import import org.jetbrains.compose.desktop.application.dsl.TargetFormat plugins { alias(libs.plugins.compose) alias(libs.plugins.kotlin.plugin.compose) alias(libs.plugins.kotlin.multiplatform) } kotlin { jvm { withJava() } sourceSets { val jvmMain by getting { dependencies { implementation(compose.runtime) implementation( implementation(compose.material) implementation(compose.material3) implementation(compose.materialIconsExtended) implementation(compose.desktop.currentOs) implementation(compose.components.resources) implementation(libs.bouncycastle.bcprov) implementation(libs.bouncycastle.bctls) implementation(project(":common")) } } } } val appId = "com.artemchep.keyguard" val macExtraPlistKeys: String get() = """ CFBundleLocalizations af_ZA ca_ES de_DE es_ES ja_JP no_NO pt_PT sr_SP uk_UA zh_TW ar_SA cs_CZ el_GR fr_FR it_IT ko_KR pl_PL ro_RO sv_SE vi_VN da_DK en_US en_GB fi_FI hu_HU iw_IL nl_NL pt_BR ru_RU tr_TR zh_CN """ compose.desktop { application { mainClass = "com.artemchep.keyguard.MainKt" nativeDistributions { macOS { iconFile.set(project.file("icon.icns")) entitlementsFile.set(project.file("default.entitlements")) infoPlist { this.extraKeysRawXml = macExtraPlistKeys } } windows { iconFile.set(project.file("icon.ico")) // Automatically add a shortcut to the desktop: // shortcut = true // The UUID is used with `Windows Installer` to identify // products, components, upgrades, and other key elements of the installation process. // See: // upgradeUuid = "846C6281-F349-4833-9E0E-AAE1C06006A0" } linux { iconFile.set(project.file("icon.png")) } // Try to go for native appearance as per: // jvmArgs( "-Dapple.awt.application.appearance=system", ) includeAllModules = true val formats = listOfNotNull( TargetFormat.Dmg, TargetFormat.Msi, TargetFormat.Deb, // Because of this bug you can not build for macOS and // have the app image distribution format enabled. // See: // TargetFormat.AppImage.takeUnless { Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_MAC) }, ).toTypedArray() targetFormats(*formats) packageName = "Keyguard" packageVersion = libs.versions.appVersionName.get() macOS { bundleID = "com.artemchep.keyguard" signing { val certIdentity = findProperty("cert_identity") as String? if (certIdentity != null) { println("Signing identity ${certIdentity.take(2)}****") sign.set(true) identity.set(certIdentity) // The certificate should be added to the // keychain by this time. } else { println("No signing identity!") } } notarization { val notarizationAppleId = findProperty("notarization_apple_id") as String? ?: "stub_apple_id" val notarizationPassword = findProperty("notarization_password") as String? ?: "stub_password" val notarizationAscProvider = findProperty("notarization_asc_provider") as String? ?: "stub_asc_provider" println("Notarization Apple Id ${notarizationAppleId.take(2)}****") println("Notarization Password ${notarizationPassword.take(2)}****") println("Notarization ASC Provider ${notarizationAscProvider.take(2)}****") appleID.set(notarizationAppleId) teamID.set(notarizationAscProvider) password.set(notarizationPassword) } } } } } kotlin { jvmToolchain(libs.versions.jdk.get().toInt()) } // // Flatpak // val flatpakDir = "$buildDir/flatpak" val resourcesDir = "$projectDir/src/jvmMain/resources" tasks.register("prepareFlatpak") { dependsOn("packageAppImage") doLast { delete { delete("$flatpakDir/bin/") delete("$flatpakDir/lib/") } copy { from("$buildDir/compose/binaries/main/app/Keyguard/") into("$flatpakDir/") exclude("$buildDir/compose/binaries/main/app/Keyguard/lib/runtime/legal") } copy { from("$resourcesDir/icon.png") into("$flatpakDir/") } copy { from("$resourcesDir/flatpak/manifest.yml") into("$flatpakDir/") rename { "$appId.yml" } } copy { from("$projectDir/src/jvmMain/resources/flatpak/icon.desktop") into("$flatpakDir/") rename { "$appId.desktop" } } } } tasks.register("bundleFlatpak") { dependsOn("prepareFlatpak") doLast { exec { workingDir(flatpakDir) val buildCommand = listOf( "flatpak-builder", "--force-clean", "--state-dir=build/flatpak-builder", "--repo=build/flatpak-repo", "build/flatpak-target", "$appId.yml", ) commandLine(buildCommand) } exec { workingDir(flatpakDir) val bundleCommand = listOf( "flatpak", "build-bundle", "build/flatpak-repo", "Keyguard.flatpak", appId, ) commandLine(bundleCommand) } } } tasks.register("installFlatpak") { dependsOn("prepareFlatpak") doLast { exec { workingDir(flatpakDir) val installCommand = listOf( "flatpak-builder", "--install", "--user", "--force-clean", "--state-dir=build/flatpak-builder", "--repo=build/flatpak-repo", "build/flatpak-target", "$appId.yml", ) commandLine(installCommand) } } } tasks.register("runFlatpak") { dependsOn("installFlatpak") doLast { exec { val runCommand = listOf( "flatpak", "run", appId, ) commandLine(runCommand) } } }