576 lines
18 KiB

descriptor fields specification:
- url - parameters: {artist},{title},{album},{Artist},{Title},{Album},{a}
- urlFormat - specify character replacements for url parameters
- title - use <title>{artist} - {title} lyrics</title> for extracting artist and title from returned html
- charset
- extract - short rule(s) for extracting reply from returned html
- exclude - similar as extract but inverse
- invalidIndicator - string(s) that identify returned page as invalid if page contains the invalidIndicator(s)
- getReply - javascript function that manually extract reply from a html page
extract, exclude and invalidIndicator fields are alternative to getReply
extract, exclude and invalidIndicator fields can be catenated in an array
extract, exclude fields specification (2 formats):
- string - an html tag
- 2 lenght array - specify starting and ending string that surround data
alternative (fallback) rules for extract are named extract2,extract3,extract4 (useful when a site use multiple templates)
var reply = "<FONT color=#DDDDDD><b>13. Payback</b></font>"
var start = reply.search(new RegExp("<b>\\d+. Payback<\\/b>","i"));
const siteDescriptors = {
"lyrics.wikia.com": {
title: "{artist}:{title} Lyrics - ",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [["<div class='lyricbox'>","<!--"]],
// extract2: [["<div class='lyricbox' >","<!--"]],
exclude: ["<div class='rtMatcher'>",'<span style="padding:1em">'],
setup: function(){
this.multiple = settings.multi_lang_wikia;
this.urlHashDiscriminator = this.multiple;
url: "http://lyrics.wikia.com/{Artist}:{Title}",
urlFormat : [
{punct: " _@;\\\"", rep: "_" }, // removed ,/
{punct: "?", rep: "%3F" },
"lyricsplugin.com": {
title: "{artist} - {title} Lyrics",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: '<div id="lyrics">',
url: "http://www.lyricsplugin.com/winamp03/plugin/?title={title}&artist={artist}",
urlFormat : [
{punct: "_@;&\\/\"", rep: "-"},// removed ,
{punct: "'", rep: ""},
{punct: " ", rep: "%20"},
"lyricstime.com": {
title: "{artist} - {title} Lyrics",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: ['<div id="songlyrics" >','<p>'],
url: "http://www.lyricstime.com/{artist}-{title}-lyrics.html",
urlFormat : [
{punct: " _@,;&\\/\"'", rep: "-"},
{punct: ".", rep: ""},
"lyricsreg.com": {
title: "{title} lyrics {artist}",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
invalidIndicator: "Page not Found",
extract: [['Ringtone to your Cell','Ringtone to your Cell'],['<div style="text-align:center;">','<a']],
url: "http://www.lyricsreg.com/lyrics/{artist}/{title}/",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "+", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "'." },
"lyricsmania.com": {
title: "{artist} - {title} Lyrics",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
invalidIndicator: "The lyrics you requested is not in our archive yet,",
extract: [['<span style="font-size:14px;">','<span style="font-size:14px;">'],['</center>','<a']],
url: "http://www.lyricsmania.com/{title}_lyrics_{artist}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "_", punct: " _@;&\\/\"'." }, // removed ,
"seeklyrics.com": {
title: "{artist} - {title} Lyrics",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: '<div id="songlyrics">',
url: "http://www.seeklyrics.com/lyrics/{Artist}/{Title}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/'\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "." },
"azlyrics.com": {
title: "{artist} LYRICS - {title}",
charset: "utf-8",
// charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: [['<!-- END OF RINGTONE 1 -->','<!-- RINGTONE 2 -->']],
exclude: ['<B>',['<i>[',']</i>'],['[',']']],
url: "http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/{artist}/{title}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "", punct: " ._@,;&\\/'\"-" },
"metrolyrics.com": {
title: "{artist} - {title} LYRICS",
charset: "utf-8",
invalidIndicator: "These lyrics are missing",
extract: '<span id="lyrics">',
extract2: '<div id="lyrics">',
exclude: '<h5>',
url: "http://www.metrolyrics.com/{title}-lyrics-{artist}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "'." },
"jamendo.com": {
charset: "utf-8",
getReply: function(reply){
reply = reply.extractXmlTag('<div id="lyrics" style="margin-left:5px;">');
reply = reply.replace(/\n/g,"<br />")
return reply;
url: "http://www.jamendo.com/en/get/track/list/track-artist/lyricstext/plain/?searchterm={Title}&artist_searchterm={Artist}",
// url: "http://www.jamendo.com/en/get/track/list/track-artist-album/lyricstext/plain/?searchterm={title}&artist_searchterm={artist}",
urlFormat : []
"mp3lyrics.org": {
title: "{artist} &quot;{title}&quot; Lyrics",
charset: "utf-8",
invalidIndicator: "Something went wrong",
extract: "<span id=gn_lyricsB>",
extract2: '<div class="KonaBody" id="EchoTopic">',
exclude: ["<font size=2>",["<b><i>","</u></b>:"],["<b>Lyrics","</b>"]],
url: "http://www.mp3lyrics.org/{a}/{artist}/{title}/",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "'." },
"songlyrics.com": {
title: "{title} LYRICS - {artist}",
charset: "utf-8",
invalidIndicator: ["Sorry, we have no", "This is an upcoming album and we do not have the"],
extract: '<p id="songLyricsDiv" ondragstart="return false;" onselectstart="return false;" oncontextmenu="return false;" class="songLyricsV14" style="font-size: 14px;z-index: 9999;position: absolute;left: -6000px;">',
exclude: [['\n[','] ']],
url: "http://www.songlyrics.com/{artist}/{title}-lyrics/",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " ._@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "_", punct: "'" },
"darklyrics.com": {
title: "{artist} LYRICS - {title}",
charset: "utf-8",
getReply: function(reply, info){
// var start = reply.search(new RegExp(("<FONT color=#DDDDDD><b>\d+. " + info.arrange(info.title,this.urlFormat,false) + "</b></font>").escapeRegExp(),"i"));
var start = reply.search(new RegExp("<b>\\d+. " + info.arrange(info.title,SearchInfo.prototype.defaultReplaces,false) + "[^<]*<\\/b>","i"));
// var start = reply.search(new RegExp("<FONT color=#DDDDDD>","i"));
if (start<0)
return "";
// Amarok.alert(start);
reply = reply.substring(start);
var end = reply.search(new RegExp("<font","i"));
reply = reply.substring(0,end);
reply = reply.substring(reply.indexOf("</b>")+4);
reply = reply.replace(/<\/font>/ig,"");
reply = reply.replace(/<a name=\d+>/ig,"");
return reply;
if (info2){
info.matchedTitle = info2.title;
info.matchedArtist = info2.artist;
// Amarok.alert(info.matchedTitle + " | " + info.matchedArtist);
if (!info.arrange)
var title = reply.match(new RegExp("<b>\\d+. (" + info.arrange(info.title,SearchInfo.prototype.defaultReplaces,false) + "[^<]*)<\\/b>","i"));
if (title)
info.matchedTitle = title[1];
Amarok.alert(info.matchedTitle + " | " + info.matchedArtist);
invalidIndicator: "Not Found",
url: "http://www.darklyrics.com/lyrics/{artist}/{album}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"'." },
"lyricsmode.com": {
title: "{artist} - {title} lyrics",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
invalidIndicator: "Sorry, we have no",
// extract: '<div id="songlyrics">',
// extract2: '<span id="lyrics">',
extract: "<div id='songlyrics_h' class='dn'>",
url: "http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/{a}/{artist}/{title}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "_", punct: " ._@,;&\\/\"" },
"elyrics.net": {
title: "{title} Lyrics - {artist}",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
invalidIndicator: "Page not Found",
extract : "<div class='ly' style='font-size:12px;'>",
exclude : ["<strong>","<em>"],
url: "http://www.elyrics.net/read/{a}/{artist}-lyrics/{title}-lyrics.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@;&\\/\"" }, // removed ,
{rep: "_", punct: "'" },
"lyricsdownload.com": {
title: "{artist} - {title} LYRICS",
charset: "utf-8",
invalidIndicator: "We haven't lyrics of this song",
extract : '<div id="div_customCSS">',
url: "http://www.lyricsdownload.com/{artist}-{title}-lyrics.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "." },
"lyrics.com": {
title: "{artist} - {title} Lyrics",
charset: "utf-8",
invalidIndicator: "we do not have the lyric for this song",
extract: '<div id="lyrics" class="SCREENONLY">',
// extract: '<div id="lyric_space">',
url: "http://www.lyrics.com/lyrics/{artist}/{title}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "'." },
"lyriki.com": {
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['</table>','<div class="printfooter">'],'<p>'],
url: "http://www.lyriki.com/{artist}:{title}",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "_", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "." },
"lyricsbay.com": {
title: "{title} lyrics {artist}",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: "<div id=EchoTopic>",
exclude: '<textarea name="songscpy" id="songscpyid" onclick="callselect(\'songscpyid\',\'selectswf\')" rows="3" cols="45" READONLY>',
// exclude: [["<i>[","]</i>"]],
url: "http://www.lyricsbay.com/{title}_lyrics-{artist}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "_", punct: " _@,;&\\/'\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "." },
"directlyrics.com": {
title: "{artist} - {title} lyrics",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: ['<div id="lyricsContent">','<p>'],
exclude: [["<b>","</b>"]],
url: "http://www.directlyrics.com/{artist}-{title}-lyrics.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/'\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "." },
"loudson.gs": {
charset: "utf-8",
extract : '<div class="middle_col_TracksLyrics ">',
url: "http://www.loudson.gs/{a}/{artist}/{album}/{title}",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "." },
"lyricsfreak.com": {
// title: "{artist} | {title} lyrics",
title: "{artist}, {title}",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: "<div id='content_h' class='dn'>",
// extract : '<div id="content" style="float: none; clear: both;FONT-SIZE: 15px; FONT-FAMILY: \'Times New Roman\', serif;" lang="en">'
"sing365.com": {
title: "{artist} - {title} LYRICS",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['<img src=http://www.sing365.com/images/phone2.gif border=0><br><br></div>','<div']]
"allreggaelyrics.com": {
charset: "iso-8859-1",
getReply: function(reply){
reply = reply.extractXmlTag("<pre>");
reply = reply.replace(/\n/g,'<br/>\n');
return reply;
"stixoi.info (Greek songs)": {
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['<font class=creators>','</td>']]
"teksty.org": {
title: "{artist} - {title} - tekst",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['<div class="songText" id="songContent">','</div>']],
url: "http://teksty.org/{artist},{title},tekst-piosenki",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"'" },
{rep: "", punct: "."},
"tekstowo.pl (Polish translations)": {
title: "{artist} - {title} - tekst",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['<div class="song-text">','<a href="javascript:;"']], // original
extract2: '<div class="tlumaczenie">', // translated
exclude: [["<h2>","</h2><br />"]],
url: "http://www.tekstowo.pl/piosenka,{artist},{title}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "_", punct: " _@,;&\\/'\"." },
"vagalume.com.br": {
title: "{title} de {artist} no VAGALUME",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: '<span class="editable_area">',
// exclude: [['<div style="float:left"','>']],
url: "http://vagalume.com.br/{artist}/{title}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/'\"." },
"vagalume.com.br (Portuguese translations)": {
title: "{title} de {artist} no VAGALUME",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: '<div class="tab_traducao sideBySide lyricArea tab_tra_pt">',
// exclude: [['<div style="float:left"','>']],
url: "http://vagalume.com.br/{artist}/{title}-traducao.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/'\"." },
"zeneszoveg.hu": {
title: "{artist} : {title} - dalszöveg",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['</a>?','<div']]
"letras.mus.br": {
charset: "utf-8",
url: "http://letras.terra.com.br/winamp.php?musica={title}&artista={artist}",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "_", punct: "_@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "+", punct: " " },
extract: [["</div>","</div>"]],
invalidIndicator: "Verifique se o nome do seu arquivo e sua",
"lololyrics.com": {
charset: "utf-8",
url: "http://api.lololyrics.com/0.5/getLyric?artist={artist}&track={title}",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "_", punct: "_@,;&\\/\"#" },
extract: '<response>',
invalidIndicator: "ERROR",
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function UniversalSite(){
this.charset = "utf-8";
this.urlHashDiscriminator = settings.max_size_html + settings.max_size_lyrics;
this.postExtractReplaces = [];
this.getReply = function(reply){
if (!arguments.callee.preReplaces){
arguments.callee.preReplaces = [
{expr:/[\r\t\n]/g, str:""}, // removes tab and return and new line chars
{expr:/ +/g, str:" "}, // compress multiple spaces
{expr:/<script[^>]*(?!<\/script>)*<\/script>/mig , str:""}, // removes <script> tag
{expr:/<!--(?!-->)*-->/mig , str:""}, // removes html comments <!-- -->
{expr:/<[^>]*[biup]>/ig , str:""}, // removes xml tags <b> <i> <p>...
arguments.callee.postReplaces = [
{expr:/\n((<[^>\n]*>)| )*\n/g, str:""}, // removes empty lines
{expr:/\n+/g, str:"\n"}, // removes empty lines
// reply = reply.excludeAll("<script","/script>");
reply = reply.multiReplace(arguments.callee.preReplaces);
reply = reply.match(/>([^<]*)<\/?[biup]/mig); // anything that has <br>
if (reply == null)
reply = [];
var html = "";
for (i=0;i<reply.length;i++)
html+=reply[i].match(/>([^<]*)<\/?[biup]/mi)[1] + "<br/>";
html = html.multiReplace(arguments.callee.postReplaces);
html = html.multiReplace(LyricsClass.prototype.postExtractReplaces);
if (html == "")
html = "<i>{msg:no text found}</i>";
return html;
this.downloadableReply = function(info){
return info.url!="";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
String.prototype.encodeSuggestionURL = function(){
return this.toString();
String.prototype.decodeSuggestionURL = function(){
return this.toString();
String.prototype.formatSuggestionInfo = function(){
return this.toString();
function GLyrics(){
this.charset = "utf-8";
this.display_mode = "Suggestions";
this.url = "http://www.google.com/search?num={gsearch_no}&q={artist}+{title}+{gsearch}";
this.urlFormat = [
{punct: "&", rep: "" }
this.urlHashDiscriminator = settings.gsearch_filter_expr + settings.gsearch_filter_url + binToInt(settings.gsearch_filter_artist);
// alert(this.urlHashDiscriminator);
this.getUrl = function(info){
var url = LyricsClass.prototype.getUrl.call(this,info);
url = url.fill1(settings);
// url = url.replace(/\ /g,"+");
return url;
this.getReply = function(reply,info){
if (!arguments.callee.filterURL){
arguments.callee.filterURL = function(url){
var filter_expr = settings.gsearch_filter_expr.split("|");
for(var i in filter_expr)
filter_expr[i] = "(" + filter_expr[i].escapeRegExp() + ")";
arguments.callee.filter_expr = new RegExp(filter_expr.join("|"),"i");
if (settings.gsearch_filter_url == "no filter")
return true;
if (settings.gsearch_filter_url == "hostname")
url = (new QUrl(url)).host();
return url.search(arguments.callee.filter_expr)>=0;
arguments.callee.filterTitle = function(title, info){
var b = new RegExp(info.artist,"i").test(title);
// if (!b) alert(title);
return b;
if (!info.isValid)
return "not found";
reply = reply.replace(/<\/?em>/g,"");
reply = reply.replace(/<\/?b>/g,"");
var suggestions = reply.match( /href=\"([^\"]*)\" class=l[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/a>/g );
if (suggestions === null || !suggestions)
return "not found";
// Amarok.alert(suggestions);
var fullySupported = "";
var universalSupported = "";
for (i=0;i<suggestions.length;i++){
suggestions[i] = suggestions[i].match(/href=\"([^\"]*)\" class=l[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/a>/);
var url = suggestions[i][1].escapeXmlChars().encodeSuggestionURL();
var title = suggestions[i][2];
if (!arguments.callee.filterURL(url) || (settings.gsearch_filter_artist && !arguments.callee.filterTitle(title, info)))
var site = SiteManager.domains[(new QUrl(url)).host()];
var inf = {artist:info.artist,title:title};
var bFullySupported = !(!site);
if (!site)
site = this;
// alert(site.domain + " " + SiteManager.domains[(new QUrl(url)).host()] + " " + (new QUrl(url)).host());
var artist = inf.matchedArtist.escapeNumberedChars().escapeHtmlEntities().capitalize();
var title = inf.matchedTitle.escapeNumberedChars().escapeHtmlEntities().capitalize();
var host = " (" + (new QUrl(url)).host()+")";
if (artist == ""){
artist = "unknown";
// bFullySupported = false;
// artist = "(" + (new QUrl(url)).host()+")";
// if (title.length > 40 - artist.length - host.length)
// title = title.substr(0, 40 - artist.length - host.length) + "..";
title += host;
// Amarok.alert(url);
var suggestion = "<suggestion artist=\"" + artist.formatSuggestionInfo().replace(/\"/g,"'").escapeXmlChars() + "\" title=\"" + title.formatSuggestionInfo().replace(/\"/g,"'").escapeXmlChars()+ "\" url=\"" + url + "\" />\n";
if (bFullySupported)
fullySupported += suggestion;
universalSupported += suggestion;
var xml = fullySupported+universalSupported;
if (xml=="")
return "not found";
return xml;
this.filter = function(info){
return true;
this.downloadableReply = function(info){
return info.url=="" && !this.skipSearch;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function NotFound(){
this.display_mode = "Suggestions";
this.getReply = function(reply,info){
return "not found";
this.downloadableReply = function(info){
return false;
this.filter = function(info){
return !info.isValid;