import * as program from "commander"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as path from "path"; import { ApiService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/api.service"; import { CipherService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/cipher.service"; import { CryptoService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/crypto.service"; import { FolderService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/folder.service"; import { StateService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/state.service"; import { Cipher } from "jslib-common/models/export/cipher"; import { Collection } from "jslib-common/models/export/collection"; import { Folder } from "jslib-common/models/export/folder"; import { CollectionRequest } from "jslib-common/models/request/collectionRequest"; import { SelectionReadOnlyRequest } from "jslib-common/models/request/selectionReadOnlyRequest"; import { Response } from "jslib-node/cli/models/response"; import { CipherResponse } from "../models/response/cipherResponse"; import { FolderResponse } from "../models/response/folderResponse"; import { OrganizationCollectionResponse } from "../models/response/organizationCollectionResponse"; import { OrganizationCollectionRequest } from "../models/request/organizationCollectionRequest"; import { CliUtils } from "../utils"; import { Utils } from "jslib-common/misc/utils"; export class CreateCommand { constructor( private cipherService: CipherService, private folderService: FolderService, private stateService: StateService, private cryptoService: CryptoService, private apiService: ApiService ) {} async run(object: string, requestJson: string, cmd: program.Command): Promise { let req: any = null; if (object !== "attachment") { if (requestJson == null || requestJson === "") { requestJson = await CliUtils.readStdin(); } if (requestJson == null || requestJson === "") { return Response.badRequest("`requestJson` was not provided."); } try { const reqJson = Buffer.from(requestJson, "base64").toString(); req = JSON.parse(reqJson); } catch (e) { return Response.badRequest("Error parsing the encoded request data."); } } switch (object.toLowerCase()) { case "item": return await this.createCipher(req); case "attachment": return await this.createAttachment(cmd); case "folder": return await this.createFolder(req); case "org-collection": return await this.createOrganizationCollection(req, cmd); default: return Response.badRequest("Unknown object."); } } private async createCipher(req: Cipher) { const cipher = await this.cipherService.encrypt(Cipher.toView(req)); try { await this.cipherService.saveWithServer(cipher); const newCipher = await this.cipherService.get(; const decCipher = await newCipher.decrypt(); const res = new CipherResponse(decCipher); return Response.success(res); } catch (e) { return Response.error(e); } } private async createAttachment(options: program.OptionValues) { if (options.itemid == null || options.itemid === "") { return Response.badRequest("--itemid required."); } if (options.file == null || options.file === "") { return Response.badRequest("--file required."); } const filePath = path.resolve(options.file); if (!fs.existsSync(options.file)) { return Response.badRequest("Cannot find file at " + filePath); } const itemId = options.itemid.toLowerCase(); const cipher = await this.cipherService.get(itemId); if (cipher == null) { return Response.notFound(); } if (cipher.organizationId == null && !(await this.stateService.getCanAccessPremium())) { return Response.error("Premium status is required to use this feature."); } const encKey = await this.cryptoService.getEncKey(); if (encKey == null) { return Response.error( "You must update your encryption key before you can use this feature. " + "See" ); } try { const fileBuf = fs.readFileSync(filePath); await this.cipherService.saveAttachmentRawWithServer( cipher, path.basename(filePath), new Uint8Array(fileBuf).buffer ); const updatedCipher = await this.cipherService.get(; const decCipher = await updatedCipher.decrypt(); const res = new CipherResponse(decCipher); return Response.success(res); } catch (e) { return Response.error(e); } } private async createFolder(req: Folder) { const folder = await this.folderService.encrypt(Folder.toView(req)); try { await this.folderService.saveWithServer(folder); const newFolder = await this.folderService.get(; const decFolder = await newFolder.decrypt(); const res = new FolderResponse(decFolder); return Response.success(res); } catch (e) { return Response.error(e); } } private async createOrganizationCollection( req: OrganizationCollectionRequest, options: program.OptionValues ) { if (options.organizationid == null || options.organizationid === "") { return Response.badRequest("--organizationid required."); } if (!Utils.isGuid(options.organizationid)) { return Response.error("`" + options.organizationid + "` is not a GUID."); } if (options.organizationid !== req.organizationId) { return Response.error("--organizationid does not match request object."); } try { const orgKey = await this.cryptoService.getOrgKey(req.organizationId); if (orgKey == null) { throw new Error("No encryption key for this organization."); } const groups = req.groups == null ? null : => new SelectionReadOnlyRequest(, g.readOnly, g.hidePasswords)); const request = new CollectionRequest(); = (await this.cryptoService.encrypt(, orgKey)).encryptedString; request.externalId = req.externalId; request.groups = groups; const response = await this.apiService.postCollection(req.organizationId, request); const view = Collection.toView(req); =; const res = new OrganizationCollectionResponse(view, groups); return Response.success(res); } catch (e) { return Response.error(e); } } }