
120 lines
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## 3.2.3
* First Podcini app
* removed unnecessary network access when screen is on to save more battery
* fixed issue with changing playback speed on S21 Android 14
## 3.2.4
* minor efficiency improvements
# 3.2.5
* fixed feed refresh and info bugs
## 4.0.1
* project restructured as a single module
* new Subscriptions screen
* default page to Subscriptions
* Home removed
## 4.1.0
* New convenient player control
* tags enhancements
* bug fixes
* View binding enabled for mode views in code
## 4.2.0
* Removed InBox feature
* improvement on player UI
* episode description now on first page of player popup page
* localization updates
## 4.2.1
* Statistics moved to the drawer
* tuned down color of player controller
* Subscriptions menu adjustment
* Subscriptions filter is disabled for now
* more null safety tuning
* fixed the refresh bug related to permissions
* long-press operation has changed
* long-press on title area would be the same as a click
* click on an icon allows operation on the single item
* long-press on an icon would allow for multi-select
## 4.2.2
* bug fix on auto-download mistakenly set in 4.2.1
* Sorry for another change in click operation
* long-press on an icon would be the same as a click
* click on title area allows operation on the single item
* long-press on title area would allow for multi-select
## 4.2.3
* fixed bug [Inbox still set as default first tab](https://github.com/XilinJia/Podcini/issues/10)
* cleaned up Inbox related resources
* removed info button in FeedItemList header
* added items count in FeedItemList header
* fixed bug in FeedItemList when filtered list has no items
* buildConfig is set in build.gradle instead of gradle.properties
## 4.2.4
* fixed the "getValue() can not be null" bug
* enabled ksp for Kotlin builds
* cleaned up build.gradle files
## 4.2.5
* change in click operation
* click on title area opens the podcast/episode
* long-press on title area automatically enters in selection mode
* select all above or below are put to action bar together with select all
* operations are only on the selected (single or multiple)
* popup menus for single item operation are disabled
* in podcast view, the title bar no longer scrolls off screen
## 4.2.6
* corrected action icons for themes
* revealed info bar in Downloads view
* revealed info bar in Subscriptions view
* reset tags list in Subscriptions when new tag is added
## 4.2.7
* disabled drag actions when in multi-select mode (fixed crash bug)
* renewed PodcastIndex API keys
* added share notes menu option in episode view
* https://github.com/XilinJia/Podcini/issues/20
* press on title area of an episode now opens the episode info faster and more economically - without horizontal swipe
* press on the icon of an episode opens the episode info the original way - with horizontal swipe
## 4.3.0
* added more info about feeds in the online search view
* fixed bug of preview not playing
* disabled feed filters setting in preference
* "open feed" is an action item on audio player top bar
* added swipe action telltales in all episode lists
* added NO_ACTION swipe action
* all default swipe actions are set to NO_ACTION
* cleaned up swipe preferences ui: statistics removed
## 4.3.1
* titles of played episodes are made brighter
* icons of played episodes are marked with a check
* icons of swipe telltales are clickable for setting
* Straightened up play speed setting
* three places to set the play speed:
* global setting at the preference
* setting for a feed: either use global or customize
* setting at the player: set for current playing and save for global
* feed setting takes precedence when playing an episode