import { mock, MockProxy } from "jest-mock-extended"; import { CryptoService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/crypto.service"; import { EncryptService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/encrypt.service"; import { AttachmentData } from "@bitwarden/common/models/data/"; import { Attachment } from "@bitwarden/common/models/domain/attachment"; import { EncString } from "@bitwarden/common/models/domain/enc-string"; import { SymmetricCryptoKey } from "@bitwarden/common/models/domain/symmetric-crypto-key"; import { ContainerService } from "@bitwarden/common/services/container.service"; import { makeStaticByteArray, mockEnc, mockFromJson } from "../../utils"; describe("Attachment", () => { let data: AttachmentData; beforeEach(() => { data = { id: "id", url: "url", fileName: "fileName", key: "key", size: "1100", sizeName: "1.1 KB", }; }); it("Convert from empty", () => { const data = new AttachmentData(); const attachment = new Attachment(data); expect(attachment).toEqual({ id: null, url: null, size: undefined, sizeName: null, key: null, fileName: null, }); }); it("Convert", () => { const attachment = new Attachment(data); expect(attachment).toEqual({ size: "1100", id: "id", url: "url", sizeName: "1.1 KB", fileName: { encryptedString: "fileName", encryptionType: 0 }, key: { encryptedString: "key", encryptionType: 0 }, }); }); it("toAttachmentData", () => { const attachment = new Attachment(data); expect(attachment.toAttachmentData()).toEqual(data); }); describe("decrypt", () => { let cryptoService: MockProxy; let encryptService: MockProxy; beforeEach(() => { cryptoService = mock(); encryptService = mock(); (window as any).bitwardenContainerService = new ContainerService( cryptoService, encryptService ); }); it("expected output", async () => { const attachment = new Attachment(); = "id"; attachment.url = "url"; attachment.size = "1100"; attachment.sizeName = "1.1 KB"; attachment.key = mockEnc("key"); attachment.fileName = mockEnc("fileName"); encryptService.decryptToBytes.mockResolvedValue(makeStaticByteArray(32)); const view = await attachment.decrypt(null); expect(view).toEqual({ id: "id", url: "url", size: "1100", sizeName: "1.1 KB", fileName: "fileName", key: expect.any(SymmetricCryptoKey), }); }); describe("decrypts attachment.key", () => { let attachment: Attachment; beforeEach(() => { attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.key = mock(); }); it("uses the provided key without depending on CryptoService", async () => { const providedKey = mock(); await attachment.decrypt(null, providedKey); expect(cryptoService.getKeyForUserEncryption).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(encryptService.decryptToBytes).toHaveBeenCalledWith(attachment.key, providedKey); }); it("gets an organization key if required", async () => { const orgKey = mock(); cryptoService.getOrgKey.calledWith("orgId").mockResolvedValue(orgKey); await attachment.decrypt("orgId", null); expect(cryptoService.getOrgKey).toHaveBeenCalledWith("orgId"); expect(encryptService.decryptToBytes).toHaveBeenCalledWith(attachment.key, orgKey); }); it("gets the user's decryption key if required", async () => { const userKey = mock(); cryptoService.getKeyForUserEncryption.mockResolvedValue(userKey); await attachment.decrypt(null, null); expect(cryptoService.getKeyForUserEncryption).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(encryptService.decryptToBytes).toHaveBeenCalledWith(attachment.key, userKey); }); }); }); describe("fromJSON", () => { it("initializes nested objects", () => { jest.spyOn(EncString, "fromJSON").mockImplementation(mockFromJson); const actual = Attachment.fromJSON({ key: "myKey", fileName: "myFileName", }); expect(actual).toEqual({ key: "myKey_fromJSON", fileName: "myFileName_fromJSON", }); expect(actual).toBeInstanceOf(Attachment); }); it("returns null if object is null", () => { expect(Attachment.fromJSON(null)).toBeNull(); }); }); });