Remove ultimate lyrics parser (#6225)

This tool was once used generate data/lyrics/ultimate_providers.xml from
the sites.js file. Judging by the file histories, recent changes has
been done directly in the xml file, bypassing this tool. Moreover,
sites.js has contained syntax errors for the past three years without
anyone noticing.

Furthermore, this tool is the only part of Clementine that uses
QtWebKit. Since support for this has been removed in both the master and
qt5 branch it won't build anyway.
This commit is contained in:
Mattias Andersson 2018-11-30 13:09:49 +01:00 committed by John Maguire
parent 2d1f6cd239
commit 6a37af7b42
4 changed files with 0 additions and 785 deletions

View File

@ -451,7 +451,6 @@ if (WIN32)
endif (WIN32)

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Woverloaded-virtual -Wall -Wno-sign-compare ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}")
add_executable(ultimate_lyrics_parser EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(ultimate_lyrics_parser ${QT_LIBRARIES})

View File

@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
/* This file is part of Clementine.
Copyright 2010, David Sansome <>
Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Clementine. If not, see <>.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QFile>
#include <QWebFrame>
#include <QWebPage>
#include <QXmlStreamWriter>
#include <QtDebug>
int ShowUsage() {
qWarning() << "Usage:" << qApp->arguments()[0].toUtf8().constData() << "sites.js\n";
qWarning() << "This tool parses a sites.js file from the Ultimate Lyrics Amarok script";
qWarning() << "and outputs an XML file that can be used by Clementine.";
return 2;
void WriteRuleItem(QXmlStreamWriter& writer, const QVariant& value) {
if (value.type() == QVariant::String) {
writer.writeAttribute("tag", value.toString());
} else if (value.type() == QVariant::List) {
QVariantList list = value.toList();
writer.writeAttribute("begin", list[0].toString());
writer.writeAttribute("end", list[1].toString());
void WriteRules(QXmlStreamWriter& writer, const QString& name, const QVariantMap& map) {
for (int i=1 ; i<=4 ; ++i) {
const QString map_name = name + (i == 1 ? "" : QString::number(i));
if (!map.contains(map_name))
QVariant value = map[map_name];
if (value.type() == QVariant::String) {
WriteRuleItem(writer, value);
} else if (value.type() == QVariant::List) {
foreach (const QVariant& child, value.toList()) {
WriteRuleItem(writer, child);
void WriteList(QXmlStreamWriter& writer, const QString& name, const QVariantMap& map) {
if (!map.contains(name))
QVariant value = map[name];
if (value.type() == QVariant::String) {
writer.writeAttribute("value", value.toString());
} else if (value.type() == QVariant::List) {
foreach (const QVariant& child, value.toList()) {
writer.writeAttribute("value", child.toString());
void WriteUrlFormat(QXmlStreamWriter& writer, const QVariantList& list) {
foreach (const QVariant& child, list) {
if (child.type() != QVariant::Map)
QVariantMap map = child.toMap();
if (!map.contains("rep") || !map.contains("punct"))
writer.writeAttribute("replace", map["punct"].toString());
writer.writeAttribute("with", map["rep"].toString());
void WriteProvider(QXmlStreamWriter& writer, const QString& name, const QVariant& data) {
QVariantMap map = data.toMap();
if (!map.contains("url") || map.contains("getReply"))
writer.writeAttribute("name", name);
writer.writeAttribute("title", map["title"].toString());
writer.writeAttribute("charset", map["charset"].toString());
writer.writeAttribute("url", map["url"].toString());
WriteUrlFormat(writer, map["urlFormat"].toList());
WriteRules(writer, "extract", map);
WriteRules(writer, "exclude", map);
WriteList(writer, "invalidIndicator", map);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
QApplication a(argc, argv);
// Parse commandline arguments
if (a.arguments().count() != 2)
return ShowUsage();
QString sites_filename = a.arguments()[1];
if (!QFile::exists(sites_filename)) {
qWarning() << "Error:" << sites_filename << "does not exist";
return 1;
// Load the javascript file
QFile sites_file(sites_filename);
if (! {
qWarning() << "Error: could not open" << sites_filename;
return 1;
QString javascript = QString::fromUtf8(sites_file.readAll());
javascript = javascript.section("\n}", 0, 0, QString::SectionIncludeTrailingSep);
// Parse the javascript
QWebPage page;
QVariant data = page.mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(javascript);
// Open the document
QFile stdout(NULL);, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
QXmlStreamWriter writer(&stdout);
// Begin writing
foreach (const QString& provider_name, data.toMap().keys()) {
WriteProvider(writer, provider_name, data.toMap()[provider_name]);
return 0;

View File

@ -1,610 +0,0 @@
descriptor fields specification:
- url - parameters: {artist},{title},{album},{Artist},{Title},{Album},{a}
- urlFormat - specify character replacements for url parameters
- title - use <title>{artist} - {title} lyrics</title> for extracting artist and title from returned html
- charset
- extract - short rule(s) for extracting reply from returned html
- exclude - similar as extract but inverse
- invalidIndicator - string(s) that identify returned page as invalid if page contains the invalidIndicator(s)
- getReply - javascript function that manually extract reply from a html page
extract, exclude and invalidIndicator fields are alternative to getReply
extract, exclude and invalidIndicator fields can be catenated in an array
extract, exclude fields specification (2 formats):
- string - an html tag
- 2 lenght array - specify starting and ending string that surround data
alternative (fallback) rules for extract are named extract2,extract3,extract4 (useful when a site use multiple templates)
var reply = "<FONT color=#DDDDDD><b>13. Payback</b></font>"
var start = RegExp("<b>\\d+. Payback<\\/b>","i"));
const siteDescriptors = {
"": {
title: "{artist}:{title} Lyrics - ",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [["<div class='lyricbox'>","<!--"]],
// extract2: [["<div class='lyricbox' >","<!--"]],
exclude: ["<div class='rtMatcher'>",'<span style="padding:1em">'],
setup: function(){
this.multiple = settings.multi_lang_wikia;
this.urlHashDiscriminator = this.multiple;
url: "{Artist}:{Title}",
urlFormat : [
{punct: " _@;\\\"", rep: "_" }, // removed ,/
{punct: "?", rep: "%3F" },
"": {
title: "{artist} - {title} Lyrics",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: '<div id="lyrics">',
url: "{title}&artist={artist}",
urlFormat : [
{punct: "_@;&\\/\"", rep: "-"},// removed ,
{punct: "'", rep: ""},
{punct: " ", rep: "%20"},
"": {
title: "{artist} - {title} Lyrics",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: ['<div id="songlyrics" >','<p>'],
url: "{artist}-{title}-lyrics.html",
urlFormat : [
{punct: " _@,;&\\/\"'", rep: "-"},
{punct: ".", rep: ""},
"": {
title: "{title} lyrics {artist}",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
invalidIndicator: "Page not Found",
extract: [['Ringtone to your Cell','Ringtone to your Cell'],['<div style="text-align:center;">','<a']],
url: "{artist}/{title}/",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "+", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "'." },
"": {
title: "{artist} - {title} Lyrics",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
invalidIndicator: "The lyrics you requested is not in our archive yet,",
extract: [['<span style="font-size:14px;">','<span style="font-size:14px;">'],['</center>','<a']],
url: "{title}_lyrics_{artist}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "_", punct: " _@;&\\/\"'." }, // removed ,
"": {
title: "{artist} - {title} Lyrics",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: '<div id="songlyrics">',
url: "{Artist}/{Title}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/'\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "." },
"": {
title: "{artist} LYRICS - {title}",
charset: "utf-8",
// charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: [['<!-- END OF RINGTONE 1 -->','<!-- RINGTONE 2 -->']],
exclude: ['<B>',['<i>[',']</i>'],['[',']']],
url: "{artist}/{title}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "", punct: " ._@,;&\\/'\"-" },
"": {
title: "{artist} - {title} LYRICS",
charset: "utf-8",
invalidIndicator: "These lyrics are missing",
extract: '<span id="lyrics">',
extract2: '<div id="lyrics">',
exclude: '<h5>',
url: "{title}-lyrics-{artist}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "'." },
"": {
charset: "utf-8",
getReply: function(reply){
reply = reply.extractXmlTag('<div id="lyrics" style="margin-left:5px;">');
reply = reply.replace(/\n/g,"<br />")
return reply;
url: "{Title}&artist_searchterm={Artist}",
// url: "{title}&artist_searchterm={artist}",
urlFormat : []
"": {
title: "{artist} &quot;{title}&quot; Lyrics",
charset: "utf-8",
invalidIndicator: "Something went wrong",
extract: "<span id=gn_lyricsB>",
extract2: '<div class="KonaBody" id="EchoTopic">',
exclude: ["<font size=2>",["<b><i>","</u></b>:"],["<b>Lyrics","</b>"]],
url: "{a}/{artist}/{title}/",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "'." },
"": {
title: "{title} LYRICS - {artist}",
charset: "utf-8",
invalidIndicator: ["Sorry, we have no", "This is an upcoming album and we do not have the"],
extract: '<p id="songLyricsDiv" ondragstart="return false;" onselectstart="return false;" oncontextmenu="return false;" class="songLyricsV14" style="font-size: 14px;z-index: 9999;position: absolute;left: -6000px;">',
exclude: [['\n[','] ']],
url: "{artist}/{title}-lyrics/",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " ._@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "_", punct: "'" },
"": {
title: "{artist} LYRICS - {title}",
charset: "utf-8",
getReply: function(reply, info){
// var start = RegExp(("<FONT color=#DDDDDD><b>\d+. " + info.arrange(info.title,this.urlFormat,false) + "</b></font>").escapeRegExp(),"i"));
var start = RegExp("<b>\\d+. " + info.arrange(info.title,SearchInfo.prototype.defaultReplaces,false) + "[^<]*<\\/b>","i"));
// var start = RegExp("<FONT color=#DDDDDD>","i"));
if (start<0)
return "";
// Amarok.alert(start);
reply = reply.substring(start);
var end = RegExp("<font","i"));
reply = reply.substring(0,end);
reply = reply.substring(reply.indexOf("</b>")+4);
reply = reply.replace(/<\/font>/ig,"");
reply = reply.replace(/<a name=\d+>/ig,"");
return reply;
if (info2){
info.matchedTitle = info2.title;
info.matchedArtist = info2.artist;
// Amarok.alert(info.matchedTitle + " | " + info.matchedArtist);
if (!info.arrange)
var title = reply.match(new RegExp("<b>\\d+. (" + info.arrange(info.title,SearchInfo.prototype.defaultReplaces,false) + "[^<]*)<\\/b>","i"));
if (title)
info.matchedTitle = title[1];
Amarok.alert(info.matchedTitle + " | " + info.matchedArtist);
invalidIndicator: "Not Found",
url: "{artist}/{album}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"'." },
"": {
title: "{artist} - {title} lyrics",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
invalidIndicator: "Sorry, we have no",
// extract: '<div id="songlyrics">',
// extract2: '<span id="lyrics">',
extract: "<div id='songlyrics_h' class='dn'>",
url: "{a}/{artist}/{title}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "_", punct: " ._@,;&\\/\"" },
"": {
title: "{title} Lyrics - {artist}",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
invalidIndicator: "Page not Found",
extract : "<div class='ly' style='font-size:12px;'>",
exclude : ["<strong>","<em>"],
url: "{a}/{artist}-lyrics/{title}-lyrics.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@;&\\/\"" }, // removed ,
{rep: "_", punct: "'" },
"": {
title: "{artist} - {title} LYRICS",
charset: "utf-8",
invalidIndicator: "We haven't lyrics of this song",
extract : '<div id="div_customCSS">',
url: "{artist}-{title}-lyrics.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "." },
"": {
title: "{artist} - {title} Lyrics",
charset: "utf-8",
invalidIndicator: "we do not have the lyric for this song",
extract: '<div id="lyrics" class="SCREENONLY">',
// extract: '<div id="lyric_space">',
url: "{artist}/{title}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "'." },
"": {
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['</table>','<div class="printfooter">'],'<p>'],
url: "{artist}:{title}",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "_", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "." },
"": {
title: "{title} lyrics {artist}",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: "<div id=EchoTopic>",
exclude: '<textarea name="songscpy" id="songscpyid" onclick="callselect(\'songscpyid\',\'selectswf\')" rows="3" cols="45" READONLY>',
// exclude: [["<i>[","]</i>"]],
url: "{title}_lyrics-{artist}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "_", punct: " _@,;&\\/'\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "." },
"": {
title: "{artist} - {title} lyrics",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: ['<div id="lyricsContent">','<p>'],
exclude: [["<b>","</b>"]],
url: "{artist}-{title}-lyrics.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/'\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "." },
"": {
charset: "utf-8",
extract : '<div class="middle_col_TracksLyrics ">',
url: "{a}/{artist}/{album}/{title}",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "", punct: "." },
"": {
// title: "{artist} | {title} lyrics",
title: "{artist}, {title}",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: "<div id='content_h' class='dn'>",
// extract : '<div id="content" style="float: none; clear: both;FONT-SIZE: 15px; FONT-FAMILY: \'Times New Roman\', serif;" lang="en">'
"": {
title: "{artist} - {title} LYRICS",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['<img src= border=0><br><br></div>','<div']]
"": {
charset: "iso-8859-1",
getReply: function(reply){
reply = reply.extractXmlTag("<pre>");
reply = reply.replace(/\n/g,'<br/>\n');
return reply;
" (Greek songs)": {
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['<font class=creators>','</td>']]
"": {
title: "{artist} - {title} - tekst",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['<div class="songText" id="songContent">','</div>']],
url: "{artist},{title},tekst-piosenki",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/\"'" },
{rep: "", punct: "."},
" (Polish translations)": {
title: "{artist} - {title} - tekst",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['<div class="song-text">','<a href="javascript:;"']], // original
extract2: '<div class="tlumaczenie">', // translated
exclude: [["<h2>","</h2><br />"]],
url: ",{artist},{title}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "_", punct: " _@,;&\\/'\"." },
"": {
title: "{title} de {artist} no VAGALUME",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: '<span class="editable_area">',
// exclude: [['<div style="float:left"','>']],
url: "{artist}/{title}.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/'\"." },
" (Portuguese translations)": {
title: "{title} de {artist} no VAGALUME",
charset: "iso-8859-1",
extract: '<div class="tab_traducao sideBySide lyricArea tab_tra_pt">',
// exclude: [['<div style="float:left"','>']],
url: "{artist}/{title}-traducao.html",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "-", punct: " _@,;&\\/'\"." },
"": {
title: "{artist} : {title} - dalszöveg",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['</a>?','<div']]
"": {
charset: "utf-8",
url: "{title}&artista={artist}",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "_", punct: "_@,;&\\/\"" },
{rep: "+", punct: " " },
extract: [["</div>","</div>"]],
invalidIndicator: "Verifique se o nome do seu arquivo e sua",
"": {
charset: "utf-8",
url: "{artist}&track={title}",
urlFormat : [
{rep: "_", punct: "_@,;&\\/\"#" },
extract: '<response>',
invalidIndicator: "ERROR",
"": {
url: "{Artist}/{Title}",
urlFormat: [
{punct: " _@;\\/\"\'\(\)\[\]", rep: "-" },
{punct: "\?", rep: "" },
title: "{artist} - {title} lyrics | Musixmatch",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['<span id="lyrics-html"','</span>']],
exclude: [[' data-reactid="','">']],
invalidIndicator: "We couldn't find that page."
" (Bollywood songs)": {
url: "{Title}",
urlFormat: [
{punct: " _@;\\/\"\'\(\)\[\]", rep: "-" },
{punct: "\?", rep: "" },
title: "{title} Song Lyrics -",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['<div class="entry-content">','</div>']],
invalidIndicator: "Couldn't find that page."
" (Bollywood Songs)": {
url: "{Title}.html",
urlFormat: [
{punct: " _@;\\/\"\'\(\)\[\]", rep: "%20" },
{punct: "\?", rep: "" },
title: "{title} ({album})",
charset: "utf-8",
extract: [['<div class=nm>Movie</div>:','</pre>']],
exclude: [['<span class=','">']],
invalidIndicator: "Couldn't find that page."
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function UniversalSite(){
this.charset = "utf-8";
this.urlHashDiscriminator = settings.max_size_html + settings.max_size_lyrics;
this.postExtractReplaces = [];
this.getReply = function(reply){
if (!arguments.callee.preReplaces){
arguments.callee.preReplaces = [
{expr:/[\r\t\n]/g, str:""}, // removes tab and return and new line chars
{expr:/ +/g, str:" "}, // compress multiple spaces
{expr:/<script[^>]*(?!<\/script>)*<\/script>/mig , str:""}, // removes <script> tag
{expr:/<!--(?!-->)*-->/mig , str:""}, // removes html comments <!-- -->
{expr:/<[^>]*[biup]>/ig , str:""}, // removes xml tags <b> <i> <p>...
arguments.callee.postReplaces = [
{expr:/\n((<[^>\n]*>)| )*\n/g, str:""}, // removes empty lines
{expr:/\n+/g, str:"\n"}, // removes empty lines
// reply = reply.excludeAll("<script","/script>");
reply = reply.multiReplace(arguments.callee.preReplaces);
reply = reply.match(/>([^<]*)<\/?[biup]/mig); // anything that has <br>
if (reply == null)
reply = [];
var html = "";
for (i=0;i<reply.length;i++)
html+=reply[i].match(/>([^<]*)<\/?[biup]/mi)[1] + "<br/>";
html = html.multiReplace(arguments.callee.postReplaces);
html = html.multiReplace(LyricsClass.prototype.postExtractReplaces);
if (html == "")
html = "<i>{msg:no text found}</i>";
return html;
this.downloadableReply = function(info){
return info.url!="";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
String.prototype.encodeSuggestionURL = function(){
return this.toString();
String.prototype.decodeSuggestionURL = function(){
return this.toString();
String.prototype.formatSuggestionInfo = function(){
return this.toString();
function GLyrics(){
this.charset = "utf-8";
this.display_mode = "Suggestions";
this.url = "{gsearch_no}&q={artist}+{title}+{gsearch}";
this.urlFormat = [
{punct: "&", rep: "" }
this.urlHashDiscriminator = settings.gsearch_filter_expr + settings.gsearch_filter_url + binToInt(settings.gsearch_filter_artist);
// alert(this.urlHashDiscriminator);
this.getUrl = function(info){
var url =,info);
url = url.fill1(settings);
// url = url.replace(/\ /g,"+");
return url;
this.getReply = function(reply,info){
if (!arguments.callee.filterURL){
arguments.callee.filterURL = function(url){
var filter_expr = settings.gsearch_filter_expr.split("|");
for(var i in filter_expr)
filter_expr[i] = "(" + filter_expr[i].escapeRegExp() + ")";
arguments.callee.filter_expr = new RegExp(filter_expr.join("|"),"i");
if (settings.gsearch_filter_url == "no filter")
return true;
if (settings.gsearch_filter_url == "hostname")
url = (new QUrl(url)).host();
arguments.callee.filterTitle = function(title, info){
var b = new RegExp(info.artist,"i").test(title);
// if (!b) alert(title);
return b;
if (!info.isValid)
return "not found";
reply = reply.replace(/<\/?em>/g,"");
reply = reply.replace(/<\/?b>/g,"");
var suggestions = reply.match( /href=\"([^\"]*)\" class=l[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/a>/g );
if (suggestions === null || !suggestions)
return "not found";
// Amarok.alert(suggestions);
var fullySupported = "";
var universalSupported = "";
for (i=0;i<suggestions.length;i++){
suggestions[i] = suggestions[i].match(/href=\"([^\"]*)\" class=l[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/a>/);
var url = suggestions[i][1].escapeXmlChars().encodeSuggestionURL();
var title = suggestions[i][2];
if (!arguments.callee.filterURL(url) || (settings.gsearch_filter_artist && !arguments.callee.filterTitle(title, info)))
var site =[(new QUrl(url)).host()];
var inf = {artist:info.artist,title:title};
var bFullySupported = !(!site);
if (!site)
site = this;
// alert(site.domain + " " +[(new QUrl(url)).host()] + " " + (new QUrl(url)).host());
var artist = inf.matchedArtist.escapeNumberedChars().escapeHtmlEntities().capitalize();
var title = inf.matchedTitle.escapeNumberedChars().escapeHtmlEntities().capitalize();
var host = " (" + (new QUrl(url)).host()+")";
if (artist == ""){
artist = "unknown";
// bFullySupported = false;
// artist = "(" + (new QUrl(url)).host()+")";
// if (title.length > 40 - artist.length - host.length)
// title = title.substr(0, 40 - artist.length - host.length) + "..";
title += host;
// Amarok.alert(url);
var suggestion = "<suggestion artist=\"" + artist.formatSuggestionInfo().replace(/\"/g,"'").escapeXmlChars() + "\" title=\"" + title.formatSuggestionInfo().replace(/\"/g,"'").escapeXmlChars()+ "\" url=\"" + url + "\" />\n";
if (bFullySupported)
fullySupported += suggestion;
universalSupported += suggestion;
var xml = fullySupported+universalSupported;
if (xml=="")
return "not found";
return xml;
this.filter = function(info){
return true;
this.downloadableReply = function(info){
return info.url=="" && !this.skipSearch;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function NotFound(){
this.display_mode = "Suggestions";
this.getReply = function(reply,info){
return "not found";
this.downloadableReply = function(info){
return false;
this.filter = function(info){
return !info.isValid;