Add dummy bands to equalizer (Fixes #695)

This commit is contained in:
Santi 2016-03-08 15:25:05 -03:00
parent ad62c7476d
commit ed7375d7da

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@ -174,12 +174,12 @@ bool GstEnginePipeline::ReplaceDecodeBin(const QUrl& url) {
// Tell spotify to start sending data to us.
SpotifyServer* spotify_server = InternetModel::Service<SpotifyService>()->server();
SpotifyServer* spotify_server =
// Need to schedule this in the spotify server's thread
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(spotify_server, "StartPlayback",
Q_ARG(QString, url.toString()),
Q_ARG(quint16, port));
spotify_server, "StartPlayback", Qt::QueuedConnection,
Q_ARG(QString, url.toString()), Q_ARG(quint16, port));
} else {
new_bin = engine_->CreateElement("uridecodebin");
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(new_bin), "uri", url.toEncoded().constData(),
@ -334,13 +334,35 @@ bool GstEnginePipeline::Init() {
// Configure the fakesink properly
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(probe_sink), "sync", TRUE, nullptr);
// Set the equalizer bands
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(equalizer_), "num-bands", 10, nullptr);
// Setting the equalizer bands:
// GStreamer's GstIirEqualizerNBands sets up shelve filters for the first and
// last bands as corner cases. That was causing the "inverted slider" bug.
// As a workaround, we create two dummy bands at both ends of the spectrum.
// This causes the actual first and last adjustable bands to be
// implemented using band-pass filters.
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(equalizer_), "num-bands", 10 + 2, nullptr);
// Dummy first band (bandwidth 0, cutting below 20Hz):
GstObject* first_band = GST_OBJECT(
gst_child_proxy_get_child_by_index(GST_CHILD_PROXY(equalizer_), 0));
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(first_band), "freq", 20.0, "bandwidth", 0, "gain", 0.0f,
// Dummy last band (bandwidth 0, cutting over 20KHz):
GstObject* last_band = GST_OBJECT(gst_child_proxy_get_child_by_index(
GST_CHILD_PROXY(equalizer_), kEqBandCount + 1));
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(last_band), "freq", 20000.0, "bandwidth", 0, "gain",
0.0f, nullptr);
int last_band_frequency = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kEqBandCount; ++i) {
GstObject* band = GST_OBJECT(
gst_child_proxy_get_child_by_index(GST_CHILD_PROXY(equalizer_), i));
const int index_in_eq = i + 1;
GstObject* band = GST_OBJECT(gst_child_proxy_get_child_by_index(
GST_CHILD_PROXY(equalizer_), index_in_eq));
const float frequency = kEqBandFrequencies[i];
const float bandwidth = frequency - last_band_frequency;
@ -1097,8 +1119,10 @@ void GstEnginePipeline::UpdateEqualizer() {
gain *= 0.12;
GstObject* band = GST_OBJECT(
gst_child_proxy_get_child_by_index(GST_CHILD_PROXY(equalizer_), i));
const int index_in_eq = i + 1;
// Offset because of the first dummy band we created.
GstObject* band = GST_OBJECT(gst_child_proxy_get_child_by_index(
GST_CHILD_PROXY(equalizer_), index_in_eq));
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(band), "gain", gain, nullptr);