Operating System eXtensions for Lua
A C module to provide a few fundamental system-specific facilities to the Lua language.
This library provides means to:
- traverse and filter directory contents;
- retrieve basic file information (type, size, modification time, ...);
- create directories;
- advanced file interaction (change size and mode, lock files, advise kernel on file access pattern, ...).
Mainline Lua only exposes functionality when directly
available through the standard C library (with the notable exception of popen()
This is justified by the embeddable nature of Lua.
Yet, a minimum degree of system-specific interaction is needed to complete basic to advanced general purpose scripting and programmatic tasks. lua-osx attempts to fill this gap.
The library adheres the following these guidelines:
- only provide essential and reasonably portable functionality;
- integrate seamlessly with the official Lua library (e.g. support Lua files as arguments, behave consistently with the Lua standard library);
- avoid functionality only available in one system (e.g. providing a Linux-only function).
These are intended to be general principles, exceptions may apply when justified.
lua-osx is portable with most relevant Lua implementations, specifically it is tested on PUC Rio Lua and LuaJIT. Code is known to work on Linux and Windows, and it should be portable to any POSIX system (BSD and Mac).
Build and install
lua-osx comes with a Makefile
and a LuaRocks file.
Windows users should note that lua-osx does not support MSVC and never will. It requires a fairly modern C compiler with C11 support and minimal Unix-style shell tools. On Windows you may use MSYS with either MinGW or clang.
Using LuaRocks
You can build and install lua-osx locally on for your user, by opening a shell in the project's root directory and issuing the following command:
$ luarocks build --local
Or alternatively build and install it system-wide with:
# luarocks build --global
Building using Makefile
lua-osx rock uses the project Makefile to do build the module.
The Makefile may also be used stand-alone, and support a number
of configurations to adapt to the different supported systems.
These may be picked with the CONFIG
Building on GNU/Linux and regular Unix-like systems
The regular Unix configuration is used by default, thus you may simply run:
$ make
Or use the extended (equivalent) form:
$ make CONFIG=config.unix
Building on Windows
You may build lua-osx using any fairly recent C compiler with C11 support (e.g. MinGW or clang), and Unix-style shell utilities and
(e.g. MSYS and GNU make).$ make CONFIG=config.win
Building on Mac
To build lua-osx on Mac select the
configuration:$ make CONFIG=config.macosx
Installing using Makefiles
lua-osx Makefile supports your average clean
, doc
, install
and uninstall
targets, thus you can install lua-osx system wide by running:
# make install
lua-osx uses LDoc for documentation.
You can generate documentation using ldoc
directly, running the following command:
$ ldoc .
Or using the doc
$ make doc
Both methods generate a doc
directory, open doc/index.html
with your favorite browser to read the API documentation.
Similar Projects
lua-osx is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. See LICENSE file for details.