// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports import { Substitute, Arg } from "@fluffy-spoon/substitute"; import { mock, MockProxy } from "jest-mock-extended"; import { AbstractEncryptService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/abstractEncrypt.service"; import { CryptoService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/crypto.service"; import { EncryptionType } from "@bitwarden/common/enums/encryptionType"; import { EncString } from "@bitwarden/common/models/domain/enc-string"; import { SymmetricCryptoKey } from "@bitwarden/common/models/domain/symmetric-crypto-key"; import { ContainerService } from "@bitwarden/common/services/container.service"; describe("EncString", () => { afterEach(() => { (window as any).bitwardenContainerService = undefined; }); describe("Rsa2048_OaepSha256_B64", () => { it("constructor", () => { const encString = new EncString(EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_B64, "data"); expect(encString).toEqual({ data: "data", encryptedString: "3.data", encryptionType: 3, }); }); describe("parse existing", () => { it("valid", () => { const encString = new EncString("3.data"); expect(encString).toEqual({ data: "data", encryptedString: "3.data", encryptionType: 3, }); }); it("invalid", () => { const encString = new EncString("3.data|test"); expect(encString).toEqual({ encryptedString: "3.data|test", encryptionType: 3, }); }); }); describe("decrypt", () => { const encString = new EncString(EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_B64, "data"); const cryptoService = Substitute.for(); cryptoService.getOrgKey(null).resolves(null); const encryptService = Substitute.for(); encryptService.decryptToUtf8(encString, Arg.any()).resolves("decrypted"); beforeEach(() => { (window as any).bitwardenContainerService = new ContainerService( cryptoService, encryptService ); }); it("decrypts correctly", async () => { const decrypted = await encString.decrypt(null); expect(decrypted).toBe("decrypted"); }); it("result should be cached", async () => { const decrypted = await encString.decrypt(null); encryptService.received(1).decryptToUtf8(Arg.any(), Arg.any()); expect(decrypted).toBe("decrypted"); }); }); }); describe("AesCbc256_B64", () => { it("constructor", () => { const encString = new EncString(EncryptionType.AesCbc256_B64, "data", "iv"); expect(encString).toEqual({ data: "data", encryptedString: "0.iv|data", encryptionType: 0, iv: "iv", }); }); describe("parse existing", () => { it("valid", () => { const encString = new EncString("0.iv|data"); expect(encString).toEqual({ data: "data", encryptedString: "0.iv|data", encryptionType: 0, iv: "iv", }); }); it("invalid", () => { const encString = new EncString("0.iv|data|mac"); expect(encString).toEqual({ encryptedString: "0.iv|data|mac", encryptionType: 0, }); }); }); }); describe("AesCbc256_HmacSha256_B64", () => { it("constructor", () => { const encString = new EncString(EncryptionType.AesCbc256_HmacSha256_B64, "data", "iv", "mac"); expect(encString).toEqual({ data: "data", encryptedString: "2.iv|data|mac", encryptionType: 2, iv: "iv", mac: "mac", }); }); it("valid", () => { const encString = new EncString("2.iv|data|mac"); expect(encString).toEqual({ data: "data", encryptedString: "2.iv|data|mac", encryptionType: 2, iv: "iv", mac: "mac", }); }); it("invalid", () => { const encString = new EncString("2.iv|data"); expect(encString).toEqual({ encryptedString: "2.iv|data", encryptionType: 2, }); }); }); it("Exit early if null", () => { const encString = new EncString(null); expect(encString).toEqual({ encryptedString: null, }); }); describe("decrypt", () => { let cryptoService: MockProxy; let encryptService: MockProxy; let encString: EncString; beforeEach(() => { cryptoService = mock(); encryptService = mock(); encString = new EncString(null); (window as any).bitwardenContainerService = new ContainerService( cryptoService, encryptService ); }); it("handles value it can't decrypt", async () => { encryptService.decryptToUtf8.mockRejectedValue("error"); (window as any).bitwardenContainerService = new ContainerService( cryptoService, encryptService ); const decrypted = await encString.decrypt(null); expect(decrypted).toBe("[error: cannot decrypt]"); expect(encString).toEqual({ decryptedValue: "[error: cannot decrypt]", encryptedString: null, }); }); it("uses provided key without depending on CryptoService", async () => { const key = mock(); await encString.decrypt(null, key); expect(cryptoService.getKeyForUserEncryption).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(encryptService.decryptToUtf8).toHaveBeenCalledWith(encString, key); }); it("gets an organization key if required", async () => { const orgKey = mock(); cryptoService.getOrgKey.calledWith("orgId").mockResolvedValue(orgKey); await encString.decrypt("orgId", null); expect(cryptoService.getOrgKey).toHaveBeenCalledWith("orgId"); expect(encryptService.decryptToUtf8).toHaveBeenCalledWith(encString, orgKey); }); it("gets the user's decryption key if required", async () => { const userKey = mock(); cryptoService.getKeyForUserEncryption.mockResolvedValue(userKey); await encString.decrypt(null, null); expect(cryptoService.getKeyForUserEncryption).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); expect(encryptService.decryptToUtf8).toHaveBeenCalledWith(encString, userKey); }); }); describe("toJSON", () => { it("Should be represented by the encrypted string", () => { const encString = new EncString(EncryptionType.AesCbc256_B64, "data", "iv"); expect(encString.toJSON()).toBe(encString.encryptedString); }); it("returns null if object is null", () => { expect(EncString.fromJSON(null)).toBeNull(); }); }); });