
895 lines
26 KiB

/* coded by Ketmar // Vampire Avalon (psyc://
* Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
* To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
* for more details.
//#include <QtDebug>
# include <QStringList>
#include "k8json.h"
namespace K8JSON {
static const quint8 utf8Length[256] = {
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, //0x00-0x0f
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, //0x10-0x1f
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, //0x20-0x2f
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, //0x30-0x3f
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, //0x40-0x4f
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, //0x50-0x5f
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, //0x60-0x6f
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, //0x70-0x7f
9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9, //0x80-0x8f
9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9, //0x90-0x9f
9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9, //0xa0-0xaf
9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9, //0xb0-0xbf
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, //0xc0-0xcf c0-c1: overlong encoding: start of a 2-byte sequence, but code point <= 127
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, //0xd0-0xdf
3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3, //0xe0-0xef
4,4,4,4,4,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8 //0xf0-0xff
* check if given (const uchar *) represents valid UTF-8 sequence
* NULL (or empty) s is not valid
bool isValidUtf8 (const uchar *s, int maxLen, bool zeroInvalid) {
if (!s) return false;
if (maxLen < 1) return false;
uchar ch = 0;
const uchar *tmpS = s;
while (maxLen > 0) {
ch = *tmpS++; maxLen--;
if (!ch) {
if (maxLen != 0 && zeroInvalid) return false;
// ascii or utf-8
quint8 t = utf8Length[ch];
if (t&0x08) return false; // invalid utf-8 sequence
if (t) {
// utf-8
if (maxLen < --t) return false; // invalid utf-8 sequence
while (t--) {
quint8 b = *tmpS++; maxLen--;
if (utf8Length[b] != 9) return false; // invalid utf-8 sequence
return true;
QString quote (const QString &str) {
int len = str.length(), c;
QString res('"'); res.reserve(len+128);
for (int f = 0; f < len; f++) {
QChar ch(str[f]);
ushort uc = ch.unicode();
if (uc < 32) {
// control char
switch (uc) {
case '\b': res += "\\b"; break;
case '\f': res += "\\f"; break;
case '\n': res += "\\n"; break;
case '\r': res += "\\r"; break;
case '\t': res += "\\t"; break;
res += "\\u";
for (c = 4; c > 0; c--) {
ushort n = (uc>>12)&0x0f;
n += '0'+(n>9?7:0);
res += (uchar)n;
} else {
// normal char
switch (uc) {
case '"': res += "\\\""; break;
case '\\': res += "\\\\"; break;
default: res += ch; break;
res += '"';
return res;
* skip blanks and comments
* return ptr to first non-blank char or 0 on error
* 'maxLen' will be changed
const uchar *skipBlanks (const uchar *s, int *maxLength) {
if (!s) return 0;
int maxLen = *maxLength;
if (maxLen < 0) return 0;
while (maxLen > 0) {
// skip blanks
uchar ch = *s++; maxLen--;
if (ch <= ' ') continue;
// skip comments
if (ch == '/') {
if (maxLen < 2) return 0;
switch (*s) {
case '/':
while (maxLen > 0) {
s++; maxLen--;
if (s[-1] == '\n') break;
if (maxLen < 1) return 0;
case '*':
s++; maxLen--; // skip '*'
while (maxLen > 0) {
s++; maxLen--;
if (s[-1] == '*' && s[0] == '/') {
s++; maxLen--; // skip '/'
if (maxLen < 2) return 0;
default: return 0; // error
// it must be a token
s--; maxLen++;
// done
*maxLength = maxLen;
return s;
//FIXME: table?
static inline bool isValidIdChar (const uchar ch) {
return (
ch == '$' || ch == '_' || ch >= 128 ||
(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ||
(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') ||
(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')
* skip one record
* the 'record' is either one full field ( field: val)
* or one list/object.
* return ptr to the first non-blank char after the record (or 0)
* 'maxLen' will be changed
const uchar *skipRec (const uchar *s, int *maxLength) {
if (!s) return 0;
int maxLen = *maxLength;
if (maxLen < 0) return 0;
int fieldNameSeen = 0;
bool again = true;
while (again && maxLen > 0) {
// skip blanks
if (!(s = skipBlanks(s, &maxLen))) return 0;
if (!maxLen) break;
uchar qch, ch = *s++; maxLen--;
// fieldNameSeen<1: no field name was seen
// fieldNameSeen=1: waiting for ':'
// fieldNameSeen=2: field name was seen, ':' was seen too, waiting for value
// fieldNameSeen=3: everything was seen, waiting for terminator
//fprintf(stderr, " ch=[%c]; fns=%i\n", ch, fieldNameSeen);
if (ch == ':') {
if (fieldNameSeen != 1) return 0; // wtf?
// it must be a token, skip it
again = false;
//fprintf(stderr, " s=%s\n==========\n", s);
switch (ch) {
case '{': case '[':
if (fieldNameSeen == 1) return 0; // waiting for delimiter; error
fieldNameSeen = 3;
// recursive skip
qch = (ch=='{' ? '}' : ']'); // end char
if (!(s = skipBlanks(s, &maxLen))) return 0;
if (maxLen < 1 || *s != qch) {
//fprintf(stderr, " [%c]\n", *s);
for (;;) {
if (!(s = skipRec(s, &maxLen))) return 0;
if (maxLen < 1) return 0; // no closing char
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
if (ch == ',') continue; // skip next field/value pair
if (ch == qch) break; // end of the list or object
return 0; // error!
} else {
//fprintf(stderr, "empty!\n");
s++; maxLen--; // skip terminator
//fprintf(stderr, "[%s]\n", s);
case ']': case '}': case ',': // terminator
//fprintf(stderr, " term [%c] (%i)\n", ch, fieldNameSeen);
if (fieldNameSeen != 3) return 0; // incomplete field
s--; maxLen++; // back to this char
case '"': case '\x27': // string
if (fieldNameSeen == 1 || fieldNameSeen > 2) return 0; // no delimiter
//fprintf(stderr, "000\n");
qch = ch;
while (*s && maxLen > 0) {
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
if (ch == qch) { s--; maxLen++; break; }
if (ch != '\\') continue;
if (maxLen < 2) return 0; // char and quote
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
switch (ch) {
case 'u':
if (maxLen < 5) return 0;
if (s[0] == qch || s[0] == '\\' || s[1] == qch || s[1] == '\\') return 0;
s += 2; maxLen -= 2;
// fallthru
case 'x':
if (maxLen < 3) return 0;
if (s[0] == qch || s[0] == '\\' || s[1] == qch || s[1] == '\\') return 0;
s += 2; maxLen -= 2;
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
if (maxLen < 4) return 0;
if (s[0] == qch || s[0] == '\\' || s[1] == qch || s[1] == '\\' || s[2] == qch || s[2] == '\\') return 0;
s += 3; maxLen -= 3;
default: ; // escaped char already skiped
//fprintf(stderr, " str [%c]; ml=%i\n", *s, maxLen);
if (maxLen < 1 || *s != qch) return 0; // error
s++; maxLen--; // skip quote
//fprintf(stderr, " 001\n");
again = true;
default: // we can check for punctuation here, but i'm too lazy to do it
if (fieldNameSeen == 1 || fieldNameSeen > 2) return 0; // no delimiter
if (isValidIdChar(ch) || ch == '-' || ch == '.' || ch == '+') {
// good token, skip it
again = true; // just a token, skip it and go on
// check for valid utf8?
while (*s && maxLen > 0) {
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
if (ch != '.' && ch != '-' && ch != '+' && !isValidIdChar(ch)) {
s--; maxLen++;
} else return 0; // error
if (fieldNameSeen != 3) return 0;
// skip blanks
if (!(s = skipBlanks(s, &maxLen))) return 0;
// done
*maxLength = maxLen;
return s;
* parse json-quoted string. a relaxed parser, it allows "'"-quoted strings,
* whereas json standard does not. also \x and \nnn are allowed.
* return position after the string or 0
* 's' should point to the quote char on entry
static const uchar *parseString (QString &str, const uchar *s, int *maxLength) {
if (!s) return 0;
int maxLen = *maxLength;
if (maxLen < 2) return 0;
uchar ch = 0, qch = *s++; maxLen--;
if (qch != '"' && qch != '\x27') return 0;
// calc string length and check string for correctness
int strLen = 0, tmpLen = maxLen;
const uchar *tmpS = s;
while (tmpLen > 0) {
ch = *tmpS++; tmpLen--; strLen++;
if (ch == qch) break;
if (ch != '\\') {
// ascii or utf-8
quint8 t = utf8Length[ch];
if (t&0x08) return 0; // invalid utf-8 sequence
if (t) {
// utf-8
if (tmpLen < t) return 0; // invalid utf-8 sequence
while (--t) {
quint8 b = *tmpS++; tmpLen--;
if (utf8Length[b] != 9) return 0; // invalid utf-8 sequence
// escape sequence
ch = *tmpS++; tmpLen--; //!strLen++;
if (tmpLen < 2) return 0;
int hlen = 0;
switch (ch) {
case 'u': hlen = 4;
case 'x':
if (!hlen) hlen = 2;
if (tmpLen < hlen+1) return 0;
while (hlen-- > 0) {
ch = *tmpS++; tmpLen--;
if (ch >= 'a') ch -= 32;
if (!(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') && !(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')) return 0;
hlen = 0;
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': // octal char
if (tmpLen < 3) return 0;
for (hlen = 2; hlen > 0; hlen--) {
ch = *tmpS++; tmpLen--;
if (ch < '0' || ch > '7') return 0;
case '"': case '\x27': ch = 0; break;
default: ; // one escaped char; will be checked later
if (ch != qch) return 0; // no terminating quote
ch = 0;
while (maxLen > 0) {
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
if (ch == qch) break;
if (ch != '\\') {
// ascii or utf-8
quint8 t = utf8Length[ch];
if (!t) str.append(ch); // ascii
else {
// utf-8
int u = 0; s--; maxLen++;
while (t--) {
quint8 b = *s++; maxLen--;
u = (u<<6)+(b&0x3f);
if (u > 0x10ffff) u &= 0xffff;
if ((u >= 0xd800 && u <= 0xdfff) || // utf16/utf32 surrogates
(u >= 0xfdd0 && u <= 0xfdef) || // just for fun
(u >= 0xfffe && u <= 0xffff)) continue; // bad unicode, skip it
QChar zch(u);
ch = *s++; maxLen--; // at least one char left here
int uu = 0; int escCLen = 0;
switch (ch) {
case 'u': // unicode char, 4 hex digits
escCLen = 4;
// fallthru
case 'x': { // ascii char, 2 hex digits
if (!escCLen) escCLen = 2;
while (escCLen-- > 0) {
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
if (ch >= 'a') ch -= 32;
uu = uu*16+ch-'0';
if (ch >= 'A'/* && ch <= 'F'*/) uu -= 7;
if (uu > 0x10ffff) uu &= 0xffff;
if ((uu >= 0xd800 && uu <= 0xdfff) || // utf16/utf32 surrogates
(uu >= 0xfdd0 && uu <= 0xfdef) || // just for fun
(uu >= 0xfffe && uu <= 0xffff)) uu = -1; // bad unicode, skip it
if (uu >= 0) {
QChar zch(uu);
} break;
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': { // octal char
s--; maxLen++;
uu = 0;
for (int f = 3; f > 0; f--) {
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
uu = uu*8+ch-'0';
QChar zch(uu);
} break;
case '\\': str.append('\\'); break;
case '/': str.append('/'); break;
case 'b': str.append('\b'); break;
case 'f': str.append('\f'); break;
case 'n': str.append('\n'); break;
case 'r': str.append('\r'); break;
case 't': str.append('\t'); break;
case '"': case '\x27': str.append(ch); break;
// non-standard!
if (ch != '\t' && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n') return 0; // all other chars are BAD
if (ch != qch) return 0;
*maxLength = maxLen;
return s;
* parse identifier
static const uchar *parseId (QString &str, const uchar *s, int *maxLength) {
if (!s) return 0;
int maxLen = *maxLength;
if (maxLen < 1) return 0;
uchar ch = 0;
// calc string length and check string for correctness
int strLen = 0, tmpLen = maxLen;
const uchar *tmpS = s;
while (tmpLen > 0) {
ch = *tmpS++;
if (!isValidIdChar(ch)) {
if (!strLen) return 0;
tmpLen--; strLen++;
// ascii or utf-8
quint8 t = utf8Length[ch];
if (t&0x08) return 0; // invalid utf-8 sequence
if (t) {
// utf-8
if (tmpLen < t) return 0; // invalid utf-8 sequence
while (--t) {
quint8 b = *tmpS++; tmpLen--;
if (utf8Length[b] != 9) return 0; // invalid utf-8 sequence
str = "true";
while (isValidIdChar(*s)) { s++; (*maxLength)--; }
return s;
ch = 0;
while (maxLen > 0) {
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
if (!isValidIdChar(ch)) { s--; maxLen++; break; }
// ascii or utf-8
quint8 t = utf8Length[ch];
if (!t) str.append(ch); // ascii
else {
// utf-8
int u = 0; s--; maxLen++;
while (t--) {
quint8 ch = *s++; maxLen--;
u = (u<<6)+(ch&0x3f);
if (u > 0x10ffff) u &= 0xffff;
if ((u >= 0xd800 && u <= 0xdfff) || // utf16/utf32 surrogates
(u >= 0xfdd0 && u <= 0xfdef) || // just for fun
(u >= 0xfffe && u <= 0xffff)) continue; // bad unicode, skip it
QChar zch(u);
*maxLength = maxLen;
return s;
* parse number
//TODO: parse 0x...
static const uchar *parseNumber (QVariant &num, const uchar *s, int *maxLength) {
if (!s) return 0;
int maxLen = *maxLength;
if (maxLen < 1) return 0;
uchar ch = *s++; maxLen--;
// check for negative number
bool negative = false, fr = false;
double fnum = 0.0;
switch (ch) {
case '-':
if (maxLen < 1) return 0;
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
negative = true;
case '+':
if (maxLen < 1) return 0;
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
default: ;
if (ch != '.' && (ch < '0' || ch > '9')) return 0; // invalid integer part, no fraction part
if (ch == '0' && *maxLength > 0 && *s == 'x') {
// hex number
s++; (*maxLength)--; // skip 'x'
bool wasDigit = false;
for (;;) {
if (*maxLength < 1) break;
uchar ch = *s++; (*maxLength)--;
//if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') ch -= 32;
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
fnum *= 16; fnum += ch-'0';
} else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') {
fnum *= 16; fnum += ch-'A'+10;
} else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') {
fnum *= 16; fnum += ch-'a'+10;
} else break;
wasDigit = true;
if (!wasDigit) return 0;
goto backanddone;
// parse integer part
while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
ch -= '0';
fnum = fnum*10+ch;
if (!maxLen) goto done;
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
// check for fractional part
if (ch == '.') {
// parse fractional part
if (maxLen < 1) return 0;
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
double frac = 0.1; fr = true;
if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') return 0; // invalid fractional part
while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
ch -= '0';
fnum += frac*ch;
if (!maxLen) goto done;
frac /= 10;
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
// check for exp part
if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') {
if (maxLen < 1) return 0;
// check for exp sign
bool expNeg = false;
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') {
if (maxLen < 1) return 0;
expNeg = (ch == '-');
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
// check for exp digits
if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') return 0; // invalid exp
quint32 exp = 0; // 64? %-)
while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
exp = exp*10+ch-'0';
if (!maxLen) { s++; maxLen--; break; }
ch = *s++; maxLen--;
while (exp--) {
if (expNeg) fnum /= 10; else fnum *= 10;
if (expNeg && !fr) {
if (fnum > 2147483647.0 || ((qint64)fnum)*1.0 != fnum) fr = true;
s--; maxLen++;
if (!fr && fnum > 2147483647.0) fr = true;
if (negative) fnum = -fnum;
if (fr) num = fnum; else num = (qint32)fnum;
*maxLength = maxLen;
return s;
static const QString sTrue("true");
static const QString sFalse("false");
static const QString sNull("null");
* parse field value
* return ptr to the first non-blank char after the value (or 0)
* 'maxLen' will be changed
const uchar *parseValue (QVariant &fvalue, const uchar *s, int *maxLength) {
if (!(s = skipBlanks(s, maxLength))) return 0;
if (*maxLength < 1) return 0;
switch (*s) {
case '-': case '+': case '.': // '+' and '.' are not in specs!
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
// number
if (!(s = parseNumber(fvalue, s, maxLength))) return 0;
case 't': // true?
if (*maxLength < 4) return 0;
if (s[1] != 'r' || s[2] != 'u' || s[3] != 'e') return 0;
if (*maxLength > 4 && isValidIdChar(s[4])) return 0;
s += 4; (*maxLength) -= 4;
fvalue = true;
case 'f': // false?
if (*maxLength < 5) return 0;
if (s[1] != 'a' || s[2] != 'l' || s[3] != 's' || s[4] != 'e') return 0;
if (*maxLength > 5 && isValidIdChar(s[5])) return 0;
s += 5; (*maxLength) -= 5;
fvalue = false;
case 'n': // null?
if (*maxLength < 4) return 0;
if (s[1] != 'u' || s[2] != 'l' || s[3] != 'l') return 0;
if (*maxLength > 4 && isValidIdChar(s[4])) return 0;
s += 4; (*maxLength) -= 4;
// fvalue is null already
case '"': case '\x27': {
// string
QString tmp;
if (!(s = parseString(tmp, s, maxLength))) return 0;
fvalue = tmp;
case '{': case '[':
// object or list
if (!(s = parseRecord(fvalue, s, maxLength))) return 0;
default: // unknown
return 0;
if (!(s = skipBlanks(s, maxLength))) return 0;
return s;
* parse one field (f-v pair)
* return ptr to the first non-blank char after the record (or 0)
* 'maxLen' will be changed
const uchar *parseField (QString &fname, QVariant &fvalue, const uchar *s, int *maxLength) {
if (!s) return 0;
//int maxLen = *maxLength;
if (!(s = skipBlanks(s, maxLength))) return 0;
if (*maxLength < 1) return 0;
uchar ch = *s;
// field name
if (isValidIdChar(ch)) {
// id
if (!(s = parseId(fname, s, maxLength))) return 0;
} else if (ch == '"' || ch == '\x27') {
// string
if (!(s = parseString(fname, s, maxLength))) return 0;
// ':'
if (!(s = skipBlanks(s, maxLength))) return 0;
if (*maxLength < 2 || *s != ':') return 0;
s++; (*maxLength)--;
// field value
return parseValue(fvalue, s, maxLength);
* parse one record (list or object)
* return ptr to the first non-blank char after the record (or 0)
* 'maxLen' will be changed
const uchar *parseRecord (QVariant &res, const uchar *s, int *maxLength) {
if (!s) return 0;
//int maxLen = *maxLength;
if (!(s = skipBlanks(s, maxLength))) return 0;
if (*maxLength < 1) return 0;
// field name or list/object start
QString str; QVariant val;
uchar ch = *s;
bool isList = false;
switch (ch) {
case '[': isList = true; // list, fallthru
case '{': { // object
if (*maxLength < 2) return 0;
uchar ech = isList ? ']' : '}';
s++; (*maxLength)--;
if (!(s = skipBlanks(s, maxLength))) return 0;
QVariantMap obj; QVariantList lst;
if (*maxLength < 1 || *s != ech) {
for (;;) {
if (isList) {
// list, only values
if (!(s = parseValue(val, s, maxLength))) return 0;
lst << val;
} else {
// object, full fields
if (!(s = parseField(str, val, s, maxLength))) return 0;
obj[str] = val;
if (*maxLength > 0) {
bool wasComma = false;
// skip commas
while (true) {
if (!(s = skipBlanks(s, maxLength))) return 0;
if (*maxLength < 1) { ch = '\0'; wasComma = false; break; }
ch = *s;
if (ch == ech) { s++; (*maxLength)--; break; }
if (ch != ',') break;
s++; (*maxLength)--;
wasComma = true;
if (ch == ech) break; // end of the object/list
if (wasComma) continue;
// else error
// error
s = 0;
} else {
s++; (*maxLength)--;
if (isList) res = lst; else res = obj;
return s;
} // it will never comes here
default: ;
if (!(s = parseField(str, val, s, maxLength))) return 0;
QVariantMap obj;
obj[str] = val;
res = obj;
return s;
# define _K8_JSON_COMPLEX_WORD static
# else
# endif
# endif
typedef bool (*generatorCB) (void *udata, QString &err, QByteArray &res, const QVariant &val, int indent);
# endif
_K8_JSON_COMPLEX_WORD bool generateExCB (void *udata, generatorCB cb, QString &err, QByteArray &res, const QVariant &val, int indent) {
switch (val.type()) {
case QVariant::Invalid: res += "null"; break;
case QVariant::Bool: res += (val.toBool() ? "true" : "false"); break;
case QVariant::Char: res += quote(QString(val.toChar())).toUtf8(); break;
case QVariant::Double: res += QString::number(val.toDouble()).toLatin1(); break; //CHECKME: is '.' always '.'?
case QVariant::Int: res += QString::number(val.toInt()).toLatin1(); break;
case QVariant::LongLong: res += QString::number(val.toLongLong()).toLatin1(); break;
case QVariant::UInt: res += QString::number(val.toUInt()).toLatin1(); break;
case QVariant::ULongLong: res += QString::number(val.toULongLong()).toLatin1(); break;
case QVariant::String: res += quote(val.toString()).toUtf8(); break;
case QVariant::Map: {
//for (int c = indent; c > 0; c--) res += ' ';
res += "{";
indent++; bool comma = false;
QVariantMap m(val.toMap());
QVariantMap::const_iterator i;
for (i = m.constBegin(); i != m.constEnd(); ++i) {
if (comma) res += ",\n"; else { res += '\n'; comma = true; }
for (int c = indent; c > 0; c--) res += ' ';
res += quote(i.key()).toUtf8();
res += ": ";
if (!generateExCB(udata, cb, err, res, i.value(), indent)) return false;
if (comma) {
res += '\n';
for (int c = indent; c > 0; c--) res += ' ';
res += '}';
} break;
case QVariant::Hash: {
//for (int c = indent; c > 0; c--) res += ' ';
res += "{";
indent++; bool comma = false;
QVariantHash m(val.toHash());
QVariantHash::const_iterator i;
for (i = m.constBegin(); i != m.constEnd(); ++i) {
if (comma) res += ",\n"; else { res += '\n'; comma = true; }
for (int c = indent; c > 0; c--) res += ' ';
res += quote(i.key()).toUtf8();
res += ": ";
if (!generateExCB(udata, cb, err, res, i.value(), indent)) return false;
if (comma) {
res += '\n';
for (int c = indent; c > 0; c--) res += ' ';
res += '}';
} break;
case QVariant::List: {
//for (int c = indent; c > 0; c--) res += ' ';
res += "[";
indent++; bool comma = false;
QVariantList m(val.toList());
foreach (const QVariant &v, m) {
if (comma) res += ",\n"; else { res += '\n'; comma = true; }
for (int c = indent; c > 0; c--) res += ' ';
if (!generateExCB(udata, cb, err, res, v, indent)) return false;
if (comma) {
res += '\n';
for (int c = indent; c > 0; c--) res += ' ';
res += ']';
} break;
case QVariant::StringList: {
//for (int c = indent; c > 0; c--) res += ' ';
res += "[";
indent++; bool comma = false;
QStringList m(val.toStringList());
foreach (const QString &v, m) {
if (comma) res += ",\n"; else { res += '\n'; comma = true; }
for (int c = indent; c > 0; c--) res += ' ';
res += quote(v).toUtf8();
if (comma) {
res += '\n';
for (int c = indent; c > 0; c--) res += ' ';
res += ']';
} break;
if (cb) return cb(udata, err, res, val, indent);
err = QString("invalid variant type: %1").arg(val.typeName());
return false;
return true;
_K8_JSON_COMPLEX_WORD bool generateCB (void *udata, generatorCB cb, QByteArray &res, const QVariant &val, int indent) {
QString err;
return generateExCB(udata, cb, err, res, val, indent);
bool generateEx (QString &err, QByteArray &res, const QVariant &val, int indent) {
return generateExCB(0, 0, err, res, val, indent);
bool generate (QByteArray &res, const QVariant &val, int indent) {
QString err;
return generateExCB(0, 0, err, res, val, indent);