# dot-files Unitoo standardized dotfiles. ## Directory Logic The directory tree logic is the following: `program_name/program_name.conf` \ Each conf file can have an associated Markdown file named `program_name/program_name.md` You can also put the conf inside the actual path of the configuration file following this logic: `program_name/path/to/conf/program_name.conf` \ \ **Examples:** - `neovim/neovim.conf` - `nginx/etc/nginx/nginx.conf` - `nginx/etc/nginx/nginx.md` ## Syntax highlighting In order to display the proper syntax highlighting on Gitlab, edit the .gitattributes file accordingly: ```txt neovim/*.conf gitlab-language=vim spacemacs/*.conf gitlab-language=elisp ``` ## Support Donate using Liberapay --- > [unitoo.it](https://www.unitoo.it)  ·  > Mastodon [@unitoo](https://mastodon.uno/@unitoo)  ·  > GitHub [@UnitooTeam](https://github.com/UnitooTeam)