160 lines
4.6 KiB
160 lines
4.6 KiB
import clementine
from PythonQt.QtCore import QUrl, QString
from PythonQt.QtNetwork import QNetworkRequest
from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring
import urllib
import time
import hashlib
import base64
import hmac
class AmazonCoversScript():
def __init__(self):
# create and register our factory
self.factory = AmazonCoverProviderFactory()
class AmazonCoverProviderFactory(clementine.CoverProviderFactory):
def __init__(self):
# register in the repository of factories
def CreateCoverProvider(self, parent):
return AmazonCoverProvider(parent)
class AmazonCoverProvider(clementine.CoverProvider):
Most of the Amazon API related code here comes from a plugin (which I wrote) for
an open source application called Cardapio.
def __init__(self):
clementine.CoverProvider.__init__(self, "Amazon")
self.api_url = 'http://ecs.amazonaws.com/onca/xml?{0}'
self.aws_access_key = 'AKIAJ4QO3GQTSM3A43BQ'
self.aws_secret_access_key = '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'
# basic API's arguments (search in all categories)
self.api_base_args = {
'Service' : 'AWSECommerceService',
'Version' : '2009-11-01',
'Operation' : 'ItemSearch',
'SearchIndex' : 'All',
'ResponseGroup' : 'Images',
'AWSAccessKeyId': self.aws_access_key
self.network = clementine.NetworkAccessManager(self)
# register in the repository of cover providers
def SendRequest(self, query):
url = QUrl.fromEncoded(self.api_url.format(self.PrepareAmazonRESTUrl(query)))
return self.network.get(QNetworkRequest(url))
def ParseReply(self, reply):
parsed = []
# watch out for connection problems
xml_body = str(reply.readAll())
# watch out for empty input
if len(xml_body) == 0:
return parsed
root = fromstring(xml_body)
# strip the namespaces from all of the parsed items
for el in root.getiterator():
ns_pos = el.tag.find('}')
if ns_pos != -1:
el.tag = el.tag[(ns_pos + 1):]
except Exception as ex:
print 'error while preparing reply for parsing', ex
return parsed
# decode the result
items = []
is_valid = root.find('Items/Request/IsValid')
total_results = root.find('Items/TotalResults')
# if we have a valid response with any results...
if (not is_valid is None) and is_valid != 'False' and (not total_results is None) and total_results != '0':
query = root.find('Items/Request/ItemSearchRequest/Keywords').text
# remember them all
for i, item in enumerate(root.findall('Items/Item')):
final_url = None
current_url = item.find('LargeImage/URL')
if current_url == None:
current_url = item.find('MediumImage/URL')
if current_url == None:
current = clementine.CoverSearchResult()
current.description = QString(query)
current.image_url = QString(current_url.text)
except KeyError as ex:
print 'incorrect response structure', ex
return parsed
def PrepareAmazonRESTUrl(self, text):
Prepares a RESTful URL according to Amazon's strict querying policies.
Deals with the variable part of the URL only (the one after the '?').
# additional required API arguments
copy_args = self.api_base_args.copy()
copy_args['Keywords'] = str(text)
copy_args['Timestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime())
# turn the argument map into a list of encoded request parameter strings
query_list = map(
lambda (k, v): (k + "=" + urllib.quote(v)),
# sort the list (by parameter name)
# turn the list into a partial URL string
query_string = "&".join(query_list)
# prepare a string on which we will base the AWS signature
string_to_sign = """GET
{1}""".format('ecs.amazonaws.com', query_string)
# create HMAC for the string (using SHA-256 and our secret API key)
hm = hmac.new(key = self.aws_secret_access_key,
msg = string_to_sign,
digestmod = hashlib.sha256)
# final step... convert the HMAC to base64, then encode it
signature = urllib.quote(base64.b64encode(hm.digest()))
return query_string + '&Signature=' + signature
script = AmazonCoversScript()