import * as program from 'commander'; import { AuthService } from 'jslib/services/auth.service'; import { LoginCommand } from './commands/login.command'; import { CryptoService } from 'jslib/services/crypto.service'; import { NodeCryptoFunctionService } from 'jslib/services/nodeCryptoFunction.service'; import { NodeStorageService } from './services/nodeStorage.service'; import { ApiService } from 'jslib/services/api.service'; import { NodePlatformUtilsService } from './services/nodePlatformUtils.service'; import { AppIdService } from 'jslib/services/appId.service'; import { TokenService } from 'jslib/services/token.service'; import { EnvironmentService } from 'jslib/services/environment.service'; import { UserService } from 'jslib/services/user.service'; import { ContainerService } from 'jslib/services/container.service'; import { NodeMessagingService } from './services/nodeMessaging.service'; const platformUtilsService = new NodePlatformUtilsService(); const cryptoFunctionService = new NodeCryptoFunctionService(); const storageService = new NodeStorageService('Bitwarden CLI'); const cryptoService = new CryptoService(storageService, storageService, cryptoFunctionService); const appIdService = new AppIdService(storageService); const tokenService = new TokenService(storageService); const messagingService = new NodeMessagingService(); const apiService = new ApiService(tokenService, platformUtilsService, (expired: boolean) => { }); const environmentService = new EnvironmentService(apiService, storageService); const userService = new UserService(tokenService, storageService); const containerService = new ContainerService(cryptoService, platformUtilsService); const authService = new AuthService(cryptoService, apiService, userService, tokenService, appIdService, null, platformUtilsService, messagingService, true); containerService.attachToWindow(global); environmentService.setUrlsFromStorage().then(() => { // Do nothing }); program .version('1.0.0', '-v, --version'); program .command('login ') .description('Log into a Bitwarden user account.') .option('-m, --method ', '2FA method.') .option('-c, --code ', '2FA code.') .action(async (email: string, password: string, cmd: program.Command) => { const command = new LoginCommand(authService); await, password, cmd); }); program .command('logout') .description('Log out of the current Bitwarden user account.') .action((cmd) => { console.log('Logging out...'); }); program .command('list ') .description('List objects.') .action((object, cmd) => { console.log('Listing...'); console.log(object); }); program .command('get ') .description('Get an object.') .action((object, id, cmd) => { console.log('Getting...'); console.log(object); console.log(id); }); program .command('edit ') .description('Edit an object.') .action((object, id, cmd) => { console.log('Editing...'); console.log(object); console.log(id); }); program .command('delete ') .description('Delete an object.') .action((object, id, cmd) => { console.log('Deleting...'); console.log(object); console.log(id); }); program .parse(process.argv);