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2010-06-06 21:43:45 +00:00
// C++ Interface: BuiltinFuncs
// Description:
// Author: Carmelo Piccione <carmelo.piccione@gmail.com>, (C) 2007
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include "Common.hpp"
#include "Func.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include "RandomNumberGenerators.hpp"
/* Wrappers for all the builtin functions
The arg_list pointer is a list of floats. Its
size is equal to the number of arguments the parameter
takes */
class FuncWrappers {
/* Values to optimize the sigmoid function */
static const int R = 32767;
static const int RR = 65534;
static inline float int_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return floor(arg_list[0]);
static inline float sqr_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return pow(2, arg_list[0]);
static inline float sign_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return -arg_list[0];
static inline float min_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
if (arg_list[0] > arg_list[1])
return arg_list[1];
return arg_list[0];
static inline float max_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
if (arg_list[0] > arg_list[1])
return arg_list[0];
return arg_list[1];
/* consult your AI book */
static inline float sigmoid_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (RR / (1 + exp( -(((float)(arg_list[0])) * arg_list[1]) / R) - R));
static inline float bor_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (float)((int)arg_list[0] || (int)arg_list[1]);
static inline float band_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (float)((int)arg_list[0] && (int)arg_list[1]);
static inline float bnot_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (float)(!(int)arg_list[0]);
static inline float if_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
if ((int)arg_list[0] == 0)
return arg_list[2];
return arg_list[1];
static inline float rand_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
float l=1;
// printf("RAND ARG:(%d)\n", (int)arg_list[0]);
if ((int)arg_list[0] > 0)
l = (float) RandomNumberGenerators::uniformInteger((int)arg_list[0]);
return l;
static inline float equal_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (arg_list[0] == arg_list[1]);
static inline float above_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (arg_list[0] > arg_list[1]);
static inline float below_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (arg_list[0] < arg_list[1]);
static float sin_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
//return .5;
float d = sinf(*arg_list);
return d;
//return (sin (arg_list[0]));
static inline float cos_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (cos (arg_list[0]));
static inline float tan_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (tan(arg_list[0]));
static inline float asin_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (asin (arg_list[0]));
static inline float acos_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (acos (arg_list[0]));
static inline float atan_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (atan (arg_list[0]));
static inline float atan2_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (atan2 (arg_list[0], arg_list[1]));
static inline float pow_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (pow (arg_list[0], arg_list[1]));
static inline float exp_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (exp(arg_list[0]));
static inline float abs_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (fabs(arg_list[0]));
static inline float log_wrapper(float* arg_list) {
return (log (arg_list[0]));
static inline float log10_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (log10 (arg_list[0]));
static inline float sqrt_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
return (sqrt (arg_list[0]));
static inline float nchoosek_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
unsigned long cnm = 1UL;
int i, f;
int n, m;
n = (int)arg_list[0];
m = (int)arg_list[1];
if (m*2 >n) m = n-m;
for (i=1 ; i <= m; n--, i++)
if ((f=n) % i == 0)
f /= i;
else cnm /= i;
cnm *= f;
return (float)cnm;
static inline float fact_wrapper(float * arg_list) {
int result = 1;
int n = (int)arg_list[0];
while (n > 1) {
result = result * n;
return (float)result;
#include <map>
class BuiltinFuncs {
static int init_builtin_func_db();
static int destroy_builtin_func_db();
static int load_all_builtin_func();
static int load_builtin_func( const std::string & name, float (*func_ptr)(float*), int num_args );
static int insert_func( Func *func );
static int remove_func( Func *func );
static Func *find_func( const std::string & name );
static std::map<std::string, Func*> builtin_func_tree;