Ryan Dotson 7c5c02407a Help Book: Added sorting, syncing, keyboard shortcuts
Added pages:
- Sorting the timeline
- Syncing accounts
- Keyboard shortcuts

Updated pages:
- On My Mac: added hiding/disabling
- On My Mac: added syncing note
- Adding Feeds: added links
- Various pages, adjusting formatting

Many files touched to make minor content and formatting changes
2019-08-06 22:24:04 +09:00

423 B

@title Deleting feeds and folders

Deleting feeds and folders

To delete a feed or folder, select it from the subscription list and choose Edit → Delete from the menu bar. Alternatively, select the feed and press the delete key.

Undo deleting a feed or folder

If you change your mind, you can undo the deletion by selecting Edit → Undo in the menu bar or pressing ⌘-Z.