Duncan Babbage cc855f3832 link and URL vars for Article. Storage as rawLink
link and externalLink fall back to providing the raw stored value if URLs cannot be created even with repair.
2021-09-30 16:51:59 +13:00

130 lines
4.4 KiB

// Article.swift
// NetNewsWire
// Created by Brent Simmons on 7/1/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
public typealias ArticleSetBlock = (Set<Article>) -> Void
public struct Article: Hashable {
public let articleID: String // Unique database ID (possibly sync service ID)
public let accountID: String
public let webFeedID: String // Likely a URL, but not necessarily
public let uniqueID: String // Unique per feed (RSS guid, for example)
public let title: String?
public let contentHTML: String?
public let contentText: String?
public let rawLink: String? // We store raw source value, but use computed url or link other than where raw value required.
public let rawExternalLink: String? // We store raw source value, but use computed externalURL or externalLink other than where raw value required.
public let summary: String?
public let rawImageLink: String? // We store raw source value, but use computed imageURL or imageLink other than where raw value required.
public let datePublished: Date?
public let dateModified: Date?
public let authors: Set<Author>?
public let status: ArticleStatus
public init(accountID: String, articleID: String?, webFeedID: String, uniqueID: String, title: String?, contentHTML: String?, contentText: String?, url: String?, externalURL: String?, summary: String?, imageURL: String?, datePublished: Date?, dateModified: Date?, authors: Set<Author>?, status: ArticleStatus) {
self.accountID = accountID
self.webFeedID = webFeedID
self.uniqueID = uniqueID
self.title = title
self.contentHTML = contentHTML
self.contentText = contentText
self.rawLink = url
self.rawExternalLink = externalURL
self.summary = summary
self.rawImageLink = imageURL
self.datePublished = datePublished
self.dateModified = dateModified
self.authors = authors
self.status = status
if let articleID = articleID {
self.articleID = articleID
else {
self.articleID = Article.calculatedArticleID(webFeedID: webFeedID, uniqueID: uniqueID)
public static func calculatedArticleID(webFeedID: String, uniqueID: String) -> String {
return databaseIDWithString("\(webFeedID) \(uniqueID)")
// MARK: - Hashable
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
// MARK: - Equatable
static public func ==(lhs: Article, rhs: Article) -> Bool {
return lhs.articleID == rhs.articleID && lhs.accountID == rhs.accountID && lhs.webFeedID == rhs.webFeedID && lhs.uniqueID == rhs.uniqueID && lhs.title == rhs.title && lhs.contentHTML == rhs.contentHTML && lhs.contentText == rhs.contentText && lhs.rawLink == rhs.rawLink && lhs.rawExternalLink == rhs.rawExternalLink && lhs.summary == rhs.summary && lhs.rawImageLink == rhs.rawImageLink && lhs.datePublished == rhs.datePublished && lhs.dateModified == rhs.dateModified && lhs.authors == rhs.authors
public extension Set where Element == Article {
func articleIDs() -> Set<String> {
return Set<String>(map { $0.articleID })
func unreadArticles() -> Set<Article> {
let articles = self.filter { !$0.status.read }
return Set(articles)
func contains(accountID: String, articleID: String) -> Bool {
return contains(where: { $0.accountID == accountID && $0.articleID == articleID})
public extension Array where Element == Article {
func articleIDs() -> [String] {
return map { $0.articleID }
public extension Article {
private static let allowedTags: Set = ["b", "bdi", "bdo", "cite", "code", "del", "dfn", "em", "i", "ins", "kbd", "mark", "q", "s", "samp", "small", "strong", "sub", "sup", "time", "u", "var"]
func sanitizedTitle(forHTML: Bool = true) -> String? {
guard let title = title else { return nil }
let scanner = Scanner(string: title)
scanner.charactersToBeSkipped = nil
var result = ""
while !scanner.isAtEnd {
if let text = scanner.scanUpToString("<") {
if let _ = scanner.scanString("<") {
// All the allowed tags currently don't allow attributes
if let tag = scanner.scanUpToString(">") {
if Self.allowedTags.contains(tag.replacingOccurrences(of: "/", with: "")) {
forHTML ? result.append("<\(tag)>") : result.append("")
} else {
forHTML ? result.append("&lt;\(tag)&gt;") : result.append("<\(tag)>")
let _ = scanner.scanString(">")
return result