850 B
850 B
Questions Answered
How do I delete a feed?
Select it in the sidebar, then hit the Delete key. Or choose Edit > Delete from the menubar.
Note: you can delete multiple feeds, and you can delete folders. You can also undo if you change your mind.
Why does Evergreen require the latest macOS?
Since Evergreen is a nights-and-weekends project, we don’t have enough time to run and test on older versions of macOS. Most of the time it will require the most recent macOS.
Why is FeedBin syncing planned for 1.0 but _____ isn’t planned until 2.0?
This was a difficult decision. We didn’t want to ship with no syncing at all, but we also didn’t want to delay shipping until we’ve done a whole bunch of systems.
So we chose FeedBin, since that’s what we use, and since the folks at FeedBin have been friendly and helpful.