Docs for TaskManager, Queue and PythonEngine
This commit is contained in:
@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ td.footer { font-size: 85%; }
* - Summary tables that contain user-defined groups mark those
* groups using 'group header' rows.
td.table-header { font-weight: bold;
|||| { font-weight: bold;
text-align: left;
padding: 6px 12px;
border: 1px solid #BBB;
@ -86,10 +87,6 @@ td.table-header { font-weight: bold;
td.table-header table { color: #000000; }
td.table-header table a:link { color: #0000ff; }
td.table-header table a:visited { color: #204080; }
|||| { background: #c0e0f8; color: #000000;
text-align: left; font-style: italic;
font-size: 115%;
border: 1px solid #608090; }
/* Summary Tables (functions, variables, etc)
* - Each object is described by a single row of the table with
@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ class IconLoader {
Singleton class that loads icons from the system theme if possible, falling
back on Clementine's builtin icons otherwise.
You can access the IconLoader directly, there is no need to create an instance
of the class first.
You can access the IconLoader methods directly, there is no need to create an
instance of the class first.
>>> clementine.IconLoader.Load("media-pause")
>>> clementine.IconLoader.Load("media-pause")
Icons are identified by their name without any extension, and they follow the
U{Freedesktop icon naming specification<>}.
@ -4,8 +4,38 @@ class PythonEngine {
#include "scripting/python/pythonengine.h"
Helper functions for communicating with Clementine's Python interface.
This is a singleton class, you can access its methods directly through the
C{clementine.pythonengine} object:
>>> clementine.pythonengine.AddLogLine("Everything is ok")
void AddLogLine(const QString& message, bool error = false);
AddLogLine(message, error=false)
Writes a line to the Clementine script console.
Note that sys.stdout and sys.stderr are already redirected to the script
console, so you will not normally need to call this function. Instead you can
use C{print} directly::
# These lines are equivalent
print "Everything is ok"
clementine.pythonengine.AddLogLine("Everything is ok")
# These lines are equivalent
print >>sys.stderr, "Everything is wrong"
clementine.pythonengine.AddLogLine("Everything is wrong", error=True)
@param message: A line to write to the log.
@type message: str
@param error: If this is True then the message will appear in red.
@type error: bool
@ -4,22 +4,124 @@ struct Queue : QAbstractProxyModel {
#include "playlist/queue.h"
A model containing the list of songs that are enqueued on a playlist.
In Clementine each L{Playlist} has its own Queue object. The Queue keeps an
ordered list of items that are enqueued on that playlist. Whenever a song
finishes the top item is removed from the Queue and is played immediately.
When there are no items left on the Queue playback continues again in the normal
The L{Playlist} is a standard Qt item model where each row represents one item
in the playlist. The Queue is a Qt proxy model on top of the Playlist model,
which means that rows in the Queue can map directly onto rows in the Playlist.
Use C{mapToSource(index)} and C{mapFromSource(index)} to map rows in the Queue
to or from rows in the Playlist.
You can't create Queue objects directly. Instead you have to get a Queue from
an existing playlist.
>>> queue = clementine.playlists.current().queue()
>>> queue.Clear()
static const char* kRowsMimetype;
// Query the queue
bool is_empty() const;
int PositionOf(const QModelIndex& source_index) const;
bool ContainsSourceRow(int source_row) const;
int PeekNext() const;
is_empty() -> bool
Checks whether the queue is empty.
int PositionOf(const QModelIndex& source_index) const;
PositionOf(source_index) -> int
Finds the position in the Queue of a playlist item.
@param source_index: The index of an item in the underlying L{Playlist} model.
@type source_index: L{PyQt4.QtCore.QModelIndex}
@return: The position in the queue of the playlist item, or -1 if the playlist
item is invalid or is not in the queue.
bool ContainsSourceRow(int source_row) const;
ContainsSourceRow(source_row) -> bool
Checks whether a playlist row is in the queue.
@param source_row: The row number of an item in the underlying L{Playlist} model.
@type source_row: int
int PeekNext() const;
PeekNext() -> int
Returns the row number in the L{Playlist} of the next item in the queue, leaving
the Queue unchanged.
// Modify the queue
int TakeNext();
TakeNext() -> int
Like L{PeekNext()}, but removes the item from the Queue as well as returning it.
void ToggleTracks(const QModelIndexList& source_indexes);
Adds or removes the Playlist indexes to/from the queue.
@param source_indexes: A list of indexes from the underlying L{Playlist} model.
@type source_indexes: list of L{PyQt4.QtCore.QModelIndex}es
void Clear();
Removes all the items from the Queue.
void Move(const QList<int>& proxy_rows, int pos);
Move(proxy_rows, pos)
Moves a list of queued items to a different position in the queue.
# Moves the second item to the front.
queue.Move([1], 0)
# Moves the first three items to the end.
queue.Move([0, 1, 2], queue.rowCount() - 1)
@param proxy_rows: A list of row numbers of items already in the queue.
@type proxy_rows: list of ints
@param pos: The new position in which to insert the items.
@type pos: int
void MoveUp(int row);
Moves the queued item up one position in the Queue.
This is equivalent to::
queue.Move([row], row - 1)
void MoveDown(int row);
Moves the queued item down one position in the Queue.
This is equivalent to::
queue.Move([row], row + 2)
@ -4,8 +4,35 @@ class TaskManager : QObject {
#include "core/taskmanager.h"
API for managing progress notifications in Clementine's status bar.
When you are performing a slow operation, such as downloading data from the
network or parsing a file, it is useful to be able to provide progress
information to the user. Clementine displays information about any running
tasks with a spinner animation in the status bar.
When you start a new task, the TaskManager will give you an ID which you must
keep and use again later to update the task's progress or to mark it as
This is a singleton class, you can access its methods directly through the
C{clementine.task_manager} object:
>>> id = clementine.task_manager.StartTask("Finding some awesome music")
>>> clementine.task_manager.SetTaskProgress(id, 33, 100)
>>> clementine.task_manager.SetTaskProgress(id, 66, 100)
>>> clementine.task_manager.SetTaskFinished(id)
@group Signals: TasksChanged, PauseLibraryWatchers, ResumeLibraryWatchers
struct Task {
Object containing information about a running task.
int id;
QString name;
int progress;
@ -14,17 +41,73 @@ public:
QList<TaskManager::Task> GetTasks();
GetTasks() -> list of L{Task}s
Returns a list of all the tasks that are currently running.
Modifying the items in this list will have no effect - you have to use the other
methods in this class to update the status of a task.
int StartTask(const QString& name);
StartTask(name) -> int
Begins a new task.
@param name: A descriptive name of the task that will be displayed in the
status bar.
@type name: str
@return: A new ID for this task. Use this ID when calling L{SetTaskFinished}
@note: Do not include ellipsis (...) in the name of the task, this is added
for you by the status bar.
void SetTaskBlocksLibraryScans(int id);
Forces any library scans to wait until this task is complete.
It may be useful to set this flag on a task that modifies files in the library.
The LibraryWatcher will wait until the task is complete before starting to
rescan the Library.
void SetTaskProgress(int id, int progress, int max = 0);
SetTaskProgress(id, progress, max=0)
Updates the progress for this task.
The status bar shows the percentage progress of this task, calculated by
C{(progress / max * 100)}. C{max} must be provided the first time this
method is called for a given task, but after that it can be omitted to keep the
old value.
void SetTaskFinished(int id);
Marks the given task as finished, removing it from the status bar.
void TasksChanged();
Emitted when the list of tasks returned by L{GetTasks()} is changed.
void PauseLibraryWatchers();
Emitted when L{SetTaskBlocksLibraryScans()} is called on a task.
void ResumeLibraryWatchers();
Emitted when all tasks that blocked library scans have finished.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user