mirror of https://github.com/bitwarden/mobile synced 2025-02-01 19:17:13 +01:00

[EC-763] Cake build watchOS (#2278)

* EC-763  Implemented watchOS parts on cake build

* EC-763 Improved setting the version name of the watch by caching the version on when updating the ios info plist file

* EC-763 Fix cake build criteria to use lambda version so that it takes into consideration that the field might change on executing the script

* EC-763 Added iOS and watchOS icons update to the cake build script
This commit is contained in:
Federico Maccaroni 2023-02-20 10:05:21 -03:00 committed by GitHub
parent 0539eda57e
commit b26b9ea41b
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 320 additions and 6 deletions

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View File

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appIcons/iOS/beta.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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appIcons/iOS/dev.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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appIcons/iOS/prod.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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appIcons/iOS/qa.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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appIcons/icongen.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
#! /bin/sh
function print_example() {
echo "Example"
echo " icons ios ~/AppIcon.pdf ~/Icons/"
function print_usage() {
echo "Usage"
echo " icons <ios|watch|complication|macos> in-file.pdf (out-dir)"
function command_exists() {
if type "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
return 1
return 0
if command_exists "sips" == 0 ; then
echo "sips tool not found"
exit 1
if [ "$1" = "--help" ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] ; then
exit 0
if [ -z "$PLATFORM" ] || [ -z "$FILE" ] ; then
echo "Error: missing arguments"
echo ""
echo ""
exit 1
if [ -z "$DIR" ] ; then
DIR=$(dirname $FILE)
# Create directory if needed
mkdir -p "$DIR"
if [[ "$PLATFORM" == *"ios"* ]] ; then # iOS
sips -s format png -Z '180' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Icon-180.png
sips -s format png -Z '29' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Icon-29.png
sips -s format png -Z '58' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Icon-58.png
sips -s format png -Z '120' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Icon-120.png
sips -s format png -Z '87' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Icon-87.png
sips -s format png -Z '40' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Icon-40.png
sips -s format png -Z '80' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Icon-80.png
sips -s format png -Z '76' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Icon-76.png
sips -s format png -Z '152' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Icon-152.png
sips -s format png -Z '167' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Icon-167.png
sips -s format png -Z '60' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Icon-60.png
sips -s format png -Z '20' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Icon-20.png
sips -s format png -Z '1024' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Icon-1024.png
# https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Xcode/Reference/xcode_ref-Asset_Catalog_Format/AppIconType.html
echo $contents_json > "${DIR}"/Contents.json
if [[ "$PLATFORM" == *"watch"* ]] ; then # Apple Watch
sips -s format png -Z '48' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Watch38mmNotificationCenter.png
sips -s format png -Z '55' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Watch42mmNotificationCenter.png
sips -s format png -Z '66' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Watch66NotificationCenter.png
sips -s format png -Z '58' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/WatchCompanionSettings@2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '87' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/WatchCompanionSettings@3x.png
sips -s format png -Z '80' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Watch38MM42MMHomeScreen.png
sips -s format png -Z '88' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Watch40MMHomeScreen.png
sips -s format png -Z '92' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Watch41MMHomeScreen.png
sips -s format png -Z '100' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Watch44MMHomeScreen.png
sips -s format png -Z '102' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Watch45MMHomeScreen.png
sips -s format png -Z '108' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Watch49MMHomeScreen.png
sips -s format png -Z '172' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Watch38MMShortLook.png
sips -s format png -Z '196' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Watch40MM42MMShortLook.png
sips -s format png -Z '216' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Watch44MMShortLook.png
sips -s format png -Z '234' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Watch234ShortLook.png
sips -s format png -Z '258' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Watch258ShortLook.png
sips -s format png -Z '1024' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/WatchAppStore.png
# https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Xcode/Reference/xcode_ref-Asset_Catalog_Format/AppIconType.html
echo $contents_json > "${DIR}"/Contents.json
if [[ "$PLATFORM" == *"complication"* ]] ; then # Apple Watch
sips -s format png -Z '32' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Circular38mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '36' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Circular40mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '36' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Circular42mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '40' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/Circular44mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '182' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/ExtraLarge38mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '203' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/ExtraLarge40mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '203' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/ExtraLarge42mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '224' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/ExtraLarge44mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '84' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicBezel40mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '84' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicBezel42mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '94' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicBezel44mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '84' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicCircular40mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '84' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicCircular42mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '94' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicCircular44mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '40' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicCorner40mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '40' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicCorner42mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '44' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicCorner44mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '52' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicModular38mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '58' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicModular40mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '58' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicModular42mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '64' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicModular44mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '40' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicUtilitarian38mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '44' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicUtilitarian40mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '44' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicUtilitarian42mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '50' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicUtilitarian44mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '206' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicExtraLarge38mm2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '264' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/GraphicExtraLarge44mm2x.png
echo "NOTE: Graphic Extra Large is not generated since that is not rectangular"
if [[ "$PLATFORM" == *"macos"* ]] ; then # macOS
sips -s format png -Z '1024' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/icon_512x512@2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '512' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/icon_512x512.png
sips -s format png -Z '512' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/icon_256x256@2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '256' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/icon_256x256.png
sips -s format png -Z '256' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/icon_128x128@2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '128' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/icon_128x128.png
sips -s format png -Z '64' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/icon_32x32@2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '32' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/icon_32x32.png
sips -s format png -Z '32' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/icon_16x16@2x.png
sips -s format png -Z '16' "${FILE}" --out "${DIR}"/icon_16x16.png

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#addin nuget:?package=Cake.Incubator&version=7.0.0
#tool dotnet:?package=GitVersion.Tool&version=5.10.3
using Path = System.IO.Path;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
var debugScript = Argument<bool>("debugScript", false);
var target = Argument("target", "Default");
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ VariantConfig GetVariant() => variant.ToLower() switch{
GitVersion _gitVersion; //will be set by GetGitInfo task
var _slnPath = Path.Combine(""); //base path used to access files. If build.cake file is moved, just update this
string _androidPackageName = string.Empty; //will be set by UpdateAndroidManifest task
string _iOSVersionName = string.Empty; //will be set by UpdateiOSPlist task
string CreateFeatureBranch(string prevVersionName, GitVersion git) => $"{prevVersionName}-{git.BranchName.Replace("/","-")}";
string GetVersionName(string prevVersionName, VariantConfig buildVariant, GitVersion git) => buildVariant is Prod? prevVersionName : CreateFeatureBranch(prevVersionName, git);
int CreateBuildNumber(int previousNumber) => ++previousNumber;
@ -163,7 +165,8 @@ enum iOSProjectType
string GetiOSBundleId(VariantConfig buildVariant, iOSProjectType projectType) => projectType switch
@ -171,6 +174,7 @@ string GetiOSBundleId(VariantConfig buildVariant, iOSProjectType projectType) =>
iOSProjectType.Autofill => $"{buildVariant.iOSBundleId}.autofill",
iOSProjectType.Extension => $"{buildVariant.iOSBundleId}.find-login-action-extension",
iOSProjectType.ShareExtension => $"{buildVariant.iOSBundleId}.share-extension",
iOSProjectType.WatchApp => $"{buildVariant.iOSBundleId}.watchkitapp",
_ => buildVariant.iOSBundleId
@ -205,6 +209,7 @@ private void UpdateiOSInfoPlist(string plistPath, VariantConfig buildVariant, Gi
if(projectType == iOSProjectType.MainApp)
_iOSVersionName = newVersionName;
plist["CFBundleURLTypes"][0]["CFBundleURLName"] = $"{buildVariant.iOSBundleId}.url";
@ -240,10 +245,79 @@ private void UpdateiOSEntitlementsPlist(string entitlementsPath, VariantConfig b
Information($"{entitlementsPath} updated with success!");
private void UpdateWatchKitAppInfoPlist(string plistPath, VariantConfig buildVariant)
var plistFile = File(plistPath);
dynamic plist = DeserializePlist(plistFile);
var prevBundleId = plist["NSExtension"]["NSExtensionAttributes"]["WKAppBundleIdentifier"];
var newBundleId = GetiOSBundleId(buildVariant, iOSProjectType.WatchApp);
plist["NSExtension"]["NSExtensionAttributes"]["WKAppBundleIdentifier"] = newBundleId;
SerializePlist(plistFile, plist);
Information($"Changed Bundle Identifier from {prevBundleId} to {newBundleId}");
Information($"{plistPath} updated with success!");
private void UpdateWatchPbxproj(string pbxprojPath, string newVersion)
var fileText = FileReadText(pbxprojPath);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileText))
throw new Exception($"Couldn't find {pbxprojPath}");
const string pattern = @"MARKETING_VERSION = [^;]*;";
fileText = Regex.Replace(fileText, pattern, $"MARKETING_VERSION = {newVersion};");
FileWriteText(pbxprojPath, fileText);
Information($"{pbxprojPath} modified successfully.");
/// <summary>
/// Updates the target icons on the given appiconset target
/// taking as source the icon in appIcons/iOS folder for the giving variant
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">It can be <ios|watch|complication|macos></param>
/// <param name="appiconsetTarget">Folder to copy the generated icons to</param>
private void UpdateAppleIcons(string target, string appiconsetTarget)
Information($"Updating {target} App Icons");
var iconsTempDirPath = Path.Combine(_slnPath, "appIcons", "temp");
var arguments = new ProcessArgumentBuilder();
arguments.Append(Path.Combine(_slnPath, "appIcons", "iOS", $"{variant}.png"));
using(var process = StartAndReturnProcess(Path.Combine(_slnPath, "appIcons", "icongen.sh"),
new ProcessSettings { Arguments = arguments }))
Information("Exit code: {0}", process.GetExitCode());
var generatedIconsPath = Path.Combine(iconsTempDirPath, "*.png");
CopyFiles(generatedIconsPath, appiconsetTarget);
DeleteDirectory(iconsTempDirPath, new DeleteDirectorySettings {
Recursive = true,
Force = true
Information($"{target} App Icons have been updated");
//TODO we'll implement variant icons later
Information($"Updating IOS App Icon");
UpdateAppleIcons("ios", Path.Combine(_slnPath, "src", "iOS", "Resources", "Assets.xcassets", "AppIcons.appiconset"));
UpdateAppleIcons("watch", Path.Combine(_slnPath, "src", "watchOS", "bitwarden", "bitwarden WatchKit App", "Assets.xcassets", "AppIcon.appiconset"));
// TODO: Update complication icons when they start working
@ -296,8 +370,10 @@ Task("UpdateiOSCodeFiles")
var fileList = new string[] {
Path.Combine(_slnPath, "src", "iOS.Core", "Utilities", "iOSCoreHelpers.cs"),
Path.Combine(_slnPath, "src", "iOS.Core", "Constants.cs"),
Path.Combine(_slnPath, "src", "watchOS", "bitwarden", "bitwarden.xcodeproj", "project.pbxproj"),
Path.Combine(_slnPath, "src", "watchOS", "bitwarden", "bitwarden WatchKit Extension", "Helpers", "KeychainHelper.swift"),
Path.Combine(".github", "resources", "export-options-ad-hoc.plist"),
Path.Combine(".github", "resources", "export-options-app-store.plist"),
Path.Combine(".github", "resources", "export-options-app-store.plist")
foreach(string path in fileList)
@ -305,6 +381,22 @@ Task("UpdateiOSCodeFiles")
ReplaceInFile(path, "com.8bit.bitwarden", buildVariant.iOSBundleId);
.WithCriteria(() => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_iOSVersionName))
.Does(()=> {
var watchProjectPath = Path.Combine(_slnPath, "src", "watchOS", "bitwarden", "bitwarden.xcodeproj", "project.pbxproj");
UpdateWatchPbxproj(watchProjectPath, _iOSVersionName);
.Does(()=> {
var buildVariant = GetVariant();
var infoPath = Path.Combine(_slnPath, "src", "watchOS", "bitwarden", "bitwarden WatchKit Extension", "Info.plist");
UpdateWatchKitAppInfoPlist(infoPath, buildVariant);
#endregion iOS
#region Main Tasks
@ -318,12 +410,14 @@ Task("Android")
Information("iOS app updated");