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/* This file is part of Clementine.
Copyright 2011-2012, David Sansome <>
Copyright 2014, Krzysztof Sobiecki <>
Copyright 2014, John Maguire <>
Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Clementine. If not, see <>.
#include "digitallyimportedclient.h"
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QNetworkRequest>
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonArray>
2014-12-19 00:40:30 +01:00
#include "core/logging.h"
#include "core/network.h"
// The API used here is undocumented - it was reverse engineered by watching
2015-01-15 18:48:04 +01:00
// calls made by the (now RadioTunes) android app:
const char* DigitallyImportedClient::kApiUsername = "ephemeron";
const char* DigitallyImportedClient::kApiPassword = "dayeiph0ne@pp";
const char* DigitallyImportedClient::kAuthUrl =
const char* DigitallyImportedClient::kChannelListUrl =
DigitallyImportedClient::DigitallyImportedClient(const QString& service_name,
QObject* parent)
: QObject(parent),
network_(new NetworkAccessManager(this)),
service_name_(service_name) {}
void DigitallyImportedClient::SetAuthorisationHeader(
QNetworkRequest* req) const {
req->setRawHeader("Authorization", "Basic " +
.arg(kApiUsername, kApiPassword)
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
QNetworkReply* DigitallyImportedClient::Auth(const QString& username,
const QString& password) {
QNetworkRequest req(QUrl(QString(kAuthUrl).arg(service_name_)));
QByteArray postdata = "username=" + QUrl::toPercentEncoding(username) +
"&password=" + QUrl::toPercentEncoding(password);
return network_->post(req, postdata);
DigitallyImportedClient::AuthReply DigitallyImportedClient::ParseAuthReply(
QNetworkReply* reply) const {
AuthReply ret;
ret.success_ = false;
ret.error_reason_ = tr("Unknown error");
const int http_status =
if (http_status == 403) {
ret.error_reason_ = reply->readAll();
return ret;
} else if (http_status != 200) {
return ret;
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
QJsonObject json_root_object = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll()).object();
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
if (json_root_object["subscriptions"].isUndefined()) {
return ret;
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
QJsonArray json_subscriptions = json_root_object["subscriptions"].toArray();
if (json_subscriptions.isEmpty() ||
json_subscriptions[0].toObject()["status"].toString() != "active") {
ret.error_reason_ = tr("You do not have an active subscription");
return ret;
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
if (json_root_object["first_name"].isUndefined() || json_root_object["last_name"].isUndefined() ||
json_subscriptions[0].toObject()["expires_on"].isUndefined() ||
return ret;
ret.success_ = true;
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
ret.first_name_ = json_root_object["first_name"].toString();
ret.last_name_ = json_root_object["last_name"].toString();
ret.expires_ = QDateTime::fromString(
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
json_subscriptions[0].toObject()["expires_on"].toString(), Qt::ISODate);
ret.listen_hash_ = json_root_object["listen_key"].toString();
return ret;
QNetworkReply* DigitallyImportedClient::GetChannelList() {
// QNetworkRequest req(QUrl(QString(kChannelListUrl)));
QNetworkRequest req(QUrl(QString(kChannelListUrl).arg(service_name_)));
return network_->get(req);
DigitallyImportedClient::ChannelList DigitallyImportedClient::ParseChannelList(
QNetworkReply* reply) const {
ChannelList ret;
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
QJsonObject json_root_object = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll()).object();
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
if (json_root_object["channel_filters"].isUndefined()) return ret;
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
QJsonArray json_filters = json_root_object["channel_filters"].toArray();
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
for (const QJsonValue & filter: json_filters) {
// Find the filter called "All"
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
QJsonObject json_filter = filter.toObject();
if (json_filter["name"].toString() != "All") continue;
// Add all its stations to the result
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
QJsonArray json_channels = json_filter["channels"].toArray();
for (const QJsonValue& channel_var : json_channels) {
QJsonObject json_channel = channel_var.toObject();
Channel channel;
2015-04-11 22:52:31 +02:00
channel.art_url_ = QUrl(json_channel["asset_url"].toString());
channel.description_ = json_channel["description"].toString();
channel.director_ = json_channel["channel_director"].toString();
channel.key_ = json_channel["key"].toString();
channel.name_ = json_channel["name"].toString();
ret << channel;
return ret;
QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream& out,
const DigitallyImportedClient::Channel& channel) {
out << channel.art_url_ << channel.director_ << channel.description_
<< channel.name_ << channel.key_;
return out;
QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream& in,
DigitallyImportedClient::Channel& channel) {
in >> channel.art_url_ >> channel.director_ >> channel.description_ >>
channel.name_ >> channel.key_;
return in;