import { CipherType } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/enums"; import { CardView } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/models/view/card.view"; import { CipherView } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/models/view/cipher.view"; import { BaseImporter } from "../src/importers/base-importer"; class FakeBaseImporter extends BaseImporter { initLoginCipher(): CipherView { return super.initLoginCipher(); } setCardExpiration(cipher: CipherView, expiration: string): boolean { return super.setCardExpiration(cipher, expiration); } } describe("BaseImporter class", () => { const importer = new FakeBaseImporter(); let cipher: CipherView; describe("setCardExpiration method", () => { beforeEach(() => { cipher = importer.initLoginCipher(); cipher.card = new CardView(); cipher.type = CipherType.Card; }); it.each([ ["01/2025", "1", "2025"], ["5/21", "5", "2021"], ["10/2100", "10", "2100"], ])( "sets ciper card expYear & expMonth and returns true", (expiration, expectedMonth, expectedYear) => { const result = importer.setCardExpiration(cipher, expiration); expect(cipher.card.expMonth).toBe(expectedMonth); expect(cipher.card.expYear).toBe(expectedYear); expect(result).toBe(true); } ); it.each([ ["01/2032", "1"], ["09/2032", "9"], ["10/2032", "10"], ])("removes leading zero from month", (expiration, expectedMonth) => { const result = importer.setCardExpiration(cipher, expiration); expect(cipher.card.expMonth).toBe(expectedMonth); expect(cipher.card.expYear).toBe("2032"); expect(result).toBe(true); }); it.each([ ["12/00", "2000"], ["12/99", "2099"], ["12/32", "2032"], ["12/2042", "2042"], ])("prefixes '20' to year if only two digits long", (expiration, expectedYear) => { const result = importer.setCardExpiration(cipher, expiration); expect(cipher.card.expYear).toHaveLength(4); expect(cipher.card.expYear).toBe(expectedYear); expect(result).toBe(true); }); it.each([["01 / 2025"], ["01 / 2025"], [" 01/2025 "], [" 01/2025 "]])( "removes any whitespace in expiration string", (expiration) => { const result = importer.setCardExpiration(cipher, expiration); expect(cipher.card.expMonth).toBe("1"); expect(cipher.card.expYear).toBe("2025"); expect(result).toBe(true); } ); it.each([[""], [" "], [null]])( "returns false if expiration is null or empty ", (expiration) => { const result = importer.setCardExpiration(cipher, expiration); expect(result).toBe(false); } ); it.each([["0123"], ["01/03/23"]])( "returns false if invalid card expiration string", (expiration) => { const result = importer.setCardExpiration(cipher, expiration); expect(result).toBe(false); } ); it.each([["5/"], ["03/231"], ["12/1"], ["2/20221"]])( "returns false if year is not 2 or 4 digits long", (expiration) => { const result = importer.setCardExpiration(cipher, expiration); expect(result).toBe(false); } ); it.each([["/2023"], ["003/2023"], ["111/32"]])( "returns false if month is not 1 or 2 digits long", (expiration) => { const result = importer.setCardExpiration(cipher, expiration); expect(result).toBe(false); } ); }); });