user must be authorized
for Podcast administration
url:str The URL of the Podcast to add
methodName = 'createPodcastChannel'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'url': url}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def deletePodcastChannel(self, pid):
since: 1.9.0
Deletes a Podcast channel. Note: The user must be authorized
for Podcast administration
pid:str The ID of the Podcast channel to delete
methodName = 'deletePodcastChannel'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'id': pid}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def deletePodcastEpisode(self, pid):
since: 1.9.0
Deletes a Podcast episode. Note: The user must be authorized
for Podcast administration
pid:str The ID of the Podcast episode to delete
methodName = 'deletePodcastEpisode'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'id': pid}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def downloadPodcastEpisode(self, pid):
since: 1.9.0
Tells the server to start downloading a given Podcast episode.
Note: The user must be authorized for Podcast administration
pid:str The ID of the Podcast episode to download
methodName = 'downloadPodcastEpisode'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'id': pid}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getInternetRadioStations(self):
since: 1.9.0
Returns all internet radio stations
methodName = 'getInternetRadioStations'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def createInternetRadioStation(self, streamUrl, name, homepageUrl=None):
since 1.16.0
Create an internet radio station
streamUrl:str The stream URL for the station
name:str The user-defined name for the station
homepageUrl:str The homepage URL for the station
methodName = 'createInternetRadioStation'
viewName = '{}.view'.format(methodName)
q = self._getQueryDict({
'streamUrl': streamUrl, 'name': name, 'homepageUrl': homepageUrl})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def updateInternetRadioStation(self, iid, streamUrl, name,
since 1.16.0
Create an internet radio station
iid:str The ID for the station
streamUrl:str The stream URL for the station
name:str The user-defined name for the station
homepageUrl:str The homepage URL for the station
methodName = 'updateInternetRadioStation'
viewName = '{}.view'.format(methodName)
q = self._getQueryDict({
'id': iid, 'streamUrl': streamUrl, 'name': name,
'homepageUrl': homepageUrl,
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def deleteInternetRadioStation(self, iid):
since 1.16.0
Create an internet radio station
iid:str The ID for the station
methodName = 'deleteInternetRadioStation'
viewName = '{}.view'.format(methodName)
q = {'id': iid}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getBookmarks(self):
since: 1.9.0
Returns all bookmarks for this user. A bookmark is a position
within a media file
methodName = 'getBookmarks'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def createBookmark(self, mid, position, comment=None):
since: 1.9.0
Creates or updates a bookmark (position within a media file).
Bookmarks are personal and not visible to other users
mid:str The ID of the media file to bookmark. If a bookmark
already exists for this file, it will be overwritten
position:int The position (in milliseconds) within the media file
comment:str A user-defined comment
methodName = 'createBookmark'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = self._getQueryDict({'id': mid, 'position': position,
'comment': comment})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def deleteBookmark(self, mid):
since: 1.9.0
Deletes the bookmark for a given file
mid:str The ID of the media file to delete the bookmark from.
Other users' bookmarks are not affected
methodName = 'deleteBookmark'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'id': mid}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getArtistInfo(self, aid, count=20, includeNotPresent=False):
since: 1.11.0
Returns artist info with biography, image URLS and similar artists
using data from last.fm
aid:str The ID of the artist, album or song
count:int The max number of similar artists to return
includeNotPresent:bool Whether to return artists that are not
present in the media library
methodName = 'getArtistInfo'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'id': aid, 'count': count,
'includeNotPresent': includeNotPresent}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getArtistInfo2(self, aid, count=20, includeNotPresent=False):
since: 1.11.0
Similar to getArtistInfo(), but organizes music according to ID3 tags
aid:str The ID of the artist, album or song
count:int The max number of similar artists to return
includeNotPresent:bool Whether to return artists that are not
present in the media library
methodName = 'getArtistInfo2'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'id': aid, 'count': count,
'includeNotPresent': includeNotPresent}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getSimilarSongs(self, iid, count=50):
since 1.11.0
Returns a random collection of songs from the given artist and
similar artists, using data from last.fm. Typically used for
artist radio features.
iid:str The artist, album, or song ID
count:int Max number of songs to return
methodName = 'getSimilarSongs'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'id': iid, 'count': count}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getSimilarSongs2(self, iid, count=50):
since 1.11.0
Similar to getSimilarSongs(), but organizes music according to
ID3 tags
iid:str The artist, album, or song ID
count:int Max number of songs to return
methodName = 'getSimilarSongs2'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'id': iid, 'count': count}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def savePlayQueue(self, qids, current=None, position=None):
since 1.12.0
qid:list[int] The list of song ids in the play queue
current:int The id of the current playing song
position:int The position, in milliseconds, within the current
playing song
Saves the state of the play queue for this user. This includes
the tracks in the play queue, the currently playing track, and
the position within this track. Typically used to allow a user to
move between different clients/apps while retaining the same play
queue (for instance when listening to an audio book).
methodName = 'savePlayQueue'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
if not isinstance(qids, (tuple, list)):
qids = [qids]
q = self._getQueryDict({'current': current, 'position': position})
req = self._getRequestWithLists(viewName, {'id': qids}, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getPlayQueue(self):
since 1.12.0
Returns the state of the play queue for this user (as set by
savePlayQueue). This includes the tracks in the play queue,
the currently playing track, and the position within this track.
Typically used to allow a user to move between different
clients/apps while retaining the same play queue (for instance
when listening to an audio book).
methodName = 'getPlayQueue'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
req = self._getRequest(viewName)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getTopSongs(self, artist, count=50):
since 1.13.0
Returns the top songs for a given artist
artist:str The artist to get songs for
count:int The number of songs to return
methodName = 'getTopSongs'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'artist': artist, 'count': count}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getNewestPodcasts(self, count=20):
since 1.13.0
Returns the most recently published Podcast episodes
count:int The number of episodes to return
methodName = 'getNewestPodcasts'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
q = {'count': count}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def scanMediaFolders(self):
This is not an officially supported method of the API
Same as selecting 'Settings' > 'Scan media folders now' with
Subsonic web GUI
Returns True if refresh successful, False otherwise
methodName = 'scanNow'
return self._unsupportedAPIFunction(methodName)
def cleanupDatabase(self):
This is not an officially supported method of the API
Same as selecting 'Settings' > 'Clean-up Database' with Subsonic
web GUI
Returns True if cleanup initiated successfully, False otherwise
Subsonic stores information about all media files ever encountered.
By cleaning up the database, information about files that are
no longer in your media collection is permanently removed.
methodName = 'expunge'
return self._unsupportedAPIFunction(methodName)
def getVideoInfo(self, vid):
since 1.14.0
Returns details for a video, including information about available
audio tracks, subtitles (captions) and conversions.
vid:int The video ID
methodName = 'getVideoInfo'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
#q = {'id': int(vid)}
q = {'id': vid}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getAlbumInfo(self, aid):
since 1.14.0
Returns the album notes, image URLs, etc., using data from last.fm
aid:int The album ID
methodName = 'getAlbumInfo'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
#q = {'id': int(aid)}
q = {'id': aid}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getAlbumInfo2(self, aid):
since 1.14.0
Same as getAlbumInfo, but uses ID3 tags
aid:int The album ID
methodName = 'getAlbumInfo2'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
#q = {'id': int(aid)}
q = {'id': aid}
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def getCaptions(self, vid, fmt=None):
since 1.14.0
Returns captions (subtitles) for a video. Use getVideoInfo for a list
of captions.
vid:int The ID of the video
fmt:str Preferred captions format ("srt" or "vtt")
methodName = 'getCaptions'
viewName = '%s.view' % methodName
#q = self._getQueryDict({'id': int(vid), 'format': fmt})
q = self._getQueryDict({'id': vid, 'format': fmt})
req = self._getRequest(viewName, q)
res = self._doInfoReq(req)
return res
def _unsupportedAPIFunction(self, methodName):
base function to call unsupported API methods
Returns True if refresh successful, False otherwise
:rtype : boolean
baseMethod = 'musicFolderSettings'
viewName = '%s.view' % baseMethod
url = '%s:%d/%s/%s?%s' % (self._baseUrl, self._port,
self._separateServerPath(), viewName, methodName)
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
res = self._opener.open(req)
res_msg = res.msg.lower()
return res_msg == 'ok'
# Private internal methods
def _getOpener(self, username, passwd):
# Context is only relevent in >= python 2.7.9
https_chain = HTTPSHandlerChain()
if sys.version_info[:3] >= (2, 7, 9) and self._insecure:
https_chain = HTTPSHandlerChain(
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(
return opener
def _getQueryDict(self, d):
Given a dictionary, it cleans out all the values set to None
for k, v in list(d.items()):
if v is None:
del d[k]
return d
def _getBaseQdict(self):
qdict = {
'f': 'json',
'v': self._apiVersion,
'c': self._appName,
'u': self._username,
if self._legacyAuth:
qdict['p'] = 'enc:%s' % self._hexEnc(self._rawPass)
salt = self._getSalt()
token = md5((self._rawPass + salt).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
's': salt,
't': token,
return qdict
def _getRequest(self, viewName, query={}):
qdict = self._getBaseQdict()
url = '%s:%d/%s/%s' % (self._baseUrl, self._port, self._serverPath,
#xbmc.log("Standard URL %s"%url,level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
#xbmc.log("Qdict %s"%str(qdict),level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
req = urllib.request.Request(url, urlencode(qdict).encode('utf-8'))
if(self._useGET or ('getCoverArt' in viewName) or ('stream' in viewName)):
url += '?%s' % urlencode(qdict)
#xbmc.log("UseGET URL %s"%(url),xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
return req
def _getRequestWithList(self, viewName, listName, alist, query={}):
Like _getRequest, but allows appending a number of items with the
same key (listName). This bypasses the limitation of urlencode()
qdict = self._getBaseQdict()
url = '%s:%d/%s/%s' % (self._baseUrl, self._port, self._serverPath,
data = StringIO()
for i in alist:
data.write('&%s' % urlencode({listName: i}))
req = urllib.request.Request(url, data.getvalue().encode('utf-8'))
if self._useGET:
url += '?%s' % data.getvalue()
req = urllib2.Request(url)
return req
def _getRequestWithLists(self, viewName, listMap, query={}):
Like _getRequestWithList(), but you must pass a dictionary
that maps the listName to the list. This allows for multiple
list parameters to be used, like in updatePlaylist()
viewName:str The name of the view
listMap:dict A mapping of listName to a list of entries
query:dict The normal query dict
qdict = self._getBaseQdict()
url = '%s:%d/%s/%s' % (self._baseUrl, self._port, self._serverPath,
data = StringIO()
for k, l in listMap.items():
for i in l:
data.write('&%s' % urlencode({k: i}))
req = urllib.request.Request(url, data.getvalue().encode('utf-8'))
if self._useGET:
url += '?%s' % data.getvalue()
req = urllib2.Request(url)
return req
def _doInfoReq(self, req):
# Returns a parsed dictionary version of the result
res = self._opener.open(req)
dres = json.loads(res.read().decode('utf-8'))
return dres['subsonic-response']
def _doBinReq(self, req):
res = self._opener.open(req)
info = res.info()
if hasattr(info, 'getheader'):
contType = info.getheader('Content-Type')
contType = info.get('Content-Type')
if contType:
if contType.startswith('text/html') or \
dres = json.loads(res.read())
return dres['subsonic-response']
return res
def _checkStatus(self, result):
if result['status'] == 'ok':
return True
elif result['status'] == 'failed':
exc = getExcByCode(result['error']['code'])
raise exc(result['error']['message'])
def _hexEnc(self, raw):
Returns a "hex encoded" string per the Subsonic api docs
raw:str The string to hex encode
ret = ''
for c in raw:
ret += '%02X' % ord(c)
return ret
def _ts2milli(self, ts):
For whatever reason, Subsonic uses timestamps in milliseconds since
the unix epoch. I have no idea what need there is of this precision,
but this will just multiply the timestamp times 1000 and return the int
if ts is None:
return None
return int(ts * 1000)
def _separateServerPath(self):
separate REST portion of URL from base server path.
return urllib.parse.splithost(self._serverPath)[1].split('/')[0]
def _fixLastModified(self, data):
This will recursively walk through a data structure and look for
a dict key/value pair where the key is "lastModified" and change
the shitty java millisecond timestamp to a real unix timestamp
of SECONDS since the unix epoch. JAVA SUCKS!
if isinstance(data, dict):
for k, v in list(data.items()):
if k == 'lastModified':
data[k] = int(v) / 1000.0
elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list, dict)):
return self._fixLastModified(v)
elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
for item in data:
if isinstance(item, (list, tuple, dict)):
return self._fixLastModified(item)
def _process_netrc(self, use_netrc):
The use_netrc var is either a boolean, which means we should use
the user's default netrc, or a string specifying a path to a
netrc formatted file
use_netrc:bool|str Either set to True to use the user's default
netrc file or a string specifying a specific
netrc file to use
if not use_netrc:
raise CredentialError('useNetrc must be either a boolean "True" '
'or a string representing a path to a netrc file, '
'not {0}'.format(repr(use_netrc)))
if isinstance(use_netrc, bool) and use_netrc:
self._netrc = netrc()
# This should be a string specifying a path to a netrc file
self._netrc = netrc(os.path.expanduser(use_netrc))
auth = self._netrc.authenticators(self._hostname)
if not auth:
raise CredentialError('No machine entry found for {0} in '
'your netrc file'.format(self._hostname))
# If we get here, we have credentials
self._username = auth[0]
self._rawPass = auth[2]
def _getSalt(self, length=12):
salt = md5(os.urandom(100)).hexdigest()
return salt[:length]