void menu(){ unsigned short int choice; DataStructure chosenDataStructure; DataType chosenDataType; do{ std::cout<<"1. Use your tests (to be used by the professor)"<>std::ws; std::cin>>choice; }while(choice!=1 && choice!=2); switch(choice){ case 1: lasdtest(); break; case 2: chosenDataStructure = ChooseDataStructure(); chosenDataType = ChooseDataType(); break; default: std::cout<<"An error has occurred"<>std::ws; std::cin>>choice; }while(choice!=1 && choice!=2); if(choice == 1) return DataStructure::vector; else if(choice == 2) return DataStructure::list; } DataType ChooseDataType(){ unsigned short int choice; do{ std::cout<<"1. Integer"<>std::ws; std::cin>>choice; }while(!(choice>0 && choice<4)); if(choice==1) return DataType::integer; else if(choice==2) return DataType::double; else if(choice==3) return DataType::string; } void UseChosenType(DataStructure chosenDataStructure, DataType chosenDataType){ std::cout<<"\tTest on "; if(chosenDataStructure == DataStructure::vector) std::cout<<"vector of "; else if(chosenDataStructure == DataStructure::list) std::cout<<"list of "; if(chosenDataType == DataType::integer) std::cout<<" integers"<