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synced 2025-02-26 17:07:39 +01:00
302 lines
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302 lines
11 KiB
#include "../../container/container.hpp"
/* ************************************************************************** */
// Container member functions!
void Empty(uint&, uint&, const lasd::Container&, bool);
void Size(uint&, uint&, const lasd::Container&, bool, ulong);
/* ************************************************************************** */
// LinearContainer member functions!
template <typename Data>
void GetFront(uint& testnum, uint& testerr, const lasd::LinearContainer<Data>& con, bool chk, const Data& val) {
bool tst;
try {
std::cout << " " << testnum << " The front of the linear container is \"" << con.Front() << "\": ";
std::cout << ((tst = ((con.Front() == val) == chk)) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::length_error exc) {
std::cout << exc.what() << "\": " << ((tst = !chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::exception exc) {
tst = true;
std::cout << std::endl << "Wrong std::exception: " << exc.what() << "!" << std::endl;
testerr += (1 - (uint) tst);
template <typename Data>
void SetFront(uint& testnum, uint& testerr, const lasd::LinearContainer<Data>& con, bool chk, const Data& val) {
bool tst;
try {
std::cout << " " << testnum << " Setting the front of the linear container to \"" << val << "\": ";
con.Front() = val;
std::cout << ((tst = chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::length_error exc) {
std::cout << exc.what() << "\": " << ((tst = !chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::exception exc) {
tst = true;
std::cout << std::endl << "Wrong std::exception: " << exc.what() << "!" << std::endl;
testerr += (1 - (uint) tst);
template <typename Data>
void GetBack(uint& testnum, uint& testerr, const lasd::LinearContainer<Data>& con, bool chk, const Data& val) {
bool tst;
try {
std::cout << " " << testnum << " The back of the linear container is \"" << con.Back() << "\": ";
std::cout << ((tst = ((con.Back() == val) == chk)) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::length_error exc) {
std::cout << exc.what() << "\": " << ((tst = !chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::exception exc) {
tst = true;
std::cout << std::endl << "Wrong std::exception: " << exc.what() << "!" << std::endl;
testerr += (1 - (uint) tst);
template <typename Data>
void SetBack(uint& testnum, uint& testerr, const lasd::LinearContainer<Data>& con, bool chk, const Data& val) {
bool tst;
try {
std::cout << " " << testnum << " Setting the back of the linear container to \"" << val << "\": ";
con.Back() = val;
std::cout << ((tst = chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::length_error exc) {
std::cout << exc.what() << "\": " << ((tst = !chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::exception exc) {
tst = true;
std::cout << std::endl << "Wrong std::exception: " << exc.what() << "!" << std::endl;
testerr += (1 - (uint) tst);
template <typename Data>
void SetAt(uint& testnum, uint& testerr, lasd::LinearContainer<Data>& con, bool chk, const ulong& ind, const Data& val) {
bool tst;
try {
std::cout << " " << testnum << " Set of the linear container at index \"" << ind << "\" with value \"" << val << "\": ";
con[ind] = val;
std::cout << ((tst = chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::out_of_range exc) {
std::cout << "\"" << exc.what() << "\": " << ((tst = !chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::exception exc) {
tst = true;
std::cout << std::endl << "Wrong std::exception: " << exc.what() << "!" << std::endl;
testerr += (1 - (uint) tst);
template <typename Data>
void GetAt(uint& testnum, uint& testerr, lasd::LinearContainer<Data>& con, bool chk, const ulong& ind, const Data& val) {
bool tst;
try {
std::cout << " " << testnum << " Get of the linear container at index \"" << ind << "\" with value \"" << con[ind] << "\": ";
std::cout << ((tst = ((con[ind] == val) == chk)) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::out_of_range exc) {
std::cout << exc.what() << "\": " << ((tst = !chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::exception exc) {
tst = true;
std::cout << std::endl << "Wrong std::exception: " << exc.what() << "!" << std::endl;
testerr += (1 - (uint) tst);
/* ************************************************************************** */
// TestableContainer member functions!
template <typename Data>
void Exists(uint& testnum, uint& testerr, const lasd::TestableContainer<Data>& con, bool chk, const Data& val) {
bool tst;
std::cout << " " << testnum << " Data \"" << val << "\" " << ((tst = con.Exists(val)) ? "does" : "does not") << " exist: ";
std::cout << ((tst = (tst == chk)) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
testerr += (1 - (uint) tst);
/* ************************************************************************** */
// MappableContainer member functions!
template <typename Data, typename Parameter>
void MapPreOrder(uint& testnum, uint& testerr, lasd::MappableContainer<Data>& con, bool chk, typename lasd::MappableContainer<Data>::MapFunctor fun, const Parameter& inipar) {
bool tst = true;
Parameter par = {inipar};
try {
std::cout << " " << testnum << " Executing map in pre order - ";
con.MapPreOrder(fun, &par);
std::cout << ": " << ((tst = chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::exception exc) {
std::cout << "\"" << exc.what() << "\": " << ((tst = !chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
testerr += (1 - (uint) tst);
template <typename Data, typename Parameter>
void MapPostOrder(uint& testnum, uint& testerr, lasd::MappableContainer<Data>& con, bool chk, typename lasd::MappableContainer<Data>::MapFunctor fun, const Parameter& inipar) {
bool tst = true;
Parameter par = {inipar};
try {
std::cout << " " << testnum << " Executing map in post order - ";
con.MapPostOrder(fun, &par);
std::cout << ": " << ((tst = chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::exception exc) {
std::cout << "\"" << exc.what() << "\": " << ((tst = !chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
testerr += (1 - (uint) tst);
template <typename Data>
void MapPrint(const Data& dat, void* _) {
std::cout << dat << " ";
template <typename Data>
void MapIncrement(Data& dat, void* _) {
template <typename Data>
void MapIncrementNPrint(Data& dat, void* _) {
std::cout << dat++ << "->" << dat << "; ";
template <typename Data>
void MapDouble(Data& dat, void* _) {
dat *= 2;
template <typename Data>
void MapDoubleNPrint(Data& dat, void* _) {
std::cout << dat << "->" << (dat *= 2) << "; ";
template <typename Data>
void MapInvert(Data& dat, void* _) {
dat = -dat;
template <typename Data>
void MapInvertNPrint(Data& dat, void* _) {
std::cout << dat << "->" << (dat = -dat) << "; ";
template <typename Data>
void MapParityInvert(Data& dat, void* _) {
if (dat % 2 != 0) { dat = -dat; }
void MapStringAppend(std::string&, void*);
/* ************************************************************************** */
// FoldableContainer member functions!
template <typename Data, typename Parameter, typename Value>
void FoldPreOrder(uint& testnum, uint& testerr, const lasd::FoldableContainer<Data>& con, bool chk, typename lasd::FoldableContainer<Data>::FoldFunctor fun, const Parameter& inipar, const Value& inival, const Value& finval) {
bool tst;
Parameter par = {inipar};
Value val = inival;
try {
std::cout << " " << testnum << " Executing fold in pre order - ";
con.FoldPreOrder(fun, &par, &val);
std::cout << "obtained value is \"" << val << "\": ";
std::cout << ((tst = ((val == finval) == chk)) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::exception exc) {
std::cout << "\"" << exc.what() << "\": " << ((tst = !chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
testerr += (1 - (uint) tst);
template <typename Data, typename Parameter, typename Value>
void FoldPostOrder(uint& testnum, uint& testerr, const lasd::FoldableContainer<Data>& con, bool chk, typename lasd::FoldableContainer<Data>::FoldFunctor fun, const Parameter& inipar, const Value& inival, const Value& finval) {
bool tst;
Parameter par = {inipar};
Value val = inival;
try {
std::cout << " " << testnum << " Executing fold in post order - ";
con.FoldPostOrder(fun, &par, &val);
std::cout << "obtained value is \"" << val << "\": ";
std::cout << ((tst = ((val == finval) == chk)) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::exception exc) {
std::cout << "\"" << exc.what() << "\": " << ((tst = !chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
testerr += (1 - (uint) tst);
template <typename Data>
void FoldAdd(const Data& dat, const void* _, void* acc) {
*((Data*) acc) += dat;
template <typename Data>
void FoldMultiply(const Data& dat, const void* _, void* acc) {
*((Data*) acc) *= dat;
void FoldParity(const int&, const void*, void*);
void FoldStringConcatenate(const std::string&, const void*, void*);
/* ************************************************************************** */
// BreadthMappableContainer member functions!
template <typename Data, typename Parameter>
void MapBreadth(uint& testnum, uint& testerr, lasd::BreadthMappableContainer<Data>& con, bool chk, typename lasd::BreadthMappableContainer<Data>::MapFunctor fun, const Parameter& inipar) {
bool tst = true;
Parameter par = {inipar};
try {
std::cout << " " << testnum << " Executing map in pre order - ";
con.MapBreadth(fun, &par);
std::cout << ": " << ((tst = chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::exception exc) {
std::cout << "\"" << exc.what() << "\": " << ((tst = !chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
testerr += (1 - (uint) tst);
/* ************************************************************************** */
// BreadthFoldableContainer member functions!
template <typename Data, typename Parameter, typename Value>
void FoldBreadth(uint& testnum, uint& testerr, const lasd::BreadthFoldableContainer<Data>& con, bool chk, typename lasd::BreadthFoldableContainer<Data>::FoldFunctor fun, const Parameter& inipar, const Value& inival, const Value& finval) {
bool tst;
Parameter par = {inipar};
Value val = inival;
try {
std::cout << " " << testnum << " Executing fold in post order - ";
con.FoldBreadth(fun, &par, &val);
std::cout << "obtained value is \"" << val << "\": ";
std::cout << ((tst = ((val == finval) == chk)) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
} catch(std::exception exc) {
std::cout << "\"" << exc.what() << "\": " << ((tst = !chk) ? "Correct" : "Error") << "!" << std::endl;
testerr += (1 - (uint) tst);
/* ************************************************************************** */