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* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 by Jakob Schroeter <>
* This file is part of the gloox library.
* This software is distributed under a license. The full license
* agreement can be found in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
* This software may not be copied, modified, sold or distributed
* other than expressed in the named license agreement.
* This software is distributed without any warranty.
#include "gloox.h"
#include "connectionbase.h"
#include "logsink.h"
#include "taghandler.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <ctime>
namespace gloox
* @brief This is an implementation of a BOSH (HTTP binding) connection.
* Usage:
* @code
* Client *c = new Client( ... );
* c->setConnectionImpl( new ConnectionBOSH( c,
* new ConnectionTCPClient( c->logInstance(), httpServer, httpPort ),
* c->logInstance(), boshHost, xmpphost, xmppPort ) );
* @endcode
* Make sure to pass the BOSH connection manager's host/port to the transport connection
* (ConnectionTCPClient in this case), and the XMPP server's host and port to the BOSH connection.
* You must also pass to BOSH the address of the BOSH server you are dealing with, this is used
* in the HTTP Host header.
* In the case of using ConnectionBOSH through a HTTP proxy, supply httpServer and httpPort as
* those of the proxy. In all cases, boshHost should be set to the hostname (not IP address) of
* the server running the BOSH connection manager.
* The reason why ConnectionBOSH doesn't manage its own ConnectionTCPClient is that it allows it
* to be used with other transports (like chained SOCKS5/HTTP proxies, or ConnectionTLS
* for HTTPS).
* @note To avoid problems, you should disable TLS in gloox by calling
* ClientBase::setTls( TLSDisabled ).
* Sample configurations for different servers can be found in the bosh_example.cpp file included
* with gloox in the @b src/examples/ directory.
* @author Matthew Wild <>
* @author Jakob Schroeter <>
* @since 1.0
class GLOOX_API ConnectionBOSH : public ConnectionBase, ConnectionDataHandler, TagHandler
* Constructs a new ConnectionBOSH object.
* @param connection A transport connection. It should be configured to connect to
* the BOSH connection manager's (or a HTTP proxy's) host and port, @b not to the XMPP host.
* ConnectionBOSH will own the transport connection and delete it in its destructor.
* @param logInstance The log target. Obtain it from ClientBase::logInstance().
* @param boshHost The hostname of the BOSH connection manager
* @param xmppServer A server to connect to. This is the XMPP server's address, @b not the
* connection manager's.
* @param xmppPort The port to connect to. This is the XMPP server's port, @b not the connection
* manager's.
* @note To properly use this object, you have to set a ConnectionDataHandler using
* registerConnectionDataHandler(). This is not necessary if this object is
* part of a 'connection chain', e.g. with ConnectionSOCKS5Proxy.
ConnectionBOSH( ConnectionBase* connection, const LogSink& logInstance, const std::string& boshHost,
const std::string& xmppServer, int xmppPort = 5222 );
* Constructs a new ConnectionBOSH object.
* @param cdh An ConnectionDataHandler-derived object that will handle incoming data.
* @param connection A transport connection. It should be configured to connect to
* the connection manager's (or proxy's) host and port, @b not to the XMPP host. ConnectionBOSH
* will own the transport connection and delete it in its destructor.
* @param logInstance The log target. Obtain it from ClientBase::logInstance().
* @param boshHost The hostname of the BOSH connection manager (not any intermediate proxy)
* @param xmppServer A server to connect to. This is the XMPP server's address, @b not the connection
* manager's.
* @param xmppPort The port to connect to. This is the XMPP server's port, @b not the connection
* manager's.
ConnectionBOSH( ConnectionDataHandler* cdh, ConnectionBase* connection,
const LogSink& logInstance, const std::string& boshHost,
const std::string& xmppServer, int xmppPort = 5222 );
* Virtual destructor
virtual ~ConnectionBOSH();
* The supported connection modes. Usually auto-detected.
enum ConnMode
ModeLegacyHTTP, /**< HTTP 1.0 connections, closed after receiving a response */
ModePersistentHTTP, /**< HTTP 1.1 connections, re-used after receiving a response */
ModePipelining /**< HTTP Pipelining (implies HTTP 1.1) a single connection is used */
* Sets the XMPP server to proxy to.
* @param xmppHost The XMPP server hostname (IP address).
* @param xmppPort The XMPP server port.
void setServer( const std::string& xmppHost, unsigned short xmppPort = 5222 )
{ m_server = xmppHost; m_port = xmppPort; }
* Sets the path on the connection manager to request
* @param path The path, the default is "/http-bind/", which is the default for
* many connection managers.
void setPath( const std::string& path ) { m_path = path; }
* Sets the connection mode
* @param mode The connection mode, @sa ConnMode
* @note In the case that a mode is selected that the connection manager
* or proxy does not support, gloox will fall back to using HTTP/1.0 connections,
* which should work with any server.
void setMode( ConnMode mode ) { m_connMode = mode; }
// reimplemented from ConnectionBase
virtual ConnectionError connect();
// reimplemented from ConnectionBase
virtual ConnectionError recv( int timeout = -1 );
// reimplemented from ConnectionBase
virtual bool send( const std::string& data );
// reimplemented from ConnectionBase
virtual ConnectionError receive();
// reimplemented from ConnectionBase
virtual void disconnect();
// reimplemented from ConnectionBase
virtual void cleanup();
// reimplemented from ConnectionBase
virtual void getStatistics( long int& totalIn, long int& totalOut );
// reimplemented from ConnectionDataHandler
virtual void handleReceivedData( const ConnectionBase* connection, const std::string& data );
// reimplemented from ConnectionDataHandler
virtual void handleConnect( const ConnectionBase* connection );
// reimplemented from ConnectionDataHandler
virtual void handleDisconnect( const ConnectionBase* connection, ConnectionError reason );
// reimplemented from ConnectionDataHandler
virtual ConnectionBase* newInstance() const;
// reimplemented from TagHandler
virtual void handleTag( Tag* tag );
ConnectionBOSH& operator=( const ConnectionBOSH& );
void initInstance( ConnectionBase* connection, const std::string& xmppServer, const int xmppPort );
bool sendRequest( const std::string& xml );
bool sendXML();
const std::string getHTTPField( const std::string& field );
ConnectionBase* getConnection();
ConnectionBase* activateConnection();
void putConnection();
//ConnectionBase *m_connection;
const LogSink& m_logInstance;
Parser m_parser; // Used for parsing XML section of responses
std::string m_boshHost; // The hostname of the BOSH connection manager
std::string m_boshedHost; // The hostname of the BOSH connection manager + : + port
std::string m_path; // The path part of the URL that we need to request
// BOSH parameters
unsigned long m_rid;
std::string m_sid;
bool m_initialStreamSent;
int m_openRequests;
int m_maxOpenRequests;
int m_wait;
int m_hold;
bool m_streamRestart; // Set to true if we are waiting for an acknowledgement of a stream restart
time_t m_lastRequestTime;
unsigned long m_minTimePerRequest;
std::string m_buffer; // Buffer of received data
std::string m_bufferHeader; // HTTP header of data currently in buffer // FIXME doens't need to be member
std::string::size_type m_bufferContentLength; // Length of the data in the current response
std::string m_sendBuffer; // Data waiting to be sent
typedef std::list<ConnectionBase*> ConnectionList;
ConnectionList m_activeConnections;
ConnectionList m_connectionPool;
ConnMode m_connMode;