import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, } from '@angular/core'; import { ToasterService } from 'angular2-toaster'; import { Angulartics2 } from 'angulartics2'; import { CipherService } from 'jslib/abstractions/cipher.service'; import { CollectionService } from 'jslib/abstractions/collection.service'; import { I18nService } from 'jslib/abstractions/i18n.service'; import { UserService } from 'jslib/abstractions/user.service'; import { Organization } from 'jslib/models/domain/organization'; import { CipherView } from 'jslib/models/view/cipherView'; import { CollectionView } from 'jslib/models/view/collectionView'; @Component({ selector: 'app-vault-share', templateUrl: 'share.component.html', }) export class ShareComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { @Input() cipherId: string; @Input() organizationId: string; @Output() onSharedCipher = new EventEmitter(); formPromise: Promise; cipher: CipherView; collections: CollectionView[] = []; organizations: Organization[] = []; private writeableCollections: CollectionView[] = []; constructor(private collectionService: CollectionService, private analytics: Angulartics2, private toasterService: ToasterService, private i18nService: I18nService, private userService: UserService, private cipherService: CipherService) { } async ngOnInit() { const cipherDomain = await this.cipherService.get(this.cipherId); this.cipher = await cipherDomain.decrypt(); const allCollections = await this.collectionService.getAllDecrypted(); this.writeableCollections = allCollections.filter((c) => !c.readOnly); this.organizations = await this.userService.getAllOrganizations(); if (this.organizationId == null && this.organizations.length > 0) { this.organizationId = this.organizations[0].id; } this.filterCollections(); } ngOnDestroy() { this.unselectAll(); } filterCollections() { this.unselectAll(); if (this.organizationId == null || this.writeableCollections.length === 0) { this.collections = []; } else { this.collections = this.writeableCollections.filter((c) => c.organizationId === this.organizationId); } } async submit() { const cipherDomain = await this.cipherService.get(this.cipherId); const cipherView = await cipherDomain.decrypt(); const attachmentPromises: Array> = []; if (cipherView.attachments != null) { for (const attachment of cipherView.attachments) { const promise = this.cipherService.shareAttachmentWithServer(attachment,, this.organizationId); attachmentPromises.push(promise); } } cipherView.organizationId = this.organizationId; cipherView.collectionIds = []; for (const collection of this.collections) { if ((collection as any).checked) { cipherView.collectionIds.push(; } } this.formPromise = Promise.all(attachmentPromises).then(async () => { const encCipher = await this.cipherService.encrypt(cipherView); await this.cipherService.shareWithServer(encCipher); this.onSharedCipher.emit();{ action: 'Shared Cipher' }); this.toasterService.popAsync('success', null, this.i18nService.t('sharedItem')); }); await this.formPromise; } check(c: CollectionView) { (c as any).checked = !(c as any).checked; } selectAll() { for (const c of this.collections) { (c as any).checked = true; } } unselectAll() { for (const c of this.writeableCollections) { (c as any).checked = false; } } }