mirror of https://github.com/clementine-player/Clementine synced 2025-01-31 03:27:40 +01:00

Add Clementine to the default programs menu on vista and above. Thanks Joel Spadin

This commit is contained in:
David Sansome 2010-08-07 11:47:52 +00:00
parent 296b2099ae
commit 6b0ed0c4f2
4 changed files with 830 additions and 25 deletions

dist/windows/Capabilities.nsh vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,676 @@
Application Capabilities (Default Programs)
By Joel Spadin
Loosely based on code taken from http://nsis.sourceforge.net/File_Association
These functions register an application with Windows Vista's and Windows 7's
Default Programs window.
!include "Capabilities.nsh"
!define CAPABILITIES_NAME "[program name]"
!define CAPABILITIES_DESCRIPTION "[description]"
!define CAPABILITIES_PROGID "[progid]"
!define CAPABILITIES_PATH "[path]"
During install, call ${RegisterCapabilities}, then use the other register
macros to create file type, MIME, and protocol associations.
During uninstall, call ${UnRegisterCapabilities}
More information about Default Programs and Client Types can be found here:
Defines: All defines not marked [optional] are required.
The canonical name of the program.
The localized name of the program as it appears in Default Programs.
This should be in the format "@FilePath,-StringID" where FilePath is the
path to a .dll or .exe file and StringID is the ID of a resource contained
in the file.
The localized description shown in Default Programs. This can be either a
string or in the same format as CAPABILITIES_LOCAL_NAME
An identifier used in file associations. Usually, this is the name of the
program. This should not have any spaces in it.
The location where capabilities info is stored in the registry.
The "Capabilities" key will automatically be added. If the application is
a client of some sort, (browser, email, media player, etc.) use
"Software\Clients\[ClientType]\[ProgramName]". Otherwise, use
"Software\[CompanyName]\[ProgramName]" or just "Software\[ProgramName]".
The icon shown in Default Programs. This should be in the format
"FilePath,IconIndex" where FilePath is the path to a file containing the
icon. If IconIndex is positive, the number is used as the index of the
zero-based array of icons stored in the file. If IconIndex is negative,
the absolute value is used as a resource ID.
The command executed when a user uses Set Program Access and Computer
Defaults to select this application as the default for its client type.
This command should launch a program that associates the application with
all the file and protocol types it can handle.
The command executed when a user uses Set Program Access and Computer
Defaults to disable access to this application. This command should launch
a program that hides all shortcuts and access points to this application.
It should also prevent the application from being run automatically and
update the IconsVisible registry value to 0.
The command executed when a user uses Set Program Access and Computer
Defaults to enable access to this application. This command should launch
a program that restores shortcuts and access points to the application,
allows the program to run, and updates the IconsVisible registry value to 1.
Registers the program with Default Programs. Call this once on install
before using any other functions.
Un-registers the program and all its associations. Call this once on
uninstall to clean up all installed registry values.
${RegisterFileType} "[extension]" "[executable]" "[icon]" "[description]"
Registers a file type with the program
extension: The file extension to register (ex: .txt)
executable: The executable that opens the file type
icon: The icon shown for the file type
description: Description for the file type shown in Explorer
${RegisterMediaType} "[extension]" "[executable]" "[icon]" "[description]"
Registers a media file type with the program (has a "Play" command)
(arguments are same as RegisterFileType)
${RegisterMimeType} "[mime type]" "[shortname]" "[clsid]"
Registers a mime type with the program
mime type: The MIME type to register (ex: audio/mp3)
shortname: A short identifier for the type (ex: mp3)
clsid: The CLSID of the program to handle files of this type
${RegisterProtocol} "[protocol]" "[executable]" "[icon]" "[description]"
Registers a URL protocol with the program
protocol: The protocol to register (ex: http)
(other arguments are same as RegisterFileType)
${UnRegisterFileType} "[extension]"
Un-registers a previously registered file type
extension: The file extension to un-register
${UnRegisterMimeType} "[mime type]"
Un-registers a previously registered MEME type
mime type: The MIME type to un-register
${UnRegisterProtocol} "[protocol]"
Un-registers a previously registered URL protocol
protocol: The URL protocol to un-register
!ifndef Capabilities_INCLUDED
!define Capabilities_INCLUDED
!include "Util.nsh"
!include "StrFunc.nsh"
!verbose push
!verbose 3
!ifndef _Capabilities_VERBOSE
!define _Capabilities_VERBOSE 3
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
!define Capabilities_VERBOSE `!insertmacro Capabilities_VERBOSE`
!verbose pop
!macro Capabilities_VERBOSE _VERBOSE
!verbose push
!verbose 3
!undef _Capabilities_VERBOSE
!define _Capabilities_VERBOSE ${_VERBOSE}
!verbose pop
!macro RegisterCapabilitiesCall
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
${CallArtificialFunction} RegisterCapabilities_
!verbose pop
!macro UnRegisterCapabilitiesCall
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
${CallArtificialFunction} UnRegisterCapabilities_
!verbose pop
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Push `${_ICON}`
Push `${_EXTENSION}`
${CallArtificialFunction} RegisterFileType_
!verbose pop
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Push `${_ICON}`
Push `${_EXTENSION}`
${CallArtificialFunction} RegisterMediaType_
!verbose pop
!macro RegisterMimeTypeCall _MIMETYPE _SHORTNAME _CLSID
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Push `${_CLSID}`
Push `${_SHORTNAME}`
Push `${_MIMETYPE}`
${CallArtificialFunction} RegisterMimeType_
!verbose pop
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Push `${_ICON}`
Push `${_PROTOCOL}`
${CallArtificialFunction} RegisterProtocol_
!verbose pop
!macro UnRegisterFileTypeCall _EXTENSION
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Push `${_EXTENSION}`
${CallArtificialFunction} UnRegisterFileType_
!verbose pop
!macro UnRegisterMimeTypeCall _MIMETYPE
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Push `${_MIMETYPE}`
${CallArtificialFunction} UnRegisterMimeType_
!verbose pop
!macro UnRegisterProtocolCall _PROTOCOL
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Push `${_MIMETYPE}`
${CallArtificialFunction} UnRegisterProtocol_
!verbose pop
!define RegisterCapabilities `!insertmacro RegisterCapabilitiesCall`
!define un.RegisterCapabilities `!insertmacro RegisterCapabilitiesCall`
!macro RegisterCapabilities
!macro un.RegisterCapabilities
!macro RegisterCapabilities_
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Push $0
!error "CAPABILITIES_PATH not defined"
!error "CAPABILITIES_NAME not defined"
!error "CAPABILITIES_PROGID not defined"
StrCpy $0 "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities"
; add the application to RegisteredApplications
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\RegisteredApplications" "${CAPABILITIES_NAME}" "$0"
; write application info
; write installinfo if defined
WriteRegStr HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\InstallInfo" "ReinstallCommand" "${CAPABILITIES_REINSTALL}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\InstallInfo" "HideIconsCommand" "${CAPABILITIES_HIDE_ICONS}"
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\InstallInfo" "IconsVisible" 0x1
WriteRegStr HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\InstallInfo" "ShowIconsCommand" "${CAPABILITIES_SHOW_ICONS}"
WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\InstallInfo" "IconsVisible" 0x1
; write application capabilities info
WriteRegStr HKLM "$0" "ApplicationName" "${CAPABILITIES_LOCAL_NAME}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "$0" "ApplicationName" "${CAPABILITIES_NAME}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "$0" "ApplicationDescription" "${CAPABILITIES_DESCRIPTION}"
Pop $0
!verbose pop
!define UnRegisterCapabilities `!insertmacro UnRegisterCapabilitiesCall`
!define un.UnRegisterCapabilities `!insertmacro UnRegisterCapabilitiesCall`
!macro UnRegisterCapabilities
!macro un.UnRegisterCapabilities
!macro UnRegisterCapabilities_
!define MacroID ${__LINE__}
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Push $0
Push $1
; remove all file associations
EnumRegValue $0 HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\FileAssociations" 0
StrCmp $0 "" FileTypeDone_${MacroID}
ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\FileAssociations" "$0"
DeleteRegKey HKCR $1
DeleteRegValue HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\FileAssociations" "$0"
Goto FileTypeLoop_${MacroID}
; remove all MIME associations
EnumRegValue $0 HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\MimeAssociations" 0
StrCmp $0 "" MimeTypeDone_${MacroID}
ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\MimeAssociations" "$0"
DeleteRegKey HKCR "$1"
DeleteRegValue HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\MimeAssociations" "$0"
Goto MimeTypeLoop_${MacroID}
; remove all protocol associations
EnumRegValue $0 HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\UrlAssociations" 0
StrCmp $0 "" ProtocolDone_${MacroID}
ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\UrlAssociations" "$0"
DeleteRegKey HKCR "$1"
DeleteRegValue HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\UrlAssociations" "$0"
Goto ProtocolLoop_${MacroID}
; remove capabilities keys
DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\RegisteredApplications" "${CAPABILITIES_NAME}"
Pop $1
Pop $0
!verbose pop
!undef MacroID
!define RegisterFileType `!insertmacro RegisterFileTypeCall`
!define un.RegisterFileType `!insertmacro RegisterFileTypeCall`
!macro RegisterFileType
!macro un.RegisterFileType
!macro RegisterFileType_
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Exch $R3 ;ext
Exch $R2 ;exe
Exch 2
Exch $R1 ;icon
Exch 3
Exch $R0 ;desc
Push $0
; create an association name
; ex: .mp3 becomes ProgID.AssocFile.MP3
${StrCase} $0 "$R3" "U"
StrCpy $0 "${CAPABILITIES_PROGID}.AssocFile$0"
; link capabilities to association in classes root
WriteRegStr HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\FileAssociations" "$R3" "$0"
; write file association in classes root
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0" "" "$R0"
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\DefaultIcon" "" "$R1"
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\shell" "" "Open"
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\shell\open" "" "&Open"
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\shell\open\command" "" '"$R2" "%1"'
Pop $0
Pop $R0
Pop $R1
Pop $R2
Pop $R3
!verbose pop
!define RegisterMediaType `!insertmacro RegisterMediaTypeCall`
!define un.RegisterMediaType `!insertmacro RegisterMediaTypeCall`
!macro RegisterMediaType
!macro un.RegisterMediaType
!macro RegisterMediaType_
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Exch $R3 ;ext
Exch $R2 ;exe
Exch 2
Exch $R1 ;icon
Exch 3
Exch $R0 ;desc
Push $0
; create an association name
; ex: .mp3 becomes ProgID.AssocFile.MP3
${StrCase} $0 "$R3" "U"
StrCpy $0 "${CAPABILITIES_PROGID}.AssocFile$0"
; link capabilities to association in classes root
WriteRegStr HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\FileAssociations" "$R3" "$0"
; write file association in classes root
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0" "" "$R0"
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\DefaultIcon" "" "$R1"
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\shell" "" "Play"
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\shell\open" "" "&Open"
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\shell\open\command" "" '"$R2" "%1"'
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\shell\play" "" "&Play"
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\shell\play\command" "" '"$R2" "%L"'
Pop $0
Pop $R0
Pop $R1
Pop $R2
Pop $R3
!verbose pop
!define RegisterMimeType `!insertmacro RegisterMimeTypeCall`
!define un.RegisterMimeType `!insertmacro RegisterMimeTypeCall`
!macro RegisterMimeType
!macro un.RegisterMimeType
!macro RegisterMimeType_
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Exch $R2 ;mime
Exch $R1 ;shortname
Exch 2
Exch $R0 ;clsid
Push $0
; create an association name
; ex: audio/mp3 becomes ProgID.AssocMIME.MP3
${StrCase} $0 "$R1" "U"
; link capabilities to association in classes root
WriteRegStr HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\MimeAssociations" "$R2" "$0"
; write file association in classes root
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\CLSID" "" "$R0"
Pop $0
Pop $R0
Pop $R1
!verbose pop
!define RegisterProtocol `!insertmacro RegisterProtocolCall`
!define un.RegisterProtocol `!insertmacro RegisterProtocolCall`
!macro RegisterProtocol
!macro un.RegisterProtocol
!macro RegisterProtocol_
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Exch $R3 ;protocol
Exch $R2 ;exe
Exch 2
Exch $R1 ;icon
Exch 3
Exch $R0 ;desc
Push $0
; create an association name
; ex: http becomes ProgID.AssocProtocol.HTTP
${StrCase} $0 "$R3" "U"
StrCpy $0 "${CAPABILITIES_PROGID}.AssocProtocol.$0"
; link capabilities to association in classes root
WriteRegStr HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\UrlAssociations" "$R3" "$0"
; write file association in classes root
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0" "" "$R0"
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\DefaultIcon" "" "$R1"
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\shell\open" "" "&Open"
WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\shell\open\command" "" '"$R2" "%1"'
Pop $0
Pop $R0
Pop $R1
Pop $R2
Pop $R3
!verbose pop
!define UnRegisterFileType `!insertmacro UnRegisterFileTypeCall`
!define un.UnRegisterFileType `!insertmacro UnRegisterFileTypeCall`
!macro UnRegisterFileType
!macro un.UnRegisterFileType
!macro UnRegisterFileType_
!define MacroID ${__LINE__}
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Exch $R0 ;ext
Push $0
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\FileAssociations" "$R0"
StrCmp $0 "" skip_${MacroID}
DeleteRegKey HKCR "$0"
DeleteRegValue HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\FileAssociations" "$R0"
Pop $0
Pop $R0
!verbose pop
!undef MacroID
!define UnRegisterMimeType `!insertmacro UnRegisterMimeTypeCall`
!define un.UnRegisterMimeType `!insertmacro UnRegisterMimeTypeCall`
!macro UnRegisterMimeType
!macro un.UnRegisterMimeType
!macro UnRegisterMimeType_
!define MacroID ${__LINE__}
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Exch $R0 ;mime
Push $0
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\MimeAssociations" "$R0"
StrCmp $0 "" skip_${MacroID}
DeleteRegKey HKCR "$0"
DeleteRegValue HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\MimeAssociations" "$R0"
Pop $0
Pop $R0
!verbose pop
!undef MacroID
!define UnRegisterProtocol `!insertmacro UnRegisterProtocolCall`
!define un.UnRegisterProtocol `!insertmacro UnRegisterProtocolCall`
!macro UnRegisterProtocol
!macro un.UnRegisterProtocol
!macro UnRegisterProtocol_
!define MacroID ${__LINE__}
!verbose push
!verbose ${_Capabilities_VERBOSE}
Exch $R0 ;protocol
Push $0
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\UrlAssociations" "$R0"
StrCmp $0 "" skip_${MacroID}
DeleteRegKey HKCR "$0"
DeleteRegValue HKLM "${CAPABILITIES_PATH}\Capabilities\UrlAssociations" "$R0"
Pop $0
Pop $R0
!verbose pop
!undef MacroID

View File

@ -9,10 +9,22 @@
; Set Application Capabilities info
!define CAPABILITIES_NAME "Clementine"
!define CAPABILITIES_LOCAL_NAME "Clementine"
!define CAPABILITIES_PROGID "Clementine music player"
!define CAPABILITIES_PATH "Software\Clients\Media\Clementine"
!define CAPABILITIES_DESCRIPTION "Clementine music player"
!define CAPABILITIES_ICON "$INSTDIR\clementine.ico"
!define CAPABILITIES_REINSTALL "Command to reinstall"
!define CAPABILITIES_HIDE_ICONS "Command to hide icons"
!define CAPABILITIES_SHOW_ICONS "Command to show icons"
SetCompressor /SOLID lzma
!addplugindir nsisplugins
!include "MUI2.nsh"
!include "FileAssociation.nsh"
!include "Capabilities.nsh"
!define MUI_ICON "clementine.ico"
@ -110,19 +122,57 @@ Section "Clementine" Clementine
File "z.dll"
File "zlib1.dll"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".mp3" "MP3 Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".flac" "FLAC Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".ogg" "OGG Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".spx" "OGG Speex Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".mp4" "MP4 Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".aac" "AAC Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".wma" "WMA Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".wav" "WAV Audio File"
; Check the OS. If Vista or newer, use Default Programs
StrCpy $R0 $0
IntCmp $R0 6 HasDefaultPrograms NoDefaultPrograms HasDefaultPrograms
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".pls" "PLS Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".m3u" "M3U Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".xspf" "XSPF Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".asx" "Windows Media Audio/Video playlist"
; Register Clementine with Default Programs
Var /GLOBAL AppIcon
Var /GLOBAL AppExe
StrCpy $AppExe "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe"
StrCpy $AppIcon "$INSTDIR\clementine.ico"
${RegisterMediaType} ".mp3" $AppExe $AppIcon "MP3 Audio File"
${RegisterMediaType} ".flac" $AppExe $AppIcon "FLAC Audio File"
${RegisterMediaType} ".ogg" $AppExe $AppIcon "OGG Audio File"
${RegisterMediaType} ".spx" $AppExe $AppIcon "OGG Speex Audio File"
${RegisterMediaType} ".m4a" $AppExe $AppIcon "MP4 Audio File"
${RegisterMediaType} ".aac" $AppExe $AppIcon "AAC Audio File"
${RegisterMediaType} ".wma" $AppExe $AppIcon "WMA Audio File"
${RegisterMediaType} ".wav" $AppExe $AppIcon "WAV Audio File"
${RegisterMediaType} ".pls" $AppExe $AppIcon "PLS Audio File"
${RegisterMediaType} ".m3u" $AppExe $AppIcon "M3U Audio File"
${RegisterMediaType} ".xspf" $AppExe $AppIcon "XSPF Audio File"
${RegisterMediaType} ".asx" $AppExe $AppIcon "Windows Media Audio/Video playlist"
${RegisterMimeType} "audio/mp3" "mp3" "{cd3afa76-b84f-48f0-9393-7edc34128127}"
${RegisterMimeType} "audio/mp4" "m4a" "{cd3afa7c-b84f-48f0-9393-7edc34128127}"
${RegisterMimeType} "audio/x-ms-wma" "wma" "{cd3afa84-b84f-48f0-9393-7edc34128127}"
${RegisterMimeType} "audio/wav" "wav" "{cd3afa7b-b84f-48f0-9393-7edc34128127}"
${RegisterMimeType} "audio/mpegurl" "m3u" "{cd3afa78-b84f-48f0-9393-7edc34128127}"
${RegisterMimeType} "application/x-wmplayer" "asx" "{cd3afa96-b84f-48f0-9393-7edc34128127}"
Goto done
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".mp3" "MP3 Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".flac" "FLAC Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".ogg" "OGG Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".spx" "OGG Speex Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".m4a" "MP4 Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".aac" "AAC Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".wma" "WMA Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".wav" "WAV Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".pls" "PLS Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".m3u" "M3U Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".xspf" "XSPF Audio File"
${registerExtension} "$INSTDIR\clementine.exe" ".asx" "Windows Media Audio/Video playlist"
Section "Qt image format plugins" imageformats
@ -1469,18 +1519,29 @@ Section "Uninstall"
; Remove the entry from 'installed programs list'
; Remove file associations
${unregisterExtension} ".mp3" "MP3 Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".flac" "FLAC Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".ogg" "OGG Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".spx" "OGG Speex Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".mp4" "MP4 Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".aac" "AAC Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".wma" "WMA Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".wav" "WAV Audio File"
; Check the OS. If Vista or newer, use Default Programs
StrCpy $R0 $0
IntCmp $R0 6 HasDefaultPrograms NoDefaultPrograms HasDefaultPrograms
${unregisterExtension} ".pls" "PLS Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".m3u" "M3U Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".xspf" "XSPF Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".asx" "Windows Media Audio/Video playlist"
; Unregister from Default Programs
Goto done
; Remove file associations
${unregisterExtension} ".mp3" "MP3 Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".flac" "FLAC Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".ogg" "OGG Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".spx" "OGG Speex Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".mp4" "MP4 Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".aac" "AAC Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".wma" "WMA Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".wav" "WAV Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".pls" "PLS Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".m3u" "M3U Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".xspf" "XSPF Audio File"
${unregisterExtension} ".asx" "Windows Media Audio/Video playlist"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
Copyright (C) 2001 Robert Rainwater <rrainwater@yahoo.com>
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
OS Version Usage Information
Step 1:
Call osversion
Step 2:
The major version is returned to $0 and the minor version is returned to $1. See below for details on version numbers.
OS Platform Usage Information
Step 1:
Call osplatform
Step 2:
The platform is returned into $0. Possible values are: "win31", "win9x", "winnt", and "unknown".
Interpreting The Version Numbers
Major Version:
Windows 95 4
Windows 98 4
Windows Me 4
Windows NT 3.51 3
Windows NT 4.0 4
Windows 2000 5
Windows XP 5
Windows .NET Server 5
Minor Version
Windows 95 0
Windows 98 10
Windows Me 90
Windows NT 3.51 51
Windows NT 4.0 0
Windows 2000 0
Windows XP 1
Windows .NET Server 1
See example.nsi

dist/windows/nsisplugins/nsisos.dll vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.