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synced 2025-02-01 11:36:56 +01:00
link and URL vars for Article. Storage as rawLink
link and externalLink fall back to providing the raw stored value if URLs cannot be created even with repair.
This commit is contained in:
@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ private extension CloudKitArticlesZone {
record[CloudKitArticle.Fields.title] = article.title
record[CloudKitArticle.Fields.contentHTML] = article.contentHTML
record[CloudKitArticle.Fields.contentText] = article.contentText
record[CloudKitArticle.Fields.url] = article.url
record[CloudKitArticle.Fields.externalURL] = article.externalURL
record[CloudKitArticle.Fields.url] = article.rawLink
record[CloudKitArticle.Fields.externalURL] = article.rawExternalLink
record[CloudKitArticle.Fields.summary] = article.summary
record[CloudKitArticle.Fields.imageURL] = article.imageURL
record[CloudKitArticle.Fields.imageURL] = article.rawImageLink
record[CloudKitArticle.Fields.datePublished] = article.datePublished
record[CloudKitArticle.Fields.dateModified] = article.dateModified
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ public struct Article: Hashable {
public let title: String?
public let contentHTML: String?
public let contentText: String?
public let url: String?
public let externalURL: String?
public let rawLink: String? // We store raw source value, but use computed url or link other than where raw value required.
public let rawExternalLink: String? // We store raw source value, but use computed externalURL or externalLink other than where raw value required.
public let summary: String?
public let imageURL: String?
public let rawImageLink: String? // We store raw source value, but use computed imageURL or imageLink other than where raw value required.
public let datePublished: Date?
public let dateModified: Date?
public let authors: Set<Author>?
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ public struct Article: Hashable {
self.title = title
self.contentHTML = contentHTML
self.contentText = contentText
self.url = url
self.externalURL = externalURL
self.rawLink = url
self.rawExternalLink = externalURL
self.summary = summary
self.imageURL = imageURL
self.rawImageLink = imageURL
self.datePublished = datePublished
self.dateModified = dateModified
self.authors = authors
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public struct Article: Hashable {
// MARK: - Equatable
static public func ==(lhs: Article, rhs: Article) -> Bool {
return lhs.articleID == rhs.articleID && lhs.accountID == rhs.accountID && lhs.webFeedID == rhs.webFeedID && lhs.uniqueID == rhs.uniqueID && lhs.title == rhs.title && lhs.contentHTML == rhs.contentHTML && lhs.contentText == rhs.contentText && lhs.url == rhs.url && lhs.externalURL == rhs.externalURL && lhs.summary == rhs.summary && lhs.imageURL == rhs.imageURL && lhs.datePublished == rhs.datePublished && lhs.dateModified == rhs.dateModified && lhs.authors == rhs.authors
return lhs.articleID == rhs.articleID && lhs.accountID == rhs.accountID && lhs.webFeedID == rhs.webFeedID && lhs.uniqueID == rhs.uniqueID && lhs.title == rhs.title && lhs.contentHTML == rhs.contentHTML && lhs.contentText == rhs.contentText && lhs.rawLink == rhs.rawLink && lhs.rawExternalLink == rhs.rawExternalLink && lhs.summary == rhs.summary && lhs.rawImageLink == rhs.rawImageLink && lhs.datePublished == rhs.datePublished && lhs.dateModified == rhs.dateModified && lhs.authors == rhs.authors
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ extension Article {
if authors.isEmpty {
return self
return Article(accountID: self.accountID, articleID: self.articleID, webFeedID: self.webFeedID, uniqueID: self.uniqueID, title: self.title, contentHTML: self.contentHTML, contentText: self.contentText, url: self.url, externalURL: self.externalURL, summary: self.summary, imageURL: self.imageURL, datePublished: self.datePublished, dateModified: self.dateModified, authors: authors, status: self.status)
return Article(accountID: self.accountID, articleID: self.articleID, webFeedID: self.webFeedID, uniqueID: self.uniqueID, title: self.title, contentHTML: self.contentHTML, contentText: self.contentText, url: self.rawLink, externalURL: self.rawExternalLink, summary: self.summary, imageURL: self.rawImageLink, datePublished: self.datePublished, dateModified: self.dateModified, authors: authors, status: self.status)
func changesFrom(_ existingArticle: Article) -> DatabaseDictionary? {
@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ extension Article {
addPossibleStringChangeWithKeyPath(\Article.title, existingArticle, DatabaseKey.title, &d)
addPossibleStringChangeWithKeyPath(\Article.contentHTML, existingArticle, DatabaseKey.contentHTML, &d)
addPossibleStringChangeWithKeyPath(\Article.contentText, existingArticle, DatabaseKey.contentText, &d)
addPossibleStringChangeWithKeyPath(\Article.url, existingArticle, DatabaseKey.url, &d)
addPossibleStringChangeWithKeyPath(\Article.externalURL, existingArticle, DatabaseKey.externalURL, &d)
addPossibleStringChangeWithKeyPath(\Article.rawLink, existingArticle, DatabaseKey.url, &d)
addPossibleStringChangeWithKeyPath(\Article.rawExternalLink, existingArticle, DatabaseKey.externalURL, &d)
addPossibleStringChangeWithKeyPath(\Article.summary, existingArticle, DatabaseKey.summary, &d)
addPossibleStringChangeWithKeyPath(\Article.imageURL, existingArticle, DatabaseKey.imageURL, &d)
addPossibleStringChangeWithKeyPath(\Article.rawImageLink, existingArticle, DatabaseKey.imageURL, &d)
// If updated versions of dates are nil, and we have existing dates, keep the existing dates.
// This is data that’s good to have, and it’s likely that a feed removing dates is doing so in error.
@ -154,17 +154,17 @@ extension Article: DatabaseObject {
if let contentText = contentText {
d[DatabaseKey.contentText] = contentText
if let url = url {
d[DatabaseKey.url] = url
if let rawLink = rawLink {
d[DatabaseKey.url] = rawLink
if let externalURL = externalURL {
d[DatabaseKey.externalURL] = externalURL
if let rawExternalLink = rawExternalLink {
d[DatabaseKey.externalURL] = rawExternalLink
if let summary = summary {
d[DatabaseKey.summary] = summary
if let imageURL = imageURL {
d[DatabaseKey.imageURL] = imageURL
if let rawImageLink = rawImageLink {
d[DatabaseKey.imageURL] = rawImageLink
if let datePublished = datePublished {
d[DatabaseKey.datePublished] = datePublished
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ class MainWindowController : NSWindowController, NSUserInterfaceValidations {
@IBAction func copyExternalURL(_ sender: Any?) {
if let link = oneSelectedArticle?.externalURL {
if let link = oneSelectedArticle?.rawExternalLink {
URLPasteboardWriter.write(urlString: link, to: .general)
@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ private extension MainWindowController {
func canCopyExternalURL() -> Bool {
return oneSelectedArticle?.externalURL != nil && oneSelectedArticle?.externalURL != currentLink
return oneSelectedArticle?.rawExternalLink != nil && oneSelectedArticle?.rawExternalLink != currentLink
func canGoToNextUnread(wrappingToTop wrapping: Bool = false) -> Bool {
@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ private extension ArticlePasteboardWriter {
s += "\(convertedHTML)\n\n"
if let url = article.url {
s += "URL: \(url)\n\n"
if let rawLink = article.rawLink {
s += "URL: \(rawLink)\n\n"
if let externalURL = article.externalURL {
s += "external URL: \(externalURL)\n\n"
if let rawExternalLink = article.rawExternalLink {
s += "external URL: \(rawExternalLink)\n\n"
s += "Date: \(article.logicalDatePublished)\n\n"
@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ private extension ArticlePasteboardWriter {
d[Key.title] = article.title ?? nil
d[Key.contentHTML] = article.contentHTML ?? nil
d[Key.contentText] = article.contentText ?? nil
d[Key.url] = article.url ?? nil
d[Key.externalURL] = article.externalURL ?? nil
d[Key.url] = article.rawLink ?? nil
d[Key.externalURL] = article.rawExternalLink ?? nil
d[Key.summary] = article.summary ?? nil
d[Key.imageURL] = article.imageURL ?? nil
d[Key.imageURL] = article.rawImageLink ?? nil
d[Key.datePublished] = article.datePublished ?? nil
d[Key.dateModified] = article.dateModified ?? nil
d[Key.dateArrived] = article.status.dateArrived
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ private extension TimelineViewController {
if let externalLink = articles.first?.externalURL, externalLink != link {
if let externalLink = articles.first?.rawExternalLink, externalLink != link {
@ -57,17 +57,17 @@ class ScriptableArticle: NSObject, UniqueIdScriptingObject, ScriptingObjectConta
var url:String? {
return article.url ?? article.externalURL
return article.rawLink ?? article.rawExternalLink
var permalink:String? {
return article.url
return article.rawLink
var externalUrl:String? {
return article.externalURL
return article.rawExternalLink
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class ScriptableArticle: NSObject, UniqueIdScriptingObject, ScriptingObjectConta
var imageURL:String {
return article.imageURL ?? ""
return article.rawImageLink ?? ""
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ private extension ArticleRenderer {
d["title"] = title
d["preferred_link"] = article.preferredLink ?? ""
if let externalLink = article.externalURL, externalLink != article.preferredLink {
if let externalLink = article.rawExternalLink, externalLink != article.preferredLink {
d["external_link_label"] = NSLocalizedString("Link:", comment: "Link")
d["external_link_stripped"] = externalLink.strippingHTTPOrHTTPSScheme
d["external_link"] = externalLink
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ private extension ArticleRenderer {
private extension Article {
var baseURL: URL? {
var s = url
var s = rawLink
if s == nil {
s = webFeed?.homePageURL
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ private extension SendToMarsEditCommand {
let body = article.contentHTML ?? article.contentText ?? article.summary
let authorName = article.authors?.first?.name
let sender = SendToBlogEditorApp(targetDescriptor: targetDescriptor, title: article.title, body: body, summary: article.summary, link: article.externalURL, permalink: article.url, subject: nil, creator: authorName, commentsURL: nil, guid: article.uniqueID, sourceName: article.webFeed?.nameForDisplay, sourceHomeURL: article.webFeed?.homePageURL, sourceFeedURL: article.webFeed?.url)
let sender = SendToBlogEditorApp(targetDescriptor: targetDescriptor, title: article.title, body: body, summary: article.summary, link: article.rawExternalLink, permalink: article.rawLink, subject: nil, creator: authorName, commentsURL: nil, guid: article.uniqueID, sourceName: article.webFeed?.nameForDisplay, sourceHomeURL: article.webFeed?.homePageURL, sourceFeedURL: article.webFeed?.url)
let _ = sender.send()
@ -46,26 +46,48 @@ extension Article {
return account?.existingWebFeed(withWebFeedID: webFeedID)
var url: URL? {
return URL.reparingIfRequired(rawLink)
var externalURL: URL? {
return URL.reparingIfRequired(rawExternalLink)
var imageURL: URL? {
return URL.reparingIfRequired(rawImageLink)
var link: String? {
// Prefer link from URL, if one can be created, as these are repaired if required.
// Provide the raw link if URL creation fails.
return url?.absoluteString ?? rawLink
var externalLink: String? {
// Prefer link from externalURL, if one can be created, as these are repaired if required.
// Provide the raw link if URL creation fails.
return externalURL?.absoluteString ?? rawExternalLink
var imageLink: String? {
// Prefer link from imageURL, if one can be created, as these are repaired if required.
// Provide the raw link if URL creation fails.
return imageURL?.absoluteString ?? rawImageLink
var preferredLink: String? {
if let url = url, !url.isEmpty {
return url
if let link = link, !link.isEmpty {
return link
if let externalURL = externalURL, !externalURL.isEmpty {
return externalURL
if let externalLink = externalLink, !externalLink.isEmpty {
return externalLink
return nil
var preferredURL: URL? {
guard let link = preferredLink else { return nil }
// If required, we replace any space characters to handle malformed links that are otherwise percent
// encoded but contain spaces. For performance reasons, only try this if initial URL init fails.
if let url = URL(string: link) {
return url
} else if let url = URL(string: link.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "%20")) {
return url
return nil
return url ?? externalURL
var body: String? {
@ -42,4 +42,16 @@ extension URL {
return value
static func reparingIfRequired(_ link: String?) -> URL? {
// If required, we replace any space characters to handle malformed links that are otherwise percent
// encoded but contain spaces. For performance reasons, only try this if initial URL init fails.
guard let link = link, !link.isEmpty else { return nil }
if let url = URL(string: link) {
return url
} else {
return URL(string: link.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "%20"))
@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ class MasterTimelineViewController: UITableViewController, UndoableCommandRunner
let prototypeID = "prototype"
let status = ArticleStatus(articleID: prototypeID, read: false, starred: false, dateArrived: Date())
let prototypeArticle = Article(accountID: prototypeID, articleID: prototypeID, webFeedID: prototypeID, uniqueID: prototypeID, title: longTitle, contentHTML: nil, contentText: nil, url: nil, externalURL: nil, summary: nil, imageURL: nil, datePublished: nil, dateModified: nil, authors: nil, status: status)
let prototypeArticle = Article(accountID: prototypeID, articleID: prototypeID, webFeedID: prototypeID, uniqueID: prototypeID, title: longTitle, contentHTML: nil, contentText: nil, link: nil, externalLink: nil, summary: nil, imageLink: nil, datePublished: nil, dateModified: nil, authors: nil, status: status)
let prototypeCellData = MasterTimelineCellData(article: prototypeArticle, showFeedName: .feed, feedName: "Prototype Feed Name", byline: nil, iconImage: nil, showIcon: false, featuredImage: nil, numberOfLines: numberOfTextLines, iconSize: iconSize)
@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ private extension MasterTimelineViewController {
func featuredImageFor(_ article: Article) -> UIImage? {
if let url = article.imageURL, let data = appDelegate.imageDownloader.image(for: url) {
if let url = article.rawImageLink, let data = appDelegate.imageDownloader.image(for: url) {
return RSImage(data: data)
return nil
@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ private extension MasterTimelineViewController {
func copyExternalURLAction(_ article: Article) -> UIAction? {
guard let externalURL = article.externalURL, externalURL != article.preferredLink, let url = URL(string: externalURL) else { return nil }
guard let externalLink = article.rawExternalLink, externalLink != article.preferredLink, let url = URL(string: externalLink) else { return nil }
let title = NSLocalizedString("Copy External URL", comment: "Copy External URL")
let action = UIAction(title: title, image: AppAssets.copyImage) { action in
UIPasteboard.general.url = url
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ private extension TimelinePreviewTableViewController {
let prototypeID = "prototype"
let status = ArticleStatus(articleID: prototypeID, read: false, starred: false, dateArrived: Date())
let prototypeArticle = Article(accountID: prototypeID, articleID: prototypeID, webFeedID: prototypeID, uniqueID: prototypeID, title: longTitle, contentHTML: nil, contentText: nil, url: nil, externalURL: nil, summary: nil, imageURL: nil, datePublished: nil, dateModified: nil, authors: nil, status: status)
let prototypeArticle = Article(accountID: prototypeID, articleID: prototypeID, webFeedID: prototypeID, uniqueID: prototypeID, title: longTitle, contentHTML: nil, contentText: nil, link: nil, externalLink: nil, summary: nil, imageLink: nil, datePublished: nil, dateModified: nil, authors: nil, status: status)
let iconImage = IconImage(AppAssets.faviconTemplateImage.withTintColor(AppAssets.secondaryAccentColor))
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