
311 lines
10 KiB

/* This file is part of Clementine.
Copyright 2010, David Sansome <>
Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Clementine. If not, see <>.
#include "core/organiseformat.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QPalette>
#include <QUrl>
#include "core/arraysize.h"
#include "core/timeconstants.h"
#include "core/utilities.h"
const char* OrganiseFormat::kTagPattern = "\\%([a-zA-Z]*)";
const char* OrganiseFormat::kBlockPattern = "\\{([^{}]+)\\}";
const QStringList OrganiseFormat::kKnownTags = QStringList() << "title"
<< "album"
<< "artist"
<< "artistinitial"
<< "albumartist"
<< "composer"
<< "track"
<< "disc"
<< "bpm"
<< "year"
<< "genre"
<< "comment"
<< "length"
<< "bitrate"
<< "samplerate"
<< "extension"
<< "performer"
<< "grouping";
// From
const char OrganiseFormat::kInvalidFatCharacters[] = "\"*/\\:<>?|";
const int OrganiseFormat::kInvalidFatCharactersCount =
arraysize(OrganiseFormat::kInvalidFatCharacters) - 1;
const char OrganiseFormat::kInvalidPrefixCharacters[] = ".";
const int OrganiseFormat::kInvalidPrefixCharactersCount =
arraysize(OrganiseFormat::kInvalidPrefixCharacters) - 1;
const QRgb OrganiseFormat::SyntaxHighlighter::kValidTagColorLight =
qRgb(64, 64, 255);
const QRgb OrganiseFormat::SyntaxHighlighter::kInvalidTagColorLight =
qRgb(255, 64, 64);
const QRgb OrganiseFormat::SyntaxHighlighter::kBlockColorLight =
qRgb(230, 230, 230);
const QRgb OrganiseFormat::SyntaxHighlighter::kValidTagColorDark =
qRgb(128, 128, 255);
const QRgb OrganiseFormat::SyntaxHighlighter::kInvalidTagColorDark =
qRgb(255, 128, 128);
const QRgb OrganiseFormat::SyntaxHighlighter::kBlockColorDark =
qRgb(64, 64, 64);
OrganiseFormat::OrganiseFormat(const QString& format)
: format_(format),
replace_the_(false) {}
void OrganiseFormat::set_format(const QString& v) {
format_ = v;
format_.replace('\\', '/');
bool OrganiseFormat::IsValid() const {
int pos = 0;
QString format_copy(format_);
Validator v;
return v.validate(format_copy, pos) == QValidator::Acceptable;
QString OrganiseFormat::GetFilenameForSong(const Song& song) const {
QString filename = ParseBlock(format_, song);
if (QFileInfo(filename).completeBaseName().isEmpty()) {
// Avoid having empty filenames, or filenames with extension only: in this
// case, keep the original filename.
// We remove the extension from "filename" if it exists, as
// song.basefilename()
// also contains the extension.
filename =
Utilities::PathWithoutFilenameExtension(filename) + song.basefilename();
if (replace_spaces_) filename.replace(QRegExp("\\s"), "_");
if (replace_non_ascii_) {
QString stripped;
for (int i = 0; i < filename.length(); ++i) {
const QCharRef c = filename[i];
if (c < 128) {
} else {
const QString decomposition = c.decomposition();
if (!decomposition.isEmpty() && decomposition[0] < 128)
filename = stripped;
// Fix any parts of the path that start with dots.
QStringList parts = filename.split("/");
for (int i = 0; i < parts.count(); ++i) {
QString* part = &parts[i];
for (int j = 0; j < kInvalidPrefixCharactersCount; ++j) {
if (part->startsWith(kInvalidPrefixCharacters[j])) {
part->replace(0, 1, '_');
return parts.join("/");
QString OrganiseFormat::ParseBlock(QString block, const Song& song,
bool* any_empty) const {
QRegExp tag_regexp(kTagPattern);
QRegExp block_regexp(kBlockPattern);
// Find any blocks first
int pos = 0;
while ((pos = block_regexp.indexIn(block, pos)) != -1) {
// Recursively parse the block
bool empty = false;
QString value = ParseBlock(block_regexp.cap(1), song, &empty);
if (empty) value = "";
// Replace the block's value
block.replace(pos, block_regexp.matchedLength(), value);
pos += value.length();
// Now look for tags
bool empty = false;
pos = 0;
while ((pos = tag_regexp.indexIn(block, pos)) != -1) {
QString value = TagValue(tag_regexp.cap(1), song);
if (value.isEmpty()) empty = true;
block.replace(pos, tag_regexp.matchedLength(), value);
pos += value.length();
if (any_empty) *any_empty = empty;
return block;
QString OrganiseFormat::TagValue(const QString& tag, const Song& song) const {
QString value;
if (tag == "title")
value = song.title();
else if (tag == "album")
value = song.album();
else if (tag == "artist")
value = song.artist();
else if (tag == "composer")
value = song.composer();
else if (tag == "performer")
value = song.performer();
else if (tag == "grouping")
value = song.grouping();
else if (tag == "genre")
value = song.genre();
else if (tag == "comment")
value = song.comment();
else if (tag == "year")
value = QString::number(song.year());
else if (tag == "track")
value = QString::number(song.track());
else if (tag == "disc")
value = QString::number(song.disc());
else if (tag == "bpm")
value = QString::number(song.bpm());
else if (tag == "length")
value = QString::number(song.length_nanosec() / kNsecPerSec);
else if (tag == "bitrate")
value = QString::number(song.bitrate());
else if (tag == "samplerate")
value = QString::number(song.samplerate());
else if (tag == "extension")
value = QFileInfo(song.url().toLocalFile()).suffix();
else if (tag == "artistinitial") {
value = song.effective_albumartist().trimmed();
if (replace_the_ && !value.isEmpty())
value.replace(QRegExp("^the\\s+", Qt::CaseInsensitive), "");
if (!value.isEmpty()) value = value[0].toUpper();
} else if (tag == "albumartist") {
value = song.is_compilation() ? "Various Artists"
: song.effective_albumartist();
if (replace_the_ && (tag == "artist" || tag == "albumartist"))
value.replace(QRegExp("^the\\s+", Qt::CaseInsensitive), "");
if (value == "0" || value == "-1") value = "";
// Prepend a 0 to single-digit track numbers
if (tag == "track" && value.length() == 1) value.prepend('0');
// Replace characters that really shouldn't be in paths
for (int i = 0; i < kInvalidFatCharactersCount; ++i) {
value.replace(kInvalidFatCharacters[i], '_');
return value;
OrganiseFormat::Validator::Validator(QObject* parent) : QValidator(parent) {}
QValidator::State OrganiseFormat::Validator::validate(const QString& input,
int&) const {
QRegExp tag_regexp(kTagPattern);
// Make sure all the blocks match up
int block_level = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); ++i) {
if (input[i] == '{')
else if (input[i] == '}')
if (block_level < 0 || block_level > 1) return QValidator::Invalid;
if (block_level != 0) return QValidator::Invalid;
// Make sure the tags are valid
int pos = 0;
while ((pos = tag_regexp.indexIn(input, pos)) != -1) {
if (!OrganiseFormat::kKnownTags.contains(tag_regexp.cap(1)))
return QValidator::Invalid;
pos += tag_regexp.matchedLength();
return QValidator::Acceptable;
OrganiseFormat::SyntaxHighlighter::SyntaxHighlighter(QObject* parent)
: QSyntaxHighlighter(parent) {}
OrganiseFormat::SyntaxHighlighter::SyntaxHighlighter(QTextEdit* parent)
: QSyntaxHighlighter(parent) {}
OrganiseFormat::SyntaxHighlighter::SyntaxHighlighter(QTextDocument* parent)
: QSyntaxHighlighter(parent) {}
void OrganiseFormat::SyntaxHighlighter::highlightBlock(const QString& text) {
const bool light =
QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Base).value() > 128;
const QRgb block_color = light ? kBlockColorLight : kBlockColorDark;
const QRgb valid_tag_color = light ? kValidTagColorLight : kValidTagColorDark;
const QRgb invalid_tag_color =
light ? kInvalidTagColorLight : kInvalidTagColorDark;
QRegExp tag_regexp(kTagPattern);
QRegExp block_regexp(kBlockPattern);
QTextCharFormat block_format;
// Reset formatting
setFormat(0, text.length(), QTextCharFormat());
// Blocks
int pos = 0;
while ((pos = block_regexp.indexIn(text, pos)) != -1) {
setFormat(pos, block_regexp.matchedLength(), block_format);
pos += block_regexp.matchedLength();
// Tags
pos = 0;
while ((pos = tag_regexp.indexIn(text, pos)) != -1) {
QTextCharFormat f = format(pos);
? valid_tag_color
: invalid_tag_color));
setFormat(pos, tag_regexp.matchedLength(), f);
pos += tag_regexp.matchedLength();