Keyguard replaces placeholders when performing an action with the field (copying, opening in a browser and more). The feature is largely based on the [Keepass's specification](
**At this moment placeholders are supported in**:
- URL field;
- URL override commands.
- placeholders and their basics parameters are _case-insensitive_;
- placeholders are resolved using the shared constant time, all time-sensitive placeholders will be synced;
- if no value is found, the placeholder will be replaced with an empty string: `{otp}` will be replaced with an empty string if an entry doesn't have one-time password configured;
- if no placeholder is found, the placeholder will be kept in it's original form: `{keyguard}` will be replaced with `{keyguard}`.
### Types
#### Entry Core
| Placeholder | Description |
| :- | :---- |
| `uuid` | UUID |
| `title` | Title/Name |
| `username` | Username |
| `password` | Password |
| `otp` | One-time password |
| `notes` | Notes |
| `favorite` | Favorite |
#### Entry Custom Field
Custom strings can be referenced using `{s:name}`. For example, if you have a custom string named "Email", you can use the placeholder `{s:email}`.
| Placeholder | Description |
| :- | :---- |
| `s:value` | First of the custom fields named 'value' |
#### Entry URL
\***URL override specific**\*
This is useful in URL override command field. You can extract data from the URL for your new *command*.
Note: `{base}` supports exactly the same parts as `{url}` and is identical to it.
the first symbol after `:` defines the separator. It may be any symbol except `{` and `}`. Trailing separator symbol is required.
Let the username field contain the email address '', then:
> {t-replace-rx:/{username}/.*@(.*)/$1/}
for more info how it works, see the [underlying implementation's documentation](