diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6be7595eb..85786994e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-The Bitwarden mobile application is written in C# with Xamarin Android, Xamarin iOS, UWP, and Xamarin Forms.
+The Bitwarden mobile application is written in C# with Xamarin Android, Xamarin iOS, and Xamarin Forms.
@@ -14,21 +14,18 @@ The Bitwarden mobile application is written in C# with Xamarin Android, Xamarin
-- [Visual Studio](https://store.xamarin.com/)
-**API endpoint**
-By default the app is targeting the production API. If you are running the [Core](https://github.com/bitwarden/core) API locally,
-you'll need to switch the app to target your local instance. Open `src/App/Utilities/ApiHttpClient.cs` and `src/App/Utilities/IdentityHttpClient.cs` and set the `BaseAddress` to your local
-API endpoints (ex. `new Uri("http://localhost:5000")`). Alternatively, you can also adjust the environment endpoints from the environment settings page on the home screen of the app (log out).
+- [Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/)
+- [Xamarin](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/get-started/installation/?pivots=windows)
**Run the app**
-After restoring the nuget packages, you can now build and run the app.
+- Open the solution file in Visual Studio.
+- Restore the nuget packages.
+- Build and run the app.
# Contribute
-Code contributions are welcome! Visual Studio or Xamarin Studio is required to work on this project. Please commit any pull requests against the `master` branch.
+Code contributions are welcome! Visual Studio with Xamarin is required to work on this project. Please commit any pull requests against the `master` branch.
Learn more about how to contribute by reading the [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](CONTRIBUTING.md) file.
Security audits and feedback are welcome. Please open an issue or email us privately if the report is sensitive in nature. You can read our security policy in the [`SECURITY.md`](SECURITY.md) file.