Rewrite the Block Analyzer to improve performance.
The block analyzer was doing lots of repeated, out-of-order blits to the widget's canvas. To improve performance and reduce CPU usage, this has been rewritten to generate the canvas contents using only a single buffer. Cache thrashing has been greatly reduced by writing to memory only sequentially and in one single write pass. Further, the raw format is now guaranteed to be in a format efficient for Qt. The results are visually identical to what they were previously, but result in a CPU usage reduction between 2 and 6 percent depending on refresh rate and Psychadelic Mode value. In particular, there used to be a ~3 percent overhead for Psychadelic Mode, and this has been eliminated. The specific details of the block analyzer and explanations for how it works (and used to work) have been documented via fairly extensive comments in blockanalyzer.cpp.
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,13 +65,15 @@ Analyzer::Base::Base(QWidget* parent, uint scopeSize)
timeout_(40), // msec
fht_(new FHT(scopeSize)),
psychedelic_enabled_(false) {}
psychedelic_enabled_(false) {
void Analyzer::Base::hideEvent(QHideEvent*) { timer_.stop(); }
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
Copyright 2010, 2014, John Maguire <>
Copyright 2014-2015, Mark Furneaux <>
Copyright 2014, Krzysztof Sobiecki <>
Copyright 2022, Andrew Reading <>
Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -34,32 +35,32 @@
const uint BlockAnalyzer::kHeight = 2;
const uint BlockAnalyzer::kWidth = 4;
const uint BlockAnalyzer::kMinRows = 3; // arbituary
const uint BlockAnalyzer::kMinColumns = 32; // arbituary
const uint BlockAnalyzer::kMinRows = 3; // arbitrary
const uint BlockAnalyzer::kMaxRows = 256; // arbitrary
const uint BlockAnalyzer::kMinColumns = 32; // arbitrary
const uint BlockAnalyzer::kMaxColumns = 256; // must be 2**n
const uint BlockAnalyzer::kFadeSize = 90;
const uint BlockAnalyzer::kFadeInitial = 32;
const char* BlockAnalyzer::kName =
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("AnalyzerContainer", "Block analyzer");
BlockAnalyzer::BlockAnalyzer(QWidget* parent)
: Analyzer::Base(parent, 9),
barPixmap_(1, 1),
topBarPixmap_(kWidth, kHeight),
store_(1 << 8, 0),
fade_pos_(1 << 8, 50),
fade_intensity_(1 << 8, 32) {
rthresh_(kMaxRows + 1, 0.f),
bg_grad_(kMaxRows + 1, 0),
fade_bars_(kFadeSize, 0),
bandinfo_(kMaxColumns) {
// Right and bottom edges are 1px padding.
setMinimumSize(kMinColumns * (kWidth + 1) - 1, kMinRows * (kHeight + 1) - 1);
// -1 is padding, no drawing takes place there
setMaximumWidth(kMaxColumns * (kWidth + 1) - 1);
// mxcl says null pixmaps cause crashes, so let's play it safe
for (uint i = 0; i < kFadeSize; ++i) fade_bars_[i] = QPixmap(1, 1);
setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true);
BlockAnalyzer::~BlockAnalyzer() {}
@ -67,56 +68,53 @@ BlockAnalyzer::~BlockAnalyzer() {}
void BlockAnalyzer::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e) {
background_ = QPixmap(size());
canvas_ = QPixmap(size());
const uint oldRows = rows_;
uint newRows, newCols;
// all is explained in analyze()..
// +1 to counter -1 in maxSizes, trust me we need this!
columns_ = qMin(
static_cast<uint>(static_cast<double>(width() + 1) / (kWidth + 1)) + 1,
rows_ = static_cast<uint>(static_cast<double>(height() + 1) / (kHeight + 1));
newCols = 1 + (width() + 1) / (kWidth + 1);
newRows = 0 + (height() + 1) / (kHeight + 1);
newCols = qMin(kMaxColumns, qMax(kMinColumns, newCols));
newRows = qMin(kMaxRows, qMax(kMinRows, newRows));
if (newCols != columns_) {
columns_ = newCols;
if (rows_ != newRows) {
rows_ = newRows;
// this is the y-offset for drawing from the top of the widget
y_ = (height() - (rows_ * (kHeight + 1)) + 2) / 2;
if (rows_ != oldRows) {
barPixmap_ = QPixmap(kWidth, rows_ * (kHeight + 1));
for (uint i = 0; i < kFadeSize; ++i)
fade_bars_[i] = QPixmap(kWidth, rows_ * (kHeight + 1));
yscale_.resize(rows_ + 1);
const uint PRE = 1,
PRO = 1; // PRE and PRO allow us to restrict the range somewhat
const float PRE = 1.f,
1.f, // PRE and PRO allow us to restrict the range somewhat
SCL = log10f(PRE + PRO + (1.f * rows_));
for (uint z = 0; z < rows_; ++z)
yscale_[z] = 1 - (log10(PRE + z) / log10(PRE + rows_ + PRO));
rthresh_[z] = 1.f - log10f(PRE + (1.f * z)) / SCL;
yscale_[rows_] = 0;
rthresh_[rows_] = 0.f;
canvas_ = QImage(columns_ * (kWidth + 1), rows_ * (kHeight + 1),
void BlockAnalyzer::determineStep() {
// falltime is dependent on rowcount due to our digital resolution (ie we have
// boxes/blocks of pixels)
// I calculated the value 30 based on some trial and error
// falltime is dependent on rowcount
// the fall time of 30 is too slow on framerates above 50fps
const double fallTime = timeout() < 20 ? 20 * rows_ : 30 * rows_;
step_ = static_cast<double>(rows_ * timeout()) / fallTime;
const float rFallTime = 1.f / (timeout() < 20 ? 20.f : 30.f);
step_ = timeout() * rFallTime;
void BlockAnalyzer::framerateChanged() { // virtual
@ -124,10 +122,10 @@ void BlockAnalyzer::framerateChanged() { // virtual
void BlockAnalyzer::transform(Analyzer::Scope& s) {
for (uint x = 0; x < s.size(); ++x) s[x] *= 2;
for (uint x = 0; x < s.size(); ++x) s[x] *= 2.f;
fht_->scale(, 1.0 / 20);
fht_->scale(, 1.f / 20.f);
// the second half is pretty dull, so only show it if the user has a large
// analyzer
@ -138,77 +136,225 @@ void BlockAnalyzer::transform(Analyzer::Scope& s) {
void BlockAnalyzer::analyze(QPainter& p, const Analyzer::Scope& s,
bool new_frame) {
// y = 2 3 2 1 0 2
// . . . . # .
// . . . # # .
// # . # # # #
// # # # # # #
// visual aid for how this analyzer works.
// y represents the number of blanks
// y starts from the top and increases in units of blocks
float yf;
uint x, y;
// yscale_ looks similar to: { 0.7, 0.5, 0.25, 0.15, 0.1, 0 }
// if it contains 6 elements there are 5 rows in the analyzer
if (p.paintEngine() == 0) return;
if (canvas_.isNull()) return;
if (!new_frame) {
p.drawPixmap(0, 0, canvas_);
p.drawImage(0, 0, canvas_, 0, 0, width(), height(), Qt::NoFormatConversion);
QPainter canvas_painter(&canvas_);
Analyzer::interpolate(s, scope_);
// update the graphics with the new colour
if (psychedelic_enabled_) {
// Update the color palettes.
if (psychedelic_enabled_) paletteChange(QPalette());
// Visual Aid
// This analyzer maintains a list of intensity thresholds for each row of
// the analyzer. For each frequency band (represented column-wise, one per
// band), the spectral power calculation obtained from the analyzer scope
// output is compared against these thresholds to determine the row indices
// at which the regions become active. While inactive regions are dark,
// active regions and all those below the corresponding transition region
// are "lit up".
// So, where
// . indicates block is inactive/dark
// # indicates block is active /lit,
// what is drawn is (for example)
// COLUMNS/Bands
// . . . . # . R
// . . . # # . O
// # . # # # # W
// # # # # # # S
// y = 2 3 2 1 0 2
// Here y is the row index for which the intensity threshold is met, with
// 0 indicating the topmost row. The nRows+1 intensity values are stored
// in rthresh_[], sorted in decreasing order (the top, y=0 region would
// be the most spectrally intense); the additional, final value is always
// zero and exists mostly as a sort of loop optimization.
// For the above illustration, rthresh_[] might have values similar to
// { 0.7, 0.5, 0.25, 0.15, 0.1, 0 }
// Now, consider two "frames" that occur sequentially after each other. Where
// . indicates block is inactive/dark
// o indicates block is inactive/dark and fading out (was active)
// # indicates block is active /lit,
// [ ] indicates block is the bar topper
// frame 1 ====> frame 2
// . . . . [#] . R . . . . o .
// . . . [#] # . O . . [#] o [#] .
// [#] . [#] # # [#] W o . # o # [#]
// # [#] # # # # S [#] o # [#] # #
// 2 3 2 1 0 2 = B_y = 3 4 1 1 1 2
// After a previously active region becomes inactive, for a period of time
// it is drawn in a color that darkens over time. These are based upon the
// the current color scheme and get stored within fade_bars_[].
// Additionally, a rowwise gradient is applied to active bands to help keep
// the spectrum display visually interesting, with colors darkening as
// intensities decrease -- that is, as rthresh_[] values decrease. The
// inactive-active transition area is drawn with the brightest color and
// acts as a "bar topper"; this topper should visually rise and fall over
// time.
// As in the transition example above, bands (columns) are drawn vertically
// from top to bottom, progressing from left to right. Supposing Y_r is the
// row coordinate, B_y is the band coordinate, and
// 0 <= Y_r,B_y < nRows <= kMaxRows,
// the drawing procedure for each band can be described as follows:
// a. Y_r < B_y
// First the '.' regions that have not been recently active are
// darkened (background). This is determined via the band's
// fade_intensity and fade_row values.
// b. Y_r < B_y
// Recently active areas are drawn using a special darkening-fade
// color, until either some number of frames have elapsed or they
// became active since the countdown began.
// c. Y_r = B_y
// The transition region is drawn as a bar topper.
// d. Y_r > B_y < nRows
// Each subsequent region below the transition region should be active.
// Draw these using a gradient that darkens as Y_r -> nRows.
// The logic for these can be found in the colorFromRowAndBand() function.
// Update band information.
for (x = 0; x < scope_.size(); ++x) {
const float& bandthr = scope_[x];
FHTBand& band = bandinfo_[x];
// Calculate activity transition row values.
// Note: rows_ < rthresh_.size()
for (y = 0; y < rows_; ++y) {
if (bandthr >= rthresh_[y]) break;
// Paint the background
canvas_painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, background_);
for (uint y, x = 0; x < scope_.size(); ++x) {
// determine y
for (y = 0; scope_[x] < yscale_[y]; ++y) continue;
// this is opposite to what you'd think, higher than y
// means the bar is lower than y (physically)
if (static_cast<float>(y) > store_[x])
y = static_cast<int>(store_[x] += step_);
store_[x] = y;
// if y is lower than fade_pos_, then the bar has exceeded the kHeight of
// the fadeout
// if the fadeout is quite faded now, then display the new one
if (y <= fade_pos_[x] /*|| fade_intensity_[x] < kFadeSize / 3*/) {
fade_pos_[x] = y;
fade_intensity_[x] = kFadeSize;
// y <= band height :: band matches or exceeds power from last frame.
// y > band height :: band lost power since last frame.
if ((yf = 1.f * y) <= band.height) {
band.height = yf;
band.row = y;
} else {
// This band has lost power since the last-recorded maximal threshold
// value. Gradually decrease this until it meets the current value.
band.height += step_;
band.row = y = static_cast<uint>(band.height);
if (fade_intensity_[x] > 0) {
const uint offset = --fade_intensity_[x];
const uint y = y_ + (fade_pos_[x] * (kHeight + 1));
canvas_painter.drawPixmap(x * (kWidth + 1), y, fade_bars_[offset], 0, 0,
kWidth, height() - y);
// y <= band fade_row :: the current threshold exceeds the previously-
// marked position in which to begin fade-out. Use the current position
// as a new marker and start/restart fade_intensity, the fade-out period
// counter.
if (y <= band.fade_row) {
band.fade_row = y;
band.fade_intensity = kFadeSize;
if (fade_intensity_[x] == 0) fade_pos_[x] = rows_;
// REMEMBER: y is a number from 0 to rows_, 0 means all blocks are glowing,
// rows_ means none are
canvas_painter.drawPixmap(x * (kWidth + 1), y * (kHeight + 1) + y_, *bar(),
0, y * (kHeight + 1), bar()->width(),
// Check the fade-out period counter. If expired (i.e., <= 0), the
// fade-out effect is complete. Otherwise, continue downcounting and
// select the next color for the fade-out sequence.
if (band.fade_intensity <= 0) {
// fade_intensity <= 0: Done with fade out effect (time expired).
band.fade_row = rows_;
band.fade_coloridx = 0;
} else {
// fade_intensity > 0: Continue effect; continue color change.
band.fade_coloridx = --band.fade_intensity;
for (uint x = 0; x < store_.size(); ++x)
canvas_painter.drawPixmap(x * (kWidth + 1),
static_cast<int>(store_[x]) * (kHeight + 1) + y_,
// A block will be drawn and colored according to each band (column) of
// the FHT spectrum data. This block is a kWidth x kHeight region, along
// with 1-px of padding on its right and bottom.
// Conditional (FHTBand) Block State / Color
// ===================== ===================
// 0 < y < fade_row & fade-out : Inactive / BG color
// fade_row < y < row & fade-out : Fade-out / darkening
// 0 < y < row & no fade-out : Inactive / BG color
// row == y : Threshold / FG color
// row < y < rows_ : Active / Vert. gradient
// {1-px padding region} : Padding / Pad color
p.drawPixmap(0, 0, canvas_);
// Paint the canvas in one go in order to mimize cache thrashing.
QRgb* line; // Current scanline.
uint px_w, px_h; // Current width and height in pixels (just to avoid cast).
uint to_x; // [0, width()) Current and ending x pixel coordinate.
uint to_y; // [0, height()) Current and ending y pixel coordinate.
uint blk_r; // [0, rows_) Current block's row.
uint blk_c; // [0, columns_) Current block's column.
quint32 padcolor = pad_color_.rgba();
quint32 blkcolor;
px_w = static_cast<uint>(width());
px_h = static_cast<uint>(height());
// Draw empty top padding, if needed (when y_ > 0. weird window size?).
for (y = 0; y < y_; ++y) {
line = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>(canvas_.scanLine(y));
for (x = 0; x < px_w; line[x++] = padcolor)
// Draw the texture in one shot, iterating in a row-major fashion.
for (blk_r = 0; blk_r < rows_; ++blk_r) {
to_y = qMin(y + kHeight, px_h);
// This block may take several 1-px high scanlines. Each column needs
// to be filled accordingly for each of these rows.
for (; y < to_y; ++y) {
line = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>(canvas_.scanLine(y));
for (x = 0, blk_c = 0; blk_c < columns_; ++blk_c) {
to_x = qMin(x + kWidth, px_w);
// Draw [x, to_x], then padding on the right.
blkcolor = colorFromRowAndBand(blk_r, bandinfo_[blk_c]);
for (; x < to_x; line[x++] = blkcolor)
if (x < px_w) line[x++] = padcolor;
// If extra space remains in line, fill to the right edge.
for (; x < px_w; line[x++] = padcolor)
// Draw a full line of padding below the just-drawn region (if in bounds).
if (y < px_h) {
line = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>(canvas_.scanLine(y++));
for (x = 0; x < px_w; line[x++] = padcolor)
// If not at bottom boundary yet, pad remaining lines.
while (y < px_h) {
line = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>(canvas_.scanLine(y++));
for (x = 0; x < px_w; line[x++] = padcolor)
p.drawImage(0, 0, canvas_, 0, 0, width(), height(), Qt::NoFormatConversion);
static inline void adjustToLimits(int& b, int& f, uint& amount) {
@ -248,7 +394,8 @@ void BlockAnalyzer::psychedelicModeChanged(bool enabled) {
* It won't modify the hue of fg unless absolutely necessary
* @return the adjusted form of fg
QColor ensureContrast(const QColor& bg, const QColor& fg, uint _amount = 150) {
static QColor ensureContrast(const QColor& bg, const QColor& fg,
uint _amount = 150) {
class OutputOnExit {
explicit OutputOnExit(const QColor& color) : c(color) {}
@ -335,85 +482,58 @@ QColor ensureContrast(const QColor& bg, const QColor& fg, uint _amount = 150) {
void BlockAnalyzer::paletteChange(const QPalette&) {
const QColor bg = palette().color(QPalette::Background);
QColor fg;
QColor bg, bgdark, fg;
if (psychedelic_enabled_) {
bg = palette().color(QPalette::Background);
bgdark = bg.darker(112);
if (psychedelic_enabled_)
fg = getPsychedelicColor(scope_, 10, 75);
} else {
fg = ensureContrast(bg, palette().color(QPalette::Highlight));
fg_color_ = fg;
bg_color_ = bgdark;
pad_color_ = bg;
// Calculate background gradient colors.
const float dr = 15.f * ( - / (16.f * rows_);
const float dg = 15.f * ( - / (16.f * rows_);
const float db = 15.f * ( - / (16.f * rows_);
for (uint y = 0; y < rows_; ++y) {
bg_grad_[y] = qRgba( + static_cast<int>(dr * y),
|||| + static_cast<int>(dg * y),
|||| + static_cast<int>(db * y), 255);
const double dr =
15 * static_cast<double>( - / (rows_ * 16);
const double dg =
15 * static_cast<double>( - / (rows_ * 16);
const double db =
15 * static_cast<double>( - / (rows_ * 16);
const int r =, g =, b =;
QPainter p(bar());
for (int y = 0; static_cast<uint>(y) < rows_; ++y)
// graduate the fg color
0, y * (kHeight + 1), kWidth, kHeight,
QColor(r + static_cast<int>(dr * y), g + static_cast<int>(dg * y),
b + static_cast<int>(db * y)));
const QColor bg = palette().color(QPalette::Background).darker(112);
bg_grad_[rows_] = bg.rgba();
// make a complimentary fadebar colour
// TODO(John Maguire): dark is not always correct, dumbo!
int h, s, v;
palette().color(QPalette::Background).darker(150).getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
const QColor fg(QColor::fromHsv(h + 120, s, v));
const double dr = -;
const double dg = -;
const double db = -;
const int r =, g =, b =;
bg.darker(150).getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
fg = QColor::fromHsv(h + 120, s, v);
const float r = 1.f *;
const float g = 1.f *;
const float b = 1.f *;
const float dr = 1.f * - r;
const float dg = 1.f * - g;
const float db = 1.f * - b;
const float fFscl = 1. * kFadeSize;
const float frlogFscl = 1.f / log10f(fFscl);
// Precalculate all fade-bar pixmaps
for (uint y = 0; y < kFadeSize; ++y) {
QPainter f(&fade_bars_[y]);
for (int z = 0; static_cast<uint>(z) < rows_; ++z) {
const double Y = 1.0 - (log10(kFadeSize - y) / log10(kFadeSize));
0, z * (kHeight + 1), kWidth, kHeight,
QColor(r + static_cast<int>(dr * Y), g + static_cast<int>(dg * Y),
b + static_cast<int>(db * Y)));
const float lrY = 1.f - (frlogFscl * log10f(fFscl - y));
fade_bars_[y] =
qRgba(static_cast<int>(r + lrY * dr), static_cast<int>(g + lrY * dg),
static_cast<int>(b + lrY * db), 255);
void BlockAnalyzer::drawBackground() {
if (background_.isNull()) {
const QColor bg = palette().color(QPalette::Background);
const QColor bgdark = bg.darker(112);
QPainter p(&background_);
if (p.paintEngine() == 0) {
for (int x = 0; (uint)x < columns_; ++x)
for (int y = 0; (uint)y < rows_; ++y)
p.fillRect(x * (kWidth + 1), y * (kHeight + 1) + y_, kWidth, kHeight,
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
Copyright 2010, 2014, John Maguire <>
Copyright 2014-2015, Mark Furneaux <>
Copyright 2014, Krzysztof A. Sobiecki <>
Copyright 2022, Andrew Reading <>
Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -43,9 +44,11 @@ class BlockAnalyzer : public Analyzer::Base {
static const uint kHeight;
static const uint kWidth;
static const uint kMinRows;
static const uint kMaxRows;
static const uint kMinColumns;
static const uint kMaxColumns;
static const uint kFadeSize;
static const uint kFadeInitial;
static const char* kName;
@ -57,27 +60,58 @@ class BlockAnalyzer : public Analyzer::Base {
virtual void framerateChanged();
virtual void psychedelicModeChanged(bool);
void drawBackground();
void determineStep();
QPixmap* bar() { return &barPixmap_; }
struct FHTBand {
: height(0.f),
fade_intensity(kFadeInitial) {}
uint columns_, rows_; // number of rows and columns of blocks
uint y_; // y-offset from top of widget
QPixmap barPixmap_;
QPixmap topBarPixmap_;
QPixmap background_;
QPixmap canvas_;
Analyzer::Scope scope_; // so we don't create a vector every frame
QVector<float> store_; // current bar kHeights
QVector<float> yscale_;
// Top of the spectral activity bar.
float height; // Foreground-Background transition row.
uint row; // Integer floor of the height value.
QVector<QPixmap> fade_bars_;
QVector<uint> fade_pos_;
QVector<int> fade_intensity_;
// Vertical color fade effect (a sort of hysteresis).
uint fade_row; // Row in which to begin showing BG gradient.
uint fade_coloridx; // Current fade_bars_[] offset.
int fade_intensity; // Current intensity frame counter value.
float step_; // rows to fall per frame
inline quint32 colorFromRowAndBand(uint cur_r, const FHTBand& band);
Analyzer::Scope scope_;
uint columns_; // Number of columns of blocks.
uint rows_; // Number of rows of blocks.
uint y_; // y-offset from top of widget.
float step_; // Rows to fall per frame (during inactivity).
QColor fg_color_; // Foreground/Active block color.
QColor bg_color_; // Background/Inactive block color.
QColor pad_color_; // Color of 'lines' dividing the blocks.
QImage canvas_; // Drawable canvas of widget.
QVector<float> rthresh_; // [rows_+1] Rowwise intensity thresholds.
QVector<quint32> bg_grad_; // [rows_+1] Vertical background gradient.
QVector<quint32> fade_bars_; // [kFadeSize] Block colors per fade level.
QVector<FHTBand> bandinfo_; // [columns_] FHT band info.
inline quint32 BlockAnalyzer::colorFromRowAndBand(uint r, const FHTBand& band) {
// Calculate the block color given band info and the current row.
// Note: 0 <= r <= rows_.
if (r == band.row)
return fg_color_.rgba();
else if (r > band.row)
return bg_grad_[r];
else if ((band.fade_intensity > 0) && (r >= band.fade_row))
return fade_bars_[band.fade_coloridx];
return bg_color_.rgba();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user