284 lines
8.2 KiB
284 lines
8.2 KiB
/* This file is part of Clementine.
Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Clementine. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef SONG_H
#define SONG_H
#include <QHash>
#include <QImage>
#include <QList>
#include <QSharedData>
#include <QSharedDataPointer>
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include <QString>
#include <QMetaType>
#include "config.h"
#include "engines/engine_fwd.h"
#include <taglib/id3v1tag.h>
#include "nsUniversalDetector.h"
# include <gpod/itdb.h>
namespace lastfm {
class Track;
namespace TagLib {
class FileRef;
namespace ID3v2 {
class Tag;
class FileRefFactory {
virtual ~FileRefFactory() {}
virtual TagLib::FileRef* GetFileRef(const QString& filename) = 0;
class TagLibFileRefFactory : public FileRefFactory {
virtual TagLib::FileRef* GetFileRef(const QString& filename);
class UniversalEncodingHandler : public TagLib::ID3v1::StringHandler,
nsUniversalDetector {
explicit UniversalEncodingHandler(uint32_t language_filter);
// TagLib::ID3v1::StringHandler
virtual TagLib::String parse(const TagLib::ByteVector& data) const;
QTextCodec* Guess(const char* data);
QTextCodec* Guess(const TagLib::FileRef& file);
QTextCodec* Guess(const TagLib::String& input);
QString FixEncoding(const TagLib::String& input);
// nsUniversalDetector
virtual void Report(const char* charset);
void Guess(const TagLib::String& input, QHash<QTextCodec*, int>* usages);
QTextCodec* current_codec_;
class Song {
Song(const Song& other);
Song(FileRefFactory* factory);
static const QStringList kColumns;
static const QString kColumnSpec;
static const QString kBindSpec;
static const QString kUpdateSpec;
static const QStringList kFtsColumns;
static const QString kFtsColumnSpec;
static const QString kFtsBindSpec;
static const QString kFtsUpdateSpec;
static QString JoinSpec(const QString& table);
// Don't change these values - they're stored in the database
enum FileType {
Type_Unknown = 0,
Type_Asf = 1,
Type_Flac = 2,
Type_Mp4 = 3,
Type_Mpc = 4,
Type_Mpeg = 5,
Type_OggFlac = 6,
Type_OggSpeex = 7,
Type_OggVorbis = 8,
Type_Aiff = 9,
Type_Wav = 10,
Type_TrueAudio = 11,
Type_Stream = 99,
// Constructors
void Init(const QString& title, const QString& artist, const QString& album, int length);
void InitFromFile(const QString& filename, int directory_id);
void InitFromQuery(const QSqlQuery& query, int col = 0);
void InitFromLastFM(const lastfm::Track& track);
void MergeFromSimpleMetaBundle(const Engine::SimpleMetaBundle& bundle);
void InitFromItdb(Itdb_Track* track);
static QString Decode(const TagLib::String& tag, const QTextCodec* codec);
// Save
void BindToQuery(QSqlQuery* query) const;
void BindToFtsQuery(QSqlQuery* query) const;
void ToLastFM(lastfm::Track* track) const;
// Simple accessors
bool is_valid() const { return d->valid_; }
int id() const { return d->id_; }
const QString& title() const { return d->title_; }
const QString& album() const { return d->album_; }
const QString& artist() const { return d->artist_; }
const QString& albumartist() const { return d->albumartist_; }
const QString& composer() const { return d->composer_; }
int track() const { return d->track_; }
int disc() const { return d->disc_; }
float bpm() const { return d->bpm_; }
int year() const { return d->year_; }
const QString& genre() const { return d->genre_; }
const QString& comment() const { return d->comment_; }
bool is_compilation() const {
return (d->compilation_ || d->sampler_ || d->forced_compilation_on_)
&& ! d->forced_compilation_off_;
int length() const { return d->length_; }
int bitrate() const { return d->bitrate_; }
int samplerate() const { return d->samplerate_; }
int directory_id() const { return d->directory_id_; }
const QString& filename() const { return d->filename_; }
const QString& basefilename() const { return d->basefilename_; }
uint mtime() const { return d->mtime_; }
uint ctime() const { return d->ctime_; }
int filesize() const { return d->filesize_; }
FileType filetype() const { return d->filetype_; }
const QString& art_automatic() const { return d->art_automatic_; }
const QString& art_manual() const { return d->art_manual_; }
const QImage& image() const { return d->image_; }
// Pretty accessors
QString PrettyTitle() const;
QString PrettyTitleWithArtist() const;
QString PrettyLength() const;
// Setters
bool IsEditable() const;
bool Save() const;
void set_id(int id) { d->id_ = id; }
void set_valid(bool v) { d->valid_ = v; }
void set_title(const QString& v) { d->title_ = v; }
void set_album(const QString& v) { d->album_ = v; }
void set_artist(const QString& v) { d->artist_ = v; }
void set_albumartist(const QString& v) { d->albumartist_ = v; }
void set_composer(const QString& v) { d->composer_ = v; }
void set_track(int v) { d->track_ = v; }
void set_disc(int v) { d->disc_ = v; }
void set_bpm(float v) { d->bpm_ = v; }
void set_year(int v) { d->year_ = v; }
void set_genre(const QString& v) { d->genre_ = v; }
void set_comment(const QString& v) { d->comment_ = v; }
void set_compilation(bool v) { d->compilation_ = v; }
void set_sampler(bool v) { d->sampler_ = v; }
void set_length(int v) { d->length_ = v; }
void set_bitrate(int v) { d->bitrate_ = v; }
void set_samplerate(int v) { d->samplerate_ = v; }
void set_mtime(int v) { d->mtime_ = v; }
void set_ctime(int v) { d->ctime_ = v; }
void set_filesize(int v) { d->filesize_ = v; }
void set_filetype(FileType v) { d->filetype_ = v; }
void set_art_automatic(const QString& v) { d->art_automatic_ = v; }
void set_art_manual(const QString& v) { d->art_manual_ = v; }
void set_image(const QImage& i) { d->image_ = i; }
void set_forced_compilation_on(bool v) { d->forced_compilation_on_ = v; }
void set_forced_compilation_off(bool v) { d->forced_compilation_off_ = v; }
// Setters that should only be used by tests
void set_filename(const QString& v) { d->filename_ = v; }
void set_basefilename(const QString& v) { d->basefilename_ = v; }
void set_directory_id(int v) { d->directory_id_ = v; }
// Comparison functions
bool IsMetadataEqual(const Song& other) const;
void GuessFileType(TagLib::FileRef* fileref);
// Helper methods for taglib
static void SetTextFrame(const QString& id, const QString& value,
TagLib::ID3v2::Tag* tag);
struct Private : public QSharedData {
bool valid_;
int id_;
QString title_;
QString album_;
QString artist_;
QString albumartist_;
QString composer_;
int track_;
int disc_;
float bpm_;
int year_;
QString genre_;
QString comment_;
bool compilation_; // From the file tag
bool sampler_; // From the library scanner
bool forced_compilation_on_; // Set by the user
bool forced_compilation_off_; // Set by the user
int length_;
int bitrate_;
int samplerate_;
int directory_id_;
QString filename_;
QString basefilename_;
int mtime_;
int ctime_;
int filesize_;
FileType filetype_;
// Filenames to album art for this song.
QString art_automatic_; // Guessed by LibraryWatcher
QString art_manual_; // Set by the user - should take priority
QImage image_;
QSharedDataPointer<Private> d;
FileRefFactory* factory_;
static TagLibFileRefFactory kDefaultFactory;
typedef QList<Song> SongList;
#endif // SONG_H