import { hasModifierKey } from "@angular/cdk/keycodes"; import { Component, Input, OnInit, Output, ViewChild, EventEmitter, HostBinding, Optional, Self, } from "@angular/core"; import { ControlValueAccessor, NgControl, Validators } from "@angular/forms"; import { NgSelectComponent } from "@ng-select/ng-select"; import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/i18n.service"; import { BitFormFieldControl } from "../form-field/form-field-control"; import { SelectItemView } from "./models/select-item-view"; // Increments for each instance of this component let nextId = 0; @Component({ selector: "bit-multi-select", templateUrl: "./multi-select.component.html", providers: [{ provide: BitFormFieldControl, useExisting: MultiSelectComponent }], }) /** * This component has been implemented to only support Multi-select list events */ export class MultiSelectComponent implements OnInit, BitFormFieldControl, ControlValueAccessor { @ViewChild(NgSelectComponent) select: NgSelectComponent; // Parent component should only pass selectable items (complete list - selected items = baseItems) @Input() baseItems: SelectItemView[]; // Defaults to native ng-select behavior - set to "true" to clear selected items on dropdown close @Input() removeSelectedItems = false; @Input() placeholder: string; @Input() loading = false; @Input() disabled = false; // Internal tracking of selected items @Input() selectedItems: SelectItemView[]; // Default values for our implementation loadingText: string; protected searchInputId = `search-input-${nextId++}`; /**Implemented as part of NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR */ private notifyOnChange?: (value: SelectItemView[]) => void; /**Implemented as part of NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR */ private notifyOnTouched?: () => void; @Output() onItemsConfirmed = new EventEmitter(); constructor(private i18nService: I18nService, @Optional() @Self() private ngControl?: NgControl) { if (ngControl != null) { ngControl.valueAccessor = this; } } ngOnInit(): void { // Default Text Values this.placeholder = this.placeholder ?? this.i18nService.t("multiSelectPlaceholder"); this.loadingText = this.i18nService.t("multiSelectLoading"); } /** Function for customizing keyboard navigation */ /** Needs to be arrow function to retain `this` scope. */ keyDown = (event: KeyboardEvent) => { if (! && event.key === "Enter" && !hasModifierKey(event)) { return false; } if ( && event.key === "Enter" && !hasModifierKey(event)) {; event.preventDefault(); return false; } if ( && event.key === "Escape" && !hasModifierKey(event)) { this.selectedItems = [];; event.stopPropagation(); return false; } return true; }; /** Helper method for showing selected state in custom template */ isSelected(item: any): boolean { return this.selectedItems?.find((selected) => === != undefined; } /** * The `close` callback will act as the only trigger for signifying the user's intent of completing the selection * of items. Selected items will be emitted to the parent component in order to allow for separate data handling. */ onDropdownClosed(): void { // Early exit if (this.selectedItems == null || this.selectedItems.length == 0) { return; } // Emit results to parent component this.onItemsConfirmed.emit(this.selectedItems); // Remove selected items from base list based on input property if (this.removeSelectedItems) { let updatedBaseItems = this.baseItems; this.selectedItems.forEach((selectedItem) => { updatedBaseItems = updatedBaseItems.filter((item) => !==; }); // Reset Lists this.selectedItems = null; this.baseItems = updatedBaseItems; } } /**Implemented as part of NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR */ writeValue(obj: SelectItemView[]): void { this.selectedItems = obj; } /**Implemented as part of NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR */ registerOnChange(fn: (value: SelectItemView[]) => void): void { this.notifyOnChange = fn; } /**Implemented as part of NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR */ registerOnTouched(fn: any): void { this.notifyOnTouched = fn; } /**Implemented as part of NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR */ setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void { this.disabled = isDisabled; } /**Implemented as part of NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR */ protected onChange(items: SelectItemView[]) { if (!this.notifyOnChange) { return; } this.notifyOnChange(items); } /**Implemented as part of NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR */ protected onBlur() { if (!this.notifyOnTouched) { return; } this.notifyOnTouched(); } /**Implemented as part of BitFormFieldControl */ @HostBinding("attr.aria-describedby") get ariaDescribedBy() { return this._ariaDescribedBy; } set ariaDescribedBy(value: string) { this._ariaDescribedBy = value;"aria-describedby", value); } private _ariaDescribedBy: string; /**Implemented as part of BitFormFieldControl */ get labelForId() { return this.searchInputId; } /**Implemented as part of BitFormFieldControl */ @HostBinding() @Input() id = `bit-multi-select-${nextId++}`; /**Implemented as part of BitFormFieldControl */ @HostBinding("attr.required") @Input() get required() { return this._required ?? this.ngControl?.control?.hasValidator(Validators.required) ?? false; } set required(value: any) { this._required = value != null && value !== false; } private _required: boolean; /**Implemented as part of BitFormFieldControl */ get hasError() { return this.ngControl?.status === "INVALID" && this.ngControl?.touched; } /**Implemented as part of BitFormFieldControl */ get error(): [string, any] { const key = Object.keys(this.ngControl?.errors)[0]; return [key, this.ngControl?.errors[key]]; } }