fetch newest releases of ytdlp and mpv automagically

This commit is contained in:
Martin Rotter 2024-07-25 07:08:50 +02:00
parent 0367e3d58f
commit 8537efc787
4 changed files with 105 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,15 @@ $git_tag = git describe --tags $git_revlist
$git_revision = git rev-parse --short HEAD
$old_pwd = $pwd.Path
# Functions.
function Fetch-Latest-Release([string]$ReleasesUrl, [string]$TargetNamePrefix) {
$releases_req = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$ReleasesUrl"
$releases_json = $releases_req.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$asset = $releases_json[0].assets | Where-Object {$_.name.StartsWith($TargetNamePrefix)} | Select-Object;
return $asset
# Prepare environment.
Install-Module Pscx -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber -Force
Install-Module VSSetup -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber -Force
@ -45,7 +54,7 @@ $maria_version = "11.4.2"
$maria_link = "https://archive.mariadb.org/mariadb-$maria_version/winx64-packages/mariadb-$maria_version-winx64.zip"
$maria_output = "maria.zip"
$cmake_version = "3.29.6"
$cmake_version = "3.30.1"
$cmake_link = "https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v$cmake_version/cmake-$cmake_version-windows-x86_64.zip"
$cmake_output = "cmake.zip"
@ -53,15 +62,15 @@ $zlib_version = "1.3.1"
$zlib_link = "https://github.com/madler/zlib/archive/refs/tags/v$zlib_version.zip"
$zlib_output = "zlib.zip"
$libmpv_date = "2024-06-19"
$libmpv_commit = "8df4cb5"
$libmpv_version = "{0}-git-{1}"-f $libmpv_date.Replace("-", ""), $libmpv_commit
$libmpv_link = "https://github.com/zhongfly/mpv-winbuild/releases/download/$libmpv_date-$libmpv_commit/mpv-dev-x86_64-$libmpv_version.7z"
$asset_mpv = Fetch-Latest-Release -ReleasesUrl "https://api.github.com/repos/zhongfly/mpv-winbuild/releases" -TargetNamePrefix "mpv-dev-x86_64-2"
$libmpv_link = $asset_mpv.browser_download_url
$libmpv_output = "mpv.zip"
$ytdlp_version = "2024.05.27"
$ytdlp_link = "https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases/download/$ytdlp_version/yt-dlp.exe"
$libmpv_output = "yt-dlp.exe"
$asset_ytdlp = Fetch-Latest-Release -ReleasesUrl "https://api.github.com/repos/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases" -TargetNamePrefix "yt-dlp.exe"
$ytdlp_link = $asset_ytdlp.browser_download_url
$ytdlp_output = "yt-dlp.exe"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$maria_link" -OutFile "$maria_output"
& ".\resources\scripts\7za\7za.exe" x "$maria_output"
@ -72,16 +81,15 @@ Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$cmake_link" -OutFile "$cmake_output"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$zlib_link" -OutFile "$zlib_output"
& ".\resources\scripts\7za\7za.exe" x "$zlib_output"
# User custom UA because SourceForge is very picky.
Invoke-WebRequest -UserAgent "Wget" -Uri "$libmpv_link" -OutFile "$libmpv_output"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$libmpv_link" -OutFile "$libmpv_output"
& ".\resources\scripts\7za\7za.exe" x "$libmpv_output" -ompv
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$ytdlp_link" -OutFile "$libmpv_output"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$ytdlp_link" -OutFile "$ytdlp_output"
$cmake_path = "$old_pwd\cmake-$cmake_version-windows-x86_64\bin\cmake.exe"
$zlib_path = "$old_pwd\zlib-$zlib_version"
$libmpv_path = "$old_pwd\mpv"
$ytdlp_path = "$old_pwd\$libmpv_output"
$ytdlp_path = "$old_pwd\$ytdlp_output"
# Download Qt itself.
$qt_path = "$old_pwd\qt"

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ StandardServiceRoot* StandardCategory::serviceRoot() const {
Qt::ItemFlags StandardCategory::additionalFlags() const {
return Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
return Category::additionalFlags() | Qt::ItemFlag::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemFlag::ItemIsDropEnabled;
bool StandardCategory::performDragDropChange(RootItem* target_item) {

View File

@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ void StandardServiceRoot::addNewFeed(RootItem* selected_item, const QString& url
Qt::ItemFlags StandardServiceRoot::additionalFlags() const {
return Qt::ItemFlag::ItemIsDropEnabled;
return ServiceRoot::additionalFlags() | Qt::ItemFlag::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemFlag::ItemIsDropEnabled;
QList<Message> StandardServiceRoot::obtainNewMessages(Feed* feed,

View File

@ -47,26 +47,6 @@ FeedsProxyModel::~FeedsProxyModel() {
qDebugNN << LOGSEC_FEEDMODEL << "Destroying FeedsProxyModel instance";
bool FeedsProxyModel::canDropMimeData(const QMimeData* data,
Qt::DropAction action,
int row,
int column,
const QModelIndex& parent) const {
auto src_idx = row < 0 ? mapToSource(parent) : mapToSource(index(row, column, parent));
auto* src_item = m_sourceModel->itemForIndex(src_idx);
if (src_item != nullptr) {
auto can_drop = src_item->kind() == RootItem::Kind::ServiceRoot || src_item->kind() == RootItem::Kind::Category ||
src_item->kind() == RootItem::Kind::Feed;
return QSortFilterProxyModel::canDropMimeData(data, action, row, column, parent) && can_drop;
else {
return false;
QModelIndexList FeedsProxyModel::match(const QModelIndex& start,
int role,
const QVariant& value,
@ -183,6 +163,75 @@ QModelIndexList FeedsProxyModel::match(const QModelIndex& start,
return result;
bool FeedsProxyModel::canDropMimeData(const QMimeData* data,
Qt::DropAction action,
int row,
int column,
const QModelIndex& parent) const {
QByteArray dragged_items_data = data->data(QSL(MIME_TYPE_ITEM_POINTER));
QDataStream stream(&dragged_items_data, QIODevice::OpenModeFlag::ReadOnly);
const bool order_change = row >= 0 && !m_sortAlphabetically;
const QModelIndex target_parent = mapToSource(parent);
if (stream.atEnd()) {
return false;
quintptr pointer_to_item;
stream >> pointer_to_item;
RootItem* dragged_item = RootItemPtr(pointer_to_item);
// Dragged item must service root, feed or category.
// If row is less then zero, it means we are moving dragged item into new parent.
// Otherwise the target row identifies the item just below the drop target placement insertion line.
QModelIndex target_idx = order_change ? mapToSource(index(row, 0, parent)) : target_parent;
RootItem* target_item = m_sourceModel->itemForIndex(target_idx);
RootItem* target_parent_item = m_sourceModel->itemForIndex(target_parent);
if (target_item != nullptr) {
qDebugNN << LOGSEC_FEEDMODEL << "Considering target for drop operation:" << QUOTE_W_SPACE(target_item->title())
<< "with index" << QUOTE_W_SPACE(target_idx)
<< "and target parent:" << QUOTE_W_SPACE_DOT(target_parent_item->title());
switch (dragged_item->kind()) {
case RootItem::Kind::Feed:
// Feeds can be reordered or inserted under service root or category.
return target_parent_item->kind() == RootItem::Kind::Category ||
target_parent_item->kind() == RootItem::Kind::ServiceRoot;
case RootItem::Kind::Category:
// Categories can be reordered or inserted under service root or another category.
case RootItem::Kind::ServiceRoot:
// Service root cannot be inserted under different parent, can only be reordered.
if (!order_change) {
return false;
else {
return target_parent_item->kind() == RootItem::Kind::Root;
return false;
return false;
auto can_drop = target_item->kind() == RootItem::Kind::ServiceRoot ||
target_item->kind() == RootItem::Kind::Category || target_item->kind() == RootItem::Kind::Feed;
return QSortFilterProxyModel::canDropMimeData(data, action, row, column, parent) && can_drop;
else {
return false;
bool FeedsProxyModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData* data,
Qt::DropAction action,
int row,
@ -212,7 +261,7 @@ bool FeedsProxyModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData* data,
stream >> pointer_to_item;
// We have item we want to drag, we also determine the target item.
auto* dragged_item = RootItemPtr(pointer_to_item);
RootItemPtr dragged_item = RootItemPtr(pointer_to_item);
RootItem* target_item = m_sourceModel->itemForIndex(source_parent);
ServiceRoot* dragged_item_root = dragged_item->getParentServiceRoot();
ServiceRoot* target_item_root = target_item->getParentServiceRoot();
@ -240,16 +289,26 @@ bool FeedsProxyModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData* data,
// Drag & drop is supported by the dragged item and was
// completed on data level and in item hierarchy.
emit requireItemValidationAfterDragDrop(m_sourceModel->indexForItem(dragged_item));
qDebugNN << LOGSEC_FEEDMODEL << "Dropping item" << QUOTE_W_SPACE(dragged_item->title()) << "under new parent"
<< QUOTE_W_SPACE_DOT(target_item->title());
if (order_change) {
auto db = qApp->database()->driver()->connection(metaObject()->className());
RootItem* place_above_item = m_sourceModel->itemForIndex(mapToSource(index(row, 0, parent)));
int target_sort_order = place_above_item->sortOrder();
if (row > dragged_item->sortOrder()) {
qDebugNN << LOGSEC_FEEDMODEL << "Resorting/placing item" << QUOTE_W_SPACE(dragged_item->title())
<< "with sord order" << QUOTE_W_SPACE(dragged_item->sortOrder()) << "above item"
<< QUOTE_W_SPACE(place_above_item->title()) << "with new sort order"
<< QUOTE_W_SPACE_DOT(target_sort_order);
if (target_sort_order > dragged_item->sortOrder()) {
DatabaseQueries::moveItem(dragged_item, false, false, row, db);
DatabaseQueries::moveItem(dragged_item, false, false, target_sort_order, db);