
197 lines
5.7 KiB

/* This file is part of Clementine.
Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Clementine. If not, see <>.
#include "htmlscraper.h"
#include "core/networkaccessmanager.h"
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QTextCodec>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
const int HtmlScraper::kRedirectLimit = 5;
HtmlScraper::HtmlScraper(NetworkAccessManager* network, QObject* parent)
: LyricProvider(network, parent)
LyricProvider::Result HtmlScraper::Search(const Song& metadata) const {
LyricProvider::Result ret;
// Get the text codec
const QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(charset_.toAscii().constData());
if (!codec) {
qWarning() << "Invalid codec" << charset_;
return ret;
// Fill in fields in the URL
QString url_text(url_);
DoUrlReplace("{artist}", metadata.artist().toLower(), &url_text);
DoUrlReplace("{album}", metadata.album().toLower(), &url_text);
DoUrlReplace("{title}", metadata.title().toLower(), &url_text);
DoUrlReplace("{Artist}", metadata.artist(), &url_text);
DoUrlReplace("{Album}", metadata.album(), &url_text);
DoUrlReplace("{Title}", metadata.title(), &url_text);
DoUrlReplace("{Title2}", TitleCase(metadata.title()), &url_text);
DoUrlReplace("{a}", FirstChar(metadata.artist()), &url_text);
QUrl url(url_text);
// Fetch the URL, follow redirects
boost::scoped_ptr<QNetworkReply> reply;
for (int i=0 ; ; ++i) {
if (i >= kRedirectLimit)
return ret;
qDebug() << "Fetching" << url;
if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError)
return ret;
QVariant redirect_target = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute);
if (!redirect_target.isValid())
QUrl target = redirect_target.toUrl();
if (target.scheme().isEmpty() || {
QString path = target.path();
target = url;
url = target;
const QString original_content = codec->toUnicode(reply->readAll());
// Check for invalid indicators
foreach (const QString& indicator, invalid_indicators_) {
if (original_content.contains(indicator))
return ret;
// Apply extract rules
foreach (const Rule& rule, extract_rules_) {
QString content = original_content;
ApplyExtractRule(rule, &content);
if (!content.isEmpty())
ret.content = content;
// Apply exclude rules
foreach (const Rule& rule, exclude_rules_) {
ApplyExcludeRule(rule, &ret.content);
if (!ret.content.isEmpty())
ret.valid = true;
return ret;
void HtmlScraper::ApplyExtractRule(const Rule& rule, QString* content) const {
foreach (const RuleItem& item, rule) {
if (item.second.isNull()) {
*content = ExtractXmlTag(*content, item.first);
} else {
*content = Extract(*content, item.first, item.second);
QString HtmlScraper::ExtractXmlTag(const QString& source, const QString& tag) {
QRegExp re("<(\\w+).*>"); // ಠ_ಠ
if (re.indexIn(tag) == -1)
return QString();
return Extract(source, tag, "</" + re.cap(1) + ">");
QString HtmlScraper::Extract(const QString& source, const QString& begin, const QString& end) {
int begin_idx = source.indexOf(begin);
if (begin_idx == -1)
return QString();
begin_idx += begin.length();
int end_idx = source.indexOf(end, begin_idx);
if (end_idx == -1)
return QString();
return source.mid(begin_idx, end_idx - begin_idx - 1);
void HtmlScraper::ApplyExcludeRule(const Rule& rule, QString* content) const {
foreach (const RuleItem& item, rule) {
if (item.second.isNull()) {
*content = ExcludeXmlTag(*content, item.first);
} else {
*content = Exclude(*content, item.first, item.second);
QString HtmlScraper::ExcludeXmlTag(const QString& source, const QString& tag) {
QRegExp re("<(\\w+).*>"); // ಠ_ಠ
if (re.indexIn(tag) == -1)
return source;
return Exclude(source, tag, "</" + re.cap(1) + ">");
QString HtmlScraper::Exclude(const QString& source, const QString& begin, const QString& end) {
int begin_idx = source.indexOf(begin);
if (begin_idx == -1)
return source;
int end_idx = source.indexOf(end, begin_idx + begin.length());
if (end_idx == -1)
return source;
return source.left(begin_idx) + source.right(source.length() - end_idx - end.length());
QString HtmlScraper::FirstChar(const QString& text) {
if (text.isEmpty())
return QString();
return text[0].toLower();
QString HtmlScraper::TitleCase(const QString& text) {
if (text.length() == 0)
return QString();
if (text.length() == 1)
return text[0].toUpper();
return text[0].toUpper() + text.right(text.length() - 1).toLower();
void HtmlScraper::DoUrlReplace(const QString& tag, const QString& value,
QString* url) const {
if (!url->contains(tag))
// Apply URL character replacement
QString value_copy(value);
foreach (const UrlFormat& format, url_formats_) {
QRegExp re("[" + QRegExp::escape(format.first) + "]");
value_copy.replace(re, format.second);
url->replace(tag, value_copy, Qt::CaseInsensitive);